Beasts of Beyond
「 DUSTY BARREN LAND. WT / GAME 」 - Printable Version

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「 DUSTY BARREN LAND. WT / GAME 」 - ATLAS. - 10-23-2018

Was it really that surprising to hear that Atlas hadn't played many games as a child? He lived in a damn library, and with his whole family being massive and clumsy, they did enough damage to the bookshelves without roughhousing. So when he heard that his task would be to play a game — okay well first off, what kinda fucking task was that? He was expecting a chore, like clean up the leaves or... bury the dead bodies or some shit. Instead, he was searching for the flattest place to play this game, missing his books and his satchel, and trying not to worry about dying. (Like he'd worry about that anyway.) And second off (yes, he knows he's late with this), he doesn't actually know how to play, and the books he has with him aren't instructional things. So he asks around, trying not to feel silly as he admits to not knowing something as simple as a game. What he gathers is that it's sort of like tag, except you have to stay it even if you tag someone. The winner is the last person to get tagged.

Simple enough, right?

The dog has circled a suitable spot a few times now, clearing out any twigs or rocks. It's marked by his footsteps, dragged carefully through the dirt in straight enough lines. Not that it matters too much, since the goal is to make it across the field, and if someone really wanted to run and hide in the Observatory, that was their right. So Atlas takes a deep breath and shakes his head a little. "Anyone want to play... Bulldogs?"



▹▹▹▹Clemetine, she supposed like many others, was fond enough of games of puzzles. Stictly speaking, it was one of the many things she did to keep herself occupied when she was alone, but the truth was that she honestly couldn't say that she had played too many games with others before. It was hard for her to be active without losing her breath and doubling over in a wheeze, moreso when she was younger, but maybe it would be easier for her now? At Atlas's call, the young serval slowly made her way over, her ears perked up in curiosity at the name of the game. Bulldogs? What was that? Were they... supposed to pretend like they were dogs and bark at each other? Even the thought alone was silly enough for Clementine to dismiss it near immediately. No, there was no way on earth that there was a game like that, and if there was, Clementine was never going to play it.

"I'd like to play," Clementine spoke softly as she approached, a small little smile dancing across her maw as she made her brief greetings. But, as the little girl sat, her ears flattened back gently as she almost adverted her gaze completely. "Except uhm... I don't know how to play... Do you think you could maybe explain the game a little? I've never heard of a Bulldogs before."


Re: 「 DUSTY BARREN LAND. WT / GAME 」 - charlotte. - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Games? Charlotte knows plenty of games. Granted, the only one that is even remotely child-friendly is hide-n-seek and even then the young female finds a way to take it to the next level. She is quick to place the blame on her less than orthodox upbringing. Growing up alone in the loner lands can really change a person. Especially when all of what little friends she made were far older than she. Regardless, the prospect of playing games with her new clanmates intrigues the beast enough for her to forget about intentions to feast upon fresh kill and instead head in the direction of Atlas and Clementine. In spite of her size, she moves with an uncanny grace.

"'This a fightin' game?" queries the tigress with an excited grin. All she knows about bulldogs is that they're supposed to be aggressive or something. Or maybe that's just the connotation of the word. Charlie hopes there's fighting involved. "Sounds fun, though." Curvaceous haunches casually settle upon the ground as she waits, piercing grey eyes fixing upon Atlas with interest.