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bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Printable Version

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bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Kian. - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
He placed the blame on Séamus.  Rightly so, as far as he was concerned.  For the most part at least.  His twin could have, should have, utilized the Typhoon's raid on the Pitt to grab Keona and get out.  Of course, Kian learned long ago to take his brother's promises with a grain of salt.  He vowed to bring her home, he did not vow to do it when it made the most sense.

So, the faerie, fuming, lead a bloody endfield through the jungle.  A small basket hung in his own jaws, gently rocking with each step, though he seemed to take great care in moving slowly just in case.  Inside, the small, frailer form of Keona Sibéal ó Faoláin rested.  Dead exhausted.  Injured, though not covered in scarlet as Kian's twin.

From what he understood, they had made it out of the fortress in the dead of night, without much difficulty even, only to run into the daughter of a marauder, then for the marauder himself to show up.  Kian supposed it was a lucky time for Keona's powers to begin developing, albeit uncontrollably.  Evened the grounds.  It did not, however, protect them from what came next.

Ambushed by a dragon.  That, he knew, was the cause of Séamus' blood-covered fur and deep wounds, the shredded ear.  They'd left Keona injured too and for that, the pirate raged.  They'd nearly made it out with minimal injuries: Keona exhausted sure, but not hurt.  For that, the culprit could not be forgiven.  For that, Séamus bared much of the blame. If he'd just...

The twins did not speak through the trees.  The tension between them could cut through steel like melted butter.  The words had already been traded.  Now only their thoughts kept them company through the silence as the sun began to light up the horizon. If not for Séamus' state, Kian would have teleported to the ship.  Even so... Should he?  Who needed help more?  Keona obviously.  She's just a child.

The faerie lashed his tail.  No.  Even when he wanted to strangle him, Kian did not want to leave his brother to fend for himself.  He was getting him home too.  Perhaps that was soft of him.  The feline felt fairly certain his twin wouldn't do the same for him.  Not without an alternative motivation.  Yet he knew he couldn't bear if he lost either one of his brothers, much less the one who'd been born beside him.  No.

So, Kian led his brother to Barracuda Bay in the morning light of dawn, wondering how the ocean could glisten so brightly when he felt like a brewing rainstorm.  Very gently, he set the small basket at his paws, careful not to jostle the resting child within.  "We need a medic!"  Promptly.  "Le do thoil."

// [member=483]SÉAMUS[/member], [member=265]Keona.[/member]
Séamus' injuries consist of deep gashes across his body, and his left ear is shredded up.
Keona has a few broken ribs.
Both are also severely exhausted due to travel and in Keona's case the over extensive use of powers.

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Keona. - 10-23-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
A basket felt better than being carried by the scruff.  Safer.  More comfortable.  As such the child slept like the dead, the only sign of her being alive the shallow rise and fall of her chest.  Once or twice, her paw twitched, a sign of her uneasy dreams.  Even asleep, she recognizes the change in elevation as her father lowers the basket.  For a second, it seemed she may wake up, but soon drifted off again, wondering why it smelled like the sea when the last place she remembered had been the dry desert.

Home.  Perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her.  Home smelled like the sea, but they hadn't been home.  They'd been trying to get there.

[ friendly/healing powerplay is allowed ]
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - SÉAMUS - 10-24-2018

Séamus knew better than to try talking to Kian.  When everything necessary had been said, he let the tense quiet settle over them.  Left to his own thoughts, the endfield struggled -- something akin to remorse haunting him, leaving his guts feeling twisted inside.  Bad enough everything already hurt.  The pirate felt guilt very little in life.  Afterall, when he felt justified in his actions, he acted, his brothers and their opinions be damned.  But it was guilt nagging his cold heart now.

His twin knew his reasons, both selfish and logical alike, but he supposed it made up for nothing.  Séamus had never cared much for Kian and his morals.  A righteous pirate made little sense.  Pirates lived for freedom, for selfishness... So what if he'd done something stupid because he had let his greed get in his way? It had made sense... In that moment... And where are we now?

Truth be told, Séamus would not have minded being left alone.  Left to piece together everything and come to terms that this may have been mostly his fault.  Valkyr was to blame for the situation's beginning... But everything else... Only you, Sibi, he thinks, teeth grit, glancing at the basket in his twin's jaws.  Just a little before, the child within had been under his sole protection... How great that ended up... Even if I'm wrong...

He grimaced silently, teeth biting his tongue when he brushed too close to a tree, open wounds too exposed for his own good.  Perhaps it was good his brother remained at his side.  The constant but stormy sentinel.  The only one, he thinks, who'd ever put his neck on the line for someone who'd been nothing but trouble for him.  For someone who'd turned his back on family long ago.  Too sentimental.

He slumped to the ground quietly when they reached the bay, sea-green eyes finding the ocean then seeming to remain there, fixiated on the brightening horizon.  Last time I spy in a desert then try taking on a dragon.

// mobile
"word of mouth there's a snake in the garden" —-- Séamus Ó Faolán

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Masie - 10-24-2018

The border was dangerous for those not within the group, mostly because if someone wasn't part of The Typhoon they likely had yet to figure out the raptor nest was nearby the border. Due to their proximity to the exit/entrance, one of them or Owen often arrived very early when someone came upon the border. Today was no exception, the swift creature appeared from the brush in a small jump, tilting her head and sniffing the air, side of her jaw appearing weird. After a second glance? One would be able to be tell she was being treated for a minor burn, that a healer of the group had actually managed to touch one of the raptors, though this one was small compared to all the others, only the size of a domestic feline.

Medic? Where had she heard that vairety of noise before, it sounded kinda like Doctor did, it was then she realized what they needed. "PLANT CAT! PLANT CAT!" sniffing around she would start to chitter out for Junji, and she would keep doing that until she found him or someone else that carried that same super planty scent as he did. Once she found them? Masie would do whatever it took to take them to the injured party, even if it meant she may have to pick them up and carry them or irk them slightly. Even if she was less dangerous than her sisters, she didn't have communication with the other's down perfectly, but she wouldn't hurt someone to get them to treat the basket cat.

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - OWEN. - 10-24-2018

It took a few moments, but Owen had finally deciphered what the Hell Masie was screeching for. Plant cat? A medic, she meant?

After it all clicked, Owen rushed to the scene, pushing trees out of his way as he leaned down to the bodies. "JUNJI! WE'VE GOT SOME INJURED PEOPLE OVER HERE!" Owen roared out, the ground trembling under the loud echoes and bellows of his voice. The indominus rex glanced over each and every one of the returners, eye narrowed slightly. Huh.

"What happened? Gods, they look terrible.." Owen rumbled lowly, laying his head down on the ground to sniff them before he jerked his head away. God, he couldn't deal with the smell of injuries- it made him want to take them and mother them- what the fuck is wrong with him?



Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - raziel - 10-24-2018

The bay had been quiet most of the morning.  Peaceful, at least, for the time being.  The most disturbance to the stillness Raziel had expected was the shenanigans of his own daughter, Suvi, not someone crying for a healer.  'We need a medic!' That sounded like Kian.  Unable to resist the call for help by his younger brother, the direwolf bolted towards the sound, ears flicked back as he registered the endfield as the other, Kian's twin. He's looked better.  After a moment, Raziel further realized the tiny figure sheltered by a basket had to be Keona, who'd been taken by the Pitt.  "Oh dear," the faerie murmured, brows creasing sharply in worry.

Seamus, despite all of his faults, was still family, and the sight of blood staining his fur made Raziel uneasy.  "Did the Pitt do this?" That's who had taken Keona, last he checked.  Of course, his family had an unhealthy knack for finding trouble, if something had inflected this, well, he wouldn't be shocked.  The large canine shuffled closer to his brother, not eager to crowd the sleeping child, injured as she was.  No external wounds on her, he noted, a pit growing in his stomach.  With breathing like that, he had a feeling, all too familiar to the pain she'd like be suffering.

So, he turned his eyes on his younger brothers, narrowing them on the endfield.  "Tá tú i ndáiríre ina leathcheann." How the hell did they end up like this?

"How much blood have you lost, deartháir?" I'm not losing any family today, no matter the broken history between.  "Fan le linn, ceart go leor?

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Grey - 10-25-2018

[ ooc ] ninja'd but didn't really affect baku's contribution so i've kept it the way it was

He wasn't aware there was still pirates left over in The Pitt when he had returned, their residue smell clinging to the furs of the returning members. Truthfully, he could hardly tell them apart because he was awful at names and facing others properly. He never took the time to look at the individual features planted on their face. He could mistake a black cat with the name of a white cat, a white cat with the name of a black cat. His memory was perhaps yet another reason as to why he wasn't well liked within The Typhoon. He's butchered the names of others before, insulted his fellow pirates because it was easier to remember. Bakugou was no more than a bully - a bully who was easy to return the favour to because he made it way too easy. He was just an vulnerable as the exhaustion which plagued Keona, the blood that stuck to Seamus' skin. His eyes hover coldly over the faeries, no words escaping his dry lips. He was still in the midst of cooling off after the events with Guru, feelings were still swarming within him like a tornado of fire. For that reason, Bakugou was hesitant to approach. He maintained enough of a distance that his metallic scent was clouded by the thicker smell of blood, dry but deep.

He noticed the sound of cracking and falling trees before he realised that moments before the tiny raptor had been screeching, not even realising the that Masie had been there in the first place. Bakugou wasn't focusing. He was letting himself be way too tunnel-visioned, fixated on the murmuring thoughts in his head over what was in front of him. It was dangerous to let himself be like that. Right now, he feels more paranoid than ever. Someone could want him dead and he wouldn't be listening, wouldn't be listening for the heavy step of paws or hooves, lightly snapping twigs as an assassin comes right behind him. His fur rises at the thought, feeling constantly threatened. He gives himself a few deep breaths, finally approaching the scene after Owen had left after their soothsayer. The ragdoll was in no mood to deal with a grumpy raptor trainer, uninterested in his squabbles. Sanguine eyes sweep across the wounds that decorated Seamus. He realises the blind girl was injured too, ribs caved in because they had been broken, shattered. "When was the last time they ate?" he asks, thinking further ahead in future. "Just so I can get them somethin' to eat after Junji treats 'em."

Re: bring back the melody — returning seamus + keona - Keona. - 10-26-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
Loud.  All the voices, all the noise, did it.  The child's eyes fluttered, then opened.  The first thing she noticed was the fact she was resting inside something.  A basket?  Brows furrowed, the kitten tugged weakly on her mental connection with her uncle, sensing his nearby presence.  The other too -- she heard his accented voice mixing admist the voices.  Crewmates.  Crewmates.

The sudden realize nearly brought her up on her paws, if not for the sharpness of pain that ambushed her body.  More than a scrape or a cut; pain she was unfamiliar with, unused to with every inhale and exhale.  "D... Da?"  Nearby too.  Relief shagged her shoulders, even as she tried to find a better rhythm of breathing.  So they had gotten home.  To the ocean breeze and chatter of pirates.  To a gentler sun and jungle trees.

Still.  Too loud. She shrinks into the basket, as much as she could, small form shaking.  Like an ambush. Surrounded.  She hated it.  Eyes off.  Too loud.  Just go away.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯