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cracked craniums | SKULL DECOR - Printable Version

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cracked craniums | SKULL DECOR - Stryker - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Now this was a weekly task he could get with. Seeing that Ninazu had bossed him around and gave him a task (by his consent), Stryker had his heart set on getting stuff done for once. His tasks were often done without motivation. This though? This would be done with precision. The lion had begrudgingly dug up the graves of former Pittian victims for a few hours before revealing several mutated skulls that he would soon put on display. They were soon packed into a sack and dragged into the warring temple. There would be plenty for the others to choose from. Surely, they would enjoy.

His eyes settled upon the skull of a fox. It's surface was riddled with dirt and had many cracks within it, but on top were four glorious ram horns that went around their inner ear area. In all honesty, he just wanted to hang it on his wall and stare at it during his own time... but he was told to decorate the public temple... not his fucking own temple. Oh well. Being a cocky fuck though, he still was going to snag it after the event and hang it somewhere nice for that aesthetic™. In the meantime, Stryker got to work.

With the fox skull in hand, he plunged it through a sharp wooden pole by it's eye socket so it would strategically stay in place. "If any of you would like to take these skulls and hang them on some pole by their eye sockets..." An eye for an eye... Lord, he needed to stop with the analogies. "Be my guest," he enthused loudly. "You may also hang them by the back of their skull." As long as they kept balanced and secure while he walked them to the border afterwards, the ardent could care less.

Re: cracked craniums | SKULL DECOR - COSMIIX - 10-25-2018


That was an interesting way to start the holidays yet Quill would twitch his ears lightly in a bit of thought, the strawberry furred tiger actually seemed excited about the event. His ears angled forward as he picked up a skull of his own half-tempted to make a Shakespearean joke yet he refrained from doing so. He found himself staring down at the skull of a servalline-like creature, he examined it only to smile noticing that it had sharp teeth like his own. He would take grip onto a pole moving over towards Stryker with a large, cocky grin on his maw "Hey shortstack," He cooed in a teasing way only to slide the pole through the creatures eye socket in order not to damage the skull itself.

Re: cracked craniums | SKULL DECOR - ninazu - 10-25-2018

© lexasperated
Pleased to see that Stryker attended to her task, the tiny feline nevertheless skirted around him and Quill as she came over to the skulls -- intuitively following her instincts to keep the heavyweight fighters at a distance. She ducked her head and pawed at a few skulls in the pile, sorting them on the sand and tusking her tongue to herself. "Excellent specimens. I think I'll take these two off your paws," she mumbled, tugging a large lion skull with a unicorn horn and ram horns off the pile, before trying to do the same with a dragon skull three times her size.

Grumbling as she panted at the exertion of moving such large specimens, she huffed and lashed her five tails. How annoying.