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playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Printable Version

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playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Margaery - 04-16-2018

[color=black]"My name is Margaret and I'm rather new here. Ask me things if you'd like."

The chocolate point bore no expression as she settled down within the grand circle. She used to be quite fond of these little socials, both enjoying offering information about herself and learning things about her clanmates that she might not have known. Now, it felt more like an obligation than anything. She despised being thought of as a stranger and, after a day of lurking within the shadows, was ready to make her true debut, even if she felt a little.... discomforted by the idea.

The old Margaery would have been thrilled to pieces about this. Don't ruin your opportunity at starting over... At making this place your home.

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - radeken - 04-17-2018

[color=#40bf40]Where did you come from, Margaret?” Radeken wondered if she would allow more than one question, and almost unloaded a few more, but she knew others were often annoyed when becoming inundated with queries, so she kept her lips together after the first one, coming to stop a respectful length from the feline. Radeken eased herself onto her tummy, resting comfortably. “[color=#40bf40]I told you who I was, right? Radeken?” She was fairly sure she had, at that party, but repeated it again anyway. Just in case.

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Suiteheart - 04-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]When the pair had reunited, they had made the painful decision to pretend to not know one another. They said they would act like strangers or even acquaintances at the very least. It made Suiteheart sad, but this is how things had to be. After all, this home was temporary, wasn’t it? Some part of her, deep within her soul, prayed she would be able to take back all these lies and call this place home in the near future. But for now, she had to lie. It was easier this way.

‘Your name is Margaery Folie. You are the love of my life and my best friend. I know you,’ Suiteheart thought as she sauntered over.

”What’s up,” she meowed, sitting down. She nodding to Radekan, whom she had never met. She did take note of the girl’s name as she gave it to Margy. Was this the Rad Bastillepaw had told her about?

“The name’s Hotelsuites, but you can call me anytime.” A smirk danced on her maw. Just because she was pretending not to know Margaery didn’t mean Suiteheart wasn’t going to flirt with her. Hey, maybe this could be fun after all.

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Margaery - 04-17-2018

Without truly meaning to, Margaery flinched as she was addressed as Margaret. It was such a mundane name, hardly indicative of her unique persona and self appointed status as rose queen. Why couldn't she have been easy? Why had she chosen to lie to these people who were sheltering her, feeding her? She supposed that it would hardly make sense to take back her introduction now lest she confuse these poor souls. Besides, this was not her home, just a living situation, a possibly temporary living situation.

She hadn't realized she had lost herself in thought until Radeken resumed speaking. She probably wants an answer Marg, that's what these things are for, her self conscious taunted, causing her to sigh. [color=black]"I come from a clan far, far from here, well, as far as about a year's travel at least," She explained with a small shrug. She didn't know how accurate her statement was given the fact that she may have wandered in circles but hoped that it was suitable regardless. [color=black]"Anything else?"

"The name's Hotelsuites, but you can call me anytime."

Oh goodness.

Was she serious?

Was this happening?

When the pair had first made the decision to remain incognito, she had assumed that it was going to be painful. She hadn't expected this outcome.

[color=black]"Perhaps I'll just have to take you up on that offer. If I do confess, you're the prettiest thing I've seen in an entire year- a sight for sore eyes," She responded, laughing for quite possibly the first time in.. well... forever.

[color=black]"And do you have any questions for me?"

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - BASTILLEPAW - 04-18-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Look, Bastille wasn't really the type to say "I told you so", but as he joined them and caught Margaret reacting oddly to her own damn name for the second time, he was tempted to point out that he thought something was whack. She didn't look like a Margaret, as odd as that sounded, and she certainly acted affronted by the name. Margae, she had started to say at the party. Margae- what? Maybe it was a nickname, maybe it was an old name, but Bast wanted to know just why she was hiding it. What was the point?

He settled beside Rad, jostling her shoulder somewhat in greeting as he watched Margaret. After a moment, he offered, "Hey, Margy." Better. Sounded less strained and stiff than Margaret. He had to admit, he was curious about where she was from as well, but he wasn't going to ask about it -- so at least Rad. The answer was still vague, but that still sounded familiar. Sounded like home. And, if it were true that Suite was from somewhere close to his home, she might even recognize the familiarity of Margy's home as well.


Speaking of... Bastille glanced at the newer member as she arrived, arching a brow at the obvious flirtation. Even more interesting, that. His gaze flickered to Margy, to Suite, and back. He squinted slightly, and wondered idly if he was the only one who found the sudden, easy chemistry between the two... odd. Not wrong. It seemed incredibly right, actually, but it was so... fluid. Natural. Like they'd been exchanging just pleasantries for ages. (Even their auras looked good together, he noted.)

Huh. Bast didn't comment on it, though, and instead offered a bit of information himself -- as if he was trying to draw a confession out of Margy (and Suite, actually -- he was still curious about her background, too). "My mother belonged to some place far off called RiverClan," he said casually, "I didn't really stay there long, but I'm from far away, too. Why'd you leave?" There was also the matter of his souls and their various lives... Bast could recall the Elite, the Tribe, and WindClan as clearly as if he'd lived there himself in this lifetime. He didn't feel like being that generous with his information yet, however.

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Margaery - 04-18-2018

Margaery stiffened, temporarily caught off guard by Bastillepaw's greeting. When she lived within her old clan, everyone had called her Margy - or Marg, whichever they preferred - and she had grown to love the silly little nickname. Here, it alarmed her. Bastillepaw shouldn't have known to call her that... he shouldn't have said it so easily, so casually, so reminiscent of how all of her old friends and family used to. Why did he do that? Why did he think it was okay? But there was a better question, one now tugged on her attention and caused her to momentarily frown:

Why was she getting so worked up over it?

Both Margaret and Margaery were mouthfuls to say... she couldn't honestly expect everyone to want to pronounce her name in full every time they saw her. Just let it go, put that fake smile on and don't let him see that it phased you. Your name is Margaret here, he's just being friendly. It's okay. And so it was, it would have to be. The moment that someone noticed how strangely she acted when being addressed period would be the moment that this delicate lie came crashing down and then, she'd have some serious explaining to do.

[color=black]"Ah, I'm familiar with that!" She announced suddenly, determined now to draw attention away from the topic (and even though) of her name, [color=black]"I've visited there many times. My old clan was allies with them." She could talk all day about the clans and her old life and the many duties she had had not only as a deputy, but also as an ambassador. She paused though, realizing with a start that that was not the question. He had asked why she had left, not where she was from.

[color=black]"I left because I.. I..."

What could she even say?

[color=black]"I left because I had to... and in doing so, I got separated from my children and my wife. I've traveled so much in the past year because I've been tirelessly looking for them. I want my family back... I'd do anything."

It wasn't until the words left her mouth that she realized how much oversharing she had done. She fought the urge to steal a glance at Suiteheart out of fear that her wife would be angry at her. Nobody knew that they were associated with each other but still... but still...

[color=black]"Any... uh, shall we say, less personal questions?"

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Suiteheart - 04-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart found herself with a lopsided grin upon her maw at Margaery's words. The prettiest thing she'd seen in a year? A sight for sore eyes? The reverse was equally true. At her question, she grinned. "Yeah. Where've you been all my life?"

The feline watched as Bastille approached, and she was even more glad to have joined this little gathering. She loved that kid. She had tried to not get attached, but here she was... He was sweet, even if he didn't want to admit it. And he had a good heart. She wished him all the best.

The Clan that rolled off his tongue made her freeze. She knew where that was or where it had been; she wasn't sure what was left of it. She wasn't sure what was left of any of their former homes. As these thoughts rolled in on her like dark storm clouds, she tried to play it off. She kept her lopsided grin, but it was now hollow. How much longer could she keep these secrets?

As Margaery began to speak, Suite could not watch. Her wife was outlining their lives. Granted, it was not in much detail. She made no mention of being the ambassador or being deputy. She named no names. She kept it to a minimum, but Suiteheart still worried. And as Margy continued, her worries heightened.

"Oh, you have a wife? I wouldn't have flirted if I'd known." Her voice was different now, concerned after hearing Margaery speak so sadly about their lives. To others, the change in emotion would show Suiteheart being an empathetic peer, or it would show disappointment in Margaery being taken. She hoped it seemed this way at least. "Sorry about you losing your wife and kids. Maybe you'll find 'em soon. It's a small world, after all. I mean, hell, you and Bast may have met each other before."

Re: playing poker with the dead / open, meet & greet - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had never been in a group before she had joined The Ascendants, as her mother had died when Luna and her brother were very young. Than he left her in the dust. Because she wasn't strong enough, because she hated violence and enjoyed living peacefully.

She had seen Margaret and Hotelsuites around and she'd seen the way they looked at each other. As if they were hiding a deep secret from everyone else. But she didn't want to pry into another's business. The snowy-white feline approached the small group of her fellow Clanmates and she took a seat beside her apprentice. "Lunafreya." Came her soft mutter.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯