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Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - Printable Version

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Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - pallid-i - 10-29-2018

This is a super important question guys. Like.. Really important. Obviously gremlins are better but [member=1264]musey[/member] thinks furbies are better??? for some reason?? whack, i know

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - COSMIIX - 10-29-2018


Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - pallid-i - 10-30-2018
made a server so we can discuss.

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - Imortapose - 10-30-2018

4 Furby votes and 1 Gremlin vote. We are superior.

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - Waylon - 10-30-2018

C'mon gremlins is the best movie!

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - tikki - 10-31-2018

I mean I would rather be fooled by the slightly cute furbie that turns out to be demonic rather than instantly knowing that the gremlins are evil due to their looks in the movies tbh

I like living like the fool, I want to die wondering how such a cute thing could be so evil

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - Kicksie - 11-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]gremlins was one of my favorite movies as a kid
furbies don't even compare ok

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - april . - 11-05-2018

team furby

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - pallid-i - 11-05-2018

april i trusted u
u were my favorite staffer too,,,

Re: Which is better? Furby vs Gremlin - Kicksie - 11-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]APRIL WHAT
wow i-
i feel so betrayed rn