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RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - Printable Version

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RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Gods, Bastille was sick of waiting around for Luna to just rescue herself. No one else seemed entirely convinced that there was any reason to be alarmed. Starry refused to believe that she was in danger, but Bastille knew Luna wouldn't leave without telling him. Something was wrong. And even if she had left so abruptly, it would because something happened -- something that drove her away, or kept her away. He couldn't just give up on her. He couldn't let everyone forget about her. It felt too similar to Indi, and the recent he'd had of her had shaken him, put him even more on edge. Rationally, he knew Indi was part of the past, didn't even belong to this life... But he couldn't ignore the ice she'd left in his veins in her wake.

So, here he was. Snowbound was the only Clan he had no experience with; the others, he'd at least met their leaders. And he didn't really like either of them. So, naturally, this was where he chose to start his search. He knew that this group was neutral, or whatever it was they called it (the term was escaping him, so he defaulted back to what he was familiar with). Perhaps their leader would be less of a dick than Beck and Pincher.

Seeing no one too close by, the bengal waited idly on their border for someone to come question him.

Re: RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - jacob w.c. - 04-15-2018

With everything that'd happened in the Typhoon, the frosthealer had been taking the last few days to rest and catch up on what'd happened while he was gone. It seemed Snowbound had been determined to tear itself apart in his absence but he had plans for the treatment his clanmates would need to go through soon. He'd discussed it with Leigh already and the unicorn had agreed with all he'd put forth so now it was just a matter of waiting until he was also in the right place mentally to go through with it. Even if the situation had ended up alright in the end, that didn't change the fact he'd been held in a cell and briefly forced to relive the most horrific experience he'd ever been through. He wasn't mad at the Typhoon, of course, and he was grateful that Pincher had stepped in and set things straight, but he couldn't just forget what Guru had done like it never happened.

Right now, though, he was doing his best to keep his mind off that. He needed to think about what he might hear when he opened up therapy and he had to decide what he'd do based on all the possible outcomes. Of course, it was impossible to predict everything that could be said but he at least wanted to be prepared to do what was necessary if someone said the attacks and murders had been intentional and outside of self-defense. His heart ached even thinking about such things but he could only hope that wasn't the case. His thoughts were drawn away from murder, though, when he noticed a stranger at the border. The husky wolf made his way over with a light smile on his maw, settling down upon reaching the newcomer. It felt good to let his legs relax after walking around for so long. "Hi. Do ya' got some kinda' business with Snowbound?" he asked.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - london r. - 04-16-2018

There had been a few unfortunate occurrences within the Snowbound lately, an attack that had ended in death and another similar but more puzzling death. London wasn't quite sure what to make of it. The atmosphere seemed to have changed the slightest, but she did her best to remain unaffected by it. It would be a shame if there was a storm that passed without leaving a rainbow after all, someone had to be the sun. Though that was easier said than done, especially for someone running from the deaths of her loved ones. Perhaps she wasn't meant to be a sun, as there was melancholy deep within her veins, but the girl didn't feel like giving up either. Why should the gloom win, there were still plenty of other things to smile about.

And one such thing was the newcomers that always found their way to the border. The clouded leopard had greeted a few of them already, so she knew what to look for, but this guy seemed different. Initially she couldn't place it, but as she neared Jacob and the stranger, something stuck out about him. His scent. It was not one she knew, but it held a similar quality to that of clans. She had yet to visit the other clans, but she knew Killua had. And Jacob had been to the Typhoon, but now by choice. This guy didn't smell like those pirates though, so perhaps he came from one of the other groups, Tanglewood or the Ascendants? Just the thought of learning something about either of those groups made a smile light up the albino's visage.

"Hello." the girl chirped. Her voice remained as soft as it usually was, holding that warm, melodic tone and of course her accent. How would she be able to live up to her name without having an ironically British accent? London wondered what another clan could possibly be doing here, seeing as she was pretty sure none of the others that resided within this snowy wonderland had been kidnapped by wherever group this stranger came from. That was the only reason another clan had come here before, other than when Guru had decided to cause trouble. But this boy looked kind enough not to go around attacking the first person that caught his interest. Hopefully she wasn't wrong to make that assumption.

Re: RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-16-2018

The clans that currently surrounded Snowbound were definitely interesting in most regards. At least they were a bit different than the previous clans that Killua had been around for the longest months of his life. He knew that it was going to take a lot longer for him to get comfortable in places like this, but he had been through the same road once before and knew that he was more than capable of taking care of himself. There were two groups that Killua could primarily deal without though. Sure, the Tanglewood hadn't exactly been an issue for the group for the time being but when he went to visit them he was practically met with aggression from someone that lived in the palce. The other may have been the leader but there was no telling with the aggressive situation that had unfolded. He had simply told those that he was there to just visit and have a couple chats with them here and there and nothing else. If they wanted to get pissed at him from doing nothing wrong then they were just a bunch of idiots. None had dared to really attack him in the normal way, as usual they were intimidated by the metal claws that he sported. Which were practically sharper than knives itself so slicing through flesh or trying to cut off a limb wasn't extremely difficult for the assassin. Killua didn't want any trouble with any of the groups, but it always seemed like trouble constantly seemed to find him nowadays. He wanted to get back at the bastard that had decided to kiss him for whatever reason. It was disgusting, and it honestly had been his first kiss that he hadn't given to the likes of his family. He was going to make sure that the next time he saw the other that he was going to cut out the other's tongue. When it came to the Typhoon though, he currently disliked all of those that were there. Even the white wolf that seemed to be interested in him for some reason out of the fact that he didn't have memories of her at the moment. The assassin wanted to avoid the female so he didn't plan on going back to that place. From what he could see though, he realized that a lot of the groups were weaker than he was by himself. When a Typhoon member had attacked a Snowbounder, Killua had easily taken care of the caracal thanks to his speed and superiority when it came to fighting an opponent that had less experience and powers than he did. He had managed to keep himself from killing the female, although a little while after two animals became victims to his paws. Which he had classified it as self defense thanks to the fact that he had sustained injuries, which were self inflicted, to cover up the murder. So far no one had really suspected him of such a thing, and no one had tried to really confront him about it either. Which was good, because he had felt guilty for what he had done because whatever happened hadn't been for his own actions. There was one other group that Killua actually quite enjoyed, and that was the Ascendants. They had a massive building that had the telescope inside of it that he was allowed to explore for a little bit. He, of course, had been met with hostility at the border when he was just laying around, but eventually, they didn't look at him like they were about to kill him. That was a good and rare occurrence. The assassin had gone through quite a lot since the last time he had visited the group, even if he did plan on going to visit again so that he could find more information about the clan.

He had also told London about the group considering that she seemed to be interested in the stars. While he wasn't all that curious about the aspects of space, he still found it at least cool and interesting. Even relaxing. The albino serval had been walking around in the snow, one of his large white ears flicking to the wind that was blowing through the territory. His companion, Koru, was wrapped around his neck. The albino black mamba didn't seem at all bothered with the cold, stealing the body heat from Killua as he was wrapped around his neck. He had recently replaced the bandages on his shoulder and torso to hide the stitches he constantly had to replace as he exerted himself each day. While he was walking around, the new deputy blinked his sapphire blue eyes when he heard voices in the distance. Then a familiar scent caught his attention. Ascendants? What did they want? Killua wasn't on edge by the likes of an Ascendant member being on the border, and if he had spent more time in the group he would have been able to identify the individual's scent. Looking up toward a low hanging branch, the serval would leap himself onto the limb of the tree, using it for balance as he leaped from one branch to the next. His movements as always being completely silent and his scent unnoticeable. At least those that he had met when he visited would probably realize where he lives, and maybe he wouldn't have a need to hide his scent. The assassin stopped on a branch that was directly above the group, taking into consideration that Jacob and London were both there. He instantly recognized the Bengal though. Killua laid himself down on the branch that he was one, one of his limbs hanging off as a grin spread across his tired features. "Oi! It's you. Uhhh... what was your name again?" Killua stated with a small chuckle escaping his jaws. It was probably rude of him not to remember, but it had been quite a while since he was there. No one could really blame him after all the issues had happened with Snowbound. "What do the Ascendants want?" Killua questioned in a quizzical tone toward the other apprentice. By the look on the other's face, something had obviously happened. Which meant that there was trouble to be had. Koru flicked out his black tongue toward the Ascendants member, but made no aggressive actions thanks to Killua's body language.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-17-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
[ :eyes: foodie club here i come ]

Bastille didn't really wait long for someone to appear, which was pretty typical, honestly. The first one to approach seemed casual and friendly, and Bast forced himself to relax slightly. Luna's disappearance and everything else that was going on had him pretty damn on edge lately, but it would do him no good to lose his shit on a foreign, neutral Clan. Instead, he offered a nod in greeting, and supplied, "I'm looking for my mentor. She went missing about a week ago, though it would be unlike her to leave without telling us she was going. We're from the Ascendants." That last bit was an after thought, seeing how they'd never had a Snowbound visitor and he wasn't sure if Starry had visited this group yet, either.

As another member appeared, Bast noted that she too seemed to default to friendliness when handling foreigners. So, they really were more neutral than the others -- of course Starry had mentioned that, but without any true interaction with them, it was hard to say for certain that this group fell more into the middle as opposed to leaning one way of the other. Bast had seen enough "neutral" Clans act like anti-Clans or Warbound groups as this area referred to them. He was vaguely intrigued by her accent (or rather, Grimm was), but he made no comment on it, instead offering her a nod in greeting and continuing, "Pale fur, feline. Her name is Lunafreya. I figured she might have passed through here or mentioned something." He doubted that they had kidnapped her, so he took the less aggressive phrasing.

He didn't smell anyone else approach (something he'd noticed about this particular member before as well), but the sudden flickering presence of a third aura caught Bast's eye. He glanced up, seconds before Killua actually spoke, and was vaguely amused to see the little shit that had visited them. So, apparently they had seen a Snowbounder before. "Killua," he drawled idly in greeting, rolling his eyes when the other apparently forgot his name. Bastille wasn't even certain he'd actually offered his name before, distracted as he was by some strange kid fucking around on their territory. "Bastille." He inclined his head towards the other two members, and summarized, "I'm looking for someone."

He didn't seem to carry a grudge against Killua. Sure, the kid was cocky and seemed like a bit of a shithead at times, but overall he hadn't caused any trouble when they let him look around. Bast's suspicions about him had faded pretty quickly, and as such he had no reason for hostility -- particularly when this group didn't seem like the type to kidnap his mentor.

Re: RUNNER UP | open + ascendant on the border - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-17-2018

Killua knew what it was like to lose a mentor. Well kinda. They had never considered each other mentor and apprentice in any shape of the form, but with the way the old man had given him advice over and over again, he felt like that was the right term to describe the former leader. The other made him see what he was doing wrong with his life and where he should look toward and make a goal for himself. It didn't sound all that hard when one put it to words, but one needs to be careful with how attached someone could end up getting. The name of his mentor figure was Circusclown. An interesting name, but it was obvious that the other had been born into the clans considering the structure of his name, or had adopted the name either one. The other had been the leader of a violent group, at least that's what every other clan in the area had thought about it, while in fact most of the creatures that were there were more interesting than the groups that considered them to be passive. The only reason why he had been interested in Circusclown, because when he first visited the other's clan, he had just been bored out of his mind, wanting something to do to keep him occupied. Circusclown had been the first creature that had actually approached him, nearly making him gag with the stench of alcohol that clung to his pelt all of the time without really showing it. The assassin then told the other why they were here and they started to talk a little bit here and there. But, in the end, they started to spar with one another to pass the time while there were no other of his clanmates around to watch them. Killua was impressed with how fast the leader actually was and how they weren't worried about drawing blood from one another. With his claws, it wasn't the hardest thing for him to do, and was easily accomplished. The other had tried to make him flinch away in pain so that he would let him go, but since the other had attacked the inside of his mouth he felt nothing even as blood began to drip down onto the ground. Ultimately, the leader had called off the spar so that they wouldn't get themselves injured any further, and now victor was stated after that. The wildcat was fine with that though because now he had something to do with his time instead of wasting away in the museum that was currently the area that they were staying at. Killua went back to that same clan over and over again until an incident happen. Someone had tried to pick a fight with him just outside of their borders, and Killua hadn't been in a good mood, to begin with. The creatures wanted him to scream for help and beg for his life, which obviously would never be something that Killua would do. He killed the two animals that had tried to attack him, but bad luck was that Circusclown ended up seeing him and confronting him about it. Knowing that the only way out of this was to flee the scene, he had left, not before injuring himself so that he didn't kill the clan leader in order to get out of his brother's control. Circusclown had ended up tracking him down back to the clan that he was in, and they tried to talk about what had just happened. It was a nice interaction, but there wasn't much they were able to get out from one another. The next interaction that they had, was fairly similar, but instead, it hadn't been Killua that had tried to kill someone. Instead, there was someone laying nearly fatally injured on the ground. Killua had been about to put the other out of his misery when Circusclown and come through and stopped him from doing so. During this moment, Killua realized why killing other's was wrong and why it shouldn't be done. Everyone had the right to live and it wasn't his job to take that away from them.

Everyone struggled for survival, and everyone deserved a chance to continue living the life that they had whether it was good or bad. Then, Circusclown died. Killua didn't know what to do with himself, as there had been so much that he had wanted to ask the other. What should he do next? Where should he go? What was it like to have friends? And yet, he never got that moment and never would. Circusclown committed suicide inside of the clan that he was ruling, leaving nothing but a note and a bag of candy for him. There would be times that Killua would simply stare at the note until he felt numb, then go throughout his day not feeling anything. Secluded. There was nothing here for him, yet. That's what the plan was anyway. The assassin didn't have anyone that he really trusted in the group right now. The death of Circusclown had been a huge blow for him, and he refused to forget what the other had taught him. They were important lessons, which there were plenty of to have when it came to living in the clans. His eyes watched the other's action, and the surprise that the other seemed to express for a couple seconds. Well, the jig was up. The other knew that he was staying in Snowbound, and the other probably didn't realize that he was the deputy here. Not like it really mattered as he didn't really do his job in the first place. The other had even remembered his name. How kind. Killua didn't hold a grudge toward the other apprentice either since the other had done nothing to try and piss him off. He had seen other's that were cranky all the time, and had tried to physically rip out of his throat. The other just was upset by something, and Killua was finally given his reason why. The bengal reminded Killua what his name was, Bastille. He definitely wouldn't forget it now. "Oh you remembered my name." Killua said with a grin spread across his facial features as he stood up on the branch that he was on, before letting himself drop down onto the snow below him. As soon as he landed, his paws made no sound in the snow as he did so. He flicked one of his ears as he listened to the other. Wait. Luna was gone? He had quite liked the female because she seemed to be the easy type to talk to. The Snowbounder sat himself down, a look that told him he was thinking. "Luna huh? I keep track of everyone that comes in and out of the clan, and I haven't seen her. Think its possible that it was another group that could have taken her? Like the Typhoon or Tanglewood?" Killua didn't like both groups at the moment, and all of them seemed to have the same premise. Murderers. That's all he saw in them, but he was a massive hypocrite in that regard, as he was a murderer himself and had done it recently. Bandages wrapped around his left shoulder and torso showed that he wasn't perfectly healthy. "What was the last trace you had of her? Maybe her scent was going in a specific the direction the last time you caught it." Killua could easily offer his skills to try and become a detective, but was it really worth it?
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: