Beasts of Beyond
TAKE ME BACK && joining. - Printable Version

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TAKE ME BACK && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018

Tired, long limbs seemed to carry Saeran on to forever, having ran from the dog fighting ring he had practically been raised in. He was taught to fight dirty, no matter how much he disliked it, and he was sure he had killed hundreds of other animals in that ring. Just for the sick amusement of humans, for their sick pleasures and bets of money that had no worth to Saeran himself. He was a champion, but only because he wanted to survive.

Saeran just wanted to relax, to sit for a few seconds, to never talk again, but he knew he had to keep moving. It was probably a few more hours, but the white doberman had finally found a building- an observatory in the distance. It was beautiful, the metals and all components shining with use. He wanted to look over the building, to examine it more, but he knew he had to wait.

The canine didn't know if he was just.. Crazy, or if he kept hearing voices swimming around in his head. Yeah, it was probably Ray, speaking to him. After he had escaped from the Ring, he had started noticing how he could talk to himself- how he could talk to his imaginary friends that seemed to float around him constantly. Nobody else could see them, they were just figments of the dog's imagination, but he wished they could.

Sitting down, Saeran waited patiently for someone to come up and see him, cropped ears twitching and swiveling to listen to any sounds so he'd at least be prepared- you know, just in case someone tried to come at him unexpectedly?

//For any aura/soul readers: Saeran's soul is a minty green primarily with hints of darker blues. His aura has a defensive edge to it, as if tense and scared of his surroundings. It is a constant air around his aura, but is never betrayed on the outside.

"WAVERING LOYALTIES" —-- saeran choi / ascendants / misc. / [member=1260]miss ririchiyo[/member]

Re: TAKE ME BACK && joining. - agathe. - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: black;"]Agathe's presence was announced only by the low sigh she emitted as she halted before Saeran. Her composure was carefully composed and, as always, guarded as she gave him a quick, almost missable, once over. There were very few canines among their ranks, that much was true, but the Lunar Lieutenant had yet to decipher whether or not this stranger stopped upon their border possessed an intent to join. He certainly seemed prepared for something, what with the way his ears kept swiveling around like that, but the snow leopard chose not to comment as she gracefully reared back upon her own haunches.

"What brings you to the Ascendants territory?" She finally inquired, expression mostly hidden within the shadows of her red hood- a hood she very rarely utilized if she was being honest. She had been here long enough to understand how these types of things typically went and yet, possessed no interest to hammer this individual with the typical 'name and business'. No, no, that was so boring and Agathe liked to keep things interesting, especially when she was handling her responsibilities. "My name is Agathe Ashyver, by the way."


Re: TAKE ME BACK && joining. - ATLAS. - 10-22-2018

Atlas learned early in his explorations that the world wasn't a kind place. He saw people bleed out and fight over scraps, he saw kind people taken advantage of. He saw a lot, and for a while, he couldn't help but feel hopeless through all of it. It was natural to give up on others after watching them all fail. Like Saeran, Atlas had fought, and fought, and fought, all for the sake of survival. Eventually he'd failed, and though it hadn't led to his death, it had certainly changed things. Perhaps that was something that drove him away from the area surrounding his home. Out here, it was a fresh start. Everything was new and it all took some adjustment, but he wanders around the territory with a book held in his satchel and a strange sort of peace in his mind, looking for all of those other people who wanted to start over, or just for a new place to read. Today it's the latter, finding himself in front of a doberman that almost looks like him. His own fur is filled with patches and stripes and splotches, but there are similar builds.

For a moment, it's comforting. Then it reminds him of family. His nose scrunched, golden eyes narrowed ever so slightly, he stops next to Agathe and glances between the two of them until it softens and he can look at the dog without judgement clouding his features. Instead, his mouth twitches to a smile for just a moment. "Careful," he hums dryly, "a few more steps in and you might get threatened with jail time." His own joining had been... fun, and although he preferred Eden to Onision so far, it wasn't by much. Maybe this stranger could be spared.


Re: TAKE ME BACK && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 10-22-2018

Cold blue eyes seemed to shift between the two creatures before him, as if waiting for them to just.. Jump him. When nothing happened, Saeran finally parted his jaws to speak, however softly it was. His voice cracked on his first attempt, probably from misuse, before he finally tried again. "My name.. My name is Saeran, I'm here to join." He gasped out, his energy feeling drained just from the attempt to communicate with these strangers. He had always been wary now that he had been out of the Ring. He couldn't just change.

His paws felt shaky, but the male kept up his stern appearance, his muscles tense from running and walking nonstop. He had obvious sleepy circles under his icy blue eyes, signifying lack of sleep, but made no other show of exhaustion. He just wanted to lay down, his muscles hurt so much at this point that he just wanted to sleep and maybe get a drink of vodka down his system to help clear his system? He wasn't a big drinker- he didn't like the taste of alcohol because of all the alcohol they drank in the ring.

Nevermind, though, because Saeran found his gaze on Atlas, his eyes glancing upwards at the much larger male. Great dane, Saeran could guess. Not many dogs were bigger than him, in his opinion. Normally, dobermans had slim frames, but he had been worked so much that muscle and bulk took up most of the 'slim areas' on his body.

With a quick glance between the two, Saeran slowly lowered his head in a respectful dip of greeting. Glancing back up, he lifted up his head and asked the other canine- he didn't give his name, after all. "Your.. Name? What is your name?" Sae asked, tilting his head slightly. The girl seemed okay, but he didn't like the feeling he got from her. Maybe it was just a weird vibe, or the way she was staring at him.

He didn't know.

"WAVERING LOYALTIES" —-- saeran choi / ascendants / misc. / -miss ririchiyo

Re: TAKE ME BACK && joining. - agathe. - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color;"]Agathe's stare was unflinching and entirely unbreakable- even as Atlas arrived and referenced his rocky encounter with Oni when he joined. She would have at least extended him a subtle head dip in greeting had she not been so engrossed with the task at hand: analyzing and understanding this Saeran individual. The cloaked snow leopard had figured that he wanted to join - as most who found themselves upon the border did - but the look of exhaustion found only in the form of bags under his eyes and his strange, almost stern appearance led her to believe that he was either unusually tense or wary of something. How curious. Rolling her shoulders, the Lunar Lieutenant chose not keep him waiting any longer, lips pressing into a thin line just before she spoke.

"Where did you come from, Saeran?"

He'd be accepted no doubt - already had been, though her silence hadn't been great enough to indicate that development - but Agathe could not refuse her own bubbling curiosity, a metaphorical brow arching in spite of the stony face she preferred to keep. Suddenly remembering that her prolonged quiet probably helped him none, she quickly flashed her teeth in some type of crooked smile before finally nodding her head. "Welcome to the Ascendants." She'd offer no tour simply because she had other matters to tend to, a golden gaze finally stealing a look at Atlas as she wondered if the other male would be up for the task. Though, by the looks of this canine, she figured he'd probably want to find the nearest bed to collapse into. She couldn't blame him, such had been the case when she arrived so wondrously upon this safe haven's border.