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breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - Printable Version

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breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - teef - 10-23-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


blood dripping down jaws wrenched apart by some preternatural strength. bodies laid around his paws, his eyes closed as he reveled in the carnage and chaos of his existence. he could feel their fear running like an aphrodisiac in his blood. smiling a ruthless grin he opened rich purple eyes flecked by gold to gaze at the corpses. this? this was what he was meant to be. it had only taken a matter of time before he awakened truthfully from the deepest parts of his own mind. there was reason to lock him away, after all.

"well sh----t. don't tell me that's all you've got in you, doll-face." he drawled, thick pale claws digging into the bloodied sand beneath his paws. his pelt was covered in scars, blood matting the fur of his shoulders into spikes and showed off hidden markings. he had awoken, no longer the gentle fool he had played at being for years. having your soul-bond die a messy death in front of you tends to do that to a person. it only turned out this bad because that loss had removed the last of his foolish inhibitions and showed him once more as to why the mortals should be disregarded and enslaved.

he was one of the hell generals, granted his own title and domain bacj in his true home, his throne as a "king of hell". he was no longer the bumbling fool named jikai that he had pretended to be, a man so helpless to prevent his own lover from falling into the icy grip of death. the plant witch was gone, leaving in his stead the truthful monster that a hero had once loved in the guise of a harmless man.

jerisidie was free now, seeking a place to call his own after he had gleefully exacted his revenge on the bastards that had taken his once-lover from him. he supposed that he owed them for the strength to awaken again. it had been years since he had last enjoyed himself amidst the glories of battle. now he was free to do so, hunting down the remnants of the group of killers as they ran from him, from the demon that they had awoken.

the body below him belonged to one of those killers, mangled and close to death, his handiwork. a bloody mark had been scored into the body's back, that of a demonic ram head. jerisidie stood over the body, glaring as he brought his paw down in a cleaving gesture, killing the one beneath him. he smiled beneath his mask as ichor splashed across the cracked skull mask that he wore, eyes gleaming with a madness. he had been headed for the pitt when he had stumbled across this camp of survivors from the initial attack.

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - WANDERER - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Val, in comparison, doesn't find that having people die in front of you — no matter how important — would justify these sorts of acts. Maybe that makes him an outlier here, in a world where people keep collars on living beings like a child would do with a toy. That truly is how he sees everyone here: violent, chaotic, but ultimately childish. They obey their every desire like it was gospel, and maybe it's just because he's had a lifetime of not getting what he wants, but he's pretty sure it doesn't do them any good. Here, in The Pitt, anywhere else. Jerisidie is gonna fit right in if he thinks that senseless revenge is pleasurable. Everyone here is going straight to hell, in his eyes. It just so happens that Jerisidie came from there, too. So he's probably right about all of this.

Not to say that Val's all that normal. He's not the straight to hell sort of abnormal, but after watching his dad do his job for his whole childhood (it's not like he had another parent to watch him, and from what he knows of his mother, she was just as... doctory), Val had learned how to swallow down gut instinct and run towards the smell of blood. He rarely makes others bleed, except for a few tears at Butch's ears — he needed to help. Call it a learned habit. The smells surrounding this stranger remind him of a messy operating room or a murder scene, and when the German Shepherd's eyes fall on the body just in time for the last swipe to end the victim's life — yeah. Yeah, murder scene was pretty accurate. Golden eyes are stuck on the body for a minute that drags on far too long. The mark carved into this one's back, the deranged grin on the survivor's face. His immediate urge is to shrink back, but instead he just... stands there.

Eventually, he looks back up at Jerisidie, leaning his weight away from the monster and its prey. "Why?" he finally manages to ask, the word surprisingly steady.

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - B. DELORIA - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Butch was already pretty damn confident by now that he was nothing like these people. That much was obvious, wasn't it? And not just for the fact that he was the one walking around collared, supposedly at the bottom of the food chain for them to kick around as they wanted. Pushing around a few kids and slinging a few insults was different than killing people and enjoying it. If Butch had to kill someone, maybe he could, but only if it seemed like he couldn't talk his way out of the situation, and he certainly wouldn't stand over the body like some kind of crazed sicko who found pleasure in a frenzy. It made him sick to see. He didn't care what the reasons were, because people could explain away anything -especially here- and while he wasn't the definition of responsible, death was a pretty damn serious case of whodunnit.

"Does it matter, Val?" The collie's mouth quivered a bit, but the rest of his expression remained cool as a cucumber. "He's from fucking Psychoville, come to Nowheresville 'cause it's a magnet for freaks."

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - teef - 10-24-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


in the reaction lacking of the approach of the german shepherd, jerisidie turned his head towards the two newcomers. "why? well, why not? if they're responsible for the killing of innocent people and torturing the poor, why not let them get what they deserve? nobody in hell would dare to punish them, no, not with how bland it has gotten there. nobody dares to do a thing, all too damn lazy. so you know, the ones who get the job done, have to be the ones to come up." he drawled, eyes disappearing and reappearing once again in the shadows of his mask. it also had seemed that he had trailed off, thinking or some other thing that drew his attention.

"merely getting the revenge that my doll-face deserves for the death that they received. taken up the mantle of hunting down these fox-shit-eating bastards and gutting them before they get the chance." he spoke under his breath, gaze cutting back to the body beneath him. he grimaced beneath his mask, turning back to the two males that had approached him. he felt little to no insult at their words, simply grinning under his mask as he thought of how fitting it was to be called a psycho.

(ugh I have my other job tonight)

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - ninazu - 10-24-2018

© lexasperated
The sand cat doesn't care about why the wolf wanted to kill the damned creature -- she only cared why he bothered to do it on their territory, spouting philosophical nonsense. Thus far, she remains unimpressed. Quietly walking to stand beside Val, dwarfed by everyone else's presence, the little erudite flicks her four tails each in time. "If you like killing monsters, go become Snowbound's white knight. You won't find anyone here with a clean record -- though, I assure you, we're a lot harder to kill than that bitch." He seemed like a crazy bastard, ranting about hell's demons like he spent spring break there.

She can't make up her mind whether he might attack the Pitt -- for weren't they all culpable for murdering innocents and torturing children? But she decides to simply look at him and wait for his response, see what the idiot wanted. Even if he did attack them, she doubts she'd be his first target; that'd be his mistake, if he did.

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - teef - 10-25-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


the brute stayed silent, listening to the felidae, cocking his head as she finished, "oh no. oh no, we're not here for anything as sinister as killing a group. We're not that suicidal ... yet. We can't imagine that your reactions would be much better if we were to say we intended to join this band of loons. we ... have our own agenda to run on, but we are willing to put ourselves to use. we expect nothing for free, oh no, the best things in life never come free." he drawled, golden eyes narrowing in what seemed to be the trio's direction.

perhaps he could have fun here, waiting until he was strong enough to exact his revenge. he would wait, taking on the lunatic that he portrayed to the group. after many years of living, he had acquired quite the thick face and his morals had been corrupted in those early years. he knew when he wasnt welcome, but he just couldn't resist the temptation to run wild here and have his fun while it lasted. after all, everything must come to an end somewhere along the line, right?

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - COSMIIX - 10-25-2018

Sauntering over, the striped beast would flick his tufted ears taking in what the other said before glancing over in the direction of Azu soon finding his gaze locking onto Jerisidie. Something about killing or torturing em but soon Jers was saying that he would join the Pitt, something about that didn't seem to settle well with the Marauder though his whiskers twitched as he remained silent.

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - ninazu - 10-25-2018

© lexasperated
Like Quill, the beige cat felt uneasy about this stranger suddenly shifting gears and talking about joining them -- he switched from claiming to have his own agenda to wanting to join. He seemed more liable to be an inconvenience or a straight out liability rather than a 'productive' member like he claimed he could be. Tails flicking behind her, the woman's nose wrinkled for half a second as she decided she didn't like this one bit. "If we'd put you to use, it wouldn't be on your terms, if you keep running your mouth like that," she grumbled, not appreciating him calling them a 'band of loons' when he displayed the intelligence of a toddler who'd taken a staple gun to his own tongue.

Unfortunately, the erudite lacked telepathy or any other methods for long-distance communication. Still, she narrowed her eyes as she focused as hard as she could and loudly screeched inside her head, "STRYKER, IF YOU'RE STALKING MY THOUGHTS, STRUT YOUR THICC ASS OVER TO THE BORDER FOR A HASSLE." She had no idea if that would fucking work, but it seemed worth a shot.


Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - Stryker - 11-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Now, he wasn't going to admit that he was prowling through another person's thoughts. Of course he was doing it to gain the winning deck of cards, but that didn't mean what he was doing was morally correct. Stryker was reluctant to walk over after his call out. Finding himself in a dilemma, the ardent tuned out of Ninazu's mind and went on with his day as if he hadn't heard anything.

I'm so late to this but I must reply.

Re: breaking every habit // joining(some blood) - teef - 11-03-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" eyes prettier than sin ... "


(no worries, I completely forgot this thread existed)

jerisidie remained silent, eyes gazing out from his mask as he listened to the sand cat, fighting the temptation to roll his eyes. whatever, let come what may, he had no interest in sniffing butts with those who seemed annoyed by him. age had taught him patience was the key and if he wanted a place here, he better damn-well wait and stop kicking the dead horse, something he couldnt very well do.

"anything will do, doll-face. really, if you all have something for us to do, the better. we just have our own thoughts to preoccupy our mind with. our own agenda is simply our path through here and into the past." he grinned, head tilted to the side as he observed her.