Beasts of Beyond
LOVE LOST [open] - Printable Version

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LOVE LOST [open] - LUCA. - 10-28-2018

Once again Luca was out gathering herbs for Junji and he still couldn't believe that he would be a father. He never knew that the day for that would come. Luca began to look around in the jungle, looking high and low for herbs that Junji could use but he found himself pure out of luck. Frustration was beginning to grow inside the hellhound until suddenly he heard a rustle behind him and turned to look at it, viewing a bit of a fluffy little cotton tail until it disappeared behind the bushes. Ohhh? The small hellhound got low to the ground and began to wiggle his little rump high in the air, tongue hanging out his mouth in concentration before he leap and landed a few inches away from the rabbit. "You're not getting away that easily, mon cheri!" Luca yelled out to the rabbit as it began to run, kicking up dust in it's trek as it tried to run from the sexy little hellhound. Luca only went faster until he was able to lower his mouth and fasten his jaws around the rabbit's back leg to stop it from running. Triumph soared through the canine and he was ready to kill the rabbit right there and then until-

"Please don't eat me!" The rabbit screamed at Luca, trying to kick him in the nose with his other back leg. Truth be told, Luca was a bit stunned to realize that this piece of prey could talk but a talking piece of prey wasn't exactly something that would cure him of his boredom, nor could it cure him of his other type of hunger. He dropped the rabbit onto the ground, it's back leg bleeding and broken from Luca's former grip. "Oh? This one can talk?" He questioned with amusement dripping from his tone. Truthfully he didn't really care that it could talk, prey was prey after all and it was only the food chain and how society worked, but he was interested in having some fun with this little talking bunny. The small hellhound moved his body to lie down on the ground, humming under his breath as he looked towards the talking rabbit thoughtfully. "Do you know what's going to happen next?" He questioned rather amusingly, looking to his paw as if he were barely paying attention to the rabbit. Next to him could be heard the shifting in the dirt as the rabbit was slowly trying to get up to run again.

"P-Please! I can be so useful to you! I-" In an instant, Luca's jaws shot forward and he bit onto the rabbit's head, it's head completely in his mouth while it's body began to struggle. He didn't bite hard enough to kill it or injure it, but definitely to keep it there. The hellhound continued to hum, though muffled through the rabbit's head while the rabbit continued to struggle and scream inside his mouth. Finally, Luca spit him out and licked his jaws, the rabbit beginning to tear up crying and with fear. "P-please mister.. I have a f-family.." For a moment, Luca gave a frown and his facial expression softened, recalling his own family that would soon be whole with the arrival of his and Junji's kids. For a moment he didn't say anything, instead retaining that soft expression before shrugging his shoulders and lunging forward to dig his jaws into the rabbit's body and treat it like a ragdoll. Within moments the talking rabbit was dead and he began to rip into it to satisfy his unrequited boredom. Maybe he would bring the rest to Junji.