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DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - Printable Version

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DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - rhosmari - 10-23-2018

Chains rattled and dragged against the floor, a sound of grating metal against the stone cold flooring of some area. The stone was slick with water, clear fluid that had ran down and dampened thick coffee cream colored fur. It was plastered against her body, dragging her down much like the chains were currently doing. Keeping her in place as her black eyes rolled in their sockets. The pain was unbearable and this had been going on for how many days now? She'd lost count and all she wanted to do now was go home. But she couldn't because whatever this was that had infected her needed to be gotten rid of or else it would kill her and turn her into something that she didn't want to be. Whatever it was that thing had done it had infected her very soul, her very being and was slowly changing it. Filling it with a soul sucking darkness that would force death upon her only to rise her again as some malevolent creature hell bent on preying in the souls of the weak and shattered. That was something she couldn't allow to happen but she didn't think that when the process was given to her, something that could ultimately save her would be something that would cost her so much. The idea of a little water had never frightened her before as she had been in water nearly her whole life. It was a presences that she cherished more than anything in the world. Something that comforted her when she felt down and out, something she understood. The ocean had been a dear friend of her's for so long and yet this water was pure agony.

It felt as if every nerve, every pain receptor was on fire. All igniting at once to sear her brain with overwhelming pain. She was burning and that was the only way she could describe the pain that she was constantly in. She was burning alive and it was all from this water. The one administering it said it was holy water, blessed by the gods to beat back the demonic entities and what they had left in her soul and though she had never been one to be too religious this was an eye opener for her. They existed. Gods existed and now she needed them to help her but oh how she wanted it all to stop. Just for everything to stop so that she might be able to get some rest and her darkened eyes squeezed shut as she waited. There was a moment, then another passed before suddenly she heard the familiar sloshing of the liquid in a rickety bucket. On instinct she pulled against the chains that held her body down, body shaking hard as she jerked her head as if to avoid a sudden strike against her face. "P-please no...I can' this anymore..." She wheezed out but there was no stopping them as the water was washed over her head. Immediately she let out a scream of pure pain and agony, steam issuing forth from her body as if it was indeed burning. Her body thrashed hard against the ground, claws dragging against stone and leaving white lines as she kicked and bashed her own head against it.

For a moment because of this she lost consciousness, but it was only a slight reprieve from the next sloshing of water over the midsection of her body. Her head jerked up and she let out an ungodly roar that forced the cave to shudder from such a tremendous power. Walls shuddering before she fell silent again. Whines left her throat and she dragged her head against the ground, panting sharply as she tried to focus her more greenish black gaze on something anything. "B-Bucky.....Venus.....anyone..please...." But they wouldn't be allowed to interfere in the process as she turned to try not to see the next bucket of holy water that was dumped along her backside. Her strangled cries filled the cavern once more and she jerked her leg, suddenly snapping the chain that held down that appendage to their surprise. Her claws flashed through the air hitting one of her helpers and slamming him against the wall before one could pin that leg down and rechain her. Black ooze still dripped from her mouth and they had yet to make her intake the holy water. This was only the beginning, to force her to be weakened and more susceptible to the effects of the holy liquid. Her breathing hitched and she rolled her eyes slowly, claws curling against the stone for just a moment before she dragged her muzzle up from the ground.

They all looked at each other and a silence stretched before a singular nod was given. One that was a signal to begin the final step. One moved forward and grabbed her mouth, forcing her jaws open as a bottle was opened up. The strange slightly blue toned water was hurriedly poured down her throat and her mouth released as she forcible swallowed so that she didn't choke. What followed next was nothing short of hell. Her insides felt like they were on fire, searing and melting together. The black ooze began to pour from her mouth, coughing splattering the ground with it as she screamed out bloody murder into the empty air in front of her. Her vision twisted into something horrific, faces dancing in front of her of skulls, fangs, bloodied bodies. "Oh my gods!" She screamed out as she thrashed. It was too much, too much. Her last thought was that she was going to do. The thing that was supposed to save her was going to kill her and there was no much that she wanted to do so much that she wanted to say. Her strength gave out and she collapsed against the ground with a ragged breath escaping her, and a thud of strained muscles. Her vision fading but her mind still sluggishly moving, thinking about last words. "I...I love you....Pincher..." The words were muttered, utter with such gentleness and reserve. She'd grown so attached to him the past days and even though she didn't think he felt the same her heart would forever pester her. He'd never know that she uttered those words because she believed she was dying. But it was better to say it then to let it stay silent forever in her heart. Then she was washed away in a sea of darkness and with her consciousness so too was the sickness. She was cured.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - toboggan - 10-23-2018

Sometimes, life insinuated that everybody had something to live for. Whether the protagonist was kicked by that constant desire for uniform integrity, or Joe was a hellish demon sent from the underworld to destroy all, all and sundry in life had a calling, a themed inevitability. And, here you had Wendell, throughout his stay here in Sunhaven, surrounded by these amazing personalities and beings of unimaginable power, meagrely pining after a life of simple pleasures. The mustelid wore no mutations, bore no supernatural powers, and possessed no scourge. And, yet, he believed himself damned to a fate much worse than crucifixion; a long, uneventful existence. Wendell never robbed a bank, or wrote a hit song. He was Wendell, a peace-loving simpleton whom couldn’t go a week without pointing out the flaws he tried ever so much to avoid. The mustelid belonged not in Sunhaven, not Snowbound, but an isolated cabin in a forgotten wood.

He was not an actor, like the rest; Wendell Harrowsmith was an audience member.

It had been yet another monotonous epoch of routine hours, mostly spent on the hide from ghosts and snide Ascendants who may crave his hide for an easy target. As was his usual daily formula. No friends to count on, no rivals to compete against. Just existing, wasting away at his lifespan. It was dangerous to go out and about nowadays, further limiting opportunity - however, today was different. Maybe- maybe the wolverine would venture to a spot he was unfamiliar with (which wouldn’t be too hard, for much his home territory had went unexplored by the male). It mattered not if he got captured or not, for it would at least be something in his life, for once. How was he supposed to write a book lol he’d planned if there was no inspiration to take adventure away from?

Hours later was where he found himself now, confused, afraid, concerned. A being was in obvious pain, a conflagrant, shocking amount of pain. Whatever, whoever, it was, moaning at a level of decibels comparable to that of an avalanche, Wendell exhibited a dread-haunted condolement, meaning he desired to aid the individual expressing their incredulous pain, yet feared the horrid bellowing that said individual had broached.

Soon, the yowls died down, which kickstarted a guilt within the indecisive sunbearer. He was obviously too late, all on fault of chickenheartedness. Desperate for answers to a previously unasked question - what caused this personage to shriek? - he entered the scene, and received an answer he had not foreseen; it was not a what making those wretched noises, but a who, a who he had known, no less. Marina. Her chained figure was immediately recognizable, compelling Wendell to dart towards the hellhound, taking no notice of her devoted accomplice. His aghast maw moved, yet no words formed or exited through his breaths. Why was his Helion shackled to the flooring, what sticky situation had the gaffer gotten into for her to exist in such a state? It was known that she had been sickened, infected by some exotic influenza, though none of it crossed his mind - Wendell cared more for how to save Marina, rather than ponder on the circumstances. Finally, he spoke. "Are...?" he unsteadily asked the figure, her previous cries of certain wording too distant to be fathomed, but close enough to be heard, ”are you there? Mrs. Marina?”. It seemed her last bit of consciousnesses had just left. Slowly approaching her form, he’d calmly institute, though in a stronger voice, ”Marina, do you stir?”.

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - miss ririchiyo - 10-23-2018


"is she not answering?" lucerys chirped as he rushed over, having been laying not too far off from marina's own home. he had been worried- he knew, he knew she didn't feel well, he could smell the sickness in the air around her. it was sickening, it made him want to puke, but he knew it. he didn't miss all of the soft words the muttered, his enhanced hearing straining to listen for any signs of life behind the door of darkness that was her chambers.

"marina! marina, come and stand up, please!" lucerys called out to the woman, tense shoulders worrying themselves as his wings unfolded, nervously flapping behind him, sending debris flying from the pressure. it was obvious that at this point, he wasn't calm at all. "she reeked of sickness before, i don't smell it anymore, wendell." he empathized, his tail whipping behind him as his ears leaned eagerly forward. lack of sick smell usually meant the person was cured, or dead. right?

if she didn't reply, he was going to make that move himself- fuck privacy right now- the helion was sick- or passed out- or dead.

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-24-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Everyone got sick. It was simply the way life ended up being dealt with animals such as themselves. There were many different illnesses that one could catch or poisons that could be used to make one extremely ill. It was rare to see anyone die from an illness or a disease for that manner. Ichigo did see someone die from cancer before, and it had been a traumatic experience for the cougar to watch as his adopted niece died in his arms and there was nothing that he could do to save her life. Just because he was a Death God didn't mean that he had the ability of bringing back the death. He could only either bring death or help those that were already dead along their journey to the afterlife. He wasn't someone that had the ability to resurrect the dead, although there were plenty of times where he had the power to give life so that everyone he knew wouldn't be dead anymore. It would make his life so much better, but he also knew that wasn't how the world worked. If too many creatures kept alive, it would mean that it would throw off the balance between Soul Society and the world of the living. The wildcat had no intention of putting that on his plate because it would probably mean he would get hunted down by other Shinigami. Ichigo had gotten sick by several occasions, but usually it wasn't just a common cold that got him down. There was an instance where the corrupted spirit inside of him made him increasingly ill, to the point that he wouldn't eat and he wouldn't sleep. This resulted him in hallucinating and nearly transforming. The wildcat had also gotten sick when he was bitten by a vampire, with after experience he now knew that they were real and not something to undermine.

Since he didn't die from the vampire, who happened to be the clan leader at the time of the clan that he was in, meant that the toxins from the bite were trying to work to transform him into a vampire. The Shinigami portion of his body however refused to let his body be transformed into something like that, but in the process of purging the transformation he became incredibly sick for several weeks. It took Ichigo a long time before he finally managed to figure out what was making him sick in the first place. The Shinigami couldn't eat, and was throwing up each time he ingested something. After a couple of weeks he began to improve and was able to stomach some lesser meats, such as fish, as it didn't upset his stomach as much. During that time he never once craved the flavor of blood and thought the idea of consuming blood was fairly gross to him. The most recent illness he had the joy of dealing with had been when a parasitic spirit had embedded itself near his spine. Ichigo didn't know that he had been infected with something after he had been seriously injured until he took off his armor and felt something moving underneath his skin. It had been incredibly painful and sapped all the energy out of his system, leaving the corrupted spirit inside of him to run the show. Or at least partly. Ichigo didn't know what to do with the thing inside of him, as there was no one that he knew at the time that would be willing to help him with something that most animals couldn't comprehend or even understand. It was a hard task, and eventually, his physical body couldn't handle it anymore and he became possessed by the corrupted spirit inside of him.

The over-sized cougar nearly killed his friends and family while he was possessed, and was lucky that Dimitri came to save the day. Dimitri also ended up being the one to cut out the parasite that was almost directly attached to his spine at that point. It had been so painful that his powers had reacted accordingly and ended up burning Dimitri. In which his fellow Shinigami left, and he hadn't seen the other sense. That was probably one of the worst cases of him being sick, and one of the more frightening ones as he didn't have a backup plan on if he couldn't figure out how to remove the parasite living and using his energy. He had just planned that he would probably end up dying, and he came very close to that happening. The Shinigami now wasn't infected with anything. He was technically healthy other than his mental state, and he probably wasn't eating enough but that was normal when he was under a lot of stress. There was too much happening in this group, and the Shinigami wasn't sure what to think of it. He didn't even really know half of the story and needed more evidence before he could. There were also strong spiritual presences in the area that he would eventually have to deal with and eradicate whatever it was. Because of the threats that were constantly looming, Ichigo had been patrolling probably when he didn't need to. Ichigo didn't really know all the territory that well, and the Shinigami was doing his best to stay away from the ocean portion of the place. He was extremely scared of the ocean, and being at this age and having faced demonic beasts one would think that he would probably not be afraid of anything. One would think differently. Ichigo was used to having his enhanced hearing on while he did so, as he was able to cover a little bit more ground without specifically using his teleportation. Because of his enhanced hearing, the wildcat was able to hear sounds in the distance, but he was too far away to be able to hear what they actually were.

The Shinigami decided to direct his attention toward the sounds and made his way over in that direction. As he got closer, Ichigo was able to distinguish what the sounds were. Screams. Horrible screams. His made his bi-colored eyes go wide with shock as he went from trotting to sprinting as fast as he could. The sword on his back seemed to stay fairly in place when he ran, and the wildcat heard the sounds of the scream stop as he neared the area. To get there faster, Ichigo would begin teleporting short distances until he came to the mouth of a cavern. He heard voices down inside of the cavern, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He turned off his enhanced hearing and simply made his way deep into the cavern where he heard voices. Both voices were familiar, but it was only one animal that he knew the name of and that was Wendell. He flicked one of his ears as his claws were unsheathed in case something unexpected happened. As he rounded one of the corners, he noticed that there was light, probably by candles or some other means. Ichigo was able to see a chained Hellhound at the middle of the group, the one that had gone to the Ascendants with the corpse. At this time he didn't even know the leaders name but he would know it later on. He noticed the chains that were keeping to the ground except for one limb, and the Shinigami cursed under his breath as he began to make his way over.

As he neared, the horrible stench from all of the black liquid hit him almost like a train, causing the swordsman to gag slightly as he moved forward. It smelled awful. What the hell had happened here?! There was water all over the ground, and the place smelled like a burning corpse. Craning his neck, Ichigo grabbed onto the hilt of his sword and unsheathed the blade. The fabric that was usually wrapped around it unraveling to reveal the black and silver blade underneath. It was there that Ichigo would aim to start cutting the chains at the base of where they were connected to the structure, not to Marina of course as with a large blade as that he would be worried of cutting the hellhounds leg off. As he moved to try and cut the last one, the Shinigami ended up stepping in one of the clear puddles of water. Immediately, the water began to sizzle and begin to burn the bottom of his left paw. "The hell?!" Ichigo snarled as he immediately moved away from the liquid, lifting up one of his paws. The stuff just looked like clear liquid. Although it wouldn't surprise him if it was secretly acid with the way the place smelled. Approaching the last chain, Ichigo would again aim to slam the powerful blade on top of the end of the chain hoping to sever it. If he had to, he could use his fire elementals to melt the metal, but this option was better and easier. "Someone go get a medic!" Ichigo shouted through the hilt of the heavy blade that he was carrying thanks to his elemental powers.

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - Hope Arcanium - 10-24-2018

As if on cue the form of the ivory domestic feline mutant would arrive, eyes full of concern and worry as she inched her way past the crowd to get to Marina. Leona gave the other creature a once-over to check for any visible wounds or injuries. None from what she could tell, except for those damned chains. Thank the stars for Ichigo, and she gave a thankful nod as the big cat attempted to hack away at them with his blade.

"Hey. Ichigo, is it? Can I get you to move over a bit so that I can get a better look?" Her tone was soft and polite, and the Solbinder waited patiently for him to move over. She needed to make sure there wasn't any internal bleeding or other problems.

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - Luciferr - 10-24-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angelus Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeline (which range from 4 to 6ft) - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven and is considered 'fallen' by his divine brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
He pads in behind the rest of them, eerie azure eyes glancing across the set up - the chains bring back memories and something pangs in him at the sight, no doubt his brother is in a similar disposition right now, magically reinforced most likely, only the most powerful wards can hold either of them, he knows from experience when the daemoni had tried to capture and subdue their famed most hated enemy in the last war.

could hardly blame them for that, he had been responsible for many of their kind's death as such was conflict's nature.

Marina is lying unconscious it seems, still bound in those chains - he eyes the pools of holy water (he knows the faint scent and sparkle of blessing) and moves a paw through them, they don't so much as bite him in any pain, proof that renegade he may be - fallen they may say - he isn't in truth.

he nods to the armoured death god - it occurs to him he still doesn't know many names here - and confirms "Holy water" given the death god's erratic 'tainted' aura it's not so surprising, he looks back at Marina "Likely to purge her illness" the taint that had been killing her seems entirely lifted - a good sign.

still he moves aside as Leona draws near but moves to help with the chains - he attempts to freeze some parts brittle before attempting shattering them

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - buckingham barnes - 10-25-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Throughout his life, the maine coon hasn't contracted any serious physical illnesses. Sure, the former assassin gets a cold, or maybe a fever, every once and awhile, but they never got to a point where he feared they'd take his life. Despite how fluffy he looks, there's a lot of muscle under his skin. He's strong, not just physically- his immune system knows how to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses more than he realizes. While he's grateful that he hasn't caught any life-threatening diseases, he feels upset when others aren't as lucky. Especially if those others are his friends and family, he will get nervous to no end. Bucky is useless, useless in medical situations. What happens in the medics can't save his friend? What if they try everything they can do, and they still loose their patient? What if Marina dies? What if he never hears his friend's voice again? These worries brew up in his chest, getting heavier and heavier with each passing day.

The commotion inside Marina's home grabbed the maine coon's attention. It first started with Marina's screams- he could hear her more due to his enhanced senses. In that moment he heard her cry out for him, Venus, and that plea- Bucky's plans to patrol the territory were abandoned. The male made his way to Marina's home as quickly as he could, not even caring if his paw steps were noticeable at the moment. As he approached the house, he could hear several voices inside with multiple scents mixing with a repulsive smell. His nose crunched up at the stench, but that wasn't going to stop him. He continued moving forward, padding up to the open door and entering the home. "Move out of the way!" He ordered two npcs who stood in front of him- which both made the smart decision to move to the side. The maine coon padded through, eventually making it to the front of the mini crowd. And not too long after, his gaze landed on Marina, who Ichigo was currently cutting the chains off of. Bucky stared for a few moments, eyeing the black liquid on the ground and then onto his friend's unconscious form. Worry instantly blazed in his eyes, the worst possible scenarios running through his head.

He doesn't want to find out she dead. Oh god, please no- he can't stumble upon her corpse again. His gaze snaps over to Crypticwhisper, an invisible eyebrow raising at the mention of holy water. Bucky knew she was sick, but he wasn't aware that something demonic could have been involved. Besides seeing his parents ghosts(which could have been hallucinations), the male doesn't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural. Maybe this would help change his mind, usually holy water isn't used to heal someone from a bad case of influenza. "Will she be okay? She's not dead, right?"

Re: DAYBREAK - open; purged sickness - rhosmari - 10-25-2018

Her body was still but if one could see closer they would notice the light trembling of her body. The croaking breathes leaving out of a slightly parted muscle. Her body was still in pain but it wasn't as bad as it had been previously. Claws still curled had scrapped the ground up, leaving thick white lines against the surface and it was obvious to tell that she had been struggling at one point. Trying to break free from the pain and the anguish that mere water had brought to her. When the procedure had been brought to her to save her she hadn't thought it would be that bad. Why would it be anyway? It was just a bunch of water being dumped on her ever so often with the end product being to drink it. That shouldn't have been so bad but it seemed that she was utterly wrong. Perhaps she should have read up more on malevolent spirits and the pain of getting their toxins out of a body through the use of holy substances. But she just hadn't thought about it. Even now she was just laying there after enduring all of that but there were presences she could feel around her. There were others around her and she could feel them.

The cracking and breaking of chains seemed to rouse her more towards consciousness and a soft groan left her throat. Worried words and hushed voices met her ear and she lifted her head slowly though her eyes remained closed. Weak was how she felt right now but she could feel the fact that she felt alive. She felt pure and untainted and slowly she opened her vivid green hues. They were no longer completely black and she allowed a soft but weak smile to pull from her muzzle. Her limbs ached, body ached but as she shifted and attempted to sit up she almost fell over with how tired she was. Her paw slapped against the wet ground to hurriedly catch herself and she shuddered with the strength needed to keep herself from collapsing back down. "I'm alright, I'm fine...just really tired. I think...I'm better now. Ya don't have tae worry bout me." Her voice though soft was clear and she shifted to pull herself into a more comfortable position.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡