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Migration - Tanglewood refugees - Morgan - 10-25-2018

Morgan had hoped he would never be forced to abandon Tanglewood territory, but the situation with the restless spirits was getting out of hand. The group's numbers were far too small to handle them for much longer, so some action had to be taken even if they were not the most comfortable. After the two most recent group meetings, it was decided that Sunhaven would be the first place to go to find some shelter; once half of the week had gone by, the General gathered his group and led them toward their allies on foot.

It was not a particularly long trip, but it was an exhausting one. A lack of resources meant the Tanglers had to work off of meager rations, and the chill weather made additional hunting difficult. However, after a few days, the party arrived at the edge of Sunhaven's territory. Taking a few steps inside, the samoyed closed his eyes and thought through what he was about to say. Sure, they were allies, but as far as he knew, Sunhaven was not obligated to help them for such a large task - especially when he had no idea how long they would need to stay for.

After a moment, Morgan was finally ready to get his request over with. Muffled by his icy mask, the General shouted,
"People of Sunhaven - we are allies from Tanglewood, and we really need somewhere to stay. Our home has been overrun with ghosts!"
He hoped his explanation made enough sense, or that it would at least be heard. Without looking back at his fellow Tanglers, he muttered,
"And now we wait..."

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - CLOVE. - 10-25-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — Being overrun by ghosts didn't sound very appealing at all. And for a whole group to flee their territory must mean the problem was pretty severe.
All Clove could really say was that she hoped the malevolent spirits hadn't followed the Tanglers.

Clove didn't have the authority to deny or accept Morgan's request, but she couldn't see Sunhaven turning away allies. Sure, it was getting colder - and prey scarcer - but with the entire sea literally at their doorstep, food shouldn't be an issue. As for housing...well, there should be enough places.

"Hello. Welcome to Sunhaven territory." greeted the kitsune as she padded towards the Tanglers, casting her auburn gaze across the many faces she saw behind Morgan - whos' own face she wasn't able to see, covered by some sort of icy mask. It looked uncomfortable to her, but what did she know?
"One of our higher ups will be along shortly...but while you're waiting, does anyone require medical attention urgently?" asked the femme, considering this a safe thing to offer - and within her power to do.
[align=center]bio + tags

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - REBECCA MACK - 10-25-2018

[Image: tSeAE0j.png]
Not only was Tanglewood having issues with spirits, but Sunhaven had been dealing with the same ordeal as well, only there wasn't enough of them to be pushed out of their home. There had been a few encounters, but nothing quite as overwhelming as their visitors' situation seemed to be. It wasn't every day someone shouted that ghosts had taken over, so that was enough to catch Bex's attention almost immediately. The collie headed on over to the border, approaching the samoyed and his group with concern-filled eyes.

So they needed somewhere to stay? Well, they were allies, so the dawnguard didn't see why that would be a problem. She was always open to helping others out with situations like this, but then again, she wasn't the one in charge here. Honestly, she didn't even know how much of a say she had in this. Letting an entire other group stay with them seemed major, and would likely need Marina's, or maybe even Bucky's, approval.

As much as she wanted to give them an instant 'yes,' the female prevented herself from doing so, knowing that she should probably handle this the responsible way by letting Marina take control of the situation once she arrives. She wouldn't want to screw things up, especially since she had the tendency to do so, and was trying to work on getting better. "Oh, that sounds haunting," Bex laughed, trying to lighten up the mood a bit, but she knew that they likely wouldn't even find it funny. It was likely much too soon. Eh, at least she tried.

The collie glanced over at Clove whom she stood beside, nodding as she greeted them and explained that they'd likely have to wait for someone of higher power to give them a definite answer. She turned her head back to face the Tanglers, hoping that they were all fine, but they seemed okay. Fortunately Clove was willing to give them any medical attention that they may need. Bex would offer to help out with that, only she had no knowledge whatsoever about medical procedures, and couldn't be trusted with herbs. "Yeah, welcome. I'm Bex," she finally gave a proper greeting, her tone both friendly and calm as she continued to observe the group, hoping that Marina would show up soon.

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - GORDON CIPHER. - 10-25-2018

There was going to be more people in camp? Gordon felt her heart sink at the mere idea of that, coming to stand next to Bex. She bit her lip slightly as she scanned the Tanglewood crowd, her green-eyed gaze soon falling upon Morgan. "I'm-I'm sure it won't be an issue," She squeaked out, though her words were slightly drawn out as if she was thinking of whether or not Tanglewood would surely be welcomed. They were allies after all, but... Sunhaven had the same problem. "B-but are you sure y-you want to stay here?" She asked next, frowning. "We've got a small g-ghost problem, too."
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - Owlie - 10-25-2018

Maybe he just... hadn't gone outside that much. (Admittedly, he hadn't. He'd been too busy with making his suit and researching. Now... he was being told there were ghosts?
Edward jumped slightly, turning to see the other Ed out of the corner of his eye. He sighed, standing on his rear legs and patting himself, straightening his coat and his hat.

"How can you be overrun with ghosts? They're not physical!"


Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - HAMMOND - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]His opinions on leaving had been made perfectly clear. A nomad never should've had issues with evacuating a lost cause, and the Heeler didn't have any attachment to the home that the Tanglers had tried to build up for themselves - relying on these animals was where a line was drawn. Months had passed before Tanglewood had gained some fraction of trust from Axle, a group which he'd never interacted with had no chance of appeasing to a wary being. The main group of Tanglers evacuating had been far, far away from the Australian canine, who'd ghosted along so many feet back he looked to be nothing more than a scavenger as opposed to a comrade. Eyes had traced to lone paths so many times during the journey, it looked like he could've left at any point, but whilst his debt still remained wholly unpaid, Axle couldn't justify leaving innocents in the jaws of strangers.

Catching up to the borders now that they'd stopped, it seemed that the dog had just enough time to listen to what these beasts had to say for themselves. Two were fine, two were mocking, at the slightest hint of aggression from the strangers (albeit be exasperated on his part from sheer paranoia), grey ears pinned back to his skull. Muscles already so tense seemed to worsen as more and more words came, to the point where he looked like a statue. With grey fur refusing to budge in the occasional winds that whipped through, the only thing that proved he was living did seem to be the flickering glare he gave and the ragged up and downs movement of his sides. His mouth was too dry to speak, even as saliva threatened to pool at his jowls as he held back a growl no retorts could be made. No 'just take them ins' or 'shut ups' could escape frowning black lips, nor would they ever.

There'd be place to slumber within the mountains where he could overlook the camp, he'd take his leave to them the moment this exchange was over. Bears and pumas may've run rampant in unclaimed territory, but Axle would take his chances with openly volatile animals instead of snakes in the grass. No amount of convincing would've gotten this group to realise how dangerous their plan was, at least staying close by was a suitable compromise in case some children had to be shepherded back to safe lands when these folk turned sour. Violence from the Sun folk would happen, he'd bet everything on it.

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - Airin - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;"] Airin | Current Spirit Shape: Great Horned Owl | Currently Possessing: N/A |

It seemed the idea of getting Sunhaven for help, like the spectral owl had heard from the most recent meeting, was to actually go there, and seek refuge until the malevolent spirits left.  Airin was fairly new - practically arriving during such a time where spirits seemed to be running amok - so all it was really doing was going with the flow.  It had barely managed to attach itself to the territory, so it generally did not have much of an opinion.  It knew it would be good if the malevolent apparitions would finally leave, however.

During the trip, Airin had mostly taken to the air, the ghostly avian following along directly from above.  It never seemed to need to eat.  In fact, whenever groupmates needed to take a break to eat their meager rations, it would perch up to the highest point or most open area it could find, and simply soak in the sunlight, or the moonlight.  It seemed to be an instinctive process for it.

When they finally arrived, Airin once more found a perch near their leader as they shouted.  Members of Sunhaven promptly arrived to the scene, and it idly listened with a slight tilt of its head as it gazed down from its spot.  One feline sounded quite squeaky, and also admitted that they, too, were having a bit of a ghost problem.  Airin frowned slightly in thought.  Were there spirits like it appearing everywhere?  It wondered what exactly was causing this uprising, and why it, specifically, was different.  Perhaps it was because it did not know the cause of its own death, or what and who it was beforehand?

Maybe it would not get any answers, or maybe some could be found here.  The question was... where to look?

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - toboggan - 10-25-2018

Amber hues which had before garnished these oceanic grounds made a grand re-entrance, this bout around the hound was accompanied nearby his beatnik kin. The time which had passed subsequent to his ambassador visit had spanned that of a week or two, meaning these patterns, the murals which Sunhaven had egressed, were all yet fresh in mind. In the course of his brief stay in the glades fore winding up at the trading bay, the phantoms’ tempers may have significantly retrograded, a driving force in Tanglewood demeriting itself from a detached civilization to a group of castaways, the sum whom were low on food and hope; well, the food part was primarily so for the bulky guardsman, a lack of proper meals inciting his stomach to perform a prolific plentitude of varying hymns, and even an opera or two. His yellow gaze hadn’t had much rest, either, for it was quite the challenge getting some shuteye whilst constantly migrating toward yonder terrain. And so forth, this adaptation of Leroy was vastly different than the previous one, which had paid a call to these folk prior, as of today, the mutt was beat. Buzzing in as crusty eyelids drooped ever-so-lower aloft his piercing oculars, Leroy soon followed suit, and greeted the Sunhaveners with a gauzy smirk; weary muscles only holding it in place and preventing it from rearranging his maw into its true form, a grumpy sulk. He’d scan the distant bunch present, attempting to catch sight of anybody familiar. All efforts ceased to give anticipated results (he’d planned to recognize at least someone), however, for everybody he’d met on his past visit was not present, or those fatigued eyes upon his cheekbones weren’t functioning properly - again.

Those present offered immediate hospitality; most of those present, in truth. Morgan had been attended to by an individual placing medical help at the Tanglers’ disposal, the she then followed by another, a collie - the dazzling breed - equipped with puns that would force even energetic Leroy to gag, and that guy loved a shitty sense of humour. Fast-forward another concerned local and you had yet an additional wiseguy, who obviously lacked the ability to grasp the true nature of the situation. The decision to utterly come to these parts seeking refuge had been a controversial one, as seclusion and self-reliance were traits the typical Tangler admired. Morgan, the leader of the bunch, held his people’s opinions high in regard, Leroy liked to believe, and would not desert the marshland unless absolutely necessary. And it was absolutely necessary, and the mongrel acknowledged the icy samoyed’s care for his crowd. To this stranger questioning the dilemma, the guardsman wished to growl in the direction of, though the action must stay at wished level if these dire circumstances had to work.

An introduction would be in order, he believed. After all, it appeared that none of those of Sunhaven cred present had been in his company before. "’m Leroy", the tall canine mumbled, hesitantly glancing towards Axle and that ghastly bird ere returning his stare to the group, ”’m the ambassador, so I should be familiar t’ some of yas.” The first chance that opened up, he’d hit the hay faster than an eager farmer armed with a pitchfork, whereas the members of Sunhaven were hopefully well rested, Leroy was not. While he was at it, was it possible to take a dip? The aroma of Tanglewood, as he knew, was not a pleasant one. ”Just a warning, snarky-ass comments ’re really starting to piss me off right now. Just a warning.”

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - MATUAH - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:whitesmoke;"]Not even a couple days into trying to settle into the place before he moved on did they have to go and leave from it. It was so strange really and from what he had picked up from those that were already living there they had been overran by daemons. They seemed to be everywhere, in the shadows, behind every corner and he had had a encounter with a few of them that actually wore dead flesh. Sure it was uncommon in his eyes for such a thing but that didn't hold him back from killing the creatures. Haggard and rough from the encounter the news had reached his ears that they had to leave and seek shelter at this Sunhaven. A haven sounded wonderful but he had no idea as to where or whom they were referring to and frankly he just thought it was a place that anyone could go to. It took him a moment when they were said to pack their things in which he found that he had little to nothing save for the ring on his finger. A soft sigh left his black stained lips as he moved after the group, tiredly placing one step in front of the other as his strength began to fail him. He should have slept by now but the world around him had so much information that he needed to take in and he also needed to figure out what was going on. Although he loved to sleep and knew better than to allow himself to not rest for too long.

He kept to himself most of he way there, not looking to actively conversate with those that were apart of the group. There was nary a reason for him to do it and so he was quiet for most of the way. His path often deviated from the others, gaze watching as the terrain changed and he had to keep his mind busy so that he could forget how tired he was becoming the more and more they moved. The days slipped away and he allowed a soft sigh to leave his throat but it seemed it didn't take long that they were upon the are in which they were supposed to be staying. The weather seemed warmer here and he had to take note of that, eyes lifting up just slightly take in the large palisade barricade that marked the beginnings of someone else's home perhaps? So this wasn't just some safe house for all but someone else's home and he felt a bit stiffened at the news. This wasn't what he wanted and his fur spiked up along his back at the idea alone to be spending time among strangers that he didn't know. Trusting in strangers had gotten him nothing but pain and anguish as Ardyn had saw to that but he didn't speak up.

The animals began to arrive and he looked at them as they came forward, gaze of dark blackish blue focused on no singular face and holding how exhausted he was. His tail curled against his body, muscles twitching from the strain to keep him standing up. Right now he just wanted to be by himself and this was taking too long. With a grunt the amur leopard sat down and he pulled his ears back, huffing just slightly as words were spoken and he could hardly care about all that was said. Sleep, he just needed some sleep. "I just need to know where we will be sleeping."

Re: Migration - Tanglewood refugees - JERSEYBOY - 10-25-2018

Jerseyboy, for one, had not been expecting the arrival of a whole group at their doorstep that day. While everybody seemed to have problems with rowdy spirits and ghastly ghosts haunting the territories, but apparently the problem had become so bad that this group had to stay with them for a few days. They were like the deadbeat friend that promised to get out of your house after they "got back on their feet again". The problem with that was that sometimes those promises weren't delivered, and if they were, then they weren't delivered soon enough. Who knows how long these guys would be packing into their town? Weeks, months? Jerseyboy sure hoped that it wasn't long, because they smelled like sewer rats. And, overall, their ranks weren't too impressive. Apparently, the swamps didn't produce any pretty girls.

The tuxedo tom arrived next, perking his ears and sweeping his gaze over the Tanglewood members, as if forming opinions of them on the spot ( in other words, judging ).

Being a sociable and o p e n creature, he could only hope that these "Tanglers" were fun to be around. What good was it to dump a bunch of solemn and gloomy fucks into their streets? So far, none of them had spoken ( which wasn't that great of a sign )... all but one. It was a dude whose accent stuck him as familiar, though Jerseyboy couldn't exactly put a finger on it. New York City, perhaps?

At the "warning" from the Tangler, the impulsive Hearthkeeper let out a snort. He, for one, appreciated the humor in this rather grim situation. "Whoa, betta' tone down th' snarky-ass comments before the old man blows a fuse." Sunhaven was generous enough to lend their entire home to these swamp-dwellers, so if this guy was gonna start running his mouth and complaining, then he could just up and leave. Nobody was going to make him stay.

His gaze flickered over towards a younger one, who had asked where they would be sleeping. Sheesh, he was a bit straight to the point, wasn't he? Not even a greeting or a thanks. "Whereva' you want, kid. In a house, on the beach, unda' a tree, behind a rock. We don't care." Jerseyboy gave a nonchalant shrug.