Beasts of Beyond

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i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Being a Shinigami meant that he was exposed to plenty of other aspects of the world of the living. Very few creatures were capable of telling if he was a Shinigami, and most creatures usually didn't even think of the idea of being something that was possible. The wildcat had no idea what he was in the beginning when he was just a cub. He knew that he could see ghosts and the like, but what he confused was why no one else but his family could see the spirts in general. He was often questioned by others that he interacted with, which was incredibly rare. Ghosts usually followed him around, or it was either his sisters that had to deal with a trailing spirit. None of them knew what it actually meant at the time and Ichigo tried his best to ignore it during his younger ages. Especially after the death of his mother he had to deal with surviving the coming nights rather than thinking what it meant that he could see ghosts and souls. It wasn't until he met his mentor that he realized what he was and what he could do. He could save people. He could help protect those that he cared about, and it also gave him a calling for him to do other than just survival. Which was great and all, but life got boring when he almost had nothing to do in the general sense.

The Shinigami needed to go to a place that was more populated and evidently left the mountains that he had grown up on. Leaving the place behind as the thought of the place left a bad taste in his mouth and no matter who asked him he would not return there. Dealing with spirits was a common day for the over-sized cougar, as there were plenty of sentient creatures that died every single day. One thing that he had noticed though was that there seemed to be an unusual amount of them around this specific area. Not just Sunhaven, but what seemed to encompass the likes of the group of clans that existed in this area. The Shinigami didn't know what the cause of it was and didn't have a means of communicating with others that were similar to him. He could deal with this on his own, but having to deal with this many spirits meant that there were going to be bad spirits that would follow them eventually. Would an outbreak of Hollows happen? Ichigo sure as hell hoped not as he wasn't in the greatest battle condition after all. He hadn't been sleeping, and he knew that the Hollow in his head was constantly gauging what he could get away with. Ichigo had never really enjoyed sleeping anyway so he stayed up for days on end until he started hallucinating and had to pass out for once. Ichigo also was never one for really self-care either. There were plenty of times where he would get depressed and would refuse to eat anything.

The Shinigami certainly had a trough of problems, but he tried to conceal them as best as he could. His job as a Death God meant that he was supposed to allow souls and spirits travel to the afterlife instead of being stuck in the world of the living. The world of the living's environment could almost be considered toxic to the likes of spirits and if they stayed in the area too long they became corrupted spirits that wanted to devour other souls and spirits to get stronger. The common term for these corrupted spirits were called Hollows. Ichigo had been around the territory as best as he could, making sure that he was alone when he allowed the souls to cross over to the afterlife safely, even if they didn't like the idea that they were indeed dead. Some he would try to help get some peace of mind, which took time before he could actually perform the ritual. The day was turning to night when he finally decided to let himself lay down underneath a tree. He often refused to go anywhere near the ocean as usual, and he could feel his paws throb with pain.

Ichigo closed his eyes for a couple of moments, and it was in the span of a couple seconds that he felt a presence around him. Ichigo didn't have to open his bi-colored eyes to know what it was, yet he opened them anyway to look at the ghost that was next to him. It took the form of a small domestic cat that was wearing a goofy smile as it looked at the Shinigami. A groan escaped Ichigo's jaws as he lowered his head on the ground again, raising both of his paws to cover his ears. He just needed a couple of minutes. Just a couple minutes. As more time went by, around 7 ghosts had ended up surrounding Ichigo. The look on his face wasn't that he was in pain or distress, it was the fact that he was tired and annoyed. Not all ghosts were the same and some of them were increasingly annoying as time went on. "For fuck's sake just leave me alone for five minutes to catch my breath." Ichigo stated with a growl as his head was laying on the ground. His long tail lashed behind him and he let his claws sink into the earth. Of course, none of the ghosts moved away from him. He swore if they gave away his cover, he was going to be utterly pissed.


Now blu hadn't been active nor around for the past er month?  Yeah month that was it, the canine just fell out of place with some kind notion of not seeing spirits float around given hell to those who did them wrong and shit. Now he didn't even want to the in the same room let alone outside when it came to that, so the canine locked himself up and burrowed in any blanket he could find, scared out of his mind.  For one thing, Blu did not fuck with the dead.  Nope that was some bad juju, and he would hate to have the power in order to see them, for sure he'll scream, or become some empty pissed off husk.

Nor had he ever met someone who was a death god or shinigami, now he wouldn't mind learning and perhaps take up a upon some pratice of how not to fuck with demons, ghost, anything that goes bump in the night.  The canine blind as ever to Ichigo current situation raised an metaphorical  eyebrow. " Unless I am not seeing the big picture or you are talkin' to some ghost arent you? It had to be fucking october."