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Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - Printable Version

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Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - Morgan - 10-28-2018

Morgan smiled with genuine relief for the first time in nearly a month. He hummed a random tune as he formed a large ornate cooler out of ice right near the town's fountain. He had been working on the largest batch of ice pops he had ever made; the monotonous and peaceful task proved to be strangely therapeutic for the General. He breathed in and out in smooth waves as a pile of ice pops floated through the air, eventually landing and resting inside the cooler in neat stacks. The assorted colors were laid out in a somewhat unsaturated rainbow pattern, which the samoyed was quite proud of. Even though the colors were not too bright, they would still hopefully contain plenty of fruity flavor in every bite.

"I'm not sure if now's the best time for this, but... does anyone want a nice cold ice pop? I just made some now, and they're free!"
he called out, barking a few times in various directions. He hoped the spot he chose would be one that got a decent amount of traffic during the day, but he could not really be certain since he was still quite new to Sunhaven.
"They're flavored with some fresh fruit straight from our new Tanglewood farm!"
He wagged his tail a few times before it drooped. The samoyed sighed, thinking next about all the rebuilding that would need to be done back home once the ghostly ordeal was over.
"Er... all the fruit left from the farm..."

Re: Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - REBECCA MACK - 10-29-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Bex knew that having Tanglewood stay with them for a little while was going to be a bit of an adjustment, but she was sure that it was something they'd be able to get used to pretty quickly. Or at least, the collie herself would. She had been good with it the moment they had come running to them for help, as she was always willing to help, even if the Tanglers weren't the most enthusiastic bunch ever. It was sort of odd that they had all acted with such negatively when their leader seemed to be rather upbeat, but maybe they were just all shaken up by the spirits invading their home. Hopefully they'd be able to calm down a bit. Sunhaven was overall a rather chill bunch, and that seemed to clash with the not-so-chill mindsets of the Tanglers.

At least one of them was attempting to make an effort to see things in a more positive light, and that happened to be Morgan, who was handing out... popsicles? That offer was tempting to Bex, who perked up instantly at the offer. If there was one thing that she couldn't resist, it was free food. The female happily bounced up with a bright smile, her eyes glistening at the sight of the sweet treats. "Oooh, I'll take one, if that's fine? Thanks!" The canine exclaimed, and after a brief moment of thinking, selected a red colored ice pop.

"Wow, this is really good!" Bex woofed in between chews after having taken a bite, clearly not displaying any manners as she spoke with her mouth full of popsicle. She couldn't help it... the frozen treat seemed to have contained a lot of flavor, and was clearly made of fresh fruit, as Morgan had claimed them to have been. She sure hoped that Tanglewood would be able to restore their garden once they were able to reclaim their home from the ghosts. It would be a shame for this to be the last time any of them got to eat popsicles like this.

Re: Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - venus - 10-29-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —
uneasy by the presence of tanglewood in sunhaven, the kitsune contemplated their awkwardness being something mutual or even warranted. the fact that tanglewood had been driven out by "ghosts" or whatever besides the point for now. ridiculous. yet the sudden departure that the teen had made caused venus to be slightly uneasy to see all those faces once again, the ones venus had abandoned because they weren't the original ones who had founded the group. it was too much wishful thinking for venus to boldly assume that all the faces they would see once again would be the ones of which could recognise the teen, and bitter disappointment had made them seek a scenic shift.

only once had venus seen morgan at the head of a meeting, something an oddity from the little ecto-boy who had once been the head instead of him, but the teen doubted that the man would be too familiar with the former tanglewood member either. "in autumn? odd, but i guess i'll take one too. for the uh, farm." confused for a second, hesitancy seeped into venus' words as they perused the icy treats - how had anyone been able to grow life in that dump? whoever they were, venus wanted to meet them. or perhaps the grounds weren't so much of a radioactive tip as they used to be? maybe that rang true too.

ah! this one. venus reached in to take one of the popsicles with glee, biting into the juicy goodness from inside, wining at the subsequent pain emanating from sensitive teeth.

Re: Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - rhosmari - 10-29-2018

The woman honestly felt bad for the Tanglers and the fact that their home had become overran with theses spirits and ghouls who were hellbent on destroying them. It was hard really to see one's home going down the drain and not being able to stop it from happening at all. She understood that to a degree and she wanted to help them as much as he could. That was why she opened her home up to them in the first place because of the fact that they were allies and they needed to help each other the best that they could. Despite this there seemed to be some small lingering tension and she couldn't help but wondered where that one canine had gone off to. She was very much unsure about his presence here and she wouldn't halt if he caused any problems for her group as a whole. Not when they were allowing for them to stay here while they were down and out. Her snake like eyes were forever watching and observing the going ons when she noted Morgan coming forward. Her head tilted slightly to the side as she watched him pull a cooler and the popsicle that came after him almost memorized them in their colors. Oh, she wanted one but she held off to see what he had to say first.

It was all it took when he asked if others wanted one and she came forward with ease, tails wagging lightly back and forth in greeting to the Tanglewood General. Though she found herself a little sad that all the fruit they had left from their farms went into making these treats for everyone. "If ya need any help with ya rebuilding I'm sure we can lend a paw." They had resources to be able to do that and she could also get groups to help with both building and replanting. It was the least they could do for their friend and she allowed her large form to sit down near Venus, lightly looking over the treats. She wasn't sure of which she would take and she lifted a paw in debate before she sighed softly and shook her head. Perhaps after a moment she would pick one all things considered she shouldn't be snacking right now. "They all look really good though. How long did ya spend makin 'em?"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: Chill out and cool down - popsicle social - Morgan - 10-29-2018

The cream-colored samoyed let his tongue hang out in a smile as a few others finally joined him.
"I'm glad you like it,"
he told Bex, happy that someone appreciated his work. He really did put a lot of love into the frozen treats, even if they were a little inappropriate for the chill weather.

One of the other auras was more familiar than the rest; it raised his spirits even further, a wave of relief washing over him.
he whispered, recognizing the presence. Venus had not been in Tanglewood for a very long time, but there was no mistaking the unique aura even after so much time.
"You're alive..."
It seemed like he was gaining hope every day then, as he continued to find more and more former Tanglers who he'd previously thought were lost forever.
"Good to see you."

Noting the former Tangler's inflection, he responded, [div style="text-shadow: 0 0 1px black; display: inline"]"Yeah, we've got a farm. We haven't really been able to take care of it recently because of the ghosts, but otherwise we've got a lot of different fruits and vegetables growing there."
As Marina spoke next, he nodded with a slightly more worried look.
"We really would appreciate it. The only problem is that I don't know if we'll ever get our land back. See, the world of the dead - I saw it called 'The Abyss' in some books - has grown across Tanglewood. It isn't just that those spirits are invading; their world has overtaken part of ours. That's why we had to leave, since otherwise we'd just bless the whole town with sage and salt."
Indeed, the state of Tanglewood was one of complete disrepair. The land was hardly recognizable, and it wasn't certain whether the Abyss would ever return to whence it came.

In any case, Morgan returned to his usual smile before long.
"Anyway, I'm just really grateful you let us stay here. I thought this was the least I could do in return. Besides, for me it only takes a second to make these once I've made the fruit juice mixture. All I have to do is make the juice, get a nice stick, and..."
He levitated an ice pop out of the freezer, then converted it to a liquid and back.
"I can change it like this. Please, feel free to have one if you want. It's no trouble for me."

The General had one last thing to discuss with Marina.
"I don't want to get too serious, but the Pitt's kidnapped several Tanglers recently. I guess... would you all be able to help us if we officially became enemies with them? Like you were saying, Tanglewood still needs to rebuild itself, so we might need backup in case they attack us while we're getting back on our paws."
The samoyed took a bite out of the ice pop he had refrozen, looking down at the ground next. A bit of guilt hit him; Sunhaven had already done plenty to help him and his group, so asking for more felt wrong.
"I'm not trying to guilt you into this, but I thought now would be as good a time as any to ask. We do have another ally in the Rosebloods, so don't feel obligated to help."
He took another bite, nearly finishing the rest of his treat. The strawberry flavor made him smile despite the slightly tense situation, but he didn't mind. He looked back up and nodded, adding,
"I'm sorry I turned this into a political thing. I understand if you don't want to commit to something like this."