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plot with my babies? - Printable Version

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plot with my babies? - rhosmari - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]so i think i want a place to collectively plot with all of my characters and right now i'm more focused on three of them then all four. but hopefully my muse will come back for him eventually ;-;. but this is where it stands right now and i'm hyped to have long and short term plots with them. i prefer open thread interactions but private threads are a-okay!

Marina Monroe - Sunhaven Helion (leader) - ref

- 32 months old
- Hellhound with Baslisk mutations

+ open to
- being a mentor
- drinking during lonely nights
- sparring
- human aus
- getting into fights
- making friends
- def open for enemies
- long term plots/angst (please hmu)
- adopting babies!
- whatever isn't on this list i guess??? lmaooooo (just ask)

+ closed to
- litters
- long and short term romances (pinchina is thing)
- being captured (unless there is a very good plot for it)
- maiming

Technopaw - Typhoon Sage (training in medicine) - ref

- 9 months old
- catsune

+ open to
- being mentored
- getting into scuffles
- her lycanthropy being triggered
- her making macaroni art of your charry
- trying to get her to take a bath
- a best friend
- making rivals
- playing games
- being led astray
- led into some vices
- talking your char's ear off
- a cute little crush on your charry, could be mutual
- anything else not on this list lmaooooo (just ask)

+ closed to
- litters
- capture (unless there is a very good plot for it)
- being maimed
- fights

Noctis Caelum - Tanglewood member

- 21 months old
- black amur leopard with silver pattern

+ open to
- being captured (will fight his way out)
- hardcore fights
- your charry being harmed by ardyn
- making friends
- being taught to open up a bit
- sparring partners
- someone he can confide in
- arguments
- long and short term plots
- romances both short and long term (slow burns are fun but not necessary)
- anything not specified (just ask)

+ closed to
- litters
- being maimed

Re: plot with my babies? - rhosmari - 10-28-2018


Re: plot with my babies? - ATTICUS - 10-29-2018

Yo! Atticus is still pretty new but I definately want to get him involved in some stuff. He is a member of the Ascendants though, so I'm not sure If you'd want to work something out for that? He's open for anything (except death/torture prob)

Re: plot with my babies? - rhosmari - 10-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:grey;"]oh yeah him being in the ascendants is totally fine! who are you looking to plot with? Depending on who will receive a different reaction but i'm all game for plots!

Re: plot with my babies? - Quill - 10-29-2018

Honestly anyone! Just depends on who you want to be influenced by Atticus or vise versa. As I said he's still pretty new and a clean slate so it's more of just getting him out there and involved c:

Here's his tags!

Re: plot with my babies? - rhosmari - 10-30-2018

I think it would be fun if he met this little child! The Ascendants and Typhoon are enemies but tech doesn’t know about that stuff yet and she’s a live wire. so she would be all over the place and attempting to climb Atticus. She is very tiny and is half the size of a full grown domestic cat and she won’t get any bigger than that. But her tags are in her siggy if you want to look

Re: plot with my babies? - ATTICUS - 10-30-2018

Haha  I love it! I'm all for it.

I can't make until like.. tonight though so unless you want to?

Re: plot with my babies? - bubblegum - 10-30-2018

i would absolutely LOVE for an interaction between marina and goldie!! not too sure what would go down but i need mama marina in my life
also!! i think goldie and technopaw having little baby crushes on each other would be adorable

Re: plot with my babies? - Grimm - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]i am here to throw cc at techno cause she is adorable

i kinda like the thought cc ends up getting hurt and either goes to techno or she stumbles across them and it could lead into friendship because cc is already curious about techno, i can also see them trying to get her to climb trees with them cause they enjoy running along the branches