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◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - BABY — - 10-25-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
Titan was out of his element.

He was skilled at a lot of things. Endurance, strength, combat, strategizing, hunting, tracking. Anything that an average, wild lion would be good at naturally. Seeing as his pride had been traditional in their customs and ways, he had been trained in the art of fighting and hunting, and pretty much only those two skills. Seldom was Titan ever exposed to anything out of the ordinary; hell, even eating fresh-baked bread was considered a luxury to him.

So, it was only expected that he wasn't exactly the coffee-guru. Titan's weekly task was to brew cups for his clanmates, but there was one problem with that — he didn't know how to make it. He hadn't even had it before. Needless to say, this cup of joe would be tasting a little funky that morning.

After a long, frustrating, and confusing process of boiling hot water and hand-grinding coffee beans, he finally managed to brew one cup of "coffee". Dark, pepper-like coffee bean grounds were dumped into a kettle of steaming water. The mix slowly turned a mocha-brown, and Titan's eyebrows lifted at the sight. Had he done it?

The lion slightly tilted his head and proceeded to take a sip of his creation — before immediately wincing and forcing himself to swallow it down. That tasted terrible, and not even creamer could save it at this point.

Re: ◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - agathe. - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]"Whatever you're making... It smells nice."

As horrible as the taste may be, there was no denying the rich aroma that accompanied coffee beans in any capacity. It was that scent and that scent alone that lulled Agathe in, golden eyes focused curiously upon the mocha-colored beverage that Titan seemed to have concocted. "Is it mud?" The snow leopard inquired, bemused, a metaphorical brow arching as she leaned closer to get another whiff of the stuff, "May I try some?" In the grand scheme of things, Agathe would be grateful for her tolerance to bitter-tasting foods. She just didn't realize that.


Re: ◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - charlotte. - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]"Mmmm, gotta love the smell o' liquid death in the mornin'," comments the ginger furred beast as she approaches. A sarcastic grin tugs at the edges of black lips, revealing a glimpse of ivory teeth. "Don't taste as good as it smells, eh?" it's funny watching Titan's face screw up like he just ate a mouthful of soap. Charlotte refrains from cackling--for his sake. Piercing grey eyes sweep over the male's muscular form before redirecting her attention to the lovely Agathe. Damn, she would've come back sooner if someone told her that everyone in the Ascendants is attractive. Except for her nasty smelly siblings, of course. There can only be one beautiful Mikaelson, and that title clearly belongs to herself. "I think it's called coffee, m'dear. Good ole bean juice. Cup of Joe. Whatever suits your fancy."

Re: ◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - Owlie - 10-25-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]The air got warm, and an aura arrived before he did, a nice, pleasant sun cheering everyone on and trying to make them happy. The air picked up and swirled, dust and debris forming into a vague lion shape, until a cloudy, blue beast formed.

Anakin never had coffee in his living life. Much less knew what it was. He just... never encountered it. Anakin was also a naturalist in his adult life. He never let his kids have other foods, only raw meats. He could remember having arguements about his parenting- and then Henry Jekyll crossed his mind, and there was a noticeable sneer on Anakin’s face. What they didn’t understand was that young lions had to eat tough meat to strengthen their teeth.

That was in the past now, didn’t matter. He approached the coffee, giving an unneeded sniff and looking at the fellow lion. Anakin’s tail raised slightly, his attention drawn and defenses going back up.
Doesn’t matter. Territory doesn’t matter. Instinct doesn’t matter.
He let go of a breath and lowered his defenses again.

"Hello everyone."

Re: ◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - Grimm - 10-25-2018

the ascendants
starstruck guardian
“Coffee...” Though few seemed able to place emotion within the shared message, thought touching upon the surface of thought before it was pushed forward, expending little energy now as he grew accustomed to such a way of communication, it echoed within that single word. About the edges of it confusion clung, all the more clear as soft features scrunched up, golden eyes looking through mere slits. The child was no stranger to the small kitchen area, set near the back for though the structure was primarily brick and concrete a great many fires had ravaged it, but had grown accustomed to it being left empty. At times a mess was left for another to clean, dishes piled about the bench space and scraps of food, others another was leaving with their own food or beverage, not caring to hang about as he set to work.

Har had thought no other would be around, let alone those present. Each had been met within different situations, most upon the border as they found others milling about, imposing figures cutting an image the small Mikaelson never sought for himself. Seeing them crowded about the large frame of Titan, the mug minuscule within large paws, it was almost amusing. Moving closer he reached up to gently touch said lion's side, hoping to get his attention. “What's coffee.”

Soon after the words rose another was there, the commotion of his arrival drawing his attention. Shrinking back, tucking himself behind the other larger creatures, he peeked around towards the new comer. Another larger then he, though such proved easy, though toned within an odd hue. “Hello,” slight quirk to dark lips as he spoke, greeting offered once Anakin had given his own.
[i]would you just close your eyes and turn away.

Re: ◜ . bean juice ┊ making coffee... sorta . ◞ - MARIANNA - 10-25-2018

(ignore me changing my template every .2 seconds while my brain yells at me bc satisfaction asdkflj)

Whatever Mufasa two-point-oh was making smelled...suspiciously bitter. It didn’t smell bad, per say; in fact the warmth of it carried on the breeze, causing Maria to yearn for a cup of hot chocolate. Instead, she found a strong drink and a disgusted black lion, which was...hilarious, quite frankly. She didn’t know what he made, but it must have been fucking awful for someone as stoic as he to pull that expression.

Maria snorted a bit to herself under her breath at it, feathered tail beating slow and steady behind her as she joined them. She was ready to make a comment on Titan’s awful-smelling “liquid death,” but instead found train of thought derailed and distracted by something Agathe said. (Ah, yes: Little Red Riding hood with an emo twist.) “If you thought it was mud, why would you ask to taste it?” She asked, puzzled as to how that would work exactly. Maria was all for trying new things (she wasn’t, she hated it; hated change), but eating mud was not one of those new things she was willing to try.

Never mind that, actually, because Maria’s attention was soon captured by the ghost that just manifested out of nothing and jesus - “Another lion?” - what was this, pride rock? Not that she had a problem with lions, but their size was...something else. “There is too much going on right now.” She muttered, shuffling over in order to make room.