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Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Printable Version

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Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-22-2018

/ tw: for death??
Never in their wildest dreams would Fin ever think they would resume back to where they were now at.

Two incidents.


Each of them were resulted of blood.

Blood a thing that made what was kept an animal, a warm blooded creature alive.  A blood that kept a parasite in other named a vampire,  it had come to clear as if there own nature were keen to embrace an old friend.  A friend that only brought destruction and madness within oneself not towards others, the one thing that vampirism brought was unholy urge to feed and keep on feeding on those who one would deem worthy of been bitten or turned.

The feline had already locked themselves into their own home, closing the shutters, leaving the hearth cold.  To be consumed in the promising  darkness,  in darkness perhaps they could hold off the hunger for as long as they could.  No once it starts, eventually in their hunger, they will find a way out, and someone innocent soul would be drained of their very lifeblood, leaving nothing more but a husk of their former self.

Had it been two or perhaps four seasons since their last relapse?

Perhaps they would have to leave Sunhaven to spare those who are innocent from the monster that they were.  Yes, that was what they would do.  Leave, the sooner the lesser chance they might just be spared from been hunted down, and killed. 

Heh, even in death wouldn’t come close to what they have been desiring for decades now.  Claws marks made apparent in various scratching ways, mainly on the floor, onto any reachable surface it was either that or some indication of holding a blessed piece of silver and finalizing what has to be done.

This hunger was madness.  A struggle of self will and determination to remain normal, but normality was something that they were not.  It would be more than easier to embrace what they were and come clean that they were indeed a bloodsucking parasite, a leech.

Somehow and somewhere in their attempt, they slipped out of their own home.  Stalking in the shadows, they had came across the very scent, just one scent that was all they needed.  Perhaps if they were close enough, they could hear the dastard feeling of someone’s heart pumping out of pure fear, blood coursing hot with that flight or fright reflect.

A harmless Npc would have to do, as long they were not a child.  They did have morals.  It was very easy to tell that Fin had blacked out from hunger, the desire to feed or frenzy.  This was indeed a frenzy, and no doubt they might turn vicious from the forced control of their vampiric mutation.  They would have to find a blood bag, and quick for a incident like this might be a normal incident.

Nothing could prevent the poor Npc from their sudden fright, perhaps the Npc was weak willed and this sudden right killed them outright, perhaps that would be reasoning for the poor thing  to drop right in front of them.  That was almost too easy,  brushing down their mouth mask, the feline lowered their head  sharp canines sinking into the now deceased npc’s neck,  purring with morbid delight as the still warm blood gave them the dizzying satisfaction of been feed.

Now was not the time to sneak a upon them.


Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - calliope - 10-23-2018

♥♡ The girl could never live the life of a vampire. The very idea of having to hurt and possibly kill someone for blood-hungry was terrifying. In her own morbid what-ifs and worst case scenarios, she had imagined what it would be like to have such a hunger. She eventually concluded that life must be a living hell like that, and her sympathy went out for anyone struggling in that way. Little did Mira know, but one of her fellow Haveners was suffering exactly like that.

Mira had been wandering, just enjoying the scenery, and trying her best to have an empty and clear mind. She was trying her damn hardest to make sure that her stress levels were as low as possible; it was an activity that she had only been enforcing recently. Mira knew it wasn't healthy to worry as much as she did, and she was really just trying her hardest to make sure that her well-being was alright. She'd honestly been neglecting it for far too long, and it was taking its toll on her.

Although, as fate would have it, things were only going to get worse. The girl stumbled across what looked to be someone feeding off of a fellow Havener. The girl felt her heart practically stop before it exploded into a form of panic. It took mere seconds before the awful realization hit her. Fin, someone that she actually recognized, was the culprit. Without even thinking, she called out for help.

"S-someone! Please get over here!" her voice was panicked, much more than usual. Of course, she didn't realize until after she spoke that she could be making a mistake. Mira did her best to hide in the shadows and move out of sight, ready to make a break for it if it was necessary. Unless she knew the situation was safe, she wasn't going to approach them. They could very well be just driven by hunger, which honestly could make things even more dangerous. Everyone needed to make sure that everything was under control, and they had to do it fast. 

//ahh heck, my post is a mess, sorry!

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-23-2018

" S-Someone! Please get over here!"

Fear was a nasty little thing, it did more harm than good really.  Yes it was the only thing that made a person realize that their impending doom was heading in their general direction, other than that it got away from keep the bloodstream clean.  At least in Fin opinion, it gave a acidic taste to the blood, making almost sour as sucking on a lemon slice.

Also it was really bad for a vampire who had been on a no blood episode for heaven knows how long to be sudden alerted that someone just found them in the worst situation ever possible, if Fin hadn't blacked out, they would have clearly ran as fast as their legs could carry them.  But they were currently would remain blacked out, and in a bloodthirsty haze until their thirst was fulfilled, just how many bodies would that take who knows.

Even if Mirabella accidentally stumbled a upon them, it was her own fault in her on regard, but a good enough sense to raise a cry of alarm, even if it was driven by panic.  Indicating that the cry did not fly over the vampire's hearing, their head raised in relations towards the cry, blood dripping from their maw.  A equally bloody tongue wiped any traces of the crimson liquid not sparing a single drop, they give a cautious sniff towards the air, fear was a solid give away and that was only thing that could really give Mirabella away, was her scent of fear.

Now the question was were they violent during their urges? Perhaps, only depends on who attacks first. Hopefully none. 

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Hope Arcanium - 10-23-2018

The stench of blood was overwhelming, but it did cause Leona to rush to the scene like a moth to the flame. Her adrenaline junkie habits did not help that her senses tingled at this moment with the thick metallic scent hanging in the air.

Or was it something else?

Focused light green-gray eyes were horrified however by what they saw; two dead bodies of other animals. It made the Solbinder stand in stunned silence.

As if upon instinct, the small white feline lifted her paw to her mouth and bit down, enough to draw blood on her forearm. She wasn't thinking about the consequences of this action, but more of protecting the others.

Her eyes flashed a deep red for a moment as she waved her paw around in a frantic manner, hoping the smell of freshly drawn blood would lure the other Sunhavener to her instead.

"Mira, run!"

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-23-2018

Nobel thing really, throwing yourself into fray in order to save others.  If Fin had any common sense to fight the appending hunger that was driving them to the brink of madness which brought them to black out.  It was through their frenzy hunger, the vampire moved towards the new additional scent, it was still blood but also different about it.  It didn't matter after all blood was blood, and as of right now desperate measures call for desperate times.

Their movement to be described at a moment like this would be described as like almost horror movie like, that kind of movement that was slow at first, but gradually gained speed.  Normally Fin couldn't do exactly that, but again frenzy they weren't exactly in that mindset to see what in god's name they were doing now where they?  If anything they lunged fowards towards Leona, drawn to the new scent of blood. 

Thankfully Leona was the exact almost exact same size as them, so in a attempt to if not tackling the mutant.  For an odd apparent reason, Fin had reached that moment of unusual clarity.  "Wh-why aren't ya running..?" the words sounded half strangled, as if they were themsleves trying to put a stop to madness this frenzy was within.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Hope Arcanium - 10-23-2018

Leona did not think, did not even react as the other had pinned her muscled form down. However, she did aim to shove her bitten, bleeding forearm to the vampire's face, scarlet eyes narrowed and her face devoid of expression.


That was the only word that came out of the infected healer's throat, waiting patiently for Infirmaryward to take the metaphorical bait. With the Arcanium blood mixed with the parasite's own influence, this would be... interesting. And it saw the opportunity to evolve.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-23-2018


No sane person, infected or not would ever allow a vampire to bite let alone drain them of their blood. Even the frenzy struck Fin knew that, the feline for the moment been could only smell the cloying scent of the blood,  they did as they were told seeing that something was very odd,  Leona's eyes went from a greyish green to a almost sunset orange red, but that was something that shouldn't be capable, or was her blood cursed?  There was no telling that what Fin was getting themselves into without been the lab rat in order to find out themselves.

Once more the merchant fought against the desire, but the wound was left at the open.  They were still very hungry.  Unable to hold off the urge for much longer, the vampire sank their fangs into the open wound, lapping any blood they could while once more inwardly they were screaming.

There was something very wrong with Leona's blood, very wrong.   How can someone alive taste so unliving? It had the taste of spoiled meat with the mix of overipen fruit.  A nasty mix, gag worthy to be exact but beggars couldn't be choosers could they?  Taking as much as there stomach could handle without gagging, the vampire took a step back forcing themselves to remain somewhat stable.

At least that brought some kind of clarity back towards them, but the ever sinking fear of killing a clanmate, even it was in total accident, and they did black out.  They wondered on what kind of punishment might occur, perhaps death? Perhaps something even worse. Exile?  Or trail?

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 10-24-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Ichigo didn't believe in a lot of things. Yet, over the course of several years, some of those doubts became reality when he came into contact with them. Ichigo hadn't believed there was such a thing as a vampire when he was younger. Probably around a year old when he had first joined the clans that he was accustomed too. He didn't think that it was possible that a creature could solely live on the blood of other animals and not deal with the consequences of such. The wildcat. It was that disbelief that had ended up with him getting bit. It had almost been an accident when their leader had disappeared only to return. Her name was Crackedstar and she was a lion compared to the likes of Ichigo. They hadn't necessarily been all that close to one another, but they were still clanmates and Ichigo was worried about her. She had replaced Glorystar, who hadn't been the greatest of leaders but had still been family regardless. Everyone had looked forward to her leadership only to be able to see her for such a short time. It was almost sad. Ichigo had approached the lion with a couple of questions that he had been wondering about where she had been. The Shinigami was then told by Crackedstar to stay away from her and keep away.

Ichigo didn't like the idea of listening to that kind of command when it was obvious that there was someone in pain and that there was probably something he could do to help them. Ichigo had pushed her when he shouldn't have, and he ended up paying the price. The lion was a lot stronger than he was when it came to outright strength, and she had moved fast enough to defend himself. But at the same time, his body didn't react all that much because he didn't think that his leader would be attacking him right then and there and that there was something else that was happening. The lion had pinned him into the tree, and it was a miracle that he didn't die from her several inch long canines sliding into his neck. It had been so damn painful from what he could remember and the strange feeling of his blood leaving his body without a massive wound has already been open. Of course, dealing with wounds was something that the cougar was known for dealing with in the clan, but this was something entirely different. Eventually, he was able to kick the lion off of him and he landed on the ground clutching his throat. He demanded answers, and he acquired said answers now that Crackedstar was capable of actually speaking and seemed to be mentally functional. She was a vampire. Ichigo didn't really fully understand what that even was, but he didn't blame the female all that much since it was obvious that she didn't have control.

The Shinigami then had the next rough couple of weeks, almost a month. Being bitten by a vampire and then living usually didn't happen, and so the effects of almost turning into a vampire raked his body. But at the same time, being a Shinigami meant that his body immediately began to fight off the effects of turning into a vampire. However, it made him extremely sick to where he almost couldn't move at all and couldn't stomach any food. After a while, he was finally able to eat something and gathered his strength back. Ichigo guessed that he was lucky to be alive, and it was one out of two scars that were on either side of his neck. The small portion of metal armor that protected the back of his neck hid the scar slightly, but if he turned his neck in a certain direction the scar would become even more visible. With the aspect of death looming over a place that he barely understood, the Shinigami didn't sleep. He wasn't that great of a sleeper with insomnia he had developed over the years and he didn't want to be late to save someone's life. A heavy sigh escaped his jaws as he remained somewhere near the border. He didn't have a home of his own, as he didn't feel like claiming one just yet.

Ichigo had no reason to when he still wasn't sure how long he would be staying anyway. Enhanced hearing certainly helped him listening to whatever was going on in the territory. This allowed him to hear a scream that rang out into the night. Ichigo's head immediately snapped up as he turned his head in the direction of a scream. The Shinigami cursed under his breath as he sprinted in the direction that all the sounds were coming from. He teleported the rest of the way before he evidently teleported next to the corpse that was on the ground. His bi-colored widened in shock as he noticed two holes on the side of the dead domestic cat's neck that was on the ground, and his eyes turned in the direction of one familiar face and one not. Infirmaryward. The scent of blood was coming off of their body, and his eyes narrowed. They killed them. Unless he was missing something. A spark of blue fire flickered off of one of his paws as a growl escaped his jaws, his long tail lashing behind him. "Explanation. NOW!" The Shinigami shouted, obviously upset over another corpse after having just dealt with seven corpses yesterday. However, Ichigo remained by the corpse and didn't approach Infirmaryward. If she made any attempt to attack anyone, his teleportation would be quick enough to get into her way.

Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Aelios S. - 10-24-2018

So this is what judgement before death felt like? Fin sighed, their hunger pratically vanished.  The vampire sat down, blood caking onto their fur, they must look like a terrible site, a lavender and rose bath was in their future sure enough to remove the scent of blood from their fur.  It was a matter of time, unlike most killers who ran way from the scene of crime, Fin was aware of what they did, and kept where they were close to the killed body. 

Nothing could begin to describe what or how to explain how of what happened.  Lifting a paw, and giving it a through wash.  The feline tilted their head watching Ichigo, who from where they were sitting was restrained by a single thread before he could easily snap Fin in half if he wanted to.  " I am a vampire.  What you see is four seasons worth of repression, I cracked thanks to the bodies dropped onto the border and Lazarus." they spoke carefully.  " As for the body, they dropped from fright not from me biting them. I do not kill my targets, I allow other things to that for me. Nor do I turn them."

Fin was very calm for someone who would be soundly punished for the murder of perhaps two or more members of Sunhaven.  They knew what was in store for them, and did they have any amount regret.  Why yes, they did.  They were not monsters, despite carrying the curse of a vampire.  " Ask me if I don't feel any kind of remose for what I have done.  I do.  Nor am I proud of it."


Re: Am I a madman such a fine line between a good man | one shot + vampirism awaken - Hope Arcanium - 10-24-2018

The small feline mutant sat up only slightly when Ichigo approached, and Leona's eye color swiftly changed back to their normal green-gray hues, but not until after sitting in silence for a few moments as the Plaga returned control to its host.

Shock was plastered on the Solbinder's face as she realized what had happened. She tried to wiggle her way out from underneath Infirmaryward. "What the honest, absolutest of fucks?" She mostly questioned herself, and quickly tried to escape the grasp of the vampire.

"Get off of me!" Leona demanded, aiming to shove the Sunhavener off of her lithe form, consciousness slowly returning from its lack of control and panic.