Beasts of Beyond
money don't matter / invitation to roseblood halloween festival - Printable Version

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money don't matter / invitation to roseblood halloween festival - sephiroth - 10-23-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The Rosebloods was trying to be more social, but Sephiroth was still too busy keeping everything together to come and invite the Typhoon himself.  Thankfully his powers allowed him to dictate the actions of smaller creatures that he could easily use for tasks such as this.

A desert buzzard could be seen flying towards the Typhoon territory gripping a pale piece of paper in it’s talons.  The bird, given instructions through Sephiroth’s mental manipulation, would dive down towards the gate and stick the note to the entrance, before the bird fluttered its wings to perch atop the gate delicately, it’s presence hopefully drawing attention to the invitation pinned to the gate.

The note read the following, the paper slightly yellowed as it was clearly found in the ruins on the fly.

Lord Sephiroth and the Rosebloods invite you to a Halloween themed gathering

Come to mingle and participate in events and socialization

Food and drink provided

We hope to see you participate in the seasonal festival

Yep, short direct and to the point, definitely written by Sephiroth.

(link to festival)

Re: money don't matter / invitation to roseblood halloween festival - Grey - 10-24-2018

He'd never thought much of the Rosebloods. He viewed them as expendable. Proud things that they could use in battle, extras to be mauled within the heat of war. He remembers once participating in a raid, joining in because The Pitt were picking them off, but since then he never heard much from them. It was easy for him to forget they even existed and he felt them more to be neutrals. Regardless, they were their allies and he remembers seeing the lion once or twice during his time in The Typhoon. It doesn't sway the thoughts that run through his mind when he comes across a white paper. He saw the bird as it flew off, the elegance of the avian reminding him of the many pets that seemed to fly about within the confines of the island. As he comes closer, words begin to materialise into his vision. He sees the fancy text but rips the page off before reading it quietly. Halloween. He knows he won't go because he dislikes parties, preferring to brood by himself within his hut, bathing in all his antisocial glory. However, he also knows there are members who breathed for those sorts of social interactions.

Bakugou, taking it as his responsibility, brings the note with him. He walks quietly to the Barracuda Bay, knowing it was where most of their population happened to be, always concentrated with the forms of pirates. Strangely enough, he first struggles to try and get everyone's attention. He hesitates, realising he wasn't sure how he felt about simply announcing his presence and the invitation. Does he even care? It would have been easier to have left that note on the border, waited for someone else to catch the blur of white in the distance. The Reaver sighs. He's brought it this far already. It would have been a waste of his time. "Yo drunkards and idiots," Bakugou calls out, waving the paper in the air, "Rosebloods invited us to some Halloween gatherin'. There's food and drinks and go if you want - I don't fuckin' care. If you want more information, then read the rest yaself." He drops the invitation note to the ground before swiveling around and returning to his business, uninterested in holding the post as 'invitation boy' for too long.

Re: money don't matter / invitation to roseblood halloween festival - Luca - 10-24-2018

Much like Bakugou, Luca didn't know much about the Rosebloods, and couldn't bring himself to care about them all that much. He'd never interacted with anyone from there (not that he could remember, anyway) and their name sounded all... high and mighty, like they took themselves super seriously. Luca couldn't handle groups like that, the 'blood' in the title was reminiscent of those groups that paraded around family and bloodlines as if they had any worth at all. Stifling and stupid. Blood wasn't poetic or important or pure, it was just blood. Still, maybe he was assuming something that wasn't the truth. He knew nothing about this group's traditions or how they acted. Maybe their title had no meaning at all, and he was reading too far into it. Either way, he found himself paying attention as Bakugou pulled him from his work to shout about an invitation. He dusted flour from his fur and trotted over curiously, seemingly putting his guilt towards the feline in the past for now. He was much too busy at the moment thinking about parties and other fun things.

Bakugou dropped the invitation and Luca wandered forwards to read it, although that had never been his strong point. He squinted at the words for a bit before managing to make them out, mouthing them silently to get them into his brain. He never trusted anyone that referred to themselves as "lord", but he guessed it was equal to Pincher calling himself captain. Still, captain seemed less... anime villain, he supposed. Luca definitely wasn't opposed to going though. He didn't like to miss parties, even if the party's hosts were giving off strong evil vampire vibes. At least vampires were sexy, and hey, free drinks! "Guess I'll go," he said to no one in particular, settling back in the sand to give the others a chance to read the invitation.