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◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-24-2018

Jerseyboy had woken up that morning feeling a little... off. His head was a ( radiating ) warmth and his throat stung every time he gulped, though he just assumed it to be the result of his late-night drinking ( even if he didn't even drink that much last night ). The tuxedo tom rolled out of bed groggily, a haze lingering over his brain like a raincloud as he brewed himself a cup of joe. Maybe coffee would get him out of this state; perhaps he was just a little hungover. Jerseyboy waited for the hot water to boil, and as he did so, he hummed a soft tune. As he opened his maw to produce a note, his voice cracked and seemingly split the air around him. It did not sound pretty, and it definitely wasn't what he had been expecting. The fuck? He wasn't a morning person, sure, but he knew that his voice never cracked on the first note. Ah, shit. "Don't even tell me..." He thought to himself, folding his ears against the back of his cranium.

Although he felt a little lightheaded, he ventured out of his residence into the outside. So far, the male was denying any doubts that he had in his mind. He ventured into town, his eyes [sub]heavyset[/sub] and his movements sluggish. He had picked out a tasty-looking fish for himself from a local vendor, though before he could even start heading back home, the fish dropped from his jaws and he let out a loud sneeze. Water brimmed at his green eyes as he wrinkled his nose, and moments later, another sneeze was expelled from his lungs. Jerseyboy took a deep inhale, sniffling as snot matted his nostrils. With his dark fur tousled and an overall air of sickness radiating from the Hearthkeeper, he looked like a total mess. Where the hell did he get this cold from?

Re: ◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - Hope Arcanium - 10-25-2018

"Looks like you got a cold there, sir. I can give you something to ease the symptoms if you would like." Leona's tone is warm and kind, as we expected. Colds weren't too hard to treat. This should be easy.

She began to pull out the proper supplies.

//permission to powerheal as necessary? c:

Re: ◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - rhosmari - 10-25-2018

Changing seasons meant disastrous colds lurking about and not from the supernatural kind like her own. The weather always seemed to call forth the common cold and it's resilience knew no bounds. They had to be careful because things could develop into something more than what they wanted it to. Becoming dangerous and life threatening. The woman figured that she was a bit strong and the changing of the season wouldn't mess with her but looking now upon Jerseyboy as he sneezed heavily and dropped his fish made her become worried for the accented tomcat. He looked miserable and she could smell the sickness leaking off of him in waves. What in the world and frankly how had he gotten this sick so quickly? Her mind was buzzing with questions but she didn't say anything as Leona approached already with a help in mind which was good. So she made her way over and allowed herself to come to stand a bit in front of the tuxedo tom. "Ya look god awful. Ya want me tae carry ya fish for ya while Leona checks ya out?" It was the least she could do and she could also help with herbal remedies and such since she used to head the medicine guild back when that had been a thing.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: ◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-26-2018

// she can give him herbs and stuff but he'll prob end up rejecting them one way or another rip

The tuxedo tom had turned to look at Leona, who had offered medical assistance. What the hell? She sees him sneeze, and now she decides that she needs to heal him? Jerseyboy just had... allergies. Seasonal allergies. There was no way that he could have caught that bad of a cold, and even if he did, he could damn well take care of his own self. "I don't got a cold. I'm fine, yeah?" He told Leona, as stubborn as a mule. He frowned at the thought of being babied under medical care.

Next, Marina had come along, which prompted a twitch of his triangular ear. He was quite annoyed with her as of late, seeing as she had made a fool out of him by carrying him away from the border. What kind of fucked up move was that? Jerseyboy was still pissed off about the fact.  "I can carry my own-" A loud, "ACHOO!" escaped his lungs. Jerseyboy, his eyes watering, finished,  "There's somethin' in the air. That's all." He sniffed.

Before he could take the fish into his jaws, his stomach began to churn like the eye of a storm, and he hunched over in pain. "Ughnn, fuck." Jerseyboy groaned through gritted teeth, and he took a few staggered steps back as if he were trying to hide away from the others.

Re: ◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - CLOVE. - 10-26-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — It had been the loud sneezing that had caught the ktisune's attention. Clove had been examining the same vendor's fish, trying to memorize the names of each and which ones she liked the look of best, when Jerseyboy interrupted her thoughts.
Frankly, he looked terrible. Watery eyes, a messy nose, and an equally as almost fever aura about him to match. Whatever the tuxedo cat had, Clove didn't really want to catch.

While Clove didn't know Jerseyboy well enough to be worried about him, it certainly wasn't nice seeing a clanmate literally groaning in pain...seemingly for no apparent reason. Raising her brows as the feline insisted that no, he did not have a cold, Clove glanced over towards Leona and Marina and watched their expression for a moment - until Jerseyboy's staggering caught her attention. Where exactly was he off to? Trying to hide?
That wasn't a good sign. Food poisoning? Infection? The reasons behind his discomfort were endless with the symptoms he was displaying.

Still, if medical attention was required, Leona would be the one to administer it. If she could even get to Jerseyboy without receiving a scratch to the nose.

Feeling rather useless, Clove stepped lightly around to Jerseyboy's side and stood beside him - silently offering her flank for the domestic to lean upon, but leaving a couple of inches for away for him in order to allow him to refuse the offer without his pride being hurt. Or that was what she hoped.
"You eat anything bad last night?
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Re: ◜ . only the good die young ┊ sick . ◞ - JERSEYBOY - 10-26-2018

Did Clove make the right decision in leaving room for Jerseyboy to reject her offer? Absolutely. There was no way in hell that he'd accept her help; he was way too damn prideful. He'd collapse and writhe on the floor before he did that. He actually ended up taking another step away from Clove, his head still hanging towards the ground, and he caught his breath before replying to her question slowly. "No, I just had..." Another breath. ".. Garlic bread." How could he get sick from garlic bread? Fucking Christ, he felt like he was dying over here.

The tuxedo tom felt another w a v e of nausea overcome him, and he took a shaky breath, gritting his teeth and screwing his eyes shut as he tried not to vomit onto the floor.