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All we see // open+therapy // is sky - Printable Version

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All we see // open+therapy // is sky - jacob w.c. - 04-16-2018

Jacob still wasn't feeling well but he'd accepted that he wouldn't for quite some time. He'd tried staying in the Typhoon for longer, he'd connected with some people there, he'd tried to lay low for the first few days he was back, but now there was on excuse. If he couldn't take care of the clan, why had he wanted to be a doctor in the first place? Based on what he heard, Snowbound needed a lot of help and he intended to be there to provide it. So, he arranged all his notes, preparing for what he'd say and how he'd say it all. He then made sure to bake as many cookies as he could the night before (he wasn't sleeping these days anyways and it was a welcome distraction). He made sure to make some warm mugs of hot chocolate as well before heading outside and setting it all out for everyone to view. He'd spread out various blankets, all of which appeared to be made by Jacob, and he settled down. Now came the part where he'd have to call everyone to him again. He knew he needed this just as much as anyone else right now but he also knew he could cope with it. At least, that's what he told himself. Eventually he'd need to tell someone about all that happened and all he saw but he couldn't do that right now. There'd been several murders in his absence all of them supposedly done by accident (although whether that was the case was highly questionable to the boy. He grew up in a land of 'accidental' murders, after all, and his Babbo had been the best at staging them). Such violent happening always affected everyone greatly, whether they were the ones to commit the action or not. So, with that on his mind he called, "Given everythin' tha' happened while I was gone, 'm gonna' hold a group therapy session. If ya' wanna' talk more 'bout somethin' in private, jus' lemme' know. I'll also probably need ta' talk ta' some ah' ya' individually once this is over."

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: All we see // open+therapy // is sky - COSMIIX - 04-17-2018

you made me a
[div style="width:490px; margin-top:5px; text-align:justify; font-family: times; font-size:11.5px; color: black"]Hey, it was Jakey!

Steve loved the kid from what he had gotten so, he was hyped to see the interaction between the two but that wasn't why he was coming, no, he was here for a different reason. Said reason hung from his mouth by the scruff as he walked forward with a writhing serval that growled to be released but, Stark being stubborn himself was overall against the fact of letting Killua go when there was a perfect opportunity like therapy. Jacob was a nice guy even if Stark had only ever interacted with him just a little though there wasn't much thought as he set the serval down but would immediately put his heavy forepaw on the kid's tail to keep him from running, it wasn't enough to hurt Killua though enough to keep him there until further notice. The melanistic tiger offered Jacob a smile, he would've left but he was keeping Killua here and well, he thought it would be more of a fun interacting activity than actually getting something out of the kid. That was [i]his job and he wasn't too keen on sharing said job, he curled his striped tail around his large forepaws only to glance over at the serval that squirmed a few more times before finally sitting there with an unhappy expression [b]"Oh come now, Koala. It ain't all that bad. We're just gonna. . . Talk about our feelings, I guess," He didn't have any issues at the time, well, aside his horrible feelings for his own best friend but he wasn't going to confine in just anyone that offered therapy. Hell, he was sure that he'd confine more in Killua than anyone else here about his feelings. It was just the way he worked. The only thing he'd tell Jacob would be his sins and there was plenty of that to go around. His whiskers twitched as he aimed to playfully nudge Killua "Lighten up, kiddo."

[ was given permission to powerplay killua wHEEZE ]

Re: All we see // open+therapy // is sky - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-17-2018

Feelings were never supposed to be reveal. Feelings were a sign of weakness in a time that they weren't needed to be shown. Feelings were just a distraction from the current mission at hand. Killua knew that most of the emotions that he felt were primarily destructive in the smallest means of the term. He was violent, and now those around him probably realized that too. The wildcat ever had a reason to try and talk about his feelings when he was younger. His family had trained to keep his mouth shut so that others wouldn't know when he was in pain and when he was actually feeling it. Showing pain to those that would probably get off on it wasn't the best idea. The assassin had known this at an early age where knives and other weapons were plunged into his body and had only stopped once he stopped screaming in from the pain of it all. The tortures were slow and painful in the very beginning, and he had wondered if dying would have been a better option for him instead of dealing with the gut retching pain that he was always going through. Killua had been taught pretty quickly to stuff his own emotions down his own throat. That the only emotion that he should feel was satisfaction when he killed those that were his targets. Nothing else, and he was also allowed to feel what it was like to have bloodlust going through as always. The assassin didn't have the need for feelings because he was only a tool. He always had been. Which was why when someone usually pissed him off, he slowly started to grow emotionless instead of wearing a face of rage. The wildcat had no reason to give them the satisfaction of showing him angry, as he would refuse to show something like that to the likes of an enemy. Thanks to the way he had been raised, this meant that Killua usually kept all of his emotions bottled up inside of him. Killua had no one that he was willing to talk to in any of Snowbound out of the simple factor that he didn't trust anyone. He knew exactly how they would react if he told them the truth. There would be no sympathy. They would look at him with fear and disgust for the things that he had done, the amount of animals that he had killed in the past. It didn't matter, he had already seen how the way clanners would react to someone that had been a killer before joining their group. They would never trust anyone again, and Killua couldn't afford that as he was actually starting to like this place after having almost been here for a month now. Killua had no one to vent to when it came to the voices that were constantly in his head or the urges that he thought he had snuffed out a long time ago. He felt guilty and disgusted with himself for the creatures he had killed recently, but he had still played it off as an accident. The clans really gave him no choice after all and this wasn't any different.

The only one that Killua had talked to about the issues he was going through was Koru, the albino black mamba companion that was seen around with him occasionally. The snake wasn't capable of communicating back with him, and Killua was fine with that. He just needed something, anything to listen to what he was going through and that he had hit a dead end. He had no idea where he was going to go from here. His original plan had been to get stronger so that he could face his brother and be able to take him out if he came too close to him and the clan that he was living in. But after what had happened, he wasn't sure getting stronger would be a great idea as it would put everyone in Snowbound in jeopardy if he his brother somehow started to control him again. He couldn't let that happen. Not now. They didn't deserve to be killed. Killua hated being even remotely seen as weak, and constantly hide the pain and the emotions he felt with those around him. It was easy for him put on the facade that he had been wearing his entire life, letting other's see what they wanted to see instead of what was underneath the bloodstained exterior of who he really was. He was a killer, and there was no changing that in the past. He didn't want to kill anymore, but would anyone believe him if he said that? Of course not. They would call bullshit on him and try to frame him as someone that was a threat, which he was. In the sense, Snowbound had every reason to hate someone like him. And yet they didn't, as they continued to treat him like someone that belonged in a place like this. It was confusing, and would always be confusing. Killua had just recently met up with Stark again after the old man had decided to come live in a place like this. With a companion that he couldn't really care about because Stark was the only one that he knew longer than anyone else in the group right now. Except Amorette, but the robot had been busy with Ross and there was a hard time to be able to communicate with one another. The relationship that the albino serval and the tiger had was definitely an interesting one. They always flung threats at one another, Stark being from an anti-clan meant that he could usually take them as a joke when he meant them. Most of the jabs that Killua made toward other's were to be taken as a joke and not really seriously unless he wanted them to but there were plenty of methods to do that. The last thing Killua had expected was the larger male to up and grab him. Both of them had been in the nearby area when Jacob had given out the call. Which led to Killua and Stark talking to one another, and the tiger had figured out that something had obviously happened since his absence. The other had told him that they should go to the therapy session, and Killua answered that he was fine and that there was no need for him to go there.

The assassin had no need to try and talk about his feelings when he was just going to lie the entire time. Didn't seem like the old man was going to take no for an answer as the tiger's mouth fit easily around the back of his neck. It had nearly put Killua in a panic feeling teeth at the back of his neck, as he was never carried by anyone in his family by his scruff so it was an unnatural feeling. If he was desperate enough, he could risk injury and try to rip himself away from the bastard. But he could bleed to death if he wasn't careful, especially with it being so close to his neck. He could always teleport out of the other's grasp, but he would reveal his powers if he did something like that and he couldn't afford that with so many eyes that were probably on him right now. Killua's metal claws were swinging at open air as he was trying desperately wiggle out of the apex predator's jaws. "You bastard! Let me go!" Killua snarled angrily, obviously a threat in his tone. The other was lucky that he didn't end up opening his stitches while he was struggling against him. He didn't have the strength to be able to do much in this situation, which was a hinder with the small body that he currently had. The assassin noticed where they were going, and it only made him struggle even more. He didn't want to do this. He REALLY didn't want to do this. Finally, he was dropped down onto the ground and he had been close to leaping out of the way before he was jerked backward when his short tail was being stepped on. Meaning he basically face planted onto the cave floor, an annoyed hiss escaping his jaws as he looked over his bandaged shoulder to see that the other was stepping on his tail. It didn't hurt obviously, and he knew that Stark was making sure that it didn't. Killua shoots a deadly glare toward the former leader, and there were claw marks to where Killua had been dragged backward. "Easy for you to say you bag of bones." Killua growled, as the other probably realized how closed off Killua was to literally everyone that he interacted with. If he could have, he would have been lashing his tail out of annoyance. What other's couldn't see though was that Killua hadn't been eating or sleeping. Keeping to himself in his own personal cave. He hadn't had anything proper to eat in the span of three days now and hadn't slept for around five days. He was nearing his limit for how long he could go without sleep, but he was too afraid to sleep. At this point, his only option was for him to pass out from exhaustion once his body could no longer stay active for as long as it had been. He felt the nudge on his back, which only made Killua look back over to give the other a glare. "Bite me." Killua said through clenched teeth, obviously not having liked being dragged around like he was some sort of kitten. He could make his own decisions. If Killua had really wanted to get out of the situation, he could just simply stab Stark's paw and have the other move his paw out of the way because of the pain. If he did that though, it would make him look bad, so Killua just simply sat there, irritated out of his mind.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: All we see // open+therapy // is sky - london r. - 04-18-2018

London found it admirable that Jacob returned to his medical duties as frosthealer so quickly after his stay at the Typhoon. No one would have blamed him if he had chose to recuperate for a few more days, but it seemed the boy had other plans. And of course, the clouded leopard wished to support him in any way she could, after all, that was what clanmates were supposed to do from her knowledge. And the best way she could support him at the moment seemed to be to join this therapy session. It seemed like it would be fun, although the girl did not exactly know what this was. In some instances it seemed as though experience was the best way to find out.

Arriving at the scene, the girl found herself unable to hide a giggle at Killua's predicament. It seemed Stark was forcing him to participate in this session, and the albino serval did not seem to be appreciative of that. It was an interesting gesture from the lion's part, he seemed to really know Killua pretty well to have noticed that something had recently happened with the boy without having been there or having heard of it. Unless he had, but Killua was a pretty private individual, and she doubted anyone would run around sharing such information about their clanmates. Or perhaps London was just reading too much into things, and it was just common occurrence of Stark to force the younger feline to sit through things that he would rather not.

"I would like to join." the girl stated, wearing that ever present smile upon her features. Her blue eyes were bright, and she seemed genuinely excited to be here. Back where she had come from, in that old gas station, she had never done anything like this before, perhaps that was why she was so eager now. New was not always exciting, but to London it nearly always was. "So what exactly are we doing?" the girl would inquire, her curiosity peaked. Though she was not impatient, she could not wait to get started.

Re: All we see // open+therapy // is sky - arcy - 04-19-2018

Izuku knew he had problems. He'd been through a lot in these past few months, probably more than he had in the rest of his life combined. And that ... was saying a lot, considering what sort of incidents his class had gotten into. The problem was that Izuku had never been keen on spilling his problems for the world to see. He had a tendency to burst into tears over the slightest provocation, of course, but also, that'd kind of ... faded, over time. Beyond that, Izuku didn't make a habit of sharing his feelings over fear of worrying anyone. From there, it devolved into just not wanting to. He didn't like the vulnerability, or the trust of it all, not anymore. He barely even knew any of these people, being that he'd just joined a few days ago.
But ... he'd feel kind of ... bad, he if didn't participate. Everyone he heard was going along with it willingly(except Killua, who he could hear protesting loud and clear), and it'd just feel like ... a bad move, if he didn't try and force himself to say something. He's not sure what he's going to say, though -- as it was, he'd have to emit and shift a lot of the details so he didn't seem insane, and the details were important. He'd figure it out as he went.
"... Alright," Comes the soft voice of Izuku as he spins on his paw and approaches. His face is twisted like he'd tasted something rather sour. Regardless, the little Maine Coon moves to seat himself in the circle, a little bubble of discomfort settling like lead in his stomach. Izuku's tail wraps protectively around himself as he fidgets and stares at his paws, trying to avoid the entire thing until the event actually started, or whatever.
