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i been hellbent babe / joining - Printable Version

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i been hellbent babe / joining - ALISAE - 10-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]She was, unfortunately, hopelessly lost. That happened when one was dropped in an unfamiliar place without anyone to help them find their way, but Alisaie had long come to expect that she would eventually be left to fend for herself. After all, she was old enough to go out and learn from others now - that's what her mother expected her to do! Find someone to train under, and then learn enough to come home and impress her patron.

They said she was Stormblooded. She knew that she was really, she could call the storm from her paws whenever she wanted to. They said she took after her father, but that was hard to qualify when she had never seen him. Yet, her mother had sent away to go and "live a life and impress your father". Apparently if she impressed him enough, he would take his child on as a warrior and she would really be able to live up the idea that she had the storms in her veins.

Alisaie liked the idea that she would become a warrior without parallel. Maybe she could be a hero and help people! She could protect her mother and her little sister and all would be well - Alisaie wouldn't have to go away and learn to fight if she was strong enough to beat anything that was thrown her way.

She wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

There's apparently a group nearby called the... Ascendants? They're a large group, so maybe they'll take on an apprentice there! She hears tales about stargazers and that they know everything about the night sky, so that sounds more than interesting to her too. Besides, she's hungry and she isn't a good huntress - not yet anyways. The sheltered world that her mother raised her in is completely gone now, isn't it? ( There's no use dwelling on it - so simply to press on. )

She waits at the border as she was informed it was polite to, the tan shiba's tail twitching back and forth as she waits for someone to find her with a grin.

Re: i been hellbent babe / joining - BABY — - 10-30-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan had once been told that he was destined for greatness.

He had been fed so many words, and many of them had probably been lies. They had talked and talked and talked, saying that he was the "prodigal son" and "born to lead." For all he knew, that could've been empty promises, and his masters could have just been taking advantage of him for his abilities. Perhaps, but a part of him still wondered if it had all been true. If he could've made it true.

As he saw the pup sitting upon the borderline, Titan slightly furrowed his brows. She hadn't stated her name or her business here -- could she have been a threat? That was always a possibility. "Can I help you?" Asked the Lunar Lieutenant.

Re: i been hellbent babe / joining - agathe. - 10-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]At least Agathe never had a father to impress- just an iron-faced grandmother with a terrible temper and a vendetta against anything (or anyone) that dared to defy her. But she had been fed similar promises, promises of greatness and power and strength like none other. She had been proclaimed heir to her clan and denounced her once peaceful nature for something that craved war like a moth did a flame, all because the gold in her eyes foretold something about her - her future - that even she couldn't begin to describe.

And though she was free from that life now, the way she moved - as smooth and agilely as a blade would in the air - and the way she thought and even the way she talked still betrayed what she was under it all... Agathe would be lying if she said that she didn't sometimes relish in it, her innate deadliness. Even as she approached the border and took her place besides Titan, her bright golden gaze was an intent as a predator's, no emotion save a faint frown embracing her pale features. The cloaked snow leopard didn't say anything, just perking rounded ears as to listen to what this shiba had to say. She'd save her voice later, for the unnecessary introductions that always accompanied what she could only assume was this individual joining.

Re: i been hellbent babe / joining - ALISAE - 10-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"I think you can, is this the Ascendants? I heard you were a big group and that I could learn to fight from you guys!" Her tail is wagging a mile a minute behind her as she talks, looking between two equally imposing figures. With her reasoning, two large felines must be able to fight.

She didn't know quite what they were, Alisaie had been around various canines her entire life before this, but both the lion and the snow leopard looked like they could hold their own. Not to mention that they had scars, so this had to be right place, didn't it? Scars meant that people had survived fights, or at least that's what she'd come to gather. Hadn't come to see scars that resulted in failure just yet, but it would come in time.

"Oh, name's Alisaie, I want to learn to be a warrior! Just like in the legends." She doesn't state which legends, but does it need to be stated? She's unaware that anyone wouldn't know her legends, after all, it's all she's ever known.

Re: i been hellbent babe / joining - agathe. - 10-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]A warrior? From the legends? It took all of Agathe's willpower not to snort, the only signs of the snow leopard's amusement told in the faint twitch of her tail. The Ascendants, from what she had seen, were a far reach from the warriors that Alisaie wished to emulate, but between she and Titan, the Lunar Lieutenant figured that they could offer her a decent enough education. If either of them cared to bother with it to begin with, that was.

She didn't bothered to interrogate her any farther as she dipped her head, a not so genuine smile coming to life upon her lips. "Then you're welcome to join this place. My name is Agathe Ashyver," The snow leopard informed coolly, casually. She'd glance at her coworker before nonchalantly taking to fiddling with a corner of her cloak, "Do you require any assistance in getting settled in, little warrior?" It wasn't a compliment nor was it a jab, just a simple term she decided to utilize. Hopefully, the canine that stood before her took no offense.