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gddamn butter croissant / body shift - Printable Version

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gddamn butter croissant / body shift - ninazu - 10-24-2018

© lexasperated
Unfortunately for Azu, some idiot prisoner had a bit more fight in him than she'd expected -- and underestimated the length of his holding chain. The damned mutt had managed to chew up a leg and her tail pretty bad, before she could zap him to death with lightning like a living taser. That left the skinshifter with a bit of a problem, after she dressed her wounds. Like hell she should be doing anything but resting in this state, with her muscles torn and bones broken. So dragged one of the prisoners, a smaller creature she could control even in such a weakened state, back to her chambers. And set about setting up her ritual to possess the little thing.

Strutting out of her chambers with a tiny satchel thumping against her shoulder, the fluffy cat licked her teeth and lashed her four tails. "Fuck, I thought everything and everyone was oversized before?" the foot tall wildcat mumbled, continuing to curse under her breath.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - Stryker - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker had never used his shapeshifting in public besides that one time... We don't talk about that. Shedding like a snake as a lion was rather odd. Though, the concept of possession was rather interesting to him. Unlike shapeshifting, they had the ability to use the power offensively to control someone else's body and it came in use when their main vessel needed time to rest or heal. The ardent didn't know this was Ninazu's reason though or the power that she used. He just noticed her usual muttering, causing him to laugh upon realizing who stood before him. Stylish serval no more!

The lion lowered his head towards the ground to take a closer look at his erudite. "Aren't you cute?" came his taunt. An arrogant smile met his lips... if lions even had those. "How'd you end up like this, Ninny-Dwarf?"

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - ninazu - 10-25-2018

© lexasperated
She craned her neck up to look at the lion, pink tongue drawing over her incisors as she restrained herself from huffing at him. The little erudite expected taunts, but she found it irritating that he -- of all Pittians! -- decided to be an ass to her about it. "My serval body was injured, and this was the least damaged bone bag in the dungeons," she explained tartly, attempting to reach up and boop him on the nose with a paw. His nose seemed as big as her entire paw, how the hell was this even fair?

"If you think I'm so cute, why don't we swap bodies for a bit?" she added, mouth curling into a slight smirk. Of course, she'd have no intention of giving his body back -- not without sufficient bribes.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - guts - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Cosette manages to hold back her chuckling as she approaches, simply snickering under her breath at her teacher's predicament. She could feel her pain somewhat, being even smaller than some others of her own species. Even now, she was closer to Ninazu's current height than that of her former body. That thought made it a lot less funny.

"Oh, dear." she says softly, studying the other female with a sympathetic smile. "Um, it could be worse?" she offers in an attempt to soothe her, though she doesn't sound too convinced herself. Her and her big mouth.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - Stryker - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — As soon as he saw her paw raise to boop his face, he instinctively lowered himself closer towards it so she could reach (even though he was already bent down). It was a small insult towards her new height. Stryker, though, was expected to be an ass about it... She probably just didn't know better. "Ahh, I see," he rumbled. His tone was low and had a hint of sarcasm to it, hoping to push her over the edge. Despite that, the ardent knew it was her truth. Making fun of her was more entertaining though! "No one wants the small ones, I suppose." Just comparing body sizes.

"Oh, I'm sure that'd be interesting," Stryker shot back. He knew better to take up on a risky offer, but as always the thrill was generally interesting him. "I'd like to see you try to handle my glory." Seeing that he couldn't technically possess her body, he'd had to shapeshift into a similar creature. Even so, she would technically be possessing his vessel and when he shifted, she too would come along. They would be sharing a body because of his inability to possess others. That didn't sound pleasant.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - ninazu - 10-27-2018

© lexasperated
"It could be worse."

Ninazu nearly rolled her eyes at her apprentice, though her tails lashed behind her nonetheless. Yeah, she could be a mouse -- or a dragon. Always something worse. Always something better, too. About a thousand retorts went through her mind, but she held her tongue. Cos meant no offense. "Maybe I'll get lucky and grab something good later," she mumbled in response, instead. If she could snatch some intruder's body or an enemy's on a raid, well, she liked the thought of that.

Her ears twitched as her paw connected with Stryker's nose, fur bristling as his teasing comments continued. Huffing out an exhale with flames laced through her breath, she attempted to pat his nose in a lightly reprimanding way. "Perhaps you're just afraid of being the smallest one in the room, hm? It's hard to claw your way to the top when you can't win by intimidation alone," she retorted, an amused smirk flashing on her muzzle for a moment, though it remained hidden by her irritated tone.

She brought her paw back to the ground, sitting down and curling her five tails around her body. "And I wouldn't claim I could handle your glory... though, if you think glory is tied to your skin, then you're not as smart as I'd hoped you were. But your sexy ass? I think I could handle that," she continued, finally releasing her tight grip on her anger. It was hard to stay her usual bundle of nerves and rationality around Stryker.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - Stryker - 10-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Words hurt. Stryker's ego deflated for a moment, his ears tempting to fold backwards in frustration with the other female. Her words were too true. Nevertheless, the leader's head shook side to side disapprovingly, as if the comment did nothing. Still, he was going to play along. A huff left him as he was patted. His head jolted back to it's normal position afterwards, continuing to loom over Ninazu. "I'm only afraid of being stepped on, really," he mumbled back with loose lips. "You're about to if you don't hush up, sweetcheeks." Hopefully that was enough to reroute her thoughts elsewhere. Knowing Ninazu, she most likely wouldn't move on and he would continue to play along with her daunting personality.

Not smart? Wasn't glory attached to the soul, but not just that, but the body it inhabited? Seeing that it would of been the two of them within the lion's vessel, Stryker was surely not wrong. "That's your inquiry, not my own," the ardent answered back. "Still don't come near or inside me." 'That's what she said.' No one like being possessed. Even so, she continued. If she could handle his glory, then so be it. She could gladly give his skin out for a try. "Mmm, if you wish," he cooed back with a smirk. Get a room.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - ninazu - 11-02-2018

© lexasperated
[ feel free to have him read her mind lmao ]

She watched him, careful to see if she pushed him too far -- as much as she loved these verbal matches, she remained painfully aware of her vulnerability as she toed the line. She enjoyed playing cat and mouse, though she knew she tended to act like like a true wildcat when her emotions popped out too much. "You'd die of boredom if I hushed," she said, completely factual -- as if she reminded him of some obvious truth like the color of the sky. And it seemed true enough; most people here seemed content to tolerate Stryker's ego without risking the fun in toying with him.

She needed to bite her tongue to hold back her laugh at his next bit. But an exhale still escaped her nose, though she was quick to cover that with a sniffle or two to try and save face. Come near or inside you? Preferably both. She almost let herself retort that, but thought better of it. And a better trick of wordplay came to her soon after. This time, she couldn't help bit smirk and let a laugh escape her.

Her satchel and steel chain necklace fell through her body, and she trotted towards the ardent before they'd the time to collapse into the sand. She attempted to pass through one of his front legs with her intangibility -- and then leap up and over his shoulders, flicking off her intangibility and attempting to land in his fluffy mane. "I don't know, I think I'll do that again -- I quite like being this tall." Too far? Probably, but in comparison to her first idea of a retort, this seemed the safer gambit.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - Stryker - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] That... That was unexpected. He watched as Ninazu's accessories fell through her body, clinking onto the jungle floor. It unnerved Stryker. What she did next was even more unsettling. Her body passed through his leg, causing him to jump backwards. His hair on his scruff stood on end. 'The fuck was that for?' Till today, the ardent was unaware of this power of hers. To him, he didn't exactly expect the former serval (and now small, useless kitty) to go through him at any point in time... The lion was frankly afraid.

And then she jumped. Stryker thought she would of went through him again, but instead she disabled her power, and collapsed onto the back of his mane. A sudden huff left him as the wind was knocked out of him. He stumbled forward, trying to keep her on his back so they both didn't fall to the ground, and ultimately stood his ground after regaining himself. "I warned you," he commented. With that said, he would attempt to shake his mane out so Ninazu would fall to the ground with a thump. Was it mean? Yes. Did he care? No. The erudite had to suffer the consequences for her actions.

Re: gddamn butter croissant / body shift - ninazu - 11-10-2018

© lexasperated
For a brief moment, she understood the appeal of those larger bodies. Even teetering on his shoulders for balance, everything appeared smaller from up here; everything looked less threatening, more manageable. Huffing as Stryker shook himself and dislodged her grip, the slender wildcat dropped to the ground feet first with her usual grace. Unlike the ardent, she felt amused and curious. His mane, for one, felt much coarser than she'd anticipated.

"That you did. But it was punny, no?" she replied lightly, unruffled. She couldn't guess how deeply she effected him -- she'd no idea she startled him. She tilted her head as she added, "Though I won't make a habit of that." She preferred to experiment with her powers in the safe, controlled space of her laboratory. Not in the open world, where someone could step on her at exactly the wrong moment.