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LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - Printable Version

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LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - bubblegum - 10-30-2018

Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - galexiux - 10-30-2018

// ooo daughter of the sea! Jaina scares me shes kicking ass this expansion AHSDFSDF

  The bird had to admit, it was weird seeing a wild eagle follow behind the visitor. Though... she wasn't dumb. She knew most of her kind were wild animals. Intelligence in a bird (besides their natural intelligence) was a rare sight to be seen. Most of her people were... feral and animistic. Gwendoline clicked her beak, nervous seeing a natural bird so much bigger than her. Though... this is one of the folks that was there when she dressed up. She would know she wasn't some sort of animal like that bird, right?

... right.

  The jay hopped up to greet the cat, a smile spreading across her face. Hello! Gwen chirped, I'm Gwendoline! W-we met before! The bird reached a talon up, scratching nervously at her neck before placing it back on the ground. Welcome to our mansion! Thank you for bringing stuff! She never was good at politics. She was only nine years old, after all. She might have been well behaved for a child, but that doesn't mean shes a functioning member of society yet. She still had a lot to learn.



Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - sephiroth - 10-31-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had a new respect for Goldenluxury after this.  Anybody who was willing to go against orders to help them, that took guts and he could admire that.  The male lion would emerge from the thick undergrowth of the jungle as he came to stand near Gwen.  He offered the small bird a slow nod of approval of her behavior, appreciating her participation in clan going ons.  The grand Lord would turn his focus back towards Goldie and her offerings, his eyes shining with the slightest hint of appreciation.  He was loathed to admit most of those emotions to himself.

…Accept it.  You need it to focus on your purpose.

That little motherly voice whispered to him in the back of his head as he looked unblinking at the Typhooner.  Was this going to be a new thing with him?  He almost hoped, the voice gave him comfort.  ”The Rosebloods thank you for your help.”  Sephiroth rumbled smoothly, eyes flashing down to the baskets.  At the very least giving members healing knowledge in general would help in the long run.

Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - purgatory - 11-01-2018

Koda wasn't sure about following the right path and doing what needed to be done. He was a bit lost when it came to what he wanted to do but the voice in his head always seemed to have the answer. Granted, they were painfully vauge answers that took him a while to finally understand but they were answers nonetheless. As old as time and just as wise, the child had yet to understand he plays a large role in the world, much like everyone else. But his was more on the unique, supernatural spectrum. As of of the four horsemen of the apocalypse his purpose isn't quite the same as mortals and Koda knew this. He knew there was something wrong but he couldn't understand what. The more he thought about it, the more he drew blanks and dead ends at least, f he doesn't get a headache first. Something inside of him was telling him one thing, but his child-like outlook on life screamed another. Pondering over it proved to cause more harm than good so with great struggle, the pale snow leopard repressed it. Not knowing who you are hurts... To say the least. It's painful and confusing.

He didn't have time to think about that. He didn't give himself time to think about it.

And why should he? He's in this strange new environment with the siblings he didn't know existed until now - yeah, he's not sure of that either. Just roll with it - and there was so much to do, to explore! So many people to greet and befriend! He didn't have time to waste contemplating who he is and what needs to be done. He's quite young after all and has his whole life ahead of him! He is going to continue looking for answers, but he refuses to let it dictate his life and way of thinking. He just needed to be a little patient, that's all. Yes... Patient.

With that being said, Koda scampered after Sephiroth when he too heard a voice call out in the distance. He'd been on the hunt for secret bases in the territory but decided to put it on pause to investigate the newcomer known as Goldenluxury Roux. Notebook and pen in mouth, he stopped before the feline and stared at her curiously before shyly taking a step back. She didn't look very good. Why did she make the journey all the way here when she wasn't in a suitable condition? She didn't look sick as everything appeared to be physical, but that still didn't calm the child's nerves. Big blue optics stared at her for a moment longer before clicking his pen and frantically writing down his thoughts in the notebook. "Henlo hi welcome I love really like your name! I'm Maekoda but you can call me Koda! Or whatever you like! Thank you for going out of your way to help us!" After he finished, he lifted up the notebook to show her with a friendly lopsided smile parting his maw. When he thought she finished reading it, he continued to write. "I'm very grateful you went out of your way for us, but please don't push yourself too hard. May I ask that you rest here for a while before returning to your home? If not, please at least let me get something for you to eat and/or drink." He added, invisible brows furrowed in concern as he showed her the notebook once more. He didn't like it when others were unwell but seeing her only solidified that fact and now that he knew of the feeling that came with seeing someone who is unwell, there was emotion behind it too. He doubted he could pull it off, but he figured he could at least give healing a look.

[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯

Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - PINCHER - 11-05-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
No, he was not going to allow anymore bullshit fly over his head especially if it was connected to disobedience. He had plans, every detail designed through deep thinking of how things would go but when someone disobeyed his very plans, all the precision thinking he had dedicated was thrown out the window and he would become blinded with cold jagged rage. He had said what was meant to be said. He had given his decision onto giving aid to rosebloods despite their own lack of aiding them, some bullshit about him having to request aid. When some dragon had burned their territory, Prestige had not gone to ask for help but Pincher had paid attention and gave help, it wasn't about being the best, it was about being the most focused. To have your ally's pulse beating alongside yours and making sure they were alright. But then he had noticed the absence of his daughter around the island and he instantly knew where she had gone and the warm softness he had became bitter and venomous. How could she disobey him? His empty chest felt like it was caving in as he followed along the scent of Goldie, his half lidded electric blue eyes narrowed as he flew, his long jagged wings carrying him towards the Roseblood's border and as he predicted, he saw her there and instantly came down after hearing Sephiroth's statement. So the dumb piece of shit allowed for disobedience and didn't tell him? Well, Pincher had news for him.

The towering glowing figure of Pincher roughly landed beside his daughter, his weight making the earth briefly tremble as he snarled "Goldenluxury, I'm disappointed in your decision to go against my fucking orders. And you --" Pincher's frigid gaze snapped towards the other male with his lip curling to reveal long glowing blue fangs as he aimed to spit at the direction of Sephiroth. "You not turning the offer down only shows me how selfish and a pathetic excuse of an ally you are. You are now in Typhoon's hit list, fuckers." With that, Pincher turned towards his daughter, his usual soft baby blue hue when he looked at her now seemed to be made of nothing but frost as electricity sparks popped and crackled on the scales of his spine as he lowered his skull to look st her eye to eye, a low growl rumbling in his throat as he ordered flatly "Start walking home. NOW." He had never scolded his daughter before but he couldn't let there be any whiff of disobedience especially in a group of pirates. It made you seem weak. Pathetic. And Pincher was. But he was not going to let that show to the public eye. He glanced at the basket of herbs and parted his jaws wider to aim and burn every single one with blue flames flying in the air. It was surprising that he would waste resources but Pincher was nothing but suppressed anger and frustration that he no longer cared.

( mobile )

Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - sephiroth - 11-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_op0tpjgfs81vf7lvpo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth half expected Pincher to show up.  He could feel it.  He didn’t particularly care whether or not he did, but apparently now things were going to be settled.  He gave a Maekoda a brief nod of acknowledgement before he took a step foreword as the Captain landed, radiating anger.  The male lion on the other hand remained calm and collected as ever.  If anything that was more unnerving; it was impossible to get a rise out of him.

He listened as Pincher cursed and hissed, his eyes lidded with an almost bored look about them.  He didn’t even flinch when a sizable droplet of saliva hit him, not even a twitch of muscle on his face.  Sephiroth would hum thoughtfully as he lifted a paw to wipe his face, his eyes focused on Pincher and Pincher alone.  His mouth was in a thin line, his expression turning hard.  If the Rosebloods leader was anything other than composed and clam, he was also cruel and uncaring towards most.  ”Pathetic.”  His murmur of a voice was quiet and collected.  ”I would think a leader wouldn’t have to resort to childish behavior to get a point across.”

And so the bridge was burned.  Sephiroth had been expecting it for a while now, and was mentally prepared for it.  Not that it bothered him much anyways, if anything it was one less thing for him to ponder over and concern himself with.  ”So be it.  The Typhoon are no longer our allies.”  He made the change direct and to the point.  The lion would lift a head framed by cascading quicksilver, his eyes lidded and his expression betraying the mindset he had of thinking he was above everybody.  Especially Pincher.  ”Do not come crawling back to us when The Pitt slaughters more of your group.  Though I do admit it would be incredibly pleasurable to see you bow before me and beg like a dog.”

And with that statement Sephiroth would turn tail and skulk away, practically sauntering.  He was not at all fluttered by what had happened, if anything it allowed him to plan.  He was a vengeful and cold beast for certain, and if the Typhoon wanted him to be their enemy he would very gladly oblige.

Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - galexiux - 11-05-2018

  Gwendoline was shocked as the large cat seemed to appear out of no where. Who on earth was this?? The bird squawked, throwing herself backwards to hide behind sephiroth. She could only hope that Koda followed behind her. The jay tilted her head, worried at the screaming and yelling of Pincher. Who was this guy? Who did he think he was coming here and yelling at them?? Was he just simply against helping people?

  The bird was pale, trembling slightly at the sound of Pincher's booming voice. Both the leaders sounded distant. Thunder spoke between the two, one loud and crashing, the other low and rumbling. She could feel the embers burning.  She pulled her wings close to her, unwilling to let herself be burned.

  She was pushed out of her daze as Pincher walked away, moving to push Golden with him. The bird, shocked, turned up to Sephiroth. Who was that? She asked. Who did that guy think he was? She'd show him! ... maybe once she grew a little.


Re: LET THE RIVER RUN ITS COURSE / typhoon - bubblegum - 11-05-2018