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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher felt a little...under the weather? Could a demigod of stormy seas say that? It was rather ironic but at the moment, he was struggling to keep himself awake despite being used to being awake for countless of nights. Countless. That was a lie. He knew how many days there were left for this year. For him. He stared blankly down at the rich turqouise sea glass bowl filled with fish heads, his brilliant clever eyes distant as if he was being reprogrammed. However, this did not last long as a seagull swooped nearby and attempted to snatch one of the gaping fish heads but the wildcat snapped back into the plane of reality, raising a paw to swipe at the bird. He gritted his teeth ever so slightly, hissing a soft Romani curse under his breath at the damn beach birds that roamed the outskirts of the lush island as he turned around to glance towards the other tables that had been placed on the deck of the gently rocking ship. He sucked in a deep breath of the rich salty hinted air, feeling a cool fall breeze manage to break through the humidity that surrounded them. He remembered all the lands he had journeyed to in this old ship, the Tempest held memories he was not fond of but there was always that connection he had to it as he had always made sure she was well maintained.

He made a mental note to make sure he sent out his envoys to their allies to invite them to the event as Pincher knew that this would be a good way to have a formal event between the two since Rosebloods and Sunhaven had invited the Typhoon. Pincher had unluckily been able to travel to those two events, caught up with his work and well...he subconsciously raised a pale snow white paw to the mid section of his broad neck, the bandages that had hidden his injury now gone but he could remember the feeling in his chest. There were no scars marking him but...the pain was still there. Internal bleeding of an immortal. How odd. He sucked in a deep breath, his gills gently closing as he turned to look at how the ship had been decorated. Multiple cobwebs hung and swayed gently all around the ship's exterior while skulls of various creatures hung with their lower jaws gaping open and empty sockets staring emptily.

Were they real? Pincher wasn't so sure. He had told some crewmates to just fetch skulls and knowing well enough his crew, some were probably real and others not. Lit pumpkins with sly wicked grins sat all around the deck with pirate hats covering the top of their heads and some even had eyepatches. Skeletons (once again, he was unsure if they were real or not) also were seated comically around the two long wooden tables that had been set alongside each other with covers of ghosts. One table was covered with rich delicious food that varied from vegetables to meat to fruits to anything else that could be seen as mouth-watering. Of course, there was fish and rum but that was because Pincher always liked to hint the uniqueness that the Typhoon had with its culture. He smiled briefly at the thought before turning to focus on the other table and bit back a chuckle.

This was the "daring" table. One could either tell a truth or be dared to eat disgusting dishes of various types. Fish heads, bowl of tuna eyes, a bowl of fried insects found all over the jungle, jellied meat, rotten cheese, salt water crocodile tongue and much more that had been found and created by mischevious cooks in the crew. Pincher grimaced, wrinkling his nose when he caught sight of his own creation out of pure evil, octopus ink filled dumplings. He had decided to mash the two together and well...he certainly hoped he wouldn't be dared to eat anything. He had made sure he had smoothen out his fur, his muscular form now standing tall at the entrance of the ship where one walked up the plank to invite his crew and guests in. He cleared his throat and stated "Welcome everyone to the Typhoon's Spooky Feast. Feel free to grab a drink or a snack but if you want to begin the truth or dare game with the disgusting ass food over there, go ahead. Hell, I can be your first victim of truth or dare." Pincher shrugged his lean tattooed shoulders, the dark storm gray panthera hybrid flashing a charming yet slightly nervous grin.

Re: TV STATIC MAGIC — HAUNTED SHIP 'FEAST' - rhosmari - 10-29-2018

This was perhaps her first invite to an event in the Typhoon. Something she was extremely nervous about all things considered. Her mind often dwelled on what she had said upon thinking she was about to die and she wondered where it had even come from. What had she been thinking and she really hoped that no one had heard what she had said as she had lost her mind and fell unconscious. It was enough to possibly make her hid in her room forever and never come out. Even now as she walked toward the Typhoon she was mostly just trying to make sure she was presentable for the Feast, shifting her form to make sure she hadn't missed any grooming that needed to be done. Taking several baths and she looked as good as she thought she as going to for the current moment. Her coffee cream form walked with a hidden confidence, snake like eyes peering forward as she pressed one paw after the other against the cold railing of the railroad tracks that connected the island to the mainland. The soft tapping of her claws allowed her to at least calm a bit even as water surged over and dampened her legs. It was supposed to be a scary night of games and all of that so she prepared herself for the spooks. Though she had to say she was pretty good with scary things.

For a moment the hellbeast paused just outside of the gate, eyes flicking over the 'decorations' before flicking down to the basket of snakes. She remembered when she had been here before, but as a smaller creature. One that had little defenses against feral reptilian creatures. But that time had passed and though her soul had found a more suitable form to be in she often wondered what would have happened if she hadn't have died. If Pincher had never came along and broken her curse. Her eyes flicked down to the basket of snakes and she began to realize that she had never properly thanked him for his role in what had happened. She needed to do that and perhaps she could here. It wouldn't take long and she would be able to put her own mind at ease by being respectful. With a better resolve to actually enjoy the feast the woman would move forward through the gate and across the sands. Her eyes flicked toward the ship that was decorated with cobwebs and skulls, the smells of odd food wafting from the area and she couldn't help but make a face. Yes, some of the scents were very much unpleasant but then again as the words lifted up into the air she had a feeling about what it was fur. Devious. Chuckling with mild amusement the canine stepped forward toward the Captain, lightly lifting one of her tails to gently touch him against the back in greeting as she sat down beside him.

"Nice little get taegether ya got here." Her words were a soft murmur, gentle in tones as she lowered her head a bit and gazed at the strange food items that were there. Truth or dare. A staple game if there was any and she glanced over to Pincher before lightly lifting a paw to knock his shoulder. It wasn't too harsh but very much playful as she smirked a little. "Hey, stop looking all tight and nervous. Ya need tae have some fun. I got a dare for ya if ya want tae try it." There was a hint of mischief in her voice because she was just looking to have some fun. Not worry about the troubles of the world or worry about other groups. Frankly being in the Typhoon now was a comfort and she already knew why. It had been like that for a while now and she laid down, pressing her head up against Pincher's paws, eyes gleaming with light mirth in them as she waited to see if he would take her up on her offer. Though her eyes were suddenly caught up by something. Wait, were those fish heads. Her muzzle curled at the thought of actually having a punishment that involved eating that and she felt a shiver run down her spine. That was cruel and inhumane. She liked it.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


Will reply tomorrow! Track!


Re: TV STATIC MAGIC — HAUNTED SHIP 'FEAST' - bubblegum - 10-30-2018


This feast was definitely one was to distract everyone from the mass of spirits around camp. In fact, Caesar had been visited by two of them whom took on the appearance of his siblings and had been quite unnerved by the experience. In fact, the Officer had refused to leave his quarters for the longest time due to not wanting to see the spirits again. Eventually though, Caesar knew he had to get out at some point, considering he was a high position here and he had duties to attend to. This event could definitely be something to start with, no?

"Hell yeah I'm playing." Caesar tried to hide the weariness in his voice as he approached the 'daring' table, forcing a grin on his maw as he stood next to Goldenluxury. This could hopefully provide enough distraction so he didn't have to focus on the ghosts around camp for too long and be spooked by his 'siblings' again.

Re: TV STATIC MAGIC — HAUNTED SHIP 'FEAST' - Masie - 11-01-2018

The place was set up nicely, but it would be a matter of time to see if it stayed that way, considering that anything could happen.. Especially when any of the raptors happened to be present, and Masie always seemed to be present, wandering from her nest to explore and try understanding the wide world of The Typhoon surrounding her. A brown blur passed by several NPC's who grumbled already having a pretty good idea of what the vague running shape had been, the tap of tiny claws being heard against the floor. With so many smells all over the place? Masie was on hyperdrive checking out all the food items, but most of them remained untouched and uninteresting, expect for their scent. Most of the young raptors diet was still given to her by another member of her pack short of the occasional mouse she crushed, she had not yet properly learned the tearing into things her sisters knew by heart, so she didn't know how to get some of the food items into her stomach.

However, a particular table was filled with things already torn up, small or otherwise things that would not look appetizing unless one was looking for a meal in the way she did. Tiny feet clattered with their sharp claws on the ground as she double timed over to the truth and dare table, skidding to a stop only a matter of a second before she would have impacted with it. "Food!" Her chitter was happy as she put her muzzle on the table, eyes locked on the fish heads before she looked at the others standing there and returned her gaze to the fish heads. When was someone going to feed her?! 

Re: TV STATIC MAGIC — HAUNTED SHIP 'FEAST' - Grey - 11-03-2018

It was a weird sensation, an out of body experience, to be suddenly drawn back to reality. Sometimes his eyes were unable to perceive what was actually in front of him, blending and merging, lines blurring. He would be paying attention, letting his mind process everything his gaze saw, but still be surprised when the volume of the sounds around him suddenly elevated. There were moments where he wouldn't even react when dirt was flying towards him until it was too late. Only then would his reflexes kick into gear, mechanically moving him, causing his elementals to lash out in an attempt to protect him from something that could have been completely harmless. He was getting lousy, leaving his guard down but at the same time, keeping his walls high. He felt too detached to allow emotional connections to be formed, but he was more vulnerable than ever because the physical world around him didn't seem to shackle him to the ground the way it used to. He felt weightless, able to be easily drifted away into the realm of his mind, speaking to himself in various tongues. Bakugou didn't even have to think with words. All he needed was some kind of spark in his head, a feeling, and he would immediately understand what the disembodied voice of his mind was saying.

Festivals, parties, feasts. They were all social gatherings, all the same to him. He didn't like attending them because it meant he had to care for his physical appearance, it meant he was prone to being talked to by the likes of anyone. He would rather stand around and brood, maybe take a bit of food and sit down to watch everyone go about their lives like normal mortals. He thought himself different to them, finding himself unable to integrate because he never understood extroverts. Still, he appreciated the active social life of The Typhoon. It filled the place with energy, made their situation with the ghosts less dramatic even though they had been messing with them throughout the month. He surely hoped they would be gone by the start of November, wondering if they were only present in this world during Octobers. There were still a number of things Bakugou had yet to understand in this universe. It was all still very much new, despite having been a part of The Typhoon three months now. Although the idiocy of pirates couldn't surprise him much, there were still a number of things that confused him. He still, for example, doesn't understand the presence of dinosaurs in this world and why they were all so rare. Maybe this world was just a dumpster of forgotten laws and broken, fragmented physics.

For once, he isn't decorated by the remnants of burnt wood, ashes clean from his cream pelt. One would probably be unconvinced if Bakugou mentioned he had groomed himself to look semi-decent because there were a significant number of rogue strands that flicked outwards, constantly giving him an prickly appearance. Well, his fur wasn't lying. The Reaver was well known for his explosive and antisocial personality, perhaps it was a physical manifestation of how it felt to dare to interact with the ragdoll. He wouldn't know. When the male arrives at the feast, he notes the number of pirates who were already filling the vast spaces available, counting the single ally who had arrived. He didn't know her name until an NPC walked past, decorated in an assortment of jewels, whispered to him that the hellion was the leader of Sunhaven, Marina. She looks far too cozy interacting with his Captain but Bakugou feels no need to suddenly flare and become protective. He doesn't care who Pincher associated himself with so long as it meant they had a leader. They needed someone to keep their troublemakers in place, troublemakers being the likes of himself. As much as he hated that Pincher had scolded him that one time, he appreciated that it was only a warning.

Normally, the ragdoll would move straight to the food. He would fill his plate before resorting to a more isolated area, sitting down to eat while he glared at anyone who walked too close to him. He'd sit there, twiddling his own tail, almost appearing nervous if it weren't for the fact that he gave just about anybody daggers. This time, however, his attention was shifted towards Pincher's small address to the guests attending the feast. There was nothing stopping him from tuning in, not even the gentle rocks of The Tempest could distract the Reaver. Truth or Dare. He doesn't feel any interest in partaking in the game. Usually it caused more arguments and gossip than it needed. It was easier to sleep through parties than actually participate in them, Bakugou knowing that he was too introverted for his own good to participate. One glance at the food that was squelching - heck he thought he even saw one of them move - was enough to tell him that joining the game was a dare in itself. He wasn't going to join himself had it not been for the fact that no one was taking initiative to begin the game. He scrunches his nose, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Fine, he'll play.

"I'll say the first dare since no one's actually started the game," the ragdoll says, rolling his eyes. To be completely honest, he doesn't want to be here. He would be trembling in fear, concerned to say a truth or a dare, had it not been that he wanted to uphold a reputation. Bakugou's sanguine gaze drift about, finally settling his attention onto the next member to post who wants to play truth or dare and saying: "Truth or dare?" The own words felt strange for him to say. It wasn't in his nature but here he was, trying something new because he couldn't stand watching everyone so awkwardly interact with each other. Besides, he tries to convince himself, he didn't want to be stuck on raptor babysitting duty. Just looking at Masie already made him queasy, stressed that he might be forced to look after the feral fem because he was the only one not playing.

click me!:


//this is after he shifts back into his gsd form and masie knows about it

Of course it had to be him. Did Bakugou have something against him or something? The black and brown german shepherd had walked into the party to find out that Bakugou was glaring- fucking glaring- at him, and then demanding 'Truth or Dare' from him.

What was this, second grade?

"Truth, I don't trust your ass. You'd probably make me jump off the plank just for the hell of it." Owen snorted cockily, grinning at the feline as he sat down next to his daughter, pulling a chunk of meat off of the table to hold it out for her to eat.

When the male told him to say who he was most afraid of as his truth, the german shepherd snickered. "Pinch, most definitely. Pinch or Goldie. I don't know why, Pinch, but the idea of your kid being angry scares me."

Turning to the next person, Owen stared at the next person who posts.
"Truth or Dare?"

//truth: who is your favorite typhoon member?
dare: chug two glasses of alcohol



Be it his luck to wander straight into a truth or dare game.  Well, that certainly brought back memories.  The endfield raised a brow towards Owen before shrugging, "Truth." He decided not to break the pattern, though next round he'd likely go the 'dare' route.  He liked a good challenge afterall.

Favorite? "That's easy." The first questions are always simple and innocent.  Oh well.  "My neice, of course; Keona." Séamus had yet to truly grow attach to any other crewmates in particular, though the crew as a whole... Well, he'd already fallen into the trap of calling the Typhoon 'home' despite himself.  Still, only Keona took the crown; she was all he had left of her mother. Not to mention the rest of their family distrusted him too much.

Guess I go now. Séamus grinned wrly, and to the next person, made his inquiry. "Truth or dare?"

// truth: if you could walk in someone else's shoes for a day, whose would it be? preferably someone from the typhoon.

dare: eat three tuna eyes.

"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: TV STATIC MAGIC — HAUNTED SHIP 'FEAST' - Grey - 11-07-2018

Bakugou snorts at the german shepherd, the canine in his direct line of fire. He already had a few premade truths or dares, finding the need to plan his next words because Truth or Dare wasn't exactly a game he liked the play. He struggled with why others found it fun, enjoyable to dare others to do stupid things, exciting to hear others choke on answers. To be honest, he was hoping the male would pick dare because he had a bone to pick with the raptor trainer. This would be a good excuse for him to watch the other suffer and do nothing about it, snarling in disappointment when the male picked truth because he didn't trust him. Well, the male wasn't wrong about that. But he still couldn't stifle a comment: "Coward." And he certainly felt right to have called Owen that when he said that he found Goldenluxury to be scarier than Pincher, flicking an ear curiously at the other's reasoning. He's never really witnessed the girl angry, or at least to the point that she was yelling and snarling. Was Bakugou intimidating? To children, maybe, but he knows many are used to his frequent outbursts that it wasn't scary anymore. The Typhoon has just come to accept that it was how the Reaver was.

Funnily enough, Bakugou had managed to get the game going, cocking a figurative brow when Owen had the initiative to continue by asking Seamus the next question. No one seemed to be picking dare and he had a feeling it was something to do with the unappetizing food on the table, the way some of them squirmed and still seemed to be alive. The male had picked truth, receiving a question that the ragdoll would not like to have received himself. Truth was, he didn't feel particularly close to anyone. He felt detached. Goldenluxury and Kirishima had been his main go-to's but since Goldie's amnesia and Kirishima's lack of presence in The Typhoon, he was beginning to feel lonely again. The only thing that accompanied him was routine, the only thing that made him feel sane. Before he realised it, however, he was drawn into the childish game. Truth or dare, Seamus had asked him. His ear twitches, "Dare." He wasn't going to be a coward like Owen and Seamus, refusing to appear meek and afraid of doing things that were uncomfortable. Besides, he wasn't very good at expressing what he was truly thinking. He was far better at venting in the midst of battle than just sitting down and talking about how he felt.

He bites his bottom lip, eyes shifting towards the tuna eyes. "Bad dare," he says, snorting at the male. To anyone else, the dare would have been awful. But the consumption of fish eyes in Japan wasn't uncommon. One time his mother had forced him to eat them when he was a child, claiming it'd make him smarter. Although it gave bad memories, he wasn't phased about eating the eyes. He walks towards the 'dish', sniffing it to ensure it wasn't foul smelling. Although the food being off wouldn't harm him considering his awfully high body temperature, he didn't want to eat anything that had been spoilt because it would leave a horrible taste in his mouth. It seemed fine, at least, the male taking all three at the same time for the sake of proving just how weak of a dare it'd been. He swallows, the slimy gooeyness rolling down his throat. He opens his mouth to prove he had consumed the fish eyes before shifting his attention to the next person to post. "Yo, truth or dare?"

click me for truth/dare!: