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bel air baby // open, joining. - Printable Version

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bel air baby // open, joining. - pandora . - 10-23-2018

Her lungs burned. With every movement, every muscle screamed at her to just stop and take a break. But she couldn't. Not yet. She wasn't sure how far away from the fight she was now, but she couldn't hear it anymore. She couldn't see anything that was familiar. Nothing that would give her a clue as to where she was at. They had thought they had been far enough away from her mother. She had hoped-

A violent shake of her head kept her moving, until her paws brought her to a rock, embedded in the earth. Ungracefully, she found herself stumbling over the rock and making a dive to the ground. The force of it knocked the air out of her lungs, and, for a few moments, the hybrid lay there, trying to soothe the pain in her lungs that had grown due to her fall. With every moment she was struggling, panic filled her. At least, the pain subsided enough that she could push herself to her paws again, pace quickening until a smell, several different scents, greeted her.

Hopefully, she would be safe here. For a time. Skidding to an awkward stop, Pandora waited, ears twitching and head twisting to give a nervous glance behind her every so often.

Re: bel air baby // open, joining. - guts - 10-23-2018

So, she was the first one to greet her. Fun! She wasn't supposed to be out here, really, but she didn't mind. She supposed she got it from her older brother. Besides, it was no fun, being cooped up in the Observatory unless someone was outside with her. Everybody was usually busy, which left her to just sit around. She didn't think so! She didn't always disobey rules, of course, but just this once. Hopefully it wouldn't get her into trouble she couldn't get out of.

"Hello! Who are you?" Isabelle says quite loudly as she greets the other, who looked even younger than she was. What was she doing out here alone? She didn't think about it long, nor did she bother asking. She wasn't too sure it was an answer she would like to hear. "I'm Isabelle! This is the Ascendants, if you didn't know." sometimes they had people come around and not even know where they were. Maybe she was one of these people.


Re: bel air baby // open, joining. - ELEANOR. - 10-23-2018

eleanor was the next to approach, the gentle woman coming to a stop beside her younger sibling. she didn't like the idea of children greeting strangers on the borders, but she also wasn't in charge of anything, so, she kept that opinion to herself, instead allowing her gaze to rake observantly across her sibling. she seemed safe, that was good. nelly's attention turned to the stranger on the border, surprised to realise she was nothing more than a child. she seemed anxious, her eyes darting behind her, she held an air of fear which raised eleanor's concern level. what was this child afraid of?

"my name's eleanor," she greeted gently, head tipping softly to the side as she offered a reassuring smile. "are you alright? how can i help you sweetie?" nelly was approachable, wasn't she? surely. she was childish, bright eyed, friendly, yeah, usually she was approachable, hopefully this child found herself able to trust eleanor. 

Re: bel air baby // open, joining. - agathe. - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]It was hard for Agathe to hide the displeasure written so plainly across her features as she arrived to discover that a lone child had been the first one to greet this stranger. The hospitality was nice, don't misunderstand her, but with the threat of a cold-blooded killer who seemed to derive joy from shredding others to pieces hanging over their heads, even the Lunar Lieutenant - disinterest in children and all - could not stomach the idea of something happening to a child as sweet as Isabelle appeared to be. Had Moon's orders not been clear enough? Or was there simply a lack of respect towards the rules? No matter the reason, Agathe quietly reminded to speak to the Seraph later about a possible punishment.

For now, she supposed that she could occupy herself with tending to this joiner. The arrival of Nelly indicated that it was relatively under control but the snow leopard made no move to fade back into the shadows, instead analyzing the nervous girl with a gold gaze. Ah yes, she certainly seemed unnerved by one thing or the other, and Agathe knew her strengths and weaknesses well enough to know that she'd be no use in calming the other girl down. So until it was necessary, she remained a frigid and silent force that towered above the two domestic cats that stood in front of her her, red cloak splayed out all around her willowy form.