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SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Printable Version

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SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Luca - 10-24-2018

It still felt unreal to him. He couldn't believe that Junji was pregnant, and it was even harder to believe that he was the father. After four hundred years of supposed infertility, one couldn't blame him for assuming that the swell of his lover's stomach was just something brought on by food. His shock when Junji revealed the truth was enough to render him speechless. His first thought was that maybe someone else was the sire, but Junji wasn't like all the others. Junji was sweet, honest, and Luca couldn't bring himself to believe that he'd do something like that behind his back. But then again, Luca would be a hypocrite if he was mad at Junji for something like that. It only counts as cheating if there's an emotional connection, he tells himself, trying desperately to drown the guilt of the actions that had ended many of his past relationships. It was hard as a creature that thrived on sexual energy, hard to keep a faithful relationship without exhausting his partner of their life essence. He chewed at his claws at the thought of his past attempts at romace, a bad habit that he hadn't realized he'd picked up yet.

He had a headache, he knew that much. He assumed it was a result of his constant worrying about Junji and the unexpected kits. He had been causing quite the fuss about it, after all. Should i bring Junji this? Or maybe that. Which herbs are good for pregnancy, again? He was new to this, new to the budding feelings of responsibility and the protective nature that sprung out of nowhere. It wasnt uncommon to find him pacing and muttering these days, reciting to himself passages from books he could barely read about childbirth and parenting. What was new were the spikes of crystallized sugar that sat atop his head, residual magic from his broken seal that had sensed his new responsibility and manifested in the form of shiny pink horns. Luca seemed to be unaware of them for now, biting at his painted claws with a contemplative frown on his face. He had bigger things on his mind than his mysterious headache.

[mobile qwq]

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Masie - 10-24-2018

She didn't like whatever Luca had said about her, even if she didn't know the exact words the infant was capable of getting the gist. For some foreign reason the male believed that she posed threat the same as any enemy would, in spite of them both belonging here. Masie didn't know if she could ever again work on convincing Baku otherwise or correcting his sinister noise. Yet, plant cat companion was different, he hadn't caused her harm, the male was just general mean for no reason whatsoever. Considering she had rather prickly siblings at times, she was more than willing and able to work through that level of emotion. In fact, if it was not for the irritating noise that their dislike made, the small raptor would have never even noticed it and just kept up her normal cute running around.

Plant cat companion seemed to be looking at tons of plants meaning he may need some of them. Assuming what was going on from her limited knowledge? Masie turned her head to pluck a bunch of flowers before darting into the clearing and with her ever lengthening strides cause by growth of her leg muscle, she headed over to him. "Plant." she would chitter the comment, turning her head with the bunch of flowers in her mouth. Of course, observant as she was Masie noticed the new horns on him, but she didn't think too much about it, she didn't have to worry about any psyhcial changes to him. At the moment? Her obession was proving whatever he thought of her dead wrong.

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Grey - 10-25-2018

Although an adult in terms of a feline, he's never thought about having his own kids. His mind doesn't stop to ponder the possibility of little spawnings from him, creatures that shared half of his blood. It was perhaps because Bakugou was immature, and although he was subject to multiple mood swings, never really felt those kinds of attractions. He never even put a label to himself and if asked, he'd probably just claim he was asexual - uninterested in such affairs or thoughts. There was so much more to life, he thinks, than to concern himself over matters of love. He was always too busy to stop and think. When he was blacksmithing, his mind was fixated on the sound of clangs, the way metal and stone heated red when blasted against fire. He was always considering the way he wanted the blade - how thin and sharp it was, where its deadliest point may strike, how it would fare against multiple uses. He put so much care into crafting one piece and now with his earth manipulation, he was able to pay extra attention to detail, using smaller and thinner rocks to chip his signature on the side, written delicately in kanji. Funny how he put all his being into his work only to throw them out routinely whenever his house began to be hoarded.

He would probably never be able to raise children with the same care as he did with his craft, or the same amount of strategic and calculative thinking as his training. He was selfish, looking out for himself, honing his body until he couldn't feel his own blood circulate. He had to fit the image of himself that he wanted before he could ever think of smaller things such as children. They were annoying to him. He could never see the joy in raising such parasitic things, so dependent on the ones around them and frustratingly pitchy with their voices. Love was something he also didn't pause to consider. His feelings were always strong and passionate but never directed towards love, instead becoming that of anger and frustration. Bakugou has always been this way and as far as he is concerned, he won't change. He's stuck like this, irony being that he was indeed changing - transforming from the environment around him, adapting and becoming a different person.

He doesn't understand herbs. They all looked too alike but even then he couldn't tell name from face apart. Weeds looked too much like normal flowers, sometimes he even saw grasses being used. He doesn't understand how the black mambas can tell them apart and it's clear that Luca too was struggling. If this had been before Masie's burn, he probably wouldn't have approached the demon. Not that he would ever admit it: he was scared of him, worried about approaching the other in case he turned on him. But as it turned out, they shared the same hatred with the raptors and the male didn't seem to go feral. He simply left it at that. He was hesitant to approach but he felt more certain now that he wouldn't be attacked by the other Reaver. He too noticed the sugar pink lumps on top of Luca's head, formed like horns. It was not hard to realise the brightness of it, especially considering they had not been there before. And yet he isn't so sure when exactly Luca had those horns. He was trying to remember seeing the male in other instances, such as when Luca was expressing his distaste for Owen, but nothing felt certain.

He needs to be blunt. "Since when did ya have those horns on your head?"

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Luciferr - 10-25-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
It had been surprising with the news - he didn't even really need to be told, capable of seeing little lights accompanying Junji's larger more older soul - but that did nothing to damper his happiness, after all, he hadn't been an uncle in a very very long time.

so watching Luca wander around looking for herbal remedies no doubt - he did briefly despair for the inability of the vast technology he'd once had at his finger tips even with his powers, Cali, youngest of his siblings, had always been the healer among them after all.

then he notes what Bakugou has called out - ah new accessories? Lucifer hums amused - eyes straying to maisie briefly - before he speaks up "Trying to follow in big brother's footsteps perhaps"he jokes - ah, his little brother gets a crown of his own so to speak.


Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - no more - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Within such a stage of life, a youth in which information had proven minimal to the degree their mind seemed a sponge, permitting any scrap to be taken in without care for what it was or else find meaning for it, there was only confusion. The prospect of other children being about had not touched the unsteady thought of chaotic thought, curling about the skull and leaving it gently aching. Rather they had found reason to linger on other matters, wondering more at what became of their own feelings, an entangled web about a heart that knew not the beat it pressed into its cage of ribs. With time there might be other thought, want to learn more of the swell within the stomach of one they had grown to think well of, not friend but close enough their mind supplied the word, for now it was turned elsewhere.

Across the sand short tail flicked and moved, creating within the smoothed surface an indent. With such age there proved little for the cinnamon toned cub to do, given minimal chances. There was only so much one may be able to do, time worn away within the ceaseless want to move between new stimuli, ever needing a new object of fixation though it might only last minutes. Soft sound escaped partly opened lips and they were rolling onto their side, legs extending, the muscle and fat about small belly stretching out before it settled as they relaxed once more. Slowly lids began to slip shut before the sound of voices rose, structured within inquiry that seemed odd, words they had not come across before.

Head moved, shifting back and dark eyes fixed upon the centre of it all. Minimal was their experience with the one in question, to such a point he bore no name for CCLIV though within time he might, the unique way he looked enough to draw attention. Stumbling steps, uneasy as they rose to small paws and set a quick pace. Within there was slight bounce yet noticeable, the gleam within those eyes apparent as they fixed upon the new addition. Compared to other the horns were greatly different, no solid colour as the pink and purple was drawn together, shifting into one another and changing in hue as the light touched upon the solidified sugar. The point seemed blunted, less for damage if for show, speckles of sugar leaving them to look snow dusted. No thought was behind their want to climb up onto Luca, if successful in this bracing their paws upon his shoulders and leaning closer, tongue sticking out slightly as they leaning forward to press their nose to a horn.

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - rhosmari - 10-26-2018

Everyone seemed to be making their way to somewhere as far as the child could tell. Her jittering legs wanting to follow them but there were some places she just couldn't go. When the adults went out hunting they were afraid that she'd run off from them and truth be told she might in her excited haste to go and catch something she glimpsed out the corner of her eye. It was tough keeping an eye on the young child and though she was close to adulthood it seemed her childlike wonder always stayed with her. Even now she was making her way forward on skittering paws, eyes of bright neon blue focusing on the group she was dashing her way over to see. Her body was edged with heat that was pulsing outward even though she seemed highly alright. But she was a busybody at heart and so even though she had gotten to the group of animals, most likely because she had followed Baku here, her body never stopped moving. In fact she started to lightly bound around them like a deer who wouldn't stop moving for fear of a predator near by.

Really she was curious of what was going on and the fact that they were all just sitting here and talking. What had they been talking about. But her mind easily left that thought as she let out a loud gasp and twisted around to attempt to pounce on Luca's chest and cling onto his fur, wide eyed and tails twisting and curling. "You have two pink nubbies! I want two pink nubbies!" They would probably look terrible on her but still she wanted them even so as she struggled to try and climb her way up Luca's neck, back legs hanging in the air if she had succeeded in making her way up there to begin with.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - beck. - 10-26-2018

    An exorcist would have a hayday visiting the damned shores of the Typhoon, various entities spawned straight from the fiery bowels of Hell finding happy homes on the island. To Beck, the most notorious was the one by the name of Luca, who wore his role as a demon practically on his sleeves -- metaphorically. Ironic considering his name meant "bringer of light", if he remembered correctly. Perhaps he did bring a glowing light to the lives of those he befriended and touched, but Beck was only an observer, not a sympathizer. Yet the poltergeist was not oblivious to how closely Luca and Junji appeared to be, trailing each other around like sick mutts. It came as no surprise when the latter's stomach swelled with developing embryos, although it did cause the boy to question everything those late night nature documentaries had taught him.

    Now he watched as Luca hunched over in assumed thought, people with nothing better to do flock around the demon as if he were a sideshow attraction performing an impressive act of brooding. Beck squinted at the crowd, struggling to discern what exactly all the hubbub was about. A glimpse of two rosy pillars sprouted from his skull caused him to reel back in slight bewilderment before perking his ears to eavesdrop on the similarly puzzled crowd. Horns? That would fit with a demon motif, he supposed. Yet the next snippet pinched him by the cheek and dragged him over for a closer look; the added knowledge of the horns' sucrose composition inclined him to lick his teeth in gluttonous interest. He loved the taste of sugar even if he couldn't actually digest it and was forced to spit the remnants out -- following CCLIV's example in a much more shameless fashion, the poltergeist inched himself closer, choking back a giggle and a tease about how Luca had been transformed into a living playground and instead wordlessly eyeing up the crystalline structures with a devious haze settled over his stare. Without warning, his clammy tongue in all its scarred and bloodless glory launched from his disfigured maw towards the sugary target closest to him, aiming to give Luca's horns a sloppy lick before his cartoonishly stretched tongue retracted back into his mouth. "Why d'ya-a taste like str-raw -- strawberries, Lu-uca?" was all Beck had to offer rather than an apology, wiping his nose on the back of a bandaged paw.

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Luca - 10-27-2018

For a moment, there was peace. Dappled light filtered in from the treetops above him and coloured the grass with shades of dancing gold. The only sounds that accompanied him were the melodious birdcalls above, the slightly harsher rustling of leaves in the breeze, and clacking of his own claws between his teeth. He was chipping the polish from them, he could taste the bitter flakes on his tongue, so perhaps the sudden chittering of another animal was exactly the kind of distraction that he needed. He glanced up from the pile of miscellaneous plants in front of him to spot Masie, and his paw fell from his lips to rest back at its rightful place on the ground. His gaze quickly zeroed in on the offering in her jaws, and he found himself narrowing a luminous rose eye. It wasn't that he was frowning at the raptor herself, but rather at his inability to recognise the blossoms clamped between her teeth. Perhaps if he weren't so emotionally exhausted the gesture would be enough to make him question his raptor bias, but at the moment he seemed too engrossed in his plant hunt to even recognise her. Without a word he would turn to the encyclopedia to the side of him. The glossy pages lit with a soft pink glow as he grasped them with his telekinesis, staring intently at the pictures as he flicked though them. "Flowers..." he mumbled, the tip of his spaded tail twitching in an obvious display of irritation. "Why are there so many fuckin' flowers?"

But alas, he would get no answer, for no sooner could he utter the sentence than others were upon him. First came Bakugou, with words so blunt and sudden that it made his abilities flare, paper tearing beneath the sudden strength of his power. He didn't have time to process the loss of his page on hydrangeas. "H-horns?" Perhaps his attack on Bakugou had caused more harm than he originally thought. Luca was quick to write him off as crazy, and was ready to shake his head and go back to his study when Lucifer's voice joined them as well. Confusing, why were they all being so confusing? Didn't they know that three's a crowd? "What're you talking about?" He demanded, a hint of snappiness in his voice. He was busy, too busy to deal with a sudden rush of crewmates going on about horns and other topics they pulled out their asses. He was so intent in staring the pair down, cheeks puffed with air in a childish reminder of his short temper, that he completely missed the signs that he was being hunted. It was only when CCLIV flung herself upon him that he became aware of her presence. Her paws brushed over the scars on his back and his breath caught violently in his throat, an audible choking noise tearing itself from between his teeth. For a second his mind was free of Junji and herbs and horns, a burst of cold panic squeezing his chest and consuming his thoughts. But then the darkness fled from his vision as quickly as it arrived, and he was back. He blinked once, twice, and then began to pray that the horror hadn't shown on his face.

"What're you doing?!" He asked, fear turning quickly into faux, embarrassed anger. He whipped his head around to attempt to pry CCLIV off him with his teeth, but it only took half a second of distraction for another child to ambush him. Soon he was reeling back as Technopaw clambered up his chest, rocking back dangerously far on his haunches before miraculously righting himself. If that weren't enough, soon Beck saw it fit to join the party. The child clinging to his chest was going on about nubbies. What the fuck are nubbies? Luca tried to ask, but the words never reached his tongue. His throat felt like it was closing in on himself and he swallowed rapidly, his heart beating frantically in his chest. Beck's tongue was the last straw. The sight of something shooting towards him, the children smothering him, the many pairs of eyes watching him, and the pre-existing stress all combined inside him. The hellish combination of stimuli boiled over in his mind, sending his mind into a frenzy. "STOP IT!" Luca cried, raising his voice in a rare yet unpleasant occasion. His blood rose rapidly in temperature under the strain of his emotions. If those making contact with him didn't draw away, it was likely that the fire in his veins would scorch them something nasty. "What's going on, why are you touching me!? Leave me ALONE!"

[mobile qwq]

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - Masie - 10-27-2018

Luca was very distracted it was like trying to get Owens attention off Luci. Why was the devil tailed cat so distracted? Only being an infant she understood little behind his reasonings. Regardless, clearly this flower was not working and she’d have to change tactics! Only she didn’t get that far...

Masie was very happy to see Cc that much was beyond transparent in how she perked up swiftly. Ever since she had found the small feline at the border? The pair had been incredibly close, CC was her best friend in the world! So joy was clear in her behavior when the other came into vision.

Luca started freaking out clearly not enjoying being CC and Technos jungle gym. Sympatheticly hearing his noise and understanding from when her sisters didn’t wish her to climb on them and wanted space? Masie attempted to cut between techno and Luca as her jaws would try to pick up CC from his back by her tail gently. Once she had her friend? Masie would attempt to use her body to encourage techno to step back as she placed CC down and nudge her back towards the others. ”CC, Back.” if the feline knew any of their tongue yet? She’d know what masie was saying, it was said as often as her name! Maybe helping him with this would stop the noise he sometimes made!! Once she had CC taken care of Masie would return to seeing if she’d gotten techno to back off and starting on beck if he hadnt already. Such hope!

Re: SPACE CADET [open + horns] - rhosmari - 10-29-2018

The reaction she had gotten wasn't something she was prepared for. Frankly she was rather startled and because of Maisie as well she dropped her hold on the other and tumbled to the ground. Slowly ears pinned back against her skull and she retreated to being near the small dinosaur, eyes slightly wide but looking down at the ground. Had she done something wrong? And if she had then what had she done? Whatever it had been it seemed Luca did not enjoy it and she lightly began to knead her paws against the ground, little for shuddering and shaking with mixed emotions that bubbled and began to overwhelm her. Smoke streamed from her body and she allowed herself to take in a deep breath. Emotions always ran wild in the young child and it was a way for her to get out of control. She remembered that much about herself and a voice that told her to just take deep breaths when she got too deeply involved or when things were too much. So she did, breathing in and out as she stayed close to the small raptor. Her three tails twisted against the ground as she squeezed her eyes shut before opening the bright neon blue hues.

Smoke had stopped wafting off of her body and she lowered her tiny frame to the ground, tucking her paws against her chest as she looked up at Luca. There was a mixture of feelings in that one gaze but one she ultimately expressed with all her very being. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you unhappy. I won't do it again." Her small voice lifted from her muzzle as she looked down at her paws again, tails curling around her body now as she decided to wait and see if he knew anything about the nubbies or not.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #77ceee; font-size: 24px;"]— TECHNO