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HEY NOW - o, furbies - Printable Version

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HEY NOW - o, furbies - calliope - 04-17-2018

AS I STAND HERE  WAITING, WISHING, WANTING—//feel free to skip to the last paragraph. i seriously didn't mean for this to end up being this long.

The past few weeks had been a bit dull. Sugar had decided, that even at the cost of not seeing many people, she was just going to make sure she was rested and healed. Constantly moving around and getting involved with people would've been bad for her health, considering the state she arrived in. However, those few weeks of rest were up, and she was finally ready to face everything again. The good thing was that she was already starting to get out more. It probably wouldn't take too much time to bounce back, considering how social she tended to be.

Though despite her social nature, she still enjoyed taking walks by herself, and that was what she was doing. Snow crunched beneath her paws as she trudged forward, finally warming up to the cold weather. She doubted she'd fully get used to it, but after spending some time at Snowbound, it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought. A light smile made its way onto her face, as she surveyed her surroundings. Nothing seemed particularly out of the ordinary.

Normal, normal, normal - wait. There was a box laying out in the open. Huh, that was odd. Without even thinking of it, Sugar went into a full sprint towards the box, skidding to a halt before she could trip over the item. Some snow sprayed onto it as a result, but she just brushed it off. It was partially open as if the contents of it barely even fit the container. Huh, did someone pack this in a rush? Why'd the do that if they were just going to leave it out in the snow? Pushing away her questions, Sugar opened the box without a moment of hesitation.

The contents were odd, to say the least. There were a few brightly colored, strange-looking creatures in the box. Well, they weren't living creatures, and were obviously some sort of toy, but that didn't change their strangeness. But they were kind of cute, despite looking like some weird, wingless, legless bird monster. She stuck a paw in the box, poking the odd toy slightly. Yep, those were definitely mechanical. Geez, they looked soft and cuddly despite that. Maybe she could put them up with some of the stuffed toys she collected, or heck, even with her video games and random bits of technology she found. And so, the wolf took the task of dragging the box all the way back to the caves.

After finally making it back, she flopped down next to the box, and after that, she carefully removed each of the separate animals. There were so many of them, and some seemed way older than the others. In fact, they seemed years older. All of them seemed to be out of power, though, but she quickly found the source of the problem. They needed batteries.

Quickly conjuring up a few battery packs (which she had originally intended for some game controllers), she got to work. The first one, almost as soon as all of the other batteries in started snoring, startling Sugar and nearly causing her to drop it. Geez, that was scary. She didn't realize these things acted like that. She put it down after a few seconds, before moving onto the next one.

"Dah-ay-loh-oo-tye," the strange, incomprehensible words came from the thing she turned her back on. Wait, what? It talked? She watched it for a few seconds, before turning her back again, ignoring the strange language it seemed to speak for now. After a few minutes, she'd managed to get batteries into each of the toys, with a crowd of snoring toys was now laying at her feet. Sugar poked at each of them, waking the last remaining ones from their slumber. What followed was an unsynchronized chorus of 'dah-ay-loh-oo-tye,' which Sugar still could not understand whatsoever. After a minute or so, random chatter seemed to carry between the different toys. This was definately weird, but cute at the same time. She needed to share this with someone.

"Uh, hey, guys - if you haven't seen it yet, I've found something pretty cool!" she called out, figuring a few people hard already heard the noise coming from the area anyhow. Besides, it was pretty hard to miss seeing someone surrounded by these weird little things. While waiting for someone to come over, her attention shifted over to the box one last time. Huh. Her eyes scanned over the title of Furby Trainer's Guide. Huh, so these things were called Furbies? She snatched the guide, deciding to read up on these things until someone showed up. —TO TAKE OFF AND GO STAR HOPPING


Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - melantha - 04-17-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]first killua and his candy, jacob and his strange human clothes, and now this unknown female with her creepy alien monster toy things. what is with the infatuation with human constructs? does nature not provide enough sustenance for life? is it a fad to abandon wild culture and embrace the foreign innovation of humans who have done nothing but kill innocents and destroy habitats with their expansion and pollution? or maybe melantha is holding a grudge against anything human after a farmer loosed his hunting dogs after her. she was barely seven months old and she was hungry and sheep are easy targets! what is one ewe in a herd of hundred? but because she was starving and killed one animal, she was hunted for days. yeah, it’s probably a grudge. melantha approaches in response to sugarpop’s words, drawn to the scene by a mixture of curiosity and boredom. luminous olive eyes observe the furby with poorly disguised disgust. ”is that supposed to be a toy?” she asks coldly, scrunching her nose at the sight of the ugly thing. it’s eyes are large and unblinking, with a weird little beak and no visible appendages. she doesn’t understand how anybody could find that thing enjoyable. it looks more like the stuff from nightmares.

Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - jacob w.c. - 04-18-2018

Walks. Jacob felt like all he ever did was walk. He did it any time he felt bored or when he was trying to think through some kind of complex problem. When he lived in the city, he'd mostly stayed inside. The streets were dangerous for someone like him, especially after how recognizable his sweater and bandages made him, and the city always smelled of smog and trash. Besides, as he passed all the building he'd be reminded of all the stupid jobs he'd taken with Jersey which, while it could bring up some entertaining memories, those weren't exactly his proudest moments. He could still remember when his Babbo had found out what Jersey had been having him do. Jacob was pretty sure he hadn't ever seen him so angry, other than when he was kidnapped and Vito had to come save him. That didn't really count though, considering he'd been mad at the people who took him and not actually mad at Jacob. It was after that point he'd made it Jacob's goal to learn how to fight. The husky still hated it and wasn't any good at it. He supposed his Babbo had given up somewhere along the way, although Jersey tried to instigate fights often enough he might as well still be trained by Vito.

In any case, once he moved to Snowbound and got a taste of the open air, he hadn't been so hesitant about walking around. He usually wasn't paranoid, he was relatively safe (or at least that's how he'd felt prior to being kidnapped and prior to hearing about the three murdered that'd happened during his absence) and he knew it was good to be out in the open air for once. He wasn't doing himself any favors by staying inside all the time. Besides, he liked meeting all the people that came around and he wanted to know what was happening in camp every single day. He wanted to be involved and connected to his new home, even if those things weren't always pleasant. Thankfully, the scene he came upon now was strange, but not unpleasant. He approached behind Melantha, looking towards the little contraption in interest with a light smile hanging on his lips. "Do ya' think tha' stuff they're sayin' means anythin'? Or jus' some kinda' gibberish that someone made 'em say or somethin'?" he asked. Maybe all the words were scrambled and they were supposed to unscramble all the sounds to discover what they were saying. That'd be interesting but it seemed a little complex for a child's toy, if that was really what it was.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - Leigh - 04-19-2018

Human things were very odd. Some were practical- like blankets and those big warm homes they had- but this was disgusting- an abomination to grace Snowbound. At least that was Leigh's own opinion as he approached and gradually grew more and more uneasy at the sight of those little gremlins. "Hell spawn..." he grumbled in response to Mike's question. Toys that talked were unholy, he decided. It wasn't natural- it was just disturbing if anything. The unicorn stayed back, more or less "hiding" behind Mike as he stared at the furbies with a disapproving look. "Why do humans have to dump their stuff here? Yo if you plan on bringing those back I'll expect you to quarantine them." He was pretty serious about it. He was not ready to turn a corner and find one of those little monsters right there. He'd probably die of a heart attack.


Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - arcy - 04-19-2018

Izuku knew that the clans hosted a lot of human-related things, but he hadn't realized it'd go this far. Stuffed animals and blankets and accessories? Normal. Battery-powered stuff? Less normal, and very jarring to witness. Izuku had been on a walk when he heard the call from the stranger, and Izuku decides to turn around and see what it was all about. What he was not expecting, was this. Usually, 'cool stuff' happened to be, like ... he's not sure, an necklace, or something along those lines.
"That's ... a furby," Is what comes out of Izuku's maw, incredulous. Now, furbies weren't incredibly popular, even when he was human. They'd been discontinued by the time Izuku had died, because people thought they were 'creepy'. Izuku isn't sure whether to agree or not anymore, looking at the little round body of the thing the wolf was holding. Okay, they was actually kind of cute, but he imagined it'd get incredibly annoying, very fast. "It's just ... gibberish, I think. Though I've heard that it says some actual words, sometimes," Izuku offers his input, his face twisting as he peers at the little thing. He'd be tempted to keep one for himself if he hadn't heard all of the internet horror stories on the thing, and also how they didn't shut up, apparently.


Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - jacob w.c. - 04-20-2018

When Leigh came and dared to call the fuzzy creature such intense words, he raised his eyebrows and looked towards the unicorn in surprise.  "Quarantine them? That don' really seem necessary. I dunno' what kinda' stuff they could be carryin' on 'em. They're not even actually alive. Tha' seems a li'l harsh," the frosthealer stated. Sure, he could see them getting a little annoying after awhile but surely they didn't need to be locked up. Jacob had plenty of experience with humans after living in the city and he knew they could be a little careless with the things they tossed around but most of those things didn't carry any diseases (though some certainly did, but he did his best to ignore those). "At least no one dropped a bandaid 'ere or somethin'. Those things are gross n' they would always leave 'em layin' 'round in the city." Then Izuku came with an actual name for the little talking thing in front of them. "Are they dangerous at all? Or do they jus' talk like this all the time?" he asked. It certainly didn't look dangerous but he supposed if Leigh wanted them to get rid of it, they'd have to. Jacob didn't really mind either way but he did think it'd be interesting to at least hear it say a full word.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - arcy - 04-21-2018

Honestly, Izuku had found the unicorn, Leigh's, earlier hatred of the things fairly entertaining, but he didn't really have anything to say about it. He didn't have a lot to say even now, though that was just typical. Izuku's tail twitches as he listens to Jacob comment, and startles a little as the wolfdog turns his attention on Izuku himself. To be fair, Izuku had basically said he knew about these things. At least more than everyone else did, and that's quite possibly the weirdest concept to Izuku. He'd gotten used to everyone else knowing more than him, unless it came to something hero-related. Izuku only saw this stuff in passing, anyways.
"N-No -- they were just children's toys, so they can be a little creepy or annoying, at most" Izuku explains with a vague motion of the wing. It's not like anybody would put anything dangerous in their children's toys. He'd heard that some people hadn't let their children have these things just for the traits they do have. And those were minor. Izuku didn't claim to be a furby expert in any way, though. "I think you can interact in other ways with it, but ... I'm not sure how," Izuku shrugs again. Honestly, the person who found them probably knows this stuff better than Izuku does -- look at them(her? right.), they were actually reading the manual.


Re: HEY NOW - o, furbies - guts - 04-21-2018

Aizawa had never shown much interest in trivial things. He saw necessity only a few things, such as the sleeping bag he used to carry around with him all the time. But, of course, he no longer had that with him. It was a shame, too, what with the cold climate in these parts and all. At least there were other spots to nap, though he definitely didn't favor sleeping in the snow. He had been chilled enough by the time he had first come to Snowbound.

For whatever reason, he had been out and about, trying to get used to both the landscape and his new body when he heard the commotion. He turned at the voices, unsure if he should intervene. But his curiosity got the better of him and he found himself trudging over. He only recognized two of the people gathered, but his focus wasn't on that--it was quickly grabbed by the odd toys on the ground. They had been the source of the noise that had been disturbing him.

He shares the unicorn's reaction, scoffing at the silliness and the racket they were making. He had never seen these things before, and was a bit surprised by Izuku's knowledge of them. But, since they were apparently children's toys, maybe he had played with them recently. Who knew? He was fairly young, if he remembered correctly.

"They're annoying," the lion says, deadpan. He pads up closer, poking at one of them with his paw, which causes it to fall over. "How do you make them be quiet?"
