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my daddy's got a gun / prompt - Printable Version

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my daddy's got a gun / prompt - EXODUS-- - 10-23-2018

[div style="width: 200px; overflow: auto; width: overflow: auto; font-family: timesnewroman; text-align: justify; max-height: 400px; "]It was amidst the gentle sunset's arrival when she came across the blue stone. effervescent streaks of glorious gold and purple creased in celestial boundary. Soft and gilded on a backdrop of burning, smoldering light and shining rays. The sun was dying, withering it's indomitable presence away for the climax of the day.

Exodus discovered it on a dune of sand. The rock was smooth, ovule like an egg and soft blue in color like the powdered sky.

She only retained vague memories of her hatching-- foggy and fleeting were they from her young age, like something she could not hold onto. Exodus scarcely remembered the hur of her own eggshell, fragile like delicate shards of shining glass as it crumbled easefully beneath her bucking kicks. The dinosaur did not know that the soft blue of the rock before her was so drastically different from her own egg's navy coloring, deep like the inky indigo of the night sky.

But she did know of the color blue. Blue, that was the tincture of her own egg shell from those days.

So dearly similar to the fat rock before her.

The stone was warm from the sun's kiss, and heavy enough to seem as if were carrying the weight of a growing being within.

It was painfully easy to mistake for an egg.

A utahraptor egg, in fact.

At this percieved misconception, the gal's mind clicked, realization dawning upon her ragged features and dancing with lingering discovery.

Perhaps it was stupidity that urged her to consider the possibility that this rock was the cradle for a growing being of her own kind. She, after all, was a fine thing, was birthed from a species founded on meticulous calculation and shrouded in sharp wit.

But Exodus had all the eager inexperience of youth, and a healthy dollop of stupidity as well.

Cautious inquisition overcame her features she leaned forward, cradled it into the crook of her neck and feeling the warmth of it against feather laced skin. Carefully, Exodus inspected the stone in the light of the sudden revelation that this 'egg' could harbor fellow creature of her own calibre-- no. Of her calibre? Not quite. It was beneath her. Vulnerable, weak. Not like the merciless glory of her siblings. Exodus's mind easfully drifted to despicable things.

She was hungry.

Exodus had her fair share of consuming eggs-- snatching them from nests situated far too intimately to the ground, snagged them from where they'd fallen to the ground.

A utahraptor egg would be no different. The youth was utterly unrepentant in her savage thoughts, robbed of virtue and principal, incapable of faulty standards, the shackles and fetters that were morals. The command to kill was written, coded into the very mainframe of her primal mind.

There was no motherly instinct singing within her bones-- nothing compelling her to nurture the thing before her. No love in her cold, callous heart for anything other than her sibling and darling sable mother.

To care for what did not benefit her was had never been seeded within her nature to begin with. She was the snapping, burning fire, ready to scorch all brfore her. The apex of heat, the antithesis of love.

And she revelled in destroying anything that was not of her kin.

For the inner wiles of her imagination dictated that the only ones of her species spared from her utter, shrewd verdict were her family. No one else would get that same courtesy.

Not even an egg. A fat utahraptor egg that she could ruthlesslg shred without a second pondering.

All the more meat for her.

Another utahraptor was a thing of caution, but she could spare no concern in her wretched heart for those not of her kin. It was of no threat to her. This organism, this living being--

was only food to the ruthless mind bathed in blood.

Searing callousness riddled her being. Was it not better for her to feed herself? To be nourished at the expense of this pitiful, lower creature?

Why, yes. Yes it was.

She was a selfishly gluttaneous thing, gizzard crying desperately for nourishment and ravenous hunger. Who could truly blame her? For she was a soul in a growing, needy body that demanded sustenance each day.

It was no mere matter of decision. Her answer was instantaneous. Were a viscious species, ancient vessels built on meticulous brute force and sharp wit. Every bone in her body, absolute and ferocious, sang with the urge to rob the life within.

Her stomach cooed it's dissent with churring hunger.

A decision had been made.

Malignant curiosity overwhelmed the barbaric gal, as she slid the egg from it's cradle in the groove of butterscotch sand and slid a heavy toed foot atop it's crest to press it in place, sickle claw resting and pointed finely on it's corona. Poised to strike.

The wickedly lethal claw came, slashing down with the intent to crack through the delicate membrane, snuffing and stealing the life of the fragile soul concealed within.

And then the ebony talon skittered off of the unexpectedly hard surface.

A hot and heavy gust of breath expelled from her nostrils. Warm like a hell's blaze with curious irritation.

Maybe she should try again.

This time her teeth came gnashing upon the hard  skin of the rock, failing to puncture the stone beneath, and came away flabbergasted at the knowledge that something had not perished under her terrible jaws.

An egg should not be this hard.

Exodus sprung into the air with effortless ease, summoning the full devastation of her weight to drive into the cursed mineral with a final, shell shattering pounce.

It refused to shatter. Instead of squishing it flat beneath her, she wobbled on it's axis before tumbling to dispel the weight back to her feet against the sandy foundation of the island with an undignified stumble.

That's when she knew. This was no mere egg.

A long winded, theatrical scream of betrayal forced it's way down her throat and past her gaping jaws. It was a rageful thing full with the anguish of a child failed to achieve the treasure within. Treasure that was never there to begin with.

What trickery-- what mockery was this?

The gods had decieved her! This was not the tasty egg she'd been anticipating with the lust of hunger.

An explative of crude explatives spewed past her lip in ancient tongue, mindless in the consuming, searing flames of insurmountable ire.

Caught in the crescendo of her vexation, Exodus launched another ditch effort,to shatter the rock-- an impulse bred from defiance and spite, rather than solid rationale. She lashed out with a powerful leg, muscle coiling into a kick as she flung the curiously colored stone towards a crest of rocks nessled into a shallow divot on the beach. The collision sent the durable thing flying, but not destroyed.

She would crack the blasphemous, traitorous rock if it was the last thing she did.

/ tldr exo finds a rock that she think looks like an egg. finds out it isnt an egg, and is currently being a dramatic cry baby.

[align=right][glow=black,2,300]You got to see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby

Re: my daddy's got a gun / prompt - Luciferr - 10-23-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
He knows his children are temperamental - being extinct predators who judged things a lot on instinct this is a given - but it's a surprise to come across Exo his bronze-souled child throwing an epic meltdown over a rock by the looks of things.

his brows raise, the collection of ridged scales like an almost permanent half frown, but he meanders closer and echoes a curious trill "did the rock offend you dear one?" he notes the rock is smooth and rounded - likely beaten into it's shape by the harsh sea and the erosion of the sand, time can weather down many a thing if repeated enough.

/shrt af sorry  oof ;-;


Re: my daddy's got a gun / prompt - EXODUS-- - 10-25-2018

[div style="width: 200px; overflow: auto; width: overflow: auto; font-family: timesnewroman; text-align: justify; max-height: 400px; "]her face is etched into the equivalent of a pout, lines on her brown skin molded with epic displeasure and barbaric features bared in an imitation of a scowl. she has grown familiar with conveying how she feels on body and voice alone. feathers raised, growl edged into savage teeth.
the rock had truly awoken her ire.
her displeasure is palpable, bitterness curling it's wretched hands around her heart. she senses mother long before she sees the black skin as dark as the eternal night. mother came asking a question- one tinged in slight concern. mother was always looking out for her-- including things that may earn exodus’s vexation.
another snort disturbed the fragile air. a snort full of childish tantrum-- not directed at mother though. never mother. he was the one undeserving of her resentment. it was rather, the rock. The simple, smooth, ovule rock that had offended her by daring to look like a snack. the accursed thing had offended her by deceiving her in her desire to feed.

the carnivorous craving she bore towards her own kind was a heinous, unthinkable thing. but was it, really? the very thought of sinking her deadly teeth into the soft body of the unborn child of a creature of her species-- it was of no relevance, no real consequence. for her savage being, there was no kinship to be found in her towards them for the sake of a mere shared genus. eater of her own kind’s flesh was she, and unconscious of that fact was she also. blood’s bond was what truly mattered, for it was crafted upon her soul to wholly disregard those not tied to her ideal kin and deeply rooted, unshakable sense of family.
the other utahraptors that did not echo her pure familial ties? she knows within her heart they are no more different than the weak, frantic prey she reduces to ruin with crafty expertise-- and she would treat them as such, for her ties to additonal beasts who shared nothing more her species’ makeup were as thin as a spider’s crafted string, and about as strong as it. all life existed to die for her and her ilk’s nourishment. her family’s blood made all the difference from friend and snack in relation to her being. she knows what she would do-- what she must have done, as any other creature would have.

much like a cruel god looking upon unrelated brethren, exodus rather thought that the similarities between her and any other raptor not of her noble bloodline was no guarantee that she would spare them.

had the thing been real, exodus would have plucked the growing babe from the “egg’s” womb like an ominous devil to devour it without an inch of flawed hesitation or regret stained upon her wild soul like ink. mother nature was a cruel reality, and a mother just as callous as her children and colder than her title. exodus heeded to it’s biddings. it was only the way-- the natural and right order of the world.
smoldering eyes of molten amber narrowed upon the rock with uncanny loathing. inanimate or not, anything that failed to please her was not worthy of her mercy. she was a rash in her irritation, seeking out to destroy what she despised with tooth and claw. a rock was no exception. surely it would not get the better of her, a superior being?

“it is truly a useless rock, mother,” she responded with ease. her hellish, sharp gaze sends piercing, sharp daggers lancing at the stone for all the world like she could kill it with her looks alone. like she could kill something that was never alive to begin with. by gods, she would.

“it is not the plump egg i desire,” in lilting tones and soft warbles that only she and her mother could speak in and understand did she croon. “i must destroy it.”

[align=right][glow=black,2,300]You got to see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby

Re: my daddy's got a gun / prompt - beck. - 10-26-2018

    Years of observation taught him to not be phased by the bizarre and the oddities of the world. Including extinct creatures roaming the present landscape as if fate and meteorites hadn't smashed them like beetles on the sidewalk. It seemed wrong, unnatural to look one of the living fossils plaguing the modern critters. The memory of a film educating on every reason why dinosaurs should not be revived flashed in his thoughts at the sight of Exodus from afar. Catastrophic results ensued when people tried to play God and reverse time, but at least it was enthralling to watch their gory demises onscreen, as well as the advanced animatronic props on display. Halting in his tracks and blankly staring towards the horizon before tossing his head back to throatily mimic a garble of the raptor's chirps, he shook himself out to warily glance around to see if anyone nearby had seen the embarrassing compulsion.

    Once he confirmed there had been no witness, Beck resumed his uneven pacing along the sands, a sulk distorting his youthful features as he occasionally twitched his flanks or whistled through his teeth or blinked in flurries. The abrupt movements and noises were commonplace for him after the first few weeks of panicking over each and every new one, even if he caught passerby's attention. But the boy no longer focused on controlling them, distracted by unintelligible warbles between two distant smudges. As he tiled his head to a crooked angle in curiosity, honey-brown eyes darted sideways to stare at an enchanting glint of blue. Hypnotized by his greed for the glossy orb, bandaged paws stumbled across the sand, splaying for balance in snowshoe fashion. Keeping a safe radius away from both reptiles, the poltergeist lowering himself into a slinking limp, circling around Lucifer to creep up behind him. Thankfully he was tiny enough to slip between the sobering beast's legs without even brushing against a scaled belly, peeking out over vicious claws and squinting at the feathered accident. "Do-on't look nothin' like, like a liza-ard, more like a ch-chicken," he mumbled to himself, sinking piranha-like teeth into a scabbed lip before erupting into hideously shrill giggling at how impossible his encounter with a full-fledged dinosaur seemed. But back to the task at hand, Beck returned his lifeless glare to the glittering stone and wiping away a string of chemical drool collecting on his chin. Slithering out from under Lucifer, the wiry feline kept his sights locked onto the ovate stone as he attempted to approach Exodus' flank, hovering for a moment before gauze-wrapped paw lashed forwards to steal the rock right from under her nose. It was foolish, but the rock was pretty to him, so he would rescue it from the frightful creature even if it meant mangling up his shredded arms a little more -- he wouldn't feel the pain anyways.

Re: my daddy's got a gun / prompt - bubblegum - 10-27-2018