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selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Printable Version

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selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Stryker - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — To be fair, Stryker was enjoying this punishment much more than the others and what he did was really pushing the line when it came to tensions between the Typhoon and the Pitt... but he didn’t necessarily care. After all, he was just stroking his own ego at this point. Nevertheless, if this would give them a fair playing board, then so be it. With Goldenluxury in the palm of his hand and a flame lit under Pincher Roux’s ass, they would be sure to get things going soon enough. Time would only bring the chaos. For now, the pettiest of things were being done to evoke revenge. There was no big raid back on their clan as justice for wrongdoing or a fire lit to their prey pile, only small things. Though they would have a big impact. Goldenluxury, their prized princess, was slowly breaking into pieces and he was going to be the enthralled cause of it. Truly, Stryker wondered what Pincher would do if Goldenluxury suddenly snapped... Now he’d pay to see that.

To push his luck, the Pitt’s ardent had snuck into the depths of the Typhoon and gathered a lovely female by the name of Guru. She was a talkative girl, truly. A selfish slut though. Obviously, the two clashed heads, but proceeded to flirt along the way so they could be mutually benefitted by... well... Never mind that. With every word, she fell further into his trap and eventually he closed in around her, making his move and bringing her into his grasp. The female screamed as he struggled. Uncaring and relentless, he proceeded to drag her back to the Pitt without the word of her disappearance getting out. From there, Guru was tied to the stage and gagged. Within minutes of her arrival, a meeting had been called and she had become his newest play toy. He controlled her, beat her, and shamed the clan that damned his plan with Goldenluxury, ultimately driving home the point of his strong leadership and his willingness to act on justice. Nevertheless, his morals were skewed. Mentally manipulating the serval, Guru lifted a claw to her throat and slit her own throat in fromt of the clan. Stryker, in the moment, thought this was fair payment. The Typhoon had taken Goldenluxury back, so he’d take another one of theirs.

Letting the body stew and rot for a few days, Stryker finally thought it was time to stop their molting corpse onto the Typhoon border. After a long walk, the body was soon placed on the island’s shore. Etched into the serval was a small snake symbol and a sarcastic ‘xoxo’ to go along with it, signaling who the gifter was. Though he was eager to see the result, Stryker had to part ways. Soon he vanished.

//mobile, apologies. didn’t get into corpse details like i previously had written out but deleted it bc i figured it’d be nsfw at this point.

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - bubblegum - 10-22-2018

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Grey - 10-23-2018

He had been kidnapped once. They thought they shared the same vision, that he was the same as them. It was an insult, one big insult and he is sure they wholly regretted the decision to spare the energy to drag him into that ugly bar. It was so foolish of them to think he would sway from his ideals, his goal. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be a hero, just like All Might. He wanted to be number one, but it didn't mean he'd have to rot to the bottom, become the scum of the earth. But now, in this world, the lines between good and bad are blurred. They are merged into a mess, filled with a colour that isn't clear. He thought he was the same, the same good guy as he wanted to be, but it was clear that The Typhoon was different. Although seeming to lighten on their original tough edges, they weren't exactly the heroes he wanted to look up to. They had strange morals. He acts more on his own feelings and emotions rather than what he thought was right or wrong. He would be concerned about becoming too mean but he realised he was nicer than he had ever been. He was starting to become too soft.

He can never imagine himself being brainwashed and messed with. He's stronger than that. It's...pitiful to think others were so weak that their minds were capable of being manipulated by the disgusting claws of a Pittian. Well, speaking of The Pitt, he too was drawn by the metallic but rotting smell of blood. It was a horrendous odour to touch his nose, immediately scrunching up. To be honest, he doesn't want to approach. He hopes it's just a big, dead leopard or something. He's seen those feral cats prowling within the jungle before, jewels of eyes staring at him as he worked. He wasn't afraid of them, in fact always daring them to attack...but it was the only animal large enough to produce such an awful smell, the only animal he could think of that wouldn't be their concern. And yet, smelling Goldenluxury within the entangled and gross mix, he realised he should be worrying.

Slowly, but surely, he begins to move. He's anxious. Something horrible must have happened. He feels so nauseous, uncomfortable with what he might discover as he shifts through the territory, seeing the fresh pawprints of the Dealer. His heart hurts, his stomach is empty. He knows for sure now that whatever it was, it will hit someone hard. And that poor someone, as he has come to learn, was Goldenluxury. His eyes stare at her, seeing the way she was crushed by the weight of gravity, lying on the ground in front of a corpse. Could that have been her mother? Everything inside of him feels like it's ready to turn inside-out, anger beginning to envelop in response to the scene in front of him. Fuck. He immediately rushes over to check her pulse, seeing that she's still breathing. She'd only fainted but Bakugou doesn't know what to think. His mind is fuzzy when he stares at the dead body again, seeing the way the neck was slit and the blood on her claws. She...killed herself. It took him a while to realise his own body was shaking, trembling at the seams because he was so lost and confused and full of mixed emotions. Anger threatens to surface. He wants to shout, attack the body that no longer had life, cause the ground to open up in a scream. His chest tightens, pulling and being drawn down.

The muscles in his neck are cramped, teeth clenched together. If he bites any harder, he might begin bleeding from his gums and cheeks. Fuck it. He comes closer to the Dealer, attempting to pick her up by the scruff and pull her away. His legs, however, were his enemy. They wouldn't let him move because the smell was overwhelming and he could only vaguely guess who the unlucky victim was. It couldn't be, it can't be. He starts seeing doubles, not realising the water that was beginning to form in his eyes. He had to take her away from here, stop her from seeing the sight. She might hate him for this, cry to him for pulling her away... she might not even remember what she just saw. Maybe it was all these grey areas that was stressing him out, making him curse at the world for not knowing what to do. Bakugou eventually lets go, he stops trying, stumbling backwards and sitting on the sand. His body is slumped over. His eyes staring right into the ground, unable to decipher the individual grains because he felt himself beginning to sulk. He was furious with himself yet again, disappointed that he was unable to do anything.

They must all absolutely hate him for it.

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Masie - 10-23-2018

The sharp scent of blood was clearly a draw for any decent raptor, they were hunters but if they found something dead some were not above it. Ravenous as she was due to how she was still growing? Masie would never refuse a free meal if she could find it! Sneaking out was no problem for the small downy creature as she had done such many times before to find CC or just go for a run. However, this night would likely be everything but typical.

Finding the source of the blood and meat scent was not difficult whatsoever, but when she found the body her sympathetic nature caused her to notice other things ahead of eating. "CC Mom." the noise was concerned as she walked up, the other wasn't sleeping something was wrong, she wouldn't sleep out here. Masie quickly darted to the nearby stream to fetch a couple of live fish, walking up to Golden and dropping one in front of her, everyone liked fish that had to work! Only, it didn't nothing changed and her concern grew with every second. It was now that she noticed the uncharacteristically silent Baku, and nearly went into a panic. "Owen! Owen!" she only called for her father as she knew Delta and Blue would just be worried about the body most likely, when the issue clearly lay with the other pirates. "Noise?" he wasn't making any and she took one of the fish, placing it in front of him and tilting her head. Nothing changed, why wasn't the fish doing anything, Blue always woke up for fish!

Since nothing was working? Masie decided to try something new, walking to golden again and nuzzling her long snout against the unconscious feline. Nothing! Maybe it would do something for the annoying noise maker? With the intent to help him in mind, she scooted closer so she could press her muzzle against his shoulder, making a soft noise of concern, optics focused on him. She didn't know what she was doing, and it was going to cost. When the long slender side of her muzzle contacted his shoulder at first it just felt warm but as mere seconds ticked she felt the heat and pain spread. "OWEN! DELTA! BLUE! HURT! HURT! HURT!" considering her past interactions with him, the girl never considered it could be an accident or that he never touched those around them for a good reason. All she could think of? Was the sudden pain in her muzzle, scooting back low to the ground in the same aggressive pose her sisters often took, only she was backing up slowly as she could, trying to rub the pain on her muzzle away with her small hands. All she could logically think to do was call her whole family, temperamental sisters included.

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Luciferr - 10-23-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
he knows the scents but he finds no mourning in him save for those this will hurt - he cared little at all for Guru and her ways, given that she often caused her brands of drama from what little he had seen and knew of her, but he cares for the children she leaves behind and those that knew or befriended her.

he holds his peace but resolves to speak to Pincher - it seems only right to ask after heightening the stakes if the wretched slavers can't get it into their thick skulls that trying anything on them really isn't the best idea - considering the last time they'd gone after the pitt and the slavers had been pittiable at best, well, he hardly views them a threat, but they are an annoyance.

he worries though now the Goldie has collapsed and shifts forward to attempt to drag all three of them back towards him and away ffrom the grisly sight, a wing raised to shield the three while they try to bring and help goldie

[member=1637]bakugou[/member] [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=2585]Masie[/member]
apologies for short tbh.

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - OWEN. - 10-23-2018

Owen seemed to tense at the sound of his name being called, the Rex slowly pulling himself onto his feet. At first, it just sounded like Masie found something, it didn't sound panicked. Then, it shifted to something more desperate- something was wrong, and Owen found himself walking faster, the soft thumps of his feet rumbling the ground underneath. It didn't take long to get there in time to see Masie back up from Bakugou, her snout burnt a bit. Owen breathed a loud growl from his jaws, about to attack the one who hurt his child before he.. Then he turned his head, seeing the body on the ground. His temper cooled down, but he was still angry. "Masie, head." Owen rumbled, lowering his head for the small raptor to hop onto his head. He had to get that burn treated- it was important. The form of Lucifer caught him off-guard, but he didn't flinch or snap at him. He basked in the darkness of his wings for a moment before his long arms touched the ground, walking on all fours now. He needed to get to Junji so he could heal that burn on Masie- hopefully.

Re: selfish sluts - murder of guru roux - Grey - 10-24-2018

Sadness is not something that stays with him for long. It's an ugly feeling, squirming within him like a rat afraid of fire. Eventually, it builds and overflows. The bucket tips over, pouring from the rim, drowning his heart. The suffocation, the deep emotions that tangle and spiral, cascading from him chest a heart ache he could barely handle. With sadness it becomes his anger, a formidable rage, a frustration that this emotion could even exist within him. Everyone knew the way smoke liked to wheeze from his nostrils, rising into the atmosphere and surrounding him like a cape of blackened air. His blood always felt like it was boiling, steaming with heat. Inside of him is a furnace, chewing at all his resources, blazing. He's never been able to burn himself with the flames. They were always there, living inside of him. He's forgotten what it's felt like to have no fire within him. It wouldn't be natural; he wouldn't be him. But never once, not one moment in his life, had he thought that others could feel it too. He thought it to be internal, a mental image of a hearth inside of him, circling inside to be released. He didn't think he could hurt others with a single touch.

He ignored the cries and squawking of Masie. Bakugou would rather not think about the young raptor, ignoring the child's concerns and attempt to make him react or move. He wanted to stay still, let himself crumble. He was so angry he felt as if he was solid rock, confined and shackled to his emotions. The last thing the Reaver expected was to be nuzzled by the creature, realising she felt cold against him because he was so warm, dangerously warm that he suddenly raised a paw in an attempt to flinch from her touch. It didn't stop him from hearing the utahraptor's screech. He felt his heart stop, beating sonorously within him. Bakugou doesn't look up, putting his paw down. He can hear Owen's growl toward him, nostrils flaring in excess heat. His ears were pointed, fur raised in his own kind of aggression. He... he didn't know. Who told her to touch him anyway? Who gave her the right to touch him? He feels as if he's choking, teleporting away from Lucifer's grasp when he sees the dragon's shadow. His eyes are crackling with fire, the male spitting embers.

His eyes were hot with tears, tears that could have been the dew of the sun itself. "SHE DESERVES IT," he shouts, ears flatten against his cranium. He was burning up even more now, flames beginning to coat his entire body instead of his tail. At any moment, the Reaver could probably faint. He was expending too much energy now, too much because his emotions couldn't be controlled and his emotions ruled the way his fire acted. It had a mind of its own, responding to the rage that was feeding it, allowing it to live and destroy. Nothing good could ever come from his fire. He hated that, hated that he was stuck within this standstill - a standstill where he couldn't progress. But his mind wouldn't tolerate it. It hurt too much, his heat was clouding his thoughts, blocking any feelings of sympathy. His mind was making everything foggy. He could have just explained that he didn't know, that he didn't know he would burn her - didn't want to, but he couldn't accept the blame. Not right now, not right now. "DON'T FUCKIN' TOUCH ME. YOU DON'T JUST FUCKIN' TOUCH ME. WHO TOLD HER TO TOUCH ME?" It wasn't just directed to Masie. It was directed to everyone else here. Goldenluxury, Luciferus, Owen... He never intended to hurt anyone but he was just mad. He doesn't want anyone touching him.

"...fuck it." He doesn't want to stay around any longer. He'd explode at this point, let himself drown or dissipate into thin air. He wondered if he was even capable of cremating himself with his own fire. Bakugou was so, so hot. He felt uncomfortable in his own skin, wanting to rip all his fur away from trapping the heat within him. The Reaver, snarling at nothing in particular, furrows his brow before dematerialising elsewhere.