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silence the birds in the trees / joining - Printable Version

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silence the birds in the trees / joining - LUCIA - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The impression that Lucia will be making is not one that she would of chosen, but as the pain flares up in her body and her head begins to spin — she has no choice but to accept it. Maybe if she can at least get into shelter and out of the rain before the aether sickness takes its toll, she will be able to weather it out alone. The telltale signs are there; the taste of blood in her mouth, the headache that drowns out her senses and the leaden limb that burn with each step.

The markings, layers of runes ritualistically carved by someone showing great care, begin to flicker and glow with a soft blue. Each pulse is in time with her breaths, coming laboured and strained as she struggles to find somewhere to stay — she cannot get caught out in the storm like this.

Lucia would rather avoid looking weak. But she won't die for her pride.

She starts to mutter, diverting the energy off into specks of flame extinguished by the rain that quickly form around her paws and dissipate, sparks of electricity that pulse off her skin. Minor magics meant not to be used but to discharge, trying to avoid the mass release that she knows is coming. It always does — she cannot use herself a conduit so recklessly without the buildup that makes her sick.

It is a sickness that she knows no healer will ever be able to treat nor would she ever ask them. Lucia Pallas Averill knew what she was getting herself into. The lioness will not turn back from her curiosity now, even if it drags her into the abyss that it constantly threatens to do. Her research, her meaning and purpose, her everything, it's too important to her to care about her health now. Not now.

She approaches the huts with a short growl, her eyes glowing strongly and beginning to discharge more than simple flecks, her entire body crackling with electricity or unnatural blue fire. There has to be someone that will offer her shelter like this - it's obvious that she's in pain. People have compassion. Lucia can usually bank on that, not that she'll ever return the favour.

"Interrogabo vos et ego tectumque." She barks, hearing the roughness of her voice already, like sandpaper and gravel. The words slip out in the tongue of Arcana, not the common tongue, but she's past the point of caring. Someone may recognise it.

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - JUNJI - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]a sickness that could not be treated; for once, junji could sympathize. inside him churned a blackness, coiled around his soil, weakening him each passing day. it was something he had brought upon himself, and the one thing that would cure it would leave him with a cold, empty life. he was not willing to sacrifice his happiness, not to rid himself of the corruption that ate at him.

he could taste the storm in the air before it came. sharp, cold ocean winds battering against the jungle and the huts that were nestled upon the beach brought him out from the canopy. he hoped the storm would not be too harsh, and willed the waves back from lapping too closely at the homes. jun looked out over the angry sea and the dark clouds brewing overhead, and breathed a small sigh as rain began to fall on the sands.

somewhere off to the side of the huts, he heard a voice in the wind; for a moment he thought himself to have imagined it, words uttered in his native language, someone asking for shelter from the storm. the angel slowly rose from his place and padded toward it; his eyes settled upon a lioness shuffling toward the huts, obviously sick with... something. "sunt te licuit?" he called to her, lifting his wings as he bounded toward her. caution was pushed from his mind, the need to help pulling him in.

"veni mecum," junji cooed, beckoning her closer,"nos mos succurro vos." he waited a moment to see if she would accept, and then the soothsayer turned to pad through the cluster of homes. his own was deep in the jungle, likely too far for the lioness to walk now, but the least he could do for her right then was get her out of the rain. his love's home was not far; he could only hope luca wouldn't mind him intruding with a sick stranger.

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - Grey - 10-23-2018

One can say that he is ungrateful. He doesn't realise what he has, the gifts that he's been given. He could be given the power to destroy worlds but still complain he is not strong enough, still train himself to be more than what he was created to be. He knows there is first raw talent. Bakugou is a natural in combat. The sense of battle flows within him, circling his bloodstream. Even though there is raw talent, he must allow it to manifest through hard work, determination and struggle. He will perfect himself. Others can say he is no more but another fool, pitiful because he was unable to realise what he had due to a strong lack of self-awareness. He drowns in a superiority complex, desiring to better himself above others and needing that sense of empowerment and success. That way, no one can look down on him. His feelings of being unloved and unwanted can be washed away through fear and brute strength. They can't get rid of him if they need him. It therefore makes him wonder how medics felt. Did they realise the true power they all possessed within the chasms of their minds? They were able to save and kill life, a temple of knowledge to serve as either a sanctuary or murder chamber of bodies.

An illness that cannot be helped, cannot be stopped with the touch of a black mamba. Does it make them feel useless? How would it feel to surround your entire life in protecting life, embodying all this knowledge, and being unable to treat and certain kind of sickness no matter how hard you tried? The worse thing for him would be to be unable to fight. It was all he ever trained for. Even his blacksmithing had a purpose to build up strength and endurance, to create weapons and understand their deadliest points. Bakugou feels himself shudder from the cold. Winter is coming and he knows in his old life it used to give him difficulties with his quirk. Although his body usually confined high temperatures, he could feel his heat radiating to the colder climate around him. It made him feel cold because his body never tried to constrict the heat in his body and he was losing his temperature fast, draining from the ghostly weather. Luckily, he didn't feel as if he was going to freeze to death. His fireplace was blaring, eating at the short cut of logs whilst the rain continued to pour outside of his hut. If he decides to put conscious effort into it, he will begin to feel warmer in no time. '

He is about to eat his ramen when he notices a pale form walking past the window of his hut, a blur because of the droplets that obscured the frame. The steam of his food materialises in front of him and Bakugou shakes his head, deciding to put his food aside. He hasn't added the noodles to the broth just yet, deciding to leave his ramen aside. He can heat it up later, deciding to throw in a few more chili flakes before opening the door of his hut. He heads out into the elements, water drizzling down his pelt, his flaming tail still flickering as it always did. Due to the rain, one could see his actual tail appearing within the drowning fire which coated and wrapped around it. Bakugou stops for a moment, standing beneath the extended roof of another hut and lazily rubbing his wet eyes. Where had that angel gone? He wonders, after all, just what that male was doing outside. These were the kinds of days it was better to stay indoors, watch the rolling tides from afar. The sky was dark with with his fire being plummeted by the rain, he can only offer little light against the greyness of the unhappy clouds.

He hears a foreign language, accent similar to that of the many angels who came to inhabit The Typhoon's island. It must have been the holy tongue, ears rotating about to tune in on Junji's voice. Finally, his eyes see the soothsayer's form from afar. He is hesitant to approach at first, checking around for Luca but deciding the male must have been away or the fogginess of the land was obscuring his sight of him. Regardless, Bakugou approaches anyway. He doesn't understand what the two are saying but he can easily see that she is uncomfortable. For a moment he considers lifting stone from the earth, a thin layer that will shelter her from the rain as she is escorted to some room on the island. He assumes that whoever this was, after all, was seeking a place away from the rain and that the black mamba wished to help her. He was only trying to help with what Junji wanted because he respected that he was the only medic they had left. But, seeing as he might lose control or be unable to do such a feat, he decides to not try it. Instead he breaks a rock and creates something that resembles a lantern. The stone fragments aren't stuck together but instead held by his earth elementals as he lights a ball of fire within it, juggling his two abilities with intense concentration. The only purpose for the lantern-like shape was to keep the rain out of his flames so he could provide warmth. "D'ya think she might want this while you take her somewhere or whatever?" he asks with a slight hiss to his voice, trying not to lose too much focus in holding so many pieces together. He hasn't perfected using both powers at once.

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - darci - 10-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]There had been a time in his life when pride had full control of him. It fueled his desires and controlled his thoughts and actions. Thoughts of 'will this make me seem weak?' or 'how will others see me after this?' were a constant, and it became rather problematic. An individual drowning in pride had been a common horror in the sledding community. On rare occasions had it grown so bad that there had been a case over a lead sled dog cutting his life short simply because he came in second place in a preliminary race. Victor was still in training on how to even pull a sled properly during that time, but it had shaken him to the core. It made him question who he was and what goal he would achieve that would not only benefit him, but those around him. That incident had become a reality check for him, one had he appreciated to this day.

While he was fortunate enough that illness did not come easy to him, he knew those who struggled with it on a daily basis. A nephew of his had been born rather sickly and carried it all the way until today. While his nephew had grown much stronger and defied everyone's expectations, he still had to take precautions to remain healthy and alive. Victor did take what he had for granted: Health, happiness, confidence in himself. The older he got, the more did he learn to understand what it was like walking in another's pawsteps. Not everyone was as fortunate as him, but he was willing to make the effort to help lift them those who struggled up.   

The silver male had taken refuge inside of his own hut, cleaning and organizing his belongings. He always enjoyed a clean house, the storm outside provided a perfect opportunity for just that. The flash of light lit up the inside of his hut, instantly catching his attention. Was that lighting? He paused, listening. No thunder followed behind it, and his curiosity began to grow. Blue eyes gazed outside, noticing the figures of Junji and Bakugou meeting a figure he was unfamiliar with. With haste did he make his way outside, not minding the warm rain. Trotting over, he caught onto the words being exchanged, but they were in a language he was unfamiliar with. Why could not everyone speak the common language? If they joined without knowing basic English, it would be extremely difficult to thrive here. Thankfully, Victor learned English from the community he grew up in. Though in return, his Russian-speaking skills had grown rather weak. He needed to work on them. Keeping his mouth shut, Victor watched, seeing no way his input was needed nor did he think of anything he would offer.

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - LUCIA - 10-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]replies late to own joining rip me

It is hard to drop the guarded caution that she's used to. And really, with her teeth gritted into a growl, the wariness does not drop from her face. Even when the angelic looking being speaking Latin replies to her, offering her help, as if he could help her. As if anyone could help her. Still, she casts her eyes between each one of them that appears, and she wants to tell them all to fuck off and just allow her to suffer in peace. If she has to be like... This, she would rather face and deal with it alone.

She does not tell them to go away. Not yet. "I just need a place to stay until this episode ceases." Her statement is punctuated by the violent blue flickers that come from the runes. Shivers wrack her involuntarily, someone trying to desperately grip onto what little is left of their composure. She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths, trying to at least calm herself down to sound like she wasn't desperate.

No such luck there.

"It will only be a night - I swear that to you."

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - darci - 10-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]Victor expelled a sigh. This was one of the last places this girl should have picked if she just wanted to stay a single night. While the striker saw no issues, he knew how the Typhoon was. Suppressing his own emotions, he stared the girl right in eye. "I'm sorry, but if you only plan to stay a single night then you should probably look to Sunhaven." He was growing more brazen and stern by the day. The former sled dog blamed it on this place's influence, yet he showed no signs of resisting. "But if you were planning to actually join, then we could discuss that possibility."

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - Grey - 10-25-2018

[ ooc ] dw, you're good <33

A place to stay. Naturally, he would say no. He has always rejected the idea of visitors, hating how they were becoming a motel. It annoyed him every time he would tell a stranger to 'fuck off' only to be lectured by a more compassionate pirate, one who encouraged such visiting behaviours. It bothered him because The Typhoon was softening. They were becoming more civilised, no longer pirates. It made him feel a deep disappointment towards their island's nature. No wonder, he thinks, they've been struggling with all these injuries and captures. The Pitt was raining down on them and they hardly had any stand against it. After one raid, they were all busy healing, rejuvenating. Their numbers were thinning by the day. Perhaps the loss of their high population of black mambas was a sign of what was to come, an awful omen brimming in front of them. Even though Rosemary had returned, nothing was really looking quite the same. It all felt as if it was beginning to close in on itself. He felt as if the island was going to open and be destroyed, erasing the embarrassment they had become.

His teeth press together, the usual crisp sound of snapping air was overwhelmed by the noise of the rain. One night, only for one night. He still doesn't like it. He's waiting for Junji to butt in to the words Victor was saying. Bakugou wasn't going to defend the stranger anyway. He doesn't want to. "The problem is that she's here already," the Reaver says to the sled dog, raising his voice over the loudness of the weather. He doesn't care if Lucia catches his words but he was reluctantly explaining that they didn't really have much of a choice other than to reject her completely or give her a place to stay. There was no use in suggesting Sunhaven because it was clear that she wouldn't be able to leave the island without them physically picking her up and dropping her outside the border. "And this isn't the smartest of places to discuss membership when god's pissin' all over us." An alabaster breath leaves his body, heat quickly dispelling from the cold. He wants to tell her to fuck off but now that Victor had brought up the idea of trying to induct her into The Typhoon (quite forcefully in his opinion), he has to go along with it. Unfortunately there was a thick line between his duties as a Reaver and his feelings. "Can't we just figure these things out once we're in shelter?"

He was waiting for Junji to act on whatever of those foreign words he had said. He doesn't know the language but he can guess that the foolish soothsayer had probably offered his help already, too late for Victor to undo.

Re: silence the birds in the trees / joining - Luciferr - 10-25-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Never fear my friend, for I will shield you from the weather until we reach said shelter if needs must" the vantablack dragon - almost entirely obscured by the rain and dark sky above - calls, a strangely jovial mod - and why not, his sister had been famous for summoning storms and he admits to a slight inclination because of it.

a wan unseen smile at that - he did miss their 'thunder runs' of races together.

and just as he says, he stretches those two enormous pairs of trifold wings above and across the small group, effectively shielding them from the rain above - instead the patter rings out from behind the void curtain of his wings spotted slightly as they are by pinpricks of light near the edges - like the great black above.

with that settled he quirks a brow "I see no Ill intent in letting her stay a night provided under watch if such a threat" he muses - after all she is already in the territory - he hums quietly overlooking Junji, Victor, Bakugou and their unknown "Your name at least stranger?" the dark asks.