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boogie // arrival - Printable Version

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boogie // arrival - valo-kas - 10-30-2018

under no circumstances could valo-kas physically manage to not be disgusting. them’s just the treacherous rules when you look like. that. when you're the physical embodiment of words like moist and seepage. when you look like a soft bag filled with pepto bismol and something infectious. sexy, in their words. or maybe even, a bona fide heartthrob. or possibly, a whole meal and dessert, too. maybe it was that third eye. Maybe they saw something beyond what was immediately visible (which happened to be a twitchy little mutant that spewed pink like a faucet). their heinousness was proved now in an exceptional manner as they toddled along looking like visual proof that this realm had been abandoned by its creator(s), like a threat you can see coming, stepping in the slime that bubbled from their mouth and jerking and shuddering like there was something wrong with their body, like the resurrection hadn't gone quite right this time.

goddamn uhhhhhhh... what was this place? why wasn't anybody at home? aside from the obvious phantasmal disturbances. was that it? was it the ghouls? the spookies? did they all turn into pussies? i tuned out for a bit and i let 'em get all pussified. incroyable. valo-kas thought this all without daring to consider the fact that the minute their body had been vomited back up from the wet earth as it so often was when they returned from death (this time it had been brought on by illness induced by going absolute full hog on some rotten meat, something they hadn't sought help for because they were too busy bemoaning their stomach pains in between more bites of more rotten meat), they had gotten one good scare from the current occupants of the territory (whilst reading over their In Case I Die and Forget Things notes) and shot out of there like a bat out of hell.

at least this new place where the scent led was...oh. was walled off by a bigass gate. valo-kas was very tempted to see if they couldn't just, kinda, climb up it (not utilizing teleportation because they really wanted to test their skills, here) and because they were no larger than your average housecat because mutations aside, they is what they were, and also because they were a weak little shit, and also because of the slippery plating, this did not pan out. at all. fortunately, when they fell over, the experience shifted their gaze like, literally a couple feet to the side to the gate's opening. oh. go figure. valo-kas got up and pranced on through.

"[color=salmon]DON'T MIND ME! JUST HERE FOR TANGLEWOOD!" the abomination called out to whoever might be listening. "[color=salmon]YO, ASSHOLES! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Re: boogie // arrival - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-30-2018

Tanglewood taking refuge here had left Gordon more wary and tired than usual, mostly due to the sheer amount of people in camp now. She was constantly on edge which in turn made her more tired and while she didn't mind the fact that they were staying here, it was just the fact that there were so many people in camp now. Gordon honestly thought that when the group arrived, that was all there would be, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Valo-kas's yell alerted the small Goldenblood and she jumped at the sound of their voice. The scent of Tanglewood hung in the air, along with another, terribly-smelling scent and the she-cat wrinkled her nose a bit as she followed it. Gordon immediately regretted doing so however because the creature that was prancing about was absolutely disgusting. They were slimy and nasty and Gordon almost wanted to throw up at the sight of them. "H-hey! Th-that's no way to call out to somebody." She tried to scold the bigger feline-like creature, narrowing her eyes. "Wh-who are you?" Since they already stated they were here for Tanglewood, there was no use in asking why they were here.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: boogie // arrival - Grimm - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 340px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Ill-begotten life. An experiment possibly, creation made within the image of perfection that simply found no root, skin and muscle sloughing off bone until it become nothing more than a mass of pink gelatin. Or otherwise the dead given second chance, body reanimated within the process of decay eating away at the fragile fibres that made it whole, leaving only this mess behind.

Dark were the eyes that next found the thing before them, clear in the spark of disgust which rose about the central pupils, narrowed until it seemed a needle had been poked through the brown. Lips moving, corners drawing back until the sheen of teeth glimmering with a thin layer of saliva were bared, tip of pink tongue poking through for brief moment. It mattered not the things within that head, thoughts of beauty contained in flesh that had grown disgusting, the twitch of muscle beneath leaving the skin to crawl and move as though something was beneath it. Or might that be an addition their own mind had put forth, seeking worse within this thing.

“It might not be smart to allow it anywhere near them,” murmur spoken towards the Goldenblood, words for her alone, before forced smile was placed upon lips. “Greetings, as the Goldenblood has said would you please tell us your name and why you are here for Tanglewood.” Bushing tail flicked towards Gordon, hoping she would prepare to get others if such proved necessary, the way this stranger had spoken, calling for the refugees they were housing, plucking already high strung nerves.

Re: boogie // arrival - valo-kas - 11-01-2018

they looked at gordon with a blank three-eyed stare. “[color=salmon]how the fuck else am i s’posed to do it. lawl.” and with that eloquent tidbit offered wetly and then put out if the way, they took a deep gurgling breath and their mouth opened a little too wide, preparing to start screaming again, but then, a question. valo’s mouth snapped shut with an unflattering squelch, whiskers quivering from the force. they grinned.

[color=salmon]vaaaaaaaaalooo-KAS!” they yelled it like a hyped up radio announcer (hyped up through abnormal means definitely, probably still dabbing at the white around their nose, even) and then chased the cry with a gooey snicker, shivering bodily with the thrill of their own glee. “[color=salmon]now. now, now. c’mon. you’re distracting me, bitch.” they pouted, third eye winking knowingly.

valo-kas whipped their head to look at esma and scowl, and then scowl deeper when they considered the question. “[color=salmon]buddy, i want you to think real hard here. i mean really pump that noggin meat for all it’s worth. like, reeaally commit yourself here.” valo-kas emptied their perpetually overflowing mouth onto the ground. “[color=salmon]you think maybe i’m covered in swamp detritus ‘cause uh...ummm...fuckin’ uh. i just came from there? listen. i’m just tryin’ to get back with my homies and they’re not where they’re s’posed to be. ‘s just spookies out there.”  they lamented. “[color=salmon]oh. ohhhh, y’all didn’t kill ‘em, did you?” valo-kas pressed warily. “[color=salmon]i’ll leave. if that’s what’s up, i’m out.

Re: boogie // arrival - buckingham barnes - 11-01-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
In the last few days of Tanglewood taking refuge here, he's come to realize how some Tanglewood members are not like them. For example, some of them have a much louder, vulgar personality that Bucky hasn't seen in his own clanmates. Bucky wasn't shocked or angered by this, he used to live in a war bound group. He's used to witnessing some crazy personalities. There's just one thing though, he thought the entirety of Tanglewood are here at the moment. So when his ears pricked up at the loud and sudden voice, he felt slightly surprised that a member was late to arriving in Sunhaven. Maybe they were a former member of Tanglewood, and when they returned home, no one was there to greet them. He was honestly surprised that Tanglewood's scents leading here hasn't faded by now, as scents don't last forever. Maybe Valo-kas has a stronger sense of smell, who knows.

Either way, the Warden began to make his way over, ears pricking as he listened to his clanmates approach and talk to the Tanglewooder. The male couldn't help it but cringe as Valo-kas yelled in a high pitched voice, ears flattening to his skull. This is one disadvantage of enhanced senses. He can hear the conversation before he even arrives, and he hears better than average- meaning that pitched yell was worse in his ears.

"The Tanglewood is currently taking refuge in our home," The former assassin began to explain as he padded into the scene, his eyes landing on the three-eyed male. "Their territory has been overrun by ghosts, and it was too dangerous for them to stay there anymore. As we're their ally, we're allowing Tanglewood to stay here as long as they need to." He finished with a flick of his tail, eyeing Valo-kas. "You're welcome to stay here with your clanmates. Though, keep in mind while you're here, you're under our rules and regulations, just like the rest of Tanglewood is."

Re: boogie // arrival - GORDON CIPHER. - 11-01-2018

Gordon was quite relieved to hear Esma come over and confront the strange creature herself, although the she-cat wasn't entirely sure if she liked how Esma presented her. Gordon barely had any time to react to what the other female said when Valo-kas started yelling out things, causing the Goldenblood to jump a bit. "M-maybe not call them 'dumbass'?" Gordon suggested, shuffling her paws. The three-eyed gaze the Tangler was giving her made her uncomfortable and despite the position she held here in Sunhaven, she just wanted to hide away from the creature's gaze.

When Valo-kas accused her clan of murdering his own clanmates, Gordon opened her mouth to speak in defense of her home, though by that time Buckingham had arrived and explained the situation. The munchkin mix let out a sigh of relief as Bucky spoke, moving to sit behind the larger cat.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: boogie // arrival - Luciferr - 11-01-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status as their once ex-general. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
"Thta might be just how they greet each other - perhaps" a mildly annoyed voice rumbled from behind the cipher as Cryptic joined the grouping, eying the loud tangler with a neutral expression - though sighing inwardly at the loud behaviour, mortals could be so loud, and for what? alas - the angeli simply lingering behind the group in case he was needed at all.

though maybe some of this fellows ilk would come along shortly given such a - boisterous - call to welcome.

/omg valo-kas ah I member him from my fenris days.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: boogie // arrival - Morgan - 11-02-2018

"Valo, is that really you?"

Morgan's eyes widened as he confirmed his suspicions. The aura was unmistakably Valo-kas; it even made sense that they were alive and well somewhere, considering they had the uncanny ability to 'respawn' as far as the samoyed knew.
"It's me - it's Morgan! It's been so long!"
He stepped past the various Sunhaven members to greet his long-lost comrade.
"We'll be going back to Tanglewood soon enough, so I'll let you know when we return. Like the others said, though, you can stay here with us for the time being."
