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a pair of orphans / bunny - Printable Version

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a pair of orphans / bunny - Grimm - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Gentle touch of purple and pink drawn across the line of the horizon broke through the darkness of night as it slowly receded, it almost seemed as though a paint brush had been drawn across it, leaving within its wake the muted colour. About the fluffy mounds of cloud it gathered, brushing along the line of the trees, trailing across leaves that had grown brittle and let their colour fade. Rather pretty was it all, the first touches of light spreading about the open fields, picking out the few buds as they lifted towards the raising sun. He could not recall the last time he had been able to see the sunrise, sleep elusive until those hours in the morning when his body and mind finally crashed.

Sigh escaped and lips found the rim of the ceramic mug, warmth of the hot chocolate leaving his body tingling faintly, fingers tightening. To one side of the observatory doors Har had set himself, back resting against the concrete of the wall, sketchbook abandoned by his side. It had been an hour since he had given up on sleep, driven to the small kitchen in hopes he might find someone to speak with, a great many seeking caffeine to drive away the traces of sleep, but none had been present. Instead he had made himself a drink and thought to write some, remembering half done poems and snatches of stories, passages never connecting though the pieces were there just beyond his reach.

Sudden was the sound, the high pitched scream rising yet for only a few beats did it linger, caught within the still air before it found a sudden stop. Taking the time to put the empty mug aside the young boy was hastily rising, falling forward onto his knees in his haste to raise. Unsteady were his every movement, the weight and rigid set of the prosthetic unfamiliar though he had been practising for sometime, bracing himself upon a wall or another to allow himself time to become accustomed to it. This was different, each step unsure as he took a slow pace, hands lifted away from his sides some in case he stumbled.

Words escaped him, mouth opening and working over the structure yet there was no sound. Clear was the panic of the small rabbit, rope caught about its midsection. Small paws dug into the earth as though it sought to pull itself free yet such only tightened the rope about it, working into the skin. With difficulty Har lowered himself, stretching out upon his stomach and slowly reaching for the rabbit. About it his hands hovered, body growing still though still did it tremble, each breath marked with a gentle sound, the dark eyes set upon him. Gentle smile curled upon his lips, hum raising for there was no words, throat burning faintly as he placed one hand upon the rabbit. Flinching away it took a few more tries, a minute passing between each to permit it time to relax, before it stood still.

Between rope and rabbit he worked his fingers, pulling at it to loosen the knot caught against its belly, other hand reaching back to a knife strapped about his waist. Only a small thing, never given the use for defence for the blade was almost blunt, barely enough for this. Flinching once more the rabbit squeaked once more, ears quivering as it tried once more to pull itself free. Gentle touch, fingers rubbing into neck and shoulders, working back until he was holding the rope. Working quickly he cut away at it, felt it grow slack until finally it broke. The rope fell away and he moved the knife away, slipping it back into its sheath, yet kept the hand upon it. Slowly he continued working at it, scratching lightly along the shoulders and back.

[ human au cause i can & this is probably filled with mistakes but it is late and i am too tired for full in-depth research so you get this ]

Re: a pair of orphans / bunny - charlotte. - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]"This a bad time for a joke about dinner?"

Several lengths away, partially obscured by brilliantly hued trees and naked branches, stands a rather short woman. Wild curls as orange and red as the autumn leaves tumble over her shoulders, highlighting a faint smattering of freckles across her pale skin. Charlotte gazes down at the youth with a tender expression, lips twitching in the fight to resist the insensitive jokes racing through her mind. Willpower wins in the end, thankfully; Harland looks like the sort of kid she can make cry. She has never claimed to have anything but a shitty sense of humor. "'Twas awful sweet of ya to save the lil' guy." the woman steps closer, brittle leaves crunching beneath the soles of her leather boots. "Mos' people wouldn't'a."

Crunching footsteps falter; Charlotte hesitates in her approach. A frown tugs at supple lips, drawing attention to the single freckle which mars the chapped pink flesh. She isn't sure how to be delicate, much less brave the treacherous realm that is handling children. "We, uh, we should pro'lly take 'im to a vet. Or a rescue." Who knows what might have been damaged in the rabbit's frantic attempt to escape the snare? Charlie certainly doesn't. But a person with knowledge of animal anatomy and an x-ray might. Those are pretty useful. "M'name's Charlie, by the way."