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haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - Printable Version

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haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - teef - 10-23-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=white]the huntress had followed her prey for days upon days. she wasn't some normal hunter, not for what her past could say about her. she wasn't the youngest out there anymore, but nor was she the oldest. by this time it would have been expected that she had found a mate and settled down. in human terms she would have been in her thirties, but she wasn't quite sure how that came to be in well, animal years. maybe around seven years? she didn't know quite how old she was, counting by the human standard rather than the animal standard.

her prey was a lithe demon, a small fox that always kept one step ahead of her, at least until today. it had taken advantage of her in her sleep, taking a form that what it seemed would be similar to her animal body. oh how wrong it had been in it's estimation. when an old comrade had lost control over his natural magick, the magick had affected her, one who shared his blood through an undesired bond. one reason to feel distaste towards a demon general, no matter if he took her in and cared for her after ... that.

taking in a deep breath she stopped in her path, head lowered as she focused her senses. there was no time to dally in the past, only the presence of mind to reside in the living present. she was a tigress, travelling on the short budget that she had in search of demons. she was a rather renowned exorcist and demon hunter, rising quickly in the world of cultivation and assassination. that had been a long time ago when her name had taken the attention of the big names. she was ariside "kade" laneces, daughter of a common woman and her unknown lover. she had taken a fiance at a young age, he sick with terminal cancer, aiming to have their first child at nineteen. he died shortly after their formal engagement and she had lost their child in an accident. her family and those that she lived with were burned alive in the mansion that they had lived in. young and scared she had continued her path of cultivation against the demonic beings, swearing to hunt down the one that had taken everything from her. her name dropped from common knowledge, many looking upon her with pity and shame for her tactics. she became no more than a murderer, maiming her kills so that all would know it belonged to her. her name was once more on society's tongue, fearful of her madness in her search, spreading rumors that she had aligned herself as a demon general's mistress, reigning at his side and taking out his opponents.

this had been far from the truth, instead the demon general finding her bleeding out from a hunt gone wrong. he had taken her under his wing, bringing her back to health and reconditioning her so that she could take the fight to the demon that had taken everything. he had been following her progress for some time, something of a dark angel to her. she was the avenging whirlwind that was needed in the demonic underworld, wiping out some of the cruelest, helpful to some seeking a path to the top, and a dead-end to others. now she was back, hunting again after a brief pause to get her life back on track for a few months after a bad run-in with a long lost loved one.

she had been tracking lower-level demons throughout the area at the request of some simple families, using her skills and memories of her humanity to find the demonic entities and either lay them to rest or exorcise them completely. to these out-of-the-mainstream-folk she was simply a cultivator passing through; a strong, buff, and tall tigress with fur like fire and a red snake tattoo claiming her right shoulder. her eyes were described as soulless and colder than ice, something frightening to simpler folk.

now she was inside the territory of the recondite realm, seeking out her prey. this one was dangerous, this greed-demon seeking to ruin her by taking a form similar to what she would wear by choice. she found it merely amusing, a silent wing of death waiting to descend upon it. the demon proved an annoyance to her, but to newer cultivators or those with loved ones still alive and close by, it could destroy everything for them. and so she took it as her task to lure it into a trap and dispatch it. if the demon took after a sin, it became harder to exorcise.

wandering around a small copse of trees she set up her trap, digging certain runes and sigils into the ground with her claws and daggers(brought from her human life). in the center of the rather large star circle she made of sigils she dug twigs of willow fronds bundled with ferns and sage, into the ground to create a circle, meant to entrap the demon. she laid down a simple net, covered by leaves, attached to a nearby tree strong enough to hold the demon. it was a soul-binding net, one she had paid a hefty price for to steal from a human temple after being turned to a tiger. she may or may not have preyed upon the image of tiger or feline gods and used that to her aid. for now, she was distracted with the task of her trapping to notice if any other presence other than a demon approached, her mind awhirl and lips clasped together in determined action.

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - tristitia - 10-24-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]RUNICFLARE AURUMQUE[/shadow]
It was difficult not to attract the young wolf. After all, she loved going outside. And having fun. Which was exactly what she was doing. The wolf was looking around for what she had seen her whole life— the glowing trees, the glowing sap. And so much more. She loved taking it in, breathing in the dark air.

Of course, until someone disturbed it. Hearing something like scratching, the wolf’s ears perked up. Her golden gaze turned towards whatever that was and she stalked forward, low on the ground. She was watching someone put runes and sigils. What were they doing? Making fun of the mages? With a snarl, the wolf attempts to jump at Kade. "What is someone like you doing in the Realm?!"

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - teef - 10-25-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=white] startling against the unwarranted attack, the cultivator stumbled upright, rising onto her back paws before crashing down to all-fours with an exclaimed air of surprise, more a sense of emotion than words. her senses coming back to her she looked around herself immediately, already feeling the effects of the net and runes digging into her soul and draining her of energy. she had stepped back into the energy circle, the runes pulsating with a dark ichor colour as she placed, agitated.

finally mustering enough annoyance and strength she announced in a voice haggard thick with disuse and distrust, "Traveling-g through. R-relax ... not meant to ... hurt. Trap demons-s, not good s-souls. she rasped, her paw tapping against her throat where her thick fur hid a horrible scar. she knew how to speak and write, yet her injury prevented her from more twisting words. straining her voice often brought the injury to open again. she watched runicflare from her circle, a step from the soul-binding net herself. her eyes moved around the foliage behind the fire wolf before her, ears swiveling as she listened intently, set on guard by what she couldn't hear. there was no birdsong that reached her ears, only her own heartbeat.

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - tristitia - 10-29-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]RUNICFLARE AURUMQUE[/shadow]
The mage’s ears lowered and her teeth were bared as she backed up, away from the tigress. Runes? A form of magic, no doubt! Oh what hypocrites the people of the light were! Now they were practicing magic, but those in the Realm were not.

She watches the tigress two her throat and heard her hoarse, raspy words. Did they want refuge now, after all that mistreatment? "And what’s not to say you don’t think I’m a demon?" The wolf asks, her tail shaking behind her, back and forth.

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - teef - 10-30-2018

[align=center][Image: 81f937cejw1evhlr35ucbg20b408cnpg.gif]

[color=white] her gaze cut to runicflare once more, dragged from the foliage. her ears laid back in an uneasy gesture, paws hovering over the net as she forced herself to stay her ground, "B-behavior different ... not the s-same. Demons-s dark aur-ra." she responded in a deep growl, pain flashing over her visage, blood trickling down her throat.

"B-behind ..." she managed as her eyes caught sight of the slight fox that slinked through the brushes and sidled alongside runicflare, displaying its teeth in a mocking way as it mocked kade in a sing-song voice, its tall ears swaying side-to-side, voice nearly non-understandable, "The huntress can't catch her prey~ Stuck in her own trap, hehehe!"

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - tristitia - 10-30-2018

[shadow=CD8C95,right]RUNICFLARE AURUMQUE[/shadow]
It was only natural that the wolf did not trust this tigress. What was she? Scared? Good! Those hypocrites needed to learn their lesson. She heard all about the “bad aura” that the demons had apparently given off.

Still, now she appeared injured. Yikes. Now she had to take the tigress back to camp and nurse her. Ugh. She’d let Augustus handle that.

Her ears perked when she heard “Behind”. Behind what? That’s when she caught sight of the fox as it’s ears swayed and it let out some garbled voices. Oh great! Another intruder. Runicflare attempted to rush over to the fox, and tried to slam into it. Her teeth were bared further as she growled, "You can leave this place too!"

Re: haphazard scars like stitches // JOINING - teef - 10-30-2018

[align=center][Image: 81f937cejw1evhlr35ucbg20b408cnpg.gif]

[color=white] the fox gave a surprised noise, allowing itself to be forcibly moved, letting the wolf's rage wash over it. it stood off a way, chittering to itself, tapping its lithe paws. it's head swing to the tigress with clearly bad intent, growling as it switched its attention back to the main prey.

kade hunkered down, shoulders moving up and down as she coiled for the leap, her muscles outlined by her fur, an odd mass of scars cutting through her fur, made in the shape of the stripes painting her body. spitting out the blood she leapt, a gleam caught between her teeth as she slid across the ground easily. reaching the demon in short strides she attacked it, two different shades of darkness enveloping them, hers the lighter, grey one.

she didn't so much as speak at this time but rather hummed a song, one that enraged the fox, considering how violent its attacks became. fresh wounds opened on her hide, tufts of fur flying. she made no sound as she went about her duty, bearing injury in a dignified attitude.

pinning the lithe body under one paw she finally spoke, voice carrying the weight of time as ancient german dialects flowed off her tongue as smoothly as honey on water. a light filled her eyes, crossing over the iris and sclera. from the lithe fox writhed a long dark serpent made of black roiling mist before it wound around the tigress' foreleg and disappeared with a pop like wood swallowed by fire.

standing up she sighed as the body disappeared, her fur rippling the hues of a fox momentarily before resuming its tiger stripes. she glanced up at runicflare, "believe me now? I don't have much of a voice anymore, sorry. I'm a cultivator or demon hunter. you're a mage, you should have understood my words a moment ago. I am affiliated with a demon general and my work has sent me in this direction to reclaim my other body that the sprite had stolen. my name is ariside laneces, but I'd prefer it if you called me by my common name, kade. before you jump to conclusions, no, I don't hate mages, if anything I wish I could be one but my magick would be corrupted. I use the magick of the earth in my larger spells, letting only the pure pieces return. my body acts as a filter in that sense. I have not much time with this voice, as I use its energy for my injuries." she spoke severely and quickly, voice fading and the rasp returning as speaking pained her.