Beasts of Beyond
WILL HEAVEN STEP IN ;; open- meltdown - Printable Version

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WILL HEAVEN STEP IN ;; open- meltdown - ;;bryn harbringer - 10-24-2018

bryn's growing restlessness in not allowing herself to be outside long had gotten to her. the ragdoll couldn't sit still anymore in their home. she had practiced her writing and reading through using her powers in a calm state. moving patterns into the sand to form words or sentences. at one point she had an entire short story at her paws before smearing it away and doing something else. her paws itched to go outside despite her unofficial vow to stay within the confines of her den until she knew she was capable of keeping herself... calm. too many possibilities for what could happen, even if quill had promised her times he would make sure nothing would happen.

she had a good outcome of meeting everyone, to the very least. it was with that in mind that she was able to justify her leaving the den. her blanket draped at her shoulders, the girl left the caves in a sneaky manner, as though she were to get caught and sent back inside. she kept an eye out for anyone that looked to be approaching her, but so far none of them really even glanced her way.

a deep breath, and she moved further. her curiosity brought her to one of the pyramids, she believed was dubbed as the 'strategist temple'.  it didn't jump out at her as something that could hold anything too rough for her to handle. she imagined it to be more of a war table than anything else, with flags on a map representing which land was there's and which were the enemy's. she wondered if stryker was there, plotting something with his marauders. what she had imagined was much, much more innocent and tame than what she was about to see.

climbing up the stairs was difficult; one step almost the height up to her shoulder. it was a long, tiring process of scrabbling up them to reach the tunnel and walk through it's winding turns. she finally reached near the end of the tunnel, her fur suddenly beginning to stand on end. she heard a mixture of voices that she couldn't understand, and her heart began to pound in her ears. scattered grains of sand began to tremble with each step she took as she approached the mouth of the tunnel. her jaw dropped as the room opened up to an arena, and three figures in the center.

"TODAY'S GUEST IS A WARRIOR FROM TANGLEWOOD FOUND TRYING TO SPY ON US!" one of them bellowed out to the audience. the victim was bound together with the other pittian holding them down on their back with a single paw. they appeared barely conscious, and bryn could feel herself drifting further away.

"THIS. THIS IS WHAT WE DO WHEN THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND NOT TO FUCK WITH US." she hated swear words. she hated... she hated that she was here, but her legs refused to move. the one speaking pushed the tangler forward until their head slid into the stocks of a guillotine, beginning to become aware of where they were. bryn covered her ears as she heard the muffled cries and pleas, her breath caught in her throat and tears in her eyes.

run away. find papa. run away. find papa. she tried to urge herself over and over again but she would not move.

the announcer let go of the rope, and the blade dropped.

bryn's self control completely crumbled from her grip. bubbly blue eye's had begun to flash in a glowing white and her expression formed a sour grimace. the ground beneath her began to shake aggressively, catching the attention of those in the temple as she took two steps forward, each causing spikes of stone to rise on each side of the girl. she opened her mouth, taking a long inhale before suddenly emitting an unearthly scream. it was enough to make the entire temple shake, and slowly viewers of the execution began to look for whatever exits they could to escape the piercing screaming. her fur slowly warped into a pure white shade as she lost herself into her powers. the earth underneath her beginning to rise up and make her ascend closer to the ceiling, almost blocking anyone from escaping through the tunnel she stood in front.

so far, it seemed she had no intention, or control even, to stop.


Re: WILL HEAVEN STEP IN ;; open- meltdown - Stryker - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker had been present for the event, watching in the back with slitted eyes focused on the scene. He wasn't particularly interested. Another day, another execution. Still it was never something someone could get used to unless they were a sadist, but since these ones did something to wrong them- no, him- then there was a valid reason to do such a thing. For now, he was simply proving a point. Later though... Who knew. After awhile, someone had to have fun with their job. Still, something like this was unexpected. The ardent snapped out of his haze as soon as the rumbling began to power through the room and the shrill screech reached his ears. Ears flattened quickly, but he did not put a paw to them. Instead he watched.

Observing closely as he approached slowly, the lion's head craned. For such a young and small figure, she was full of potential and power, something he would of never expected from such a soft adolescent. If he could harness that power in the future for the Pitt's sake, then they would do great things. In the moment though, he had to evoke her to calm down herself with his guidance. 'Bryn,' his mental manipulation attempted to send telepathically. 'Stop.' He wasn't going to urge her further. Stryker's words were stern and to the point. If she chose not to listen, that was her mistake.

//i love sksksk

Re: WILL HEAVEN STEP IN ;; open- meltdown - guts - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She knew that the Pitt's ways weren't for everyone--at one point, she had been just as disgruntled at the sights as Bryn was. But she had changed, for better or for worse. Now she was numbed to it, ignoring the excitement she felt deep down. If she didn't acknowledge it, it would go away, or at least she hoped it would. As she watched the execution, her stomach was tied in knots, intrigue and disgust clashing inside her. They deserved it, they had gone against them, so it was okay. Right? Lately she hadn't been sure of anything, only certain of the riptide of emotions she felt.

She was torn from her daze as the ground beneath her paws trembled, the shaking sending her into a panic. She was one of the first to start heading for the exit, pushing past others and getting lost in the commotion. Before she could reach the exit, a large pillar sprouted up in front of her, sending her scrambling back. She could hear everyone around her screaming, feeling them pushing and shoving. Covering her ears with her paws, Cosette tried to block out all the noise, waiting for it to end.

She didn't want to die like this. They were all going to die like this, weren't they?