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no pepperoni in italy . private - Printable Version

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no pepperoni in italy . private - CLOVE. - 10-24-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — /fun fact, when we were in sicily, pepperoni pizza was not on the menu. at all. there was dragon ball pizZa tho

Trying to disentangle her hand from the dough for what felt like the 50th time, Clove let out an exasperated huff and sat back in her seat. Glancing around, it became clear that she was the only one having trouble with kneading. Everyone else's appeared smooth and shiny, while hers' was...not. Maybe it was the fact she'd tried to add in nearly a quarter of a packet of flour to the sticky dough, in order to combat the large amount of water that had spilled in to the bowl.

Clove was usually a good cook. She enjoyed making baguettes and cinnamon rolls, and had been known to be quite experimental with her cake choices.
The fact she was being beaten by pizza dough...Clove hoped no-one she knew was here to see the failure.
Should she start again?
"Uh, hey -" began the girl, standing up from her chair slightly in order to look for one of the guys running the workshop.

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Re: no pepperoni in italy . private - JERSEYBOY - 10-25-2018

// what,,, what even is dragon ball pizza

What the hell was Tommy doing, helping to run this thing? He was in no way a teacher ( unless mentoring you in the art of petty theft and being an absolute tool counted ). It would have been better off if his mother and step-dad ran the event and not him, but they had both figured that fresh, young faces would look better on behalf of their business. So, it was Tommy, his younger brother, and a few of their other co-workers assisting people with making their own personal pizzas. This event was supposedly for charity or some shit like that, he hadn't exactly paid much mind to the details of it all.

Wearing his usual flour-dusted apron, Tommy observed each of the stations briefly, checking everything over and making sure it was all running smoothly. One had caught his attention though -- a young woman who looked a little.. troubled. Lost. Hey, wasn't that the chick he had met at the Halloween party? (im assuming that's where they first met alright) Now, the situation had become much more interesting. "Alright, how's it lookin' ova' here?" Chirped Tommy as he made his way over towards Clove. There was a noticeable swagger in his walk, almost as if he was trying to play off the fact that he was wearing a dirtied apron and probably had white flour on his forehead.

He had glanced down at her "creation" so far, and he commented, "Try not ta' leave your hand in the dough, eh?" Dough tended to be gooey and messy, so getting your hands free of it could be a real hassle if you didn't knead correctly.

Re: no pepperoni in italy . private - CLOVE. - 10-25-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — /i didn't order it so we will never know.......

As Tommy approached, Clove had a feeling she had seen the other before. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite place where - yet. At his advice, Clove had to practically bite her lip to withhold a scathing response; because obviously she wasn't intending to attach herself into the pizza dough, but it had happened anyway. Tommy telling her now not to do so was neither helpful or welcome.
In all honesty, she was only getting aggravated because she was embarrassed - not that she'd let him know.

Raising her hand, Clove watched the dough's long fingers stretch, then break away from her palm...until all but one remained, which snapped and released the dough into a puff of flour on the table below.

"Thanks for the tip." Clove sighed, focusing her amber eyes back onto Tommy - studying his face until recognition clicked in her mind.
He'd been at that Halloween party a couple of days back, as, rather amusingly, a pizza delivery boy. Was he Italian or something?

"We've met before, haven't we?" queried Clove, tipping her head to one side to shift her long brunette hair back over her shoulders.
With that said, she couldn't actually remember his name. Names usually stuck with Clove, but not this time. Maybe she'd had a bit too much to drink.

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Re: no pepperoni in italy . private - JERSEYBOY - 10-26-2018

The young woman before him seemed... frustrated. Vexed. Like she was wanting to say something else but the words just would't come out. He could see it in her face, and though he couldn't help but manage the most devilish of grins, he didn't push it.

He still smiled as the dough retracted from her delicate fingers. Although, his eyebrows began to crease ever so slightly as she continued to thoroughly study his own features. Why was she... staring at him for so long? He knew that he was quite the stud, but the key was not to stare for that long. That was how you got caught being creepy.

Thankfully, she had broken the silence, and it turned out that she recognized him from somewhere. "We have?" Questioned Tommy with a slight cock of his head to the side. Odd; he usually recognized the girls that he talked to one way or another. After a few moments, he paused. "Wait a minute..." It all came back to him the longer he studied Clove, and he snapped his four-covered fingers. "Tinkerbell. From the party." Or whatever she was supposed to be. It had looked like Tinkerbell.

Re: no pepperoni in italy . private - CLOVE. - 10-26-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: arial;"]♡ — "Tinkerbell?!" Clove echoed incredulously, her golden eyes widening with both surprise and irritation. Her costume had most certainly not been that of the petite, blue-eyed, blonde Disney pixie. It had been pretty much the opposite. As a 5'7 amber-eyed brunette, how Tommy had managed to interpret Clove as Tinkerbell was beyond her.

"Well, at least I made an effort to dress up. Considering..." the girl trailed off, motioning with a dough-sticky hand to their surroundings. Tommy had dressed as a pizza delivery guy, and turned out he genuinely was. No wonder he'd brought an actual pizza with him.
An equally as impish smile began to rise on her face, and she shrugged.
"What can I say? It suits you."

Glancing back down at the collapsed pile of pizza dough, Clove looked back up at Tommy and tilted her head - a silent 'so what do we do with this' hanging in their air between them. She had no idea whether it was worth trying to rescue or not.
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