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STABBING IN THE DARK // panic attack - Printable Version

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STABBING IN THE DARK // panic attack - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-25-2018

//small trigger warning for my attempt at describing a panic attack, as well a brief mention of abuse in the second paragraph.

Of course Tanglewood being here and staying for a while was going to put Gordon on edge for a while, but what really had the tiny she-cat spooked out the most was the sight of one of their members. One of their Tanglewood visitors was a large, yellow savannah cat and the mere color of his fur immediately made Gordon's heart sank. Soon after they returned to camp, the little Goldenblood fled to her home. She could feel her heart pounding her chest as she curled herself into a corner of her room, her body trembling as she laid on the ground. Her chest was tight, and she found it hard to breathe. Gordon closed her eyes, reaching forward to grab the nearest stuffed animal she could.

The Tanglewood visitor Gordon had saw reminded her of her father, Caesar. Although she had never officially been apart of The Typhoon, she was near their island and he often visited her and her brother Billiam. Unfortunately these vists didn't exactly... end too well, as Caesar usually ended up screaming at the both of them. He occasionally lashed out at them as well, or threw things at them if there was an object nearby. The bright fur of the Tanglewood visitor is what triggered the memory of her father and Gordon was absolutely terrified that he saw her. If he saw her, that meant he would come here and hurt her or force her back to The Typhoon or at worse, kill her.

If one would come into Gordon's house, they could hear the little she-cat crying in her room and of course, if they followed the noise of her cries, they would find her curled up into the corner of her room and clutching a stuff animal. Her sobs were slightly muffled by said toy, but it could be heard from within her home.

where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: STABBING IN THE DARK // panic attack - buckingham barnes - 10-26-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The camp certainly seems more crowded with their ally, Tanglewood, taking refugee from their home due to ghosts. Bucky knew that even Sunhaven had some situations with ghosts, but while compared to Tanglewood, their ghost problems are so minuscule. Sunhaven hasn't been driven out of their home by an overrun of ghosts. God, he hopes that won't happen- he's sure Tanglewood wouldn't want to go through that again. Bucky was padding his way through the sea village, when his ears pricked up at a crying voice. Instantly, all of his thoughts on the ghosts and Tanglewood were lost. The male stood still, ears pricked in the direction of the muffled cry, paying close attention. That sounded like Gordon, why is she crying? As Bucky has enhanced senses, he heard her cries easier than others would in camp. While others without the ability would hear her cries too, they wouldn't have heard it as much as Buckingham. With a swish of his tail, the maine coon began to make his way to Gordon's house, deciding it would be best to check on her.

The male arrived to her door, letting out a soft sigh before he gently knocked with his front flesh paw. "Hey Gordon, are you alright in there? It's Bucky, by the way."

Re: STABBING IN THE DARK // panic attack - Luciferr - 10-28-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status as their once ex-general. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
"I hear distressed cries, though faintly" the Angeli murmurs from behind Bucky - still unused to such shortened names, it feels much to friendly, he doesn't think it a good thing to possibly end up attached to what can easily die and eventually will in the blink of an eye, he doesn't have the heart to watch friends fade - possibly startling the smaller feline at his quiet and quite sudden approach.

"Perhaps you should enquire? I do not know her after all" and would likely be less of a welcome presence, strangers in ones house isn't usually looked upon gladly.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: STABBING IN THE DARK // panic attack - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-31-2018

The knock at the door startled Gordon, causing the she-cat to jump and clutch at the stuffed animal more. Gordon's ears pricked, listening to the voice that called out to her. Gordon's gaze flickered towards where the door would be and sensed Bucky's aura in addition to being able to hear the male's voice. Buckingham's red and grey aura shone through the walls, soon joined with another, unfamiliar black and purple color. She couldn't hear Crypticwhisper's voice due to the angeli murmuring to Bucky, but she was able to sense that the male was there.

Was she alright? Physically, yes. Emotionally, mentally? No. Gordon couldn't handle the amount of people here and honestly just wanted to stay locked up in her room, but unfortunately she did hold a high position here. And while Bucky wasn't one of her comfort people, he was, at the very least, somebody she knew. Gordon sucked in a breath, hating how the action made her feel how much pressure was in her chest currently. Slowly, the Goldenblood abandoned her spot in her room and carried her plush with her towards the living room, where the door was located. "Is... Y-you can come in." The she-cat stammered out, setting down her plush to speak. "J-just you," She didn't want a stranger seeing her like this - she didn't want anybody to see her like this but Buckingham was at least somebody she vaguely knew.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━