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STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - Printable Version

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STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-15-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille's experience with the Typhoon was limited. At most, he knew vaguely of their Pirating ways, and had the brief interaction with Pincher to judge the rest of the Clan on. He didn't particularly like the foreign leader. He didn't have a true foundation for that distaste, but he was just a little too flippant towards Starry for his liking. Sure, Pincher wasn't quite as rude as Beck (the Tanglewood ghost was #1 on his shitty leader list, for sure). But he also wasn't great, and had the smug attitude who thought he had already out maneuvered you in the next three moves. And they hadn't even started playing a game yet.

Look, Bastille was no master strategist, nor did he pride himself as being one. That sort of shit didn't scream as crucial to his identity. But he was an excellent judge of character, and pretty fucking intuitive about people for someone who didn't seem to give a flying fuck about others or their business. So, he saw Pincher's cunning and more importantly, he saw Pincher's arrogance about that cunning. And he didn't like it. As such, he wasn't expecting much from his "crew".

The bengal stood idly on the end of their connector, waiting on the brink of what he considered the official start to Typhoon territory. They had an interesting layout, though Bast was more interested in history and traditions than in geography. He was always interested getting shit moving, because it had been days since Luna disappeared and he'd already wasted some time trying to visit other neighboring groups with no sign of her. (Pincher seemed like the type to kidnap people, just saying. Maybe he would have greater success here.)

No point in announcing himself with no clear sign of anyone in the distance, so he waited. Impatiently.

Re: STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - Verdigris - 04-16-2018

  Bast wasn't wrong about Pincher's arrogance or wits. The captain had an irreverent streak a mile long, but he had a right to it; it was no small feat to keep a crew as wild as the Typhoon under control. (Well, mostly under control- there had been one incident with Guru. Compared to Paper's own experience, however, Pincher was doing a decent job.)

  The jackal didn't recognize the scent of the individual at the border, but he could tell they weren't from Tanglewood, so they probably weren't there to attack. They didn't smell like a typical loner, either, so they likely weren't a joiner. Approaching the bengal (seriously, had there been a bengal breeder around here once upon a time? The breed was way more common around here than normal), Papercutter asked, "Hey. What brings you here?"

Re: STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - Luciferr - 04-17-2018

Hymn of Ruin
He had not yet met their erstwhile leader, something the dragon found curious but perhaps Pincher was simply busy - considering he'd stepped onto and joined this land just as a war broke out, he couldn't exactly blame him even if such conflicts seemed so small to someone of his years - but then he'd seen conflicts that had lasted a dozen lifetimes and was far more weary of them then most would give him credit for - he had no desire to lose the fleeting lives of his friends quicker than their natural lifespans after all.

The dark shadow moved along behind the jackal, quiet as he caught the unfamiliar but unmistakable scent of a different clan - that made three different ones he'd encountered now, Typhoon, Tanglewood and whomever this might be. He stopped short of coming up alongside paper, simply curving his tail around his legs as he sat, the dark beast content yo wait for a reply with only a quiet nod of greeting to the stranger.


Re: STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - BASTILLEPAW - 04-17-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
That didn't take too long, but it usually never did. Clans had an odd habit of consistently being around whenever someone was waiting, as if they had a highly tuned radar for strangers. Whatever; Bast didn't care, regardless -- he was itching to keep searching for Luna, and the sooner these people could give him answers, the better. If they had her, he could consider Pincher higher on his shitty leader list than Beck; if not, then Beck was probably still the worst. Really, it didn't impact his view of the two groups that much. It just meant he would finally get answers about his missing mentor.

She was friendly -- a stark contrast to the leader he'd met so far. Bast studied her briefly before he nodded idly, gaze flickering to the dragon who approached as well before he said, "We lost a member recently. She went missing about a week ago, and she wouldn't have just left without mention unless something happened to her. Pale fur, feline, typical friendly. Lunafreya. If you have her, I want her back; if you saw her passing through, I'd like to know if she said anything; if you literally have no idea what I'm talking about, that works too." Short, simple, no bull-shit. Bast didn't seem too accusatory, but he was watchful, as if checking to see if they were lying.

Re: STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - Luciferr - 04-19-2018

[div style=";width:440px;padding:20px 10px 20px 10px;background:#f2f2f2 url(;"][div style=";width:420px;background:#000000;color:white;font-family:times new roman;font-style:italic;text-align:center;font-size:48px;letter-spacing:-4px;line-height:60px;padding-bottom:4px;opacity:0.8;";]Hymn of Ruin[/div][div style="opacity:0.8;font-family:courier new;font-size:7px;background:#121212;padding-bottom:5px;text-transform:uppercase;width:420px;letter-spacing:2px;color:white;"]LUCIFER GRIMM — MALE — TYPHOON — VERY DIFFICULT[/div][div style="width:400px;padding:10px;background:#000000;opacity:0.8;"][div style="font-family:verdana;line-height:11px;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;color:#ffffff;"]he blinks and a frown crosses his features as he thinks it over - no that name is unfamiliar, he has not found a captive nor a guest bearing it and so he shakes his head in answer to the ascendant on their border "I'm afraid that name and accompanying description is unfamiliar to me" he rumbles, an apologetic grimace to his features but he inclines his head to paper if the jackal knows anything - but he'd like to think he had an inventory of everyone who lived here or had come into the territory lately.

/short ;-;


Re: STRING HIM UP | open + ascendant on the border - Guru - 04-27-2018

gasp, luna??
//tracking out of curiosity