Beasts of Beyond
Don't Hang Up The Line;; Gifts For Junji;; Open. - Printable Version

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Don't Hang Up The Line;; Gifts For Junji;; Open. - Masie - 10-24-2018

She had went herb hunting with Owen and they had already given Junji the decent amount of herbs they had tracked down during that training. Masie had been doing her own amount of training in tracking, but she had no proper knowledge until that day. Now? She could stalk animals like CC with additional ease, finally knowing how to track them down properly without just sniffing and waiting to catch the heavy scent of their trail. Clearly, her sisters were still better than she was, but she would improve with time for tracking certain things. However, she'd likely never surpass her sisters in tracking down something like prey, they were hardwired to hunt, genetically modified to be great at it, whereas she was normal. The girl would never feel lesser to them simply because she wasn't genetically modified to be perfect in all of her skills, she much preferred the learning that she did, the empathy she possessed. Not that she had noticed the differences yet, not really at least.

Anyway's, back to plant cat things. Masie had not been content with the amount of plants they bought back. Just like when she thought Blue was not eating enough fish? She had ventured out without Owen to fetch more, hunting the jungle for anything that looked close to the herbs they had brought Junji before. The woodland was her playground, such ease being displayed as she ran around and sniffed at every plant with a flower on it or honed in on every tangy scent she could find. Thanks to recent events and lessons, she was further learning how to carry something in her clawed hands instead of her mouth, pressing the plant between her chest and hands. Doing that? She could carry even more plants for the plant cat! Some names were easier for her to learn than others, thus for now Junji was plant cat.

With Aloe dried from her muzzle already, showing the day or so passing, she ventured back to where she remember seeing plant cat both times. Why was plant cat not there now? Unable to understand you had to knock for people, she dropped the plants, made a chitter, and returned to collecting more flowering plants. If the white plant cat was not going to be where he was meant to be? She'd simply get him even more plants! This process would repeat about four times.

On the fifth trip, she got a little frustrated and let out a semi chitter, semi cry sort noise, stamping a foot against the ground. Where was Plant Cat she wanted to give him the plants she was holding! "Plant cat?!" she chittered for him again, flinching slightly as she dropped half the plants to put her hand against the side of her muzzle again. Stupid Baku, it still hurt, why did he have to be so mean, she was just trying to make him feel better! Hopefully plant cat liked her kindness more. There Masie stood holding a large bundle of plants in one arm, with a pile of plants nearly her own size in front of her.

Re: Don't Hang Up The Line;; Gifts For Junji;; Open. - no more - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Almost a game was it now, though within the frame of the activity it was nothing of such, a way for both to learn and hone skills gathered over the course of short lives. It seemed something both enjoyed and they found it easier to climb the thin trees within the dense jungle, packed close enough stretching out their body permitted them to walk between them, some needing a small jump. Muscles within shoulders and back were made for such, lifting the slight weight present on the small frame with ease, twisting the body so it might land upon each branch and move along to safer ground.

“Mai,” voice rose, behind a short huff of breath through teeth exposed in the shape of a smile, ears flicking back as they bounced a little. Not overly high up it would have been easy for the raptor to find the cinnamon dusted child, perched upon the thickest portion of branch where it connected to the trunk, yet she never did so. Confusion twisted soft features and once more CCLIV was moving, following the other from their slight vantage point. There was purpose behind each action, body drawn low to the ground as head moved between each point and sought what she thought to be right, gathering together what was deemed correct. Leaning against the trunk of a tree they watched as she slipped away within the undergrowth before she was once more moving amongst the trees, action repeated a few times.

Slowly boredom grew within the cub, gentle sound of annoyance raising. It was a great deal more difficult climbing down, wrists twisting awkwardly as they dug small claws into the thin bark, progress proving rather slow. As such it was upon the last trip back they followed behind the raptor, offering gentle squeaks in hopes it might get her attention, but focused upon her task there was nothing that might do such. Small head tilted in confusion as Masie stopped before the squat structure of a hut, the door blocked by a mound of herbs near to her own size.

Small bounce marked each step, fictional brows drown down over the dark eyes though smile played about pale lips. “Mai,” once more the name, close enough to be recognised for there still were sounds CCLIV struggled to pronounce clearly, reaching up to press a cold nose to her shoulder.

Re: Don't Hang Up The Line;; Gifts For Junji;; Open. - beck. - 10-26-2018

    Oh no, the toddlers were loose again. Or toddlers at least in his sense of the word, he didn't exactly pay attention to how critters aged differently from humans. Either way, they were young and annoying little pests that he wished would grow up faster for the sake of his temper. Gritting his teeth as he watched the hatchling from his rooftop perch, resting a chin crusted with chemical drool on his gauze-bound paws, Beck's aggravation soon turned to cruel amusement as he watched Maisie go back and forth between wherever they were plucking all the herbs from to in front of the hut he situated himself on. He didn't bother to ask why; he was simply thankful for the entertainment.

    However his show was abruptly cancelled when the raptor seemed to throw a tantrum of frustration. What exactly was she trying to do? Build a heap of crushed herbs with stalks and leaves presumably too damaged to use properly? Rolling his eyes as he pulled a bandaged paw away from his teeth, the dirtied gauze torn where he had bitten, he reluctantly abandoned his perch to try and salvage some of the plants, landing on the porch with a graceless thud. Dusting himself off despite not registering the pain firing across his flank, accustomed to sloppy falls by now, Beck limped to glare down at the two, confusion curling his lip to reveal the jagged fangs lining pale gums. "Wha-atcha doin', huh?" the scrawny feline wheezed, sounding more like a deflating balloon than an intimidating entity. Additionally, he turned his head away from Maisie and CCLIV as he snapped his jaws at nothing and crinkled his nose before focusing back on them and huffing defeatedly, "Why are ya-a botherin' Junji?" Yeah, he knew he would get no comprehensible response, but he still wanted to talk to someone at least, rather than continue with an afterlife of isolated silence.

Re: Don't Hang Up The Line;; Gifts For Junji;; Open. - OWEN. - 10-26-2018

"She's returning the favor. A gift of herbs, it seems." Owen's voice rumbled as he towered over the house, talons placing themselves on the roof. His legs stood up, lifting his head higher as he listened to Masie squawk for Junji. "She doesn't understand that she has to knock." Owen snickered, watching his daughter get frustrated over her whole gift giving act.
