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bye bye baby blue / MEETING 10/28 - Printable Version

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bye bye baby blue / MEETING 10/28 - sephiroth - 10-28-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”ROSEBLOODS.”

Sephiroth seemed to be more confident when it came to raising his voice to get attention for the weekly meetings, and that radiated off of his form in general as he prowled into the meeting room.  He had spent all night brainstorming what he had been told the day prior, that he was to truely step into his position and lead the Rosebloods in a great new change.  After pondering enough, he believed he had it figured out.  His eyes gleamed with a before never seen intense energy and life about them, swirling blue and green as he ascended to his space above his group.  The lion would turn to face the small crowd that without a doubt would have gathered beneath him, head up chest out and his posture in general oozing authority.  Any doubt that clouded him the day before was gone, replaced with self-confidence bordering on ego.

His eyes were intense and his voice commanding and powerful as he spoke, steady and sure.  Falling beautifully into the role that had been thrown onto him.  ”I am very pleased to welcome another member of the Rosebloods this meeting, [member=1242]gwen.[/member]  We welcome you to the Rosebloods.”  Sephiroth would search the crowd for the small bird, gentling his eyes as he hopefully caught sight of her before he continued.  He dare didn’t offer the usual orientation drink to her.  ”Talyn is no longer with us, as such they loose their rank.  High position tryouts are still going on if anybody has an interested, and I am looking for Sorcerers in particular and others with general knowledge in healing.”

”On a similar subject, titles are finally implanted into the system.  They can be earned through various means and by doing various tasks, and while they do not give one specific power within the group several of them can be used as stepping stones towards earning a particular rank.  For the time being-“  His eyes scanned the crowd for a hot second.  ”Jiyu has earned the Loyalist title and Gwen the Squire title.  For long time participation and being a promising newcomer respectively.  I suggest working towards earning titles, as it will help define you within the group.”

”On the subject of our identity.”  Sephiroth would shift himself into a sitting position as he prepared to put his ideas into action.  ”We need to reinvent ourselves among the groups.  It’s no secret we need more numbers, and in general we need to make ourselves more….prominent.”  The male would lift his chin, inhaling deeply before he spoke once more.  ”We are to make ourselves more…neutral.  I realize we have come to have a reputation of brutality and being a place where those with dark intent gather.  I feel that hurts us.  I will allow anybody to join regardless of their morality.  That being said I do not wish for us to come off as soft.”  The male’s eyes shifted amongst the crowd, his eyes sharp and unblinking as per usual.  It marked him as inhuman and unnatural, something else eluded to him yesterday.  ”We are mysterious to those on the outside and incredibly tight knit on the inside.  That much should be obvious.  I suppose we’re a….family to some degree.”  The word was foreign to him, made something flame up deep in his chest, bringing some sort of emotion.  Bitterness?  Longing?  Something far more painful than that?  Whatever it was it didn’t spill into his voice.

”We need a focus on top of all of that.  I have chosen to recreate us a mercenaries.  We do the dirty work of others for something in return if one wants it.  That…is the image I wish to create  Mysterious.  Dangerous.  A powerful family with influence.”  Sephiroth remained still and composed for a heartbeat before he was suddenly lashing his paw upwards and ripping his teeth into it as if on pure and uncontrolled impulse.  Metallic blood filled his mouth as he created the bleeding wound his foot.  It wouldn’t be a serious injury with long lasting consequences but it was certainly enough to bleed.  If it hurt the Roseblood Lord didn’t show it.  He stretched his body down to crouch down at the edge of the platform to slam his front paws on the ground in front of the crowd.  His bleeding foot shifted about in several directions, making some sort of pattern on the floor. 

When he pulled his paw away it was the vague and dripping image of a rose, deep and red and dripping from the bottom.  ”We are the Rosebloods.  It is about time we start to live up to the image.  There will be a sign up to become a mercenary soon enough, I would suggest putting thought into what sort of jobs you’re willing to take and or any other task that can tie into this.  I will be overseeing this entire system for the time being.  Any can volunteer to help manage however.”

Sephiroth then pulled back and moved back into a sitting position and going onto a completely different topic as if he didn’t just rip his paw pads open to make an obvious point.  ”We do need to start participating more with our allies; we are on shaky ground with the Typhoon and I can presume the Tanglewood might share similar feelings.  I want ambassadors for each group as soon as possible so we can keep our alliances strong.  Events in the future will invite our allies, such as the Halloween festival going on right now.  Simply let me know and soon I will set up a tracker and sign up for being an ambassador.  It would be much appreciated.”

The male lion would finally pause, lifting his bleeding paw and lapping at it with a rough tongue in an absent minded manner.  ”That should be it for the time being.”  Sephiroth rumbled his conclusion, eyes becoming lidded as if deep in thought.  There.  That was all taken care of.  Now he could work on making his group as promised and learning about himself.  Generally, things were looking up.


-welcome to gwen!
-talyn is demoted
-the title system is now in place, a guide can be found in the ooc board!  Jiyu gets the loyalist title and gwen gets the squire title
-the rosebloods will be making itself more neutral and open to anybody, not just ‘evil’ characters.  A tight knit inner family united to be a dangerous force to be reckoned with
-the rosebloods are also now branded as mercenaries!  There will soon be a sign up over the next few days where your character can sign up to be hired out as a mercenary!
-looking for ambassadors for the typhoon and tanglewood!  more activity with allies in general is encouraged
Guide will be updated tomorrow with the new culture and the mercenary system will be implemented all through the week!!  Its time for the rosebloods to reinvent and rise!!)

Re: bye bye baby blue / MEETING 10/28 - galexiux - 10-28-2018

  To say that Gwen wasn't shocked when Seph suddenly roared out would be a lie. Lions were known for their roars (though they were not nearly as powerful as they were made out to be). It only made sense that she would be intimidated by it. The bird shuddered, turning her attention to the white lion. Announcements? A meeting? What the heck was exactly going on?

  The bird puffed up, tilting her head as creatures of all species and sizes gathered around the lion. She cawed, rushing up to the stair well and climbing up the splintered wood. There! Now she could see! The jay tilted her head as the announcements started. Blah blah blah. Boring politic stuff she didn't understand. And... she got a title? The squire title. but... What exactly did it do? She was afraid she didnt know, but she was thankful anyways... she supposed?

  She was a bit shocked at the sudden change of direction with the paw cutting and such. Her face turned pale as she shuddered at the sight of blood. Sure, she had read about self harm and such in her textbooks but she never expected to see it herself? Why on earth would Seph do that? To make a statement? ... apparently considering he was starting a whole mercenary division. Wow... Sure she could get behind it becasue this was her family but wow. Wasn't this like. The exact opposite of what a detective does? ... It was going to be weird living here.


Re: bye bye baby blue / MEETING 10/28 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-28-2018

His shout was incredibly loud, the adviser had been in the middle of a nap on the stairs leading up to the throne. Since few animals ventured into the room short of the time for meetings, it was a fairly safe place for her to slumber momentarily without being caught. However, she did wish to reobtain her invisibility which made napping and sleeping the safest they would ever be for her. Mismatched ears seemingly larger than normal turned upwards as her matching optics opened, pushing her paws up to cause her form to sit up, watching as he made his way to the normal place in front of the throne. Everything seemed fairly average in spite of his initial loudness, over compensating for the area he was lacking in, stability. Of course, what could ever be stable enough for a feline who didn't change, always seemed to be the same and entirely unaffected by the world around her. Even if he knew of her discontent, how could Sep ever hope to prove the ideals of the adviser wrong? Change was necessary, and it was something she deemed herself incapable of thus why she knew herself not to be qualified for her position, so how could she recognize either stability or change within him.

Oh he was finally going to address the elephant in the room? The calico actually turned her head to him at this point, her face concealed completely from the rest of the group by this action. Most of what was spoken she could keep up with, family had always been important and she was used to living with other animals not brutal as herself. However, something changed inside of her when he said the word mercenaries. Jiyu wouldn't even notice it at first, but if Sep looked he would, something was in her normally void gaze, a nearly obsessive focus. What was this, she couldn't define, nothing made sense as he kept speaking! His speech continued, and she just kept looking at him as if there was nothing else existing in the world. For someone who normally expressed no emotion even in the flicker of their gaze? It was disturbing to see such passion burning in the eye not covered by her black hair tuft, the dangerous edge that said she was maybe too passionate all of a sudden.

When he ripped his own paw opened and slammed it against the ground, suddenly everything clicked within the calico's head. The passionate gaze fell dead once more, jaws slightly opened, shoulders stiff the only visible sign something was up. In front of her was no longer the Lord it was a small blue point tom with burning blue sadistic eyes, her false father. No! The meeting was over swiftly, but she had never once looked back at the others, just went invisible and teleported away. Suddenly teleporting out at the end of a meeting? Was not unusual, but the way she had been looking at Sep was not normal, it was actually fairly obvious something else had gotten into her head. Luckily she had looked at him, so no one else had to see that distant look in her gaze, so lost compared to her normal void.

Re: bye bye baby blue / MEETING 10/28 - MIRIO! - 10-29-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
It was true that Mirio was bored, especially since with the changes going on. Mercenaries? Mirio wasn't willing to kill someone for money, so he'd pass on that. He was a hero, after all. Maybe as a bodyguard he'd work, but that was the most he'd do. Protecting children and mothers seemed much more interesting.
