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DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - Printable Version

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DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - FELIKS - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Whilst most creatures went through the five stages of grief when something tragic happened, Feliks had always tried his hardest to move on straight to the final stage - acceptance. Losing his powers due to a weakening physical resolve had seemed to be a simple thing he'd been fated to the moment he joined Snowbound (then the Ascendants... then the Typhoon), though irksome the gryphon had never only ever relief on one supernatural thing to ensure his survival and that was reincarnation. With a phoenix's spirit confirming that that one power remained, he'd been more than happy to kick ass and chew bubblegum without 'cheating', so to speak. Recent conflict and one encounter too many with the Pitt shouldn't have realistically been the thing to light a fire in the male's bones again, to restore lost treasures left abandoned in a horrid life, yet there he was in camp... as a wolf.

His main form, as rugged as it was, looked like a true beauty in comparison to this. Standing no taller than a husky and long, unkempt fur a fallow brown in colour. Scars covered him from head to toe - an ear missing, a brand on his chest, a scar on his shoulder, muzzle, flank and two wounds seen in his gyphon body also sticking out like a sore thumb. The Striker wasn't sure what coerced his body into shifting into such a disgusting thing once more, he looked no better than a corpse and though insecurities had never stopped him from boasting about himself Feliks felt uncomfortable standing there as a lupine. His eyes, still that deep green colour, flickered about with some awkwardness, unsure how to explain the sudden shapeshifting. The male would've been freaked out, had the realisation that he could be whatever he wanted to be now if being a hybrid didn't suit his fancy not sank in the moment he noticed a change.

A tongue ran across teeth yellowed from age, Feliks wincing as the grooves of bumps reminded him of worse times. He swore his saliva still tasted of child's blood... no, now wasn't the time to reminisce over that. "Guess I can transform now," he called out, relieving those who stared of their inquisition. Now, how did he go about getting back again? Ah, right, he used his brain! Eyes briefly flickering closed, one could almost hear the sound of bones creaking if they were silent enough, before eventually the male was back to 'normal'. "I've missed you... strength," he mumbled, weakly smiling to himself.

Re: DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - Luciferr - 10-28-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
If one asked him what he thought of Feliks - resident loud mouthed griffon - the Dragon-formed god would simply say that he found the other quite entertaining, or was that a back handed compliment? whatever, Lucifer knew the other had quite the personality and was by far one of the more out spoken members of the band of rogues that they technically were - more some strange squad, or fam, inwardly he snorted - and a valued member not afraid to get his claws - talons, even - dirty.

also a good sport with their friendly competitive natures - he still wasn't sure the 'who could roast more pitt-sticks' challenge hadn't been a draw but he honestly didn't mind either way.

"alright there Feliks?" the shadow called over as he meandered around his normal route - having come across the griffon on his patrol lanes, for once not flying them.


Re: DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-29-2018

In a sense, Caesar has yet to meet the stage of acceptance. The demon didn't want to come to terms with the fact that he regretted leaving his parents to burn and rot with his Home Dimension and left his siblings with a bit of survivor's guilt. The savannah tried hiding his feelings about this and believed he was doing great at it; unfortunately, pushing his emotions away caused him to be quite the asshole around The Typhoon.

"And you choose to be some sort of canine?" Caesar mocked as he approached Feliks and Lucifer, standing beside the latter. The demon had one invisible eyebrow raised and a mischievous glint in his eye as he spoke, his mouth twisted into a small grin. "Such a common creature to be. I'd thought you'd be something more... magical." Of course, Caesar wasn't one to speak. He too possessed the ability to possess other bodies and yet he choose to be a simple feline - a hybrid, technically speaking, but a domestic feline nonetheless.

Re: DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - Grey - 11-02-2018

He didn't recognise the canine at first. He thought he was another one of those joiners, ready to curse at himself because it meant he was falling behind again. He doesn't like the idea of missing out on the news. Although he wasn't the most welcoming pirate around, the Reaver liked to keep on top of everything as if it were a competition - it was his main way of self-motivation. He was ready to stride towards the other wolf and demand the other's name, expecting the creature to reply while also expecting some horrid crewmate attempt to lecture him afterwards as he rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue. Had Feliks chosen to stay a wolf, he would have been deeply embarrassed. To his luck, the Striker had returned to his old griffon form, eyes observing the way bones began to grow and protrude from the smaller canine form. It looked painful and he tried not to hiss when he imagined what it must have felt like. When his teleportation was first manifesting, it felt as if all his cells were tearing themselves open, flipping inside-out, arguing and unable with where they were placed in the body. Now he can only imagine just how searingly awful it would feel to shapeshift because sometimes the pain of his powers manifesting appeared as remnants, lingering within his body from time to time. He dares not shudder, particularly when the male didn't express any wince of pain.

The Reaver didn't have anything to say about Luciferus' question but he sure as hell had something to snark about at Caesar, flicking his tail through the air when he hears the Officer's attempt at teasing the griffon. Smoke rises in the air. "Hopin' you'd see a unicorn, Pissfur?" The male, after all, had said magical. It was a strange way of asking for something exotic and, to Bakugou, he thought it was a rather childish way of going about things. Pissfur. He didn't realise how much of a habit it had become for Bakugou to say the vulgar nickname, the word simply rolling off his tongue. One day, Caesar will probably strangle him for it. He was his superior and Bakugou lacked respect for authority himself. It made him just as hypocritical as Caesar considering the time he had told Owen to fuck off because he held the power in his rank. Regardless, he tosses his head towards Feliks, returning his attention towards the other's new shapeshifting ability. He didn't really have anything nice to say when his maw opened once more: "Your wolf form looks like a corpse."

Re: DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-03-2018

"Next time you call me 'Pissfur', your ass is getting charred." Caesar threatened Bakugou with a snarl, his head turning harshly so he was able to glare at the Reaver. His black eyes were narrowed and his tail tip flicked irritably as he looked at his crewmate, clearly not liking the nickname Bakugou had given him. "And no, I wasn't expecting a unicorn." He went on with a huff. "I was expecting more like, oh, I don't know... a Loch Ness Monster?" It would be fitting, considering their territory, would it not?

Re: DON'T FORGET ME | o, power discovery - Grey - 11-06-2018

He was aware that Caesar didn't like his nickname for him. It would take an idiot not to assume so. The Officer's reaction was therefore not a surprise to the male, the male merely snorting at his warning. He wasn't afraid of a little fire, refusing to be intimidated by the likes of the savannah cat. "Well ya do look pissed. I ain't lying," the Reaver replies, then stops to listen to the male's next comment on unicorns. Bakugou feels his lungs begin to forcefully eject a laugh. A loch ness monster? "Yeah that'd look good on the beach!" He knew that Caesar was mainly referring to the fact that they lived by the ocean but Bakugou had seen enough cat-shark hybrids to know that others would prefer to communicate with the island on land. The image of a loch ness monster on the beach was like imagining a whale washed up on shore, drying out and flailing helplessly before giving up. It was hard not to laugh at the idea of it.