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Of all the criminals that lived in this desert; the murderers, the kidnappers, the psychos, the unstables, and the slaves, Tsuyu was probably one of the few people who could barely be tolerated when around her. She was all of the things in one; an ex-slave, a willing one, though- with the help of Stryker putting all the good thoughts in her head. (Mental manipulation, in reality.) He made her worth something in this clan of criminals, and Tsuyu was thankful for him.

Long, sturdy back legs allowed the frog-feline hybrid to hop over at the sight of some strange figure. He looked pretty awkward, as if avoiding the hot sun. Was he searching for shelter? Bad idea, especially with Blacktide and Tsuyu around. Tsuyu loved to torture those who were weak and couldn't fight back- it was more fun when she could strangle or kill them. Sadly, she was usually ordered to keep them alive- make them slaves. That's worse than dying, apparently.

"What brings you here, stranger, ribbit?" Tsu croaked out, having managed to walk up behind the male, but still keeping her distance enough to leap when she needed to. Normally, she would have just attacked on impulse, but this one.. Was fine, she could enslave him- make everyone happy. Besides, she took care of her slaves!

"You don't know there is no shelter in this desert unless you get to the town, right? Tsuyu likes wandering men, they taste better when choking on their pride and shock, ribbit." She croaked again, ears twitching as she ventured closer to him, her long, frog-like tongue hanging from her jaws as she paced a bit too close- he'd probably fight back now. Any smart person would have stayed quiet, but Tsu wasn't smart when she was unstable.



[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"I'd beat feet right the fuck now if I were you." Butch was gonna put up a sign one day, when he was fairly certain Frog Psycho wasn't on his back. Maybe he'd ask Val for some advice, but he figured "beware: bloodthirsty sickos ahead" was fairly straightforward, and if anyone ignored it then that was their fault. Wasn't like Butch could bail anyone out when he was stuck in a collar himself, dragged here by none other than the reptilian madwoman. Amphibian. Whichever. He'd ask Val about that, too, even though he knew he'd get one of those "are you fucking serious" stares. Later, though. Right now, the collie was eyeing the cheetah with a mixture of pity and curiosity. More so the former than the latter. "Master Frog Lady's got issues." Hell, everyone here did. Even Eugene, wherever the guy went. Maybe he'd come to his senses and left. Butch hoped he did.

"Collar's way less comfortable than it looks, 'specially when you're dragging ass around a desert, so give it a swivel and cut out." She was probably going to beat his ass, so he hoped the guy took his advice and left so the effort wouldn't be for nothing. Butch wasn't even certain if someone'd told her about his escape attempt while she was Sleeping Ugly.

Re: TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS - INTRUDER - miss ririchiyo - 10-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]"Shut the fuck up, damn slave." Growled Dabi as he walked over, cold blue eyes undressing Tsu's slave mentally. She was cruel, but she usually had a reason for her punishments unless she had a breakdown. Her breakdowns were never pleasant- Dabi had been victim of one himself, and being blood bended into wierd positions wasn't fun, at all.

The stitched up wolf moved closer to Tsu, hesitantly glancing back at Deloria before lunging for him. "Stay still, kid. Don't need your pretty face being damaged by me- Tsu doesn't like it when her toys are damaged by others." Dabi growled, his fur fluffing up as he attempted to slam all of his weight on top of Deloria to pin him down.



[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Simply existing was something that Val was used to, though not the same way that Bruce did now. He spent his childhood slipping through the cracks until the world was right in his face and he couldn't duck away from it. Funnily enough, he'd blame Butch for that. All the months of his snide comments and bumped shoulders had lit a weird sort of fuse, so he learned how to fight for himself, and sort of for others. A few snaps at Butch's ears and he learned when to shut up. Sort of. Not really. But from then on, he found that he sort of missed anonymity. Not how shitty everyone made him feel (that still happened anyway), but how easily they'd just ignored him. He spent his time with a cigarette in some place that didn't attract much attention, he sat alone to eat or study. From that point on, it had been intentional. Maybe that was something that the cheetah could understand. But whatever they had or didn't have in common —

Bruce, meet trouble.

The German Shepherd had been trailing after Butch when he could, though what he could do to protect him was often nothing. People would order him around and he couldn't tell them to stop unless he wanted to end up in a collar too. That would make getting out of here less likely for both of them, and he's already antsy enough to leave. Having to deal with that would make it worse, yeah? Doesn't matter. Butch is right in his advice, even if he runs his mouth saying it: beat feet, get out of here, this place will suck you dry. His eyes are on the sand, his mind uselessly searching for a spot to put his paws that wouldn't immediately scorch him. He glances up distractedly before looking back down. "It's hell for more than just the people," Val calls absently, eyes back on the sand. Maybe that's why he misses Dabi's intention until his words settle in. Damaged by others. Her toys. "Hey!" he barks, completely forgetting that he had every intention of escorting Bruce away from this place just a second before. Now he's got someone else to take care of. As usual.

He jumps forward, teeth immediately headed towards Dabi's scruff to pull the other canine (?) away from his friend. Even if it wasn't completely successful, it should give Butch enough room to wiggle free. Hopefully.


God, he hated when people started fighting with one another and it was completely stupid. The strawberry gutted tiger would trot over with both ears angled forward only to let out a snarl ripple from his throat "Cut that shit out," He would aim to shove Dabi away from Butch and if successful would stand between the duo, his lips peeled back to show his sharp teeth but he wouldn't say another word only to glance over to Bruce did the Marauder flick his ears back with slight annoyance "What's yer name? Are ya lost?" The slightly scaly tiger would wiggle his tail in slight anger, he was this close from grabbing Tsuyu and slamming her head against the sand, he wanted so badly to put her in her place. His heterochromatic gaze moved across those that were already there before it would lock onto Bruce, his tongue swiped over his lips in a moment of thought.

Re: TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS - INTRUDER - miss ririchiyo - 10-25-2018

[Image: tumblr_inline_p0gf8uROU01v0ahz0_400.png]
[div style="text-align: center;"]A loud snarl ripped from Dabi's throat as he was dragged off of his victim and thrown off to the side, the form of Quill stepping in between himself and Butch. Dabi wanted to kill this man, he wanted to murder all of them. If only he could use his quirk- he'd cremate all of them. He's fucking-

His thoughts were snapped out when he heard Quill speak, eyes narrowing. "He's an intruder. Why are you just talking to an intruder like he's a friend? FUCKIN' kill his ass already!" Dabi growled, the fur along his back sticking up angrily as the wolf watched on with hatred in his cold, murderous eyes. Intruders were to die. Didn't they FUCKING know that?

Then again, that's how Dabi saw it. For now, it looked like Tsu wasn't going to attack. She could handle herself anyways.



Re: TAKE ME AWAY FROM THIS - INTRUDER - Stryker - 10-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker wasn't exactly going to be thrilled when he arrived. After all, Tsuyu was his property. Most importantly, the ardent was livid that someone had decided to throw a temper tantrum at the desert border. Not only that, but his marauder was disregarded. Upon hearing their scramble and loud pandering, the lion approached with a grim expression across his face and a glare in the direction of Dabi. The scarred feline wasn't his favorite. Quick to react and prone to relentless violence. Under his reign, they would do what they wanted violently with a purpose... At least he thought it would remain that way. For now though, he was unnerved. "Listen to Quill," came his rumble from afar. "He is your superior." With that addressed, he moved onto the next topic. "You disrespect your superior and then proceed to snap back, but that does not even include what you did beforehand, scar-face." A twisted smirk grew on his lips. Cocky as always. He would be aloof and be joking towards Bruce by now, but this had came up. For now he would resume his punishment. "If you don't stop, you'll be whipped to shit just like the rest of the slaves. After all, you do need to be put into place." One more added to the pile wasn't going to be a problem. "Got it?" That said, the ardent's gaze gave a small nod in the direction of Tsuyu, Quill, and Deloria. They all had their faults and made their mistakes, but he was willing to spare them his bullshit. If they didn't get the message though...

A maned head whipped in the direction of Bruce. Slitted green eyes looked him up and down, observing the male similar to the way he had observed his fellow groupmates. A fast figure, something he couldn't stand to chase. The lion's body was for brutality and trickery, not fleeing from the battle. He needed the last laugh every time. Even so, the intelligent and egotistical male could not see through Bruce's facade. They, though, were very similar. Self-preserving and aware of their surroundings. The difference is that he crossed too many lines and succumbed to the violence of the world. Justice was no longer morally the word someone could use to describe his motives, but instead they would use revenge. For now, he only had one reason to evoke that behavior on Bruce. They crossed the border wrongfully. Someone deserved a beating for their actions... "Bruce," he stated. The word rolled off his tongue slyly. "Bruce- Bruce- Bruuuuce," came his mocking cue as he continued speaking. "I think it's time to turn around, Bruce." His scruff furrowed, signaling his discontent.

But he needed to be punished... He couldn't let that go. Using mental manipulation, the lion aimed to seep into Bruce's head. "Or we can perhaps do the opposite and you can come deeper into the lion's den?" With his control, Stryker would attempt to have Bruce walk towards him slowly and stop a foot away from him. "You would be a good addition to the Pitt," he enthused. Then again, he was willing to take anyone. The more on their side, the better. Plus, the more attention and thrill to come his way.

//you never necessarily specified, but do you have any special way you want him to join? do you want him as a slave? a regular member? any injuries? etc etc


//Gonna reply with both of them in this post!

Dabi was about to snap back at Quill once more until he had seen- no, heard Stryker arrive. His fur soon fell flat, eyes boring down on his leader before he begrudgingly bowed his head to the lion. He would have fought back if it were anyone else, really. Dabi had issues with following authority unless the person had earned the right to order him around- Stryker was one of the few. If you could make someone like Tsuyu submit like she did, he had to be strong.

"Understood. Apologies." Dabi grunted in reply, lowering himself onto his stomach as he watched on idly, eyes widening at the expression on Tsuyu's face. Twisted into a sadistic grin, every fang that Tsuyu had was shown off eagerly in a toothy smile, her pupils nearly nonexistent from excitement. "Oh no.." He mumbled softly, scooting back a bit more before he watched Tsuyu observe the cheetah.

Tsuyu watched on, listening to the male speak, as if defending himself. Well, since Stryker was here, Tsuyu seemed to visibly relax, lowering her head to him, her ears pushed back against her cranium. Submissive, obedience, something that Tsuyu had been taught to know when it came to Stryker. He was arrogant, cocky, and that's what made Tsuyu so obsessed with him.

So, she stood still, waiting for an order. She could restrain him with blood bending, she enjoyed the more painful ways of restrain than the painless ones, but she'd have to suffer the consequences of a headache from using such a powerful thing afterwards. Her position was maintained on the opposite side of the cheetah, her breaths coming out as heaves and pants of excitement.