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ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018

henlo! so i'll be playing saeran in the ascendants, and i decided that it'd be pretty lit if i could have someone play saeyoung ? he can be any breed, but saeran is a doberman. ^^

just tell me if you're interested.

"WAVERING LOYALTIES" —-- saeran choi / ascendants / misc. / [member=1260]miss ririchiyo[/member]

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - bin - 11-10-2018

im very interested!! could you provide some more details?

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - miss ririchiyo - 11-11-2018

Sure! So, Saeran is a character from the Mystic Messenger Otome Mobile Game. His twin brother is named Saeyoung, a chippy, outgoing gamer/hacker redhead whom adores his little brother. They'll both be going to the Ascendants together, and Saeran will continue to be quiet and timid while his brother is the loud and happy one. There's a few things more, but you can just look him up online. ^^

There will definitely be a lot of sibling drama as time goes on, as Saeran is still unstable from his time dogfighting [In this world], and Saeyoung had his own problems in the game, but that's about it. ^^

"WAVERING LOYALTIES" —-- saeran choi / ascendants / misc. / -miss ririchiyo

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - bin - 11-11-2018

aaahhh that sounds so cool!!! i'll definitely take him up!!! ^^

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - miss ririchiyo - 11-12-2018

Just track here when you've got his subby made! I'll be making a chat for the whole Mystic Messenger fam.

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - miss ririchiyo - 11-12-2018

Track that on your main. ^^

Re: ADOPT THE TWIN BROTHER OF SAERAN? - bin - 11-21-2018

sub is made, im just hunting for a pfp haha