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black skinhead | MEETING - Printable Version

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black skinhead | MEETING - Stryker - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Compared to his previous meeting, it was going to be a smaller one. There was little to discuss, drama to gossip about, and groups to bother. Stryker wasn't planning on talking much either. The only thing that was necessarily new was all of their new members, some changes within the drama with the Typhoon, Benny's new target as a marauder, and then possibly some other small announcements regarding the holidays. Possibly some other things based on the community. Depends. Truly, he wasn't too enthralled. Plus, he wasn't necessarily feeling up to hosting a glorious meeting today. Nevertheless, it was his job and he had to do this part of it... The rest he threw down onto the lower ranks. Whoops.

With that in mind, instead of starting off early and continuing to make a ruckus till the majority arrived, he simply called out once. "Pittians, GATHER." And then he would wait. As per usual, they would gather near the stage and stare upon their glorious leader.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - ninazu - 10-27-2018

© lexasperated
The erudite flicked her tails as she approached, a bit disappointed by the lack of blood splatter for the meeting. Well, she supposed, she could hardly expect Stryker to introduce a novel execution method at every meeting -- the members of the group already proved numb to the daily violence of their lives. Even she would find it dull after a month or so, like how she hardly reacted now when a slave got beaten in the streets. She chased the exquisite eccentricity of certain strains of violence, linked as they were by a common component. But eccentricities became the norm, even plebeian, after enough exposure; cauterizing wounds, for example, no longer held the same appeal it once provided her.

Musing on spicing up the gore around here -- and, to a lesser extent, necessary 'traditions' like meetings and the weekly tasks -- she joined the growing crowd in front of Stryker. Hell knew what matters he'd bring up now.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - Felibri - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; line-height:115%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"]Rozovsky trotted over, his heart racing, because he had never been directly adressed by a leader. His homecountry had been much more populous. In secret, away from his leader’s ears, he was able to criticize them. He was still working Stryker out, because he had hardly seen him around. The large wolf’s golden eyes flickered reluctantly to the the leader, brows furrowing.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - guts - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette comes over in a lame track post, taking a seat beside her mentor. She flashes the other female a smile before her eyes settle on Stryker, curious to hear what he had to say, as he was ever the spontaneous one. It was a shame activity had been so low recently.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - B. WAYNE - 10-28-2018


Re: black skinhead | MEETING - Dragon- - 10-28-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate — 。+゚.[/glow]
Leopard had fallen asleep by the stage the previous night, having exhausted himself with the weekly tasks and not wanting to bother to get to cup's house for the night. He had slept in worse places and his cloak kept out the biting cold. He had been awoken by the footfalls of the Ardent Stryker and was immediately awake, quickly moving off of the stage. The large feline would readjust his cloak in an attempt to block the sunlight, for he did not enjoy sunburn on his scars. Leo would silently wait for the meeting to begin, gaze settling upon the Ardent.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - teef - 10-29-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" i don't believe in anything ... "


coming to join the gathering ranks of pittians, jerisidie kept his head at an even level, no trace of emotion showing on the hellhound's heavily scarred face. his mask was flipped up, scraping against his horns with every awkward step that he took, his prosthetic leg limp and dying, the vegetation dry and twisted. he rather hated the sand, and the call that had brought him from his thoughts. a simple smirk sat on what was visible of his lips, scabs and scars crackling where the injury had ripped down to his skull, fresh blood beginning to bead. he had narrowly missed the previous meeting, coming now to this one, interested in what would go down after the glory spectacle of the previous gathering. taking a seat he let his tail curl over his feet, one golden eye sweeping the folk around himself before returning to the muscled lion before them all on the stage, eye narrowing slightly as his thoughts drifted, admiring the other's structure, silently wondering in the most broken part of his mind what it would take to unravel the monster standing upon the stage. he was a man of pride and ego, something that spoke to who he himself had been at one time, a memory that the general had long ago locked away when he first began to exact his revenge on the unknowing.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - ; albion - 10-30-2018

benny came to the meeting, on impulse looking for cosette as they usually sat beside each other. normally cheering the other on with good news to be announced. when he saw her by nazu, the fox began to make his way toward the pair before suddenly halting. he didn't remember ninazu being too hot for him before... maybe she should spend time with her mentor too.

the fox quickly backtracked and sat next to leo with a small smirk toward the pittian, then looked to stryker.

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - Stryker - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Patiently waiting, the lion let out a sigh as Ninazu arrived onto the scene. He was glad to see her face around, as she held a great amount of importance to him. Even so, she couldn't save him from today. Boring... Boring... Boring! The damn stuff was boring. There was no drama! No flare to today's meeting! Truly, it was rather... Well.... boring. Stryker just happened to be leading, so he had to hold the damn thing. Though unwilling to cooperate with his tasks, he knew he had to at least proceed with at least one thing once and awhile. After awhile, he got thinking. There was something he could definitely do to spice things up this meeting. All he had to do was breeze through the easy stuff and then announce his glorious plans.

Stryker overlapped his two front paws and straightened out his stance. Some parts of the crowd fell silent, noticing he was preparing to speak. Others kept interrupting... Rude bastards can't take a hint. "Let's get started," he announced loudly. "As per my non-existent routine, that you guys have yet to see, I am going to start with what bores me most. Don't be snoozing in the audience, sweetheart." His eyes laid on Leopard unintentionally. Little did he know, one of their newest member was quite tired! "I'm going to take the time to introduce [member=1929]JERISIDIE[/member] , [member=148]Leopard.[/member] , [member=211]goodiebag[/member] , [member=1902]BRUCE WALKER.[/member] , [member=1975]DANTE[/member] northwest , and [member=2648]Kasper[/member] to The Pitt." A paw outreached towards each new member as he spoke, making sure his group knew who was who. "If any of you would like a private introductory session with me, such as a tour, feel free to speak up." The more educated, the better. With their recent changes, there had to be some confusions... or this was just an excuse for him to get to know people and gain them onto his side. No harsh feelings. "That goes for anyone else also." Even so, anyone who had been here for a long time and didn't know the basics should be disregarded... Stryker kept that in the back of his mind though. There was time to deal with the fools later.

Besides that, their older members needed to be addressed. "There are no promotions this week, but Eugene has been demoted." The male had disappeared off the face of the earth for some reason, but Stryker wasn't necessarily interested in investigating. It WAS his problem... He just wasn't that motivated. "Small warning to Quill, step it up, buddy." Seeing that he wasn't even at the meeting, would he even get the message?

His muscles tensed. "With that said, I would like to move onto our enemies." For a moment, he searched the audience for Benny and made sure to make eye contact with his marauder. Their mutual bond between battles was important. "The raid on Tanglewood was successful, despite their return raid in an attempt to gain Delilah back." More like a successful attempt than just an attempt, but he wasn't going to admit their faults. "Props to [member=2048]COSETTE[/member] for taking initiative and capturing their precious medic, along with many thanks to [member=1555]benny g.[/member] for hosting the raid. You are both appreciated." As usual, keeping it up could definitely benefit them in the long run... and it already has. "After that though, Benny has proposed to make the Typhoon our newest bi-weekly target. Feel free to attack them. Bonus points to whoever manages to snatch Goldenluxury back or perhaps one of her family members. Pincher equals a ravishing promotion." Was he kidding? Perhaps. Stryker was a man with a plan and he needed to execute them. All someone had to do was bribe them. "Not only that though, we've got a little plan for them." A sick smile met his lips. "We will be burning their territory as an extra punishment, seeing that they took my precious little girl-" More like playtoy. He phrased that oddly. "-away from me." Hopefully this tactic would scare them away, finally giving up on their precious princess. Stryker doubted it nevertheless. He would fight tooth and nail til things went his way though. "We'll act on it as soon as possible."

There was more. "In a bout of frustration, I have also decided to take up on a very important and personal opportunity." Their leader got very personal with his destruction, obviously. "We are going to also burn down Snowbound while we have the chance. This will happen the day afterwards to give our forces time to relax and heal up." Ninazu and Cosette will surely be working hard for the days after both battles, but hopefully the stronger members could man up and get out there despite their injuries. He sure would be. Even so, the wounds would take days to heal. Their ardent didn't necessarily care. As long as his goal was achieved, he was satisfied. "These plans may or may not be changed. Until further notice, prepare accordingly." Whoever wanted to host training or preparations would be allowed to. Their ardent would certainly appreciate the help around here.
//Removed because this plot has changed.

Stryker looked around, noting the reactions of his members as he finished. "Is everything clear?" he added at the end, hoping everything was addressed.

//Apologies for such a late reply, I needed confirmation on a few announcements and plans I had. Still waiting for a few things though... Links coming soon!

Re: black skinhead | MEETING - guts - 11-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She hadn't expected to get a shout-out, but when her name was announced, she felt a wave of satisfaction wash over her, a small smile making it's way onto her face. She had been noticed for something other than her cowardliness for once. Dipping her head to the male, she feels uncomfortable in the brief lime-light, stiffly shuffling her paws. "Th-thank you, sir." she says softly before the meeting continues on.

At the announcement of burning down other clans' territories, Cosette perks up, both intrigued and anxious at the idea. It sounded fun enough, and a good come-back after having their prisoners yanked away, but she wasn't eager for all the patients that would flood in. At least it would be good practice for her skills. She sighs under her breath, making a mental note to refresh her knowledge and check the herb supply.