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◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-27-2018

Jerseyboy hadn't been feeling too hot for the past couple of days, and anybody that had seen him nearly hunch over and vomit onto the floor could attest to that. So, he had taken to staying indoors and laying low for the time being, hoping that he would quickly get over this illness soon.

As the morning sun's rays d a w n e d into the window of the Hearthkeeper, the streaks of light beamed directly across his eyelids. He reacted with a wince and he opened up his eyes slowly, though he squinted upon realizing that he was being literally blinded. He groaned tiredly as he slowly got to his paws, the fur along the nape of his neck ruffled and tussled from sleep. What time was it, anyways? It felt early ( too early for him, anyways ). Jerseyboy padded over towards the window and reached up to adjust the shades. When he put up paw up to the certain, though, he noticed something was immediately off. His paw was h u g e , and it held an unusual dark-tan hue to it. Whoa. What the..? He hurried over towards the small mirror that he had and gazed into it, his now-chocolate colored eyes flaring up in shock. "What the fuck!" Jersey exclaimed.

The mutt barreled out of his front door and onto his porch, his jaws parted as he panted. He stared back at his large paws and pinned his single-pointed ear against his head, clenching his jaw. Fuck, fuck.. was there something to cure this? Some pills? He needed to get back into his normal-self! Jerseyboy huffed in frustration and tugged at the bow tie around his neck, which had grown too tight throughout his transformation. "Who th' fuck's a docta' around here? Anyone?" He barked, trotting into the street ( though nearly losing his balance ).

// new body ref

Re: ◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - rhosmari - 10-27-2018

The voice that called out was surely Jerseyboy and she remember how sick he had been a few days prior but he was so stubborn. The fact that he didn’t even try to let other help him was confusing for the woman and frankly all she wanted to do for him was help him while he was feeling down and out. But she supposed she couldn’t force it upon him if he didn’t want the help. Oh yeah, she had thought about it but really as a friend she would just watch over him and then force medicine down his throat later. But he had started to evade her and after a time she hadn’t been able to find him anymore. So hearing his voice not sounding like he gurgled sandpaper was relieving. At least she thought it was as it meant that he was getting better.

But the mere fact that when she rounded the corner and saw the German shepherd standing there looked stressed and worried made her pause, one paw raised hesitantly off the ground. ”Jerseyboy!” She spoke up rather brightly before she came bounding over, thick coat rippling with her movements before she came to stand over him. Wait, he hadn’t died had he!? She remembered her change of bodies which had happened because of her death and worry furrowed her brow a little it. ”Ya look alrigh’. How ya feelin’? I ain’t have a clue of a doctor that can fix this one, laddie.”

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - venus - 10-29-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"][align=right]and you say ive lost my light —
coughs, splutters, vomit, venus found themselves leaning back every single time a patient dared to spread their nasty germs through the solbinders' office. so many came in around this time of the year that the teen had trouble keeping names to their faces, rather than systematic numbers to keep track of the frequency of illness spreading throughout the group. it should prove useful for the likes of the typhoon and such. yet somewhere in the midst of all that chaos venus supposed they forget to remember one of their favourite havener's ails, well, second only to the brainwashed ticking timebomb, but that was another tangent the silvery-toned teen didn't want to get into.

had venus forgotten? has jersey never even come to see his favourite medic? the kitsune hasn't sure of which was true, and wasn't sure if they even cared at all. leona was around for a reason. it wasn't too terribly out-of-character for jerseyboy to forego medical advice either, something he almost reveled in, in the eyes of venus. a stubborn boy, too stubborn to wriggle out of death's grips.

trailing in the steps of the taller helion, venus' deep reverie broke suddenly as sapphire hues drifted towards the man to which marina was addressing. huh? perplexed by the comment from the woman, venus flittered their gaze briefly towards the leader to make sure she wasn't in fact looking elsewhere, but no, gaze of the leader was firmly placed on the german shepard in front of the two. huh. "i mean, i do have one solution. but it wouldn't be one he'd particularly like." haughtiness was dripping from the silver-toned teen maw, baby blues alight with bitter bemusement at jersey's predicament. it was oddly weird to see the man so much bigger than his old form, venus amusing the idea that the man just wanted a reason to upgrade since his ego was badly tarnished by his previous stature. "we should drink to hoping you don't brutally destroy this body too, it would be a shame for you to have to die twice. just don't drink too much."

Re: ◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - buckingham barnes - 10-30-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
A lot of people have been falling ill lately. It seems like more and more sick members are dragging themselves to Venus's and Leona's Solbinder's office. Bucky, who did not want to catch whatever bug was going around, made sure to avoid any sick members. Was it rude of the Warden to act like this? Especially when he talked to Marina when she was ill? He wasn't avoiding her like the black death- but the thing was, no one was catching Marina's illness. A few days ago when Jerseyboy fell ill- there were no symptoms exactly like Marina's. Plus, other people are catching whatever Jerseyboy got- it must be in influenza bug going around. Bucky wasn't practically keen on puking his guts out, that doesn't sound fun one bit.

When Bucky heard Jerseyboy's bark, bark, as he made his way into the village- he knew something was up. Cats don't bark- Jerseyboy sounded like he was bigger than his usual size, if that makes sense. Bucky knew that Jerseyboy was sick, but did the feline perhaps experience some shapeshifting? That'd mean the illness wouldn't transfer over to the new body, right? He'd assume so, a new body shouldn't have contact with the virus. He wouldn't be sure how it'd be possible for the virus to somehow transfer over to a new body, anyway. So the maine coon began to make his way over, ears pricking at Marina and Venus's voices.

As the maine coon entered the scene, he could tell how shocked Jerseyboy was. If Jerseyboy didn't bark out, have a recognizable scent, or if Marina didn't identify him- the former assassin wouldn't have known the german shepherd before him was the tuxedo cat. Bucky knew that he'd be in the same amount of panic if he ever shifts bodies- it sounds like a nightmare. Buckingham couldn't imagine himself in a different body- it'd feel like it'd be a cheap way to avoid the problems he's learned to overcome and disabilities he's learned to adapt to. He can only hope he doesn't have shapeshifting powers that wait to be discovered. "I don't think a doctor can help you with a body change," He said with a flick of his tufted ear, glancing over at Venus as the kitsune made the bemusing suggestion. He looked back at Jerseyboy, looked up actually, and made one more comment. "At least you aren't puking anymore."

Re: ◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - Grimm - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 340px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Sickness. Loose was the framework for such, a thing that found itself shifting and changing within the matter of detail, shapes changing over the expanse of time. Minimal was their own experience with such, though they had bore the title of doctor – and within their own mind such was still present though the weight of it was foreign to their tongue – it had been within a different time. There had been few tools to permit study of disease and how it was spread, the various forms within which it took or the strains time had brought about. Though they bore little experience within this place much was spent within study, reading through the various tomes about the medical advancements.

Abundant was those caught in the throes of sickness, found themself touched with a disease, though a great many were harmless and passed with time, symptoms nothing more than an annoyance. Yet the case of Jerseyboy had seemed different in a way. Almost worse was it, the scrape of each cough through his throat a harsh, rasping sound, the lethargic way he had been moving about only further hinting. The almost accident, disaster narrowly avoided by means of pure luck, bringing forth not concern but intrigue.

What illness may do such to a feline, a creature with an immune system differing from that of a human, and yet bare symptoms that appear remarkably similar.

“My, isn't this... interesting,” fictional brow rose and about lips played an odd expression, one that sought to show the confusion touching the mind and yet the outright joy of this development, want to learn more of it encircling their thoughts. About the outskirts the fox lingered, unsure if approaching further may be welcome, until certain words found them. Laughter, though it seemed more a bitter chuckle, a short thing rolling forth from a silver lined tongue, mirth within earth toned eyes which found the silver frame of the teenaged doctor. Funny was it this thing connected them when nothing else did, found within similar circles though their nature conflicted, issues within making any sort of communication a difficulty they bore no want to suffer through. “If you do please let me know, I would love to watch.”

Re: ◜ . ain't it fun ┊ new body . ◞ - REBECCA MACK - 10-31-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
"You make being a canine sound like torture... I'm offended," Bex's joking could be heard as she appeared, having been drawn over to the scene after hearing Jerseyboy scream like some kind of maniac. Quite honestly, Bex thought that something terrible might've been happening, and it had worried her. But there really was nothing to even worry about. Jerseyboy was no longer a cat, but rather had transformed into a dog, and was no longer sick. If anything, this seemed like a win in Bex's eyes. Although Jersey didn't seem like the most graceful pooch on the planet. But to be fair, neither was Bex when she had first waken up in the body which she currently possessed.

"It's a much better look if you ask me," she added with a light shrug. She was always welcoming of the idea of there being more canines around Sunhaven, since there were too many felines, and Bex was tired of being the odd one out, aside from a few others. Glancing over at Esma, the collie managed a laugh in response to his comment. "Ha, now wouldn't that be something." A doctor magically being able to 'cure' Jersey of his transformation was clearly not something that could be achieved, and would be very strange if one could. Bex supposed that these sort of things just happened on their own and weren't something that could be healed like a wound.