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LITTLE HOPE - open; tangler visit - Printable Version

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LITTLE HOPE - open; tangler visit - MATUAH - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:whitesmoke;"]Tch, he could feel it, a strange ache that surrounded his body but he didn't feel it physically. It felt more buried within, a throbbing of his very spirit that he couldn't shake. Perhaps it was because of the suddenness in which he had come to this world but that was the only reason he could think for the reason of it. It was hard to ignore but he had to in order to figure things out and how this had all come to be. Tanglewood. He knew little of them save for their predicament in which they were being overran by daemons. They seemed to be mostly comprised of ghouls and ghostly figures which was a good thing. He'd hate to see a Behemoth in his condition considering how tired he really was. That would be a tricky fight he was not willing to get into especially alone. All this time he hadn't thought of the others and he didn't wish to embark upon that train of thought. It'd leave him feeling too open and scarred and he didn't need to crumble right now. A soft breath escaped him as his paws continued to move forward and though tired he was attempting to figure out what this world was about and how it worked. He'd been here for perhaps all of two and a half days and he needed to understand what he would be facing.

Along with trying to understand how being an animal worked he need to get a grip of his surroundings. So he had left from the barren wasteland of Tanglewood. Though he did plan on getting back there soon. His steps had long since crossed the border of whatever area this was and he could see now that it consisted of mostly open flat lands. A lake which he had just happened to stumble upon and it seemed a large building of to the side with a dome like structure. This seemed more to his liking and a hub for people so why not go that way. Slowly the amur leopard of ink colored fur turned away from the water, eyes on the place that slowly became closer the longer he walked. But it appeared that something was happening. He felt it before it happen, like a strange stirring in his spirit, his soul. It seemed to bulge outward, expanding to encompass all of him and the pain. His head lifted up, straining muscles to keep a scream from leaving his throat. His eyes closed as he dug his claws into the ground, body rigid as he stood there fighting whatever this was. It sapped him and leached the strength he had from his form causing him to stumble and press hard against a tree.

Panting heavily his eyes opened, hooded dark dark blues looking at the ground "Wh...what the hell...?" He breathed out the question hoarsely as the moment passed and he slowly lifted his head. Why had that happened? He couldn't begin to understand the reason for it and so he tried to not think about it and and give himself a moment to recuperate and at least stand back up on his four legs. It took a longer moment than he though it would but he pushed himself shakily to stand, pulling his ears forward as he looked at the building. "Hey, anyone around?" His voice carried through the stillness of the air and slowly the fabled prince sat down, debating on taking a nap right then and there. It would do him some good but staying alert would matter more right now. "Man, I hope their friendly."

Re: LITTLE HOPE - open; tangler visit - BABY — - 10-26-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan had pretty much assimilated to this unfamiliar terrain; he knew it like the back of his paw. The borders, the innards of the Observatory, all of it. After all, Titan had a lot of free time to himself and made it a habit to explore his surroundings more and more every day. What use was living in a territory if you didn't even know what was inside of its own borders?

The lion had been on his way to check the borders, coincidentally. The tensions with Sunhaven left no room for slacking off, and a duty-oriented male like him couldn't stand to sit and do nothing. He made his way down the stairs, his large paws digging into the grass. Titan's eyes fixed onto the stranger, and he could almost immediately recognize him as a trespasser. He appeared lost, and his unfamiliar scent was beginning to t r i c k l e into his nostrils. This caused a reaction from the Lunar Lieutenant -- eyes narrowed into daggers, his fur bristling, his amber eyes flaring up in realization. This would certainly not do; trespassers were no good, especially [u]this[/u] far into the territory.

Titan approached the stranger hastily, firmly stating in his rather [sub]deep[/sub] vocals, "This is Ascendants territory." He looked down upon the leopard. "If you have no business being here, then I suggest you leave now."

Re: LITTLE HOPE - open; tangler visit - MATUAH - 10-26-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:whitesmoke;"]He could practically smell the hostility leaking off of the lion the moment the male turned and actually noticed him. Guessed he was wrong on the friendly part but then again he should have known all things considered. But normally people traveling from one place to another were not met with a thick barrel of muscles leering down at them. Well, unless that barrel of muscles was... His thoughts cut short as a headache ripped through his skull and he bowed his head, ears pulling back against his skull as he attempted to take a deep breath in and recover. It pulsed and it was almost as if something was trying to split his head in half, cleaving it into separate pieces. Black spots burst across his vision and he barely hung on before he shuddered and lifted up his head to peer at the lion with hooded blackish blue eyes. Glazed over with pain he huffed sharply before he forced himself to stand up properly from leaning against against the tree. He couldn't look weak right now and he pulled his ears back for a moment as he struggled to keep the male in his vision. All he wished to know more than anything was what the hell was wrong with him. "Cut the crap, alright." He spoke evenly as he stood there, gaze slightly drawn to the ground once more.

He was just trying to compose himself before he allowed his eyes to find the lion again. All of these animals could talk and that was interesting but he didn't appreciate the sudden jump at him for merely being here. What was their situation anyway? Did someone do something to them recently. Rather that was the case or not he wasn't happy with the presentation but he could at least try to understand. Straightening himself up a bit he debated over the name of the place. Something called the Ascendants and he felt almost like it was some type of cult name. They had those from where he had come from and it could just as well be possible to this place as well. "Yeah I have business otherwise I wouldn't be here." He stated rather slowly, eyes closing again as he attempted to focus on anything else but his headache right now. It was tough trying to figure out what caused it to happen and the other spiritual pain he felt. Regardless he sighed and looked up toward the building. "I'm trying to figure out what this place is? guys, in general where the hell did I end up?"

Re: LITTLE HOPE - open; tangler visit - agathe. - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]She was a quiet and cold force, one that did not divulge any emotion and she paused besides her coworker. Titan earned the faintest of nods in greeting before her attention honed onto this stranger, golden gaze alight with muted curiosity and a well-concealed hostility. Given their track record with other groups, she wasn't too keen on seeing somebody simply appear on their border making demands of them, but that scent, one she had just recently committed to memory, was one of a friend- was it not? She'd roll her shoulders contemplatively, obviously lost in thought as she pondered his questions and what exactly they entailed for a few seconds. Why come here? Why want to know what they, of all people, were doing? Agathe was suspicious, and rightfully so, but refused to reveal that as she finally seemed to return to reality.

"This is the Ascendants," She supplied quickly, easily. Like her carefully composed expression, there was no semblance of emotion save a faint disinterest in her tone. She did not like this. It felt wrong. "As for where you ended up, I suppose that that is the question. Though, I don't think I can give you an answer without a little more explanation. You're being incredibly vague," She commented idly, the tip of her tail flicking. Vague answered vague, she supposed, but Agathe would not deny how wrong it felt to be asked such a broad question. It was as if this stranger had fallen from the sky or crossed a portal from a different realm... why else would he be so desperate to understand where he was? "What's your name?" A question of her own. He at least owed them that if they were going to have to explain a multitude of things to him.