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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]i've somehow forgotten how to write so basically he's injured and unknowingly standing within suhaven's borders please don't feel like you need to match this!

Lazarus had seen a lot of people die in all kinds of ways. Bleeding out was common, or infection finally winning. Some of the smaller, more resilient people would survive until their bones could be counted underneath their skin. Some went quiet, some went loud, but he learned easily enough that in the end, everyone went, no matter who people pretended to be. So he made peace with his death at a young age, without resistance. He would stay alive or as long as he could (wasn't that everyone's goal?) but he wouldn't mind the inevitable. He wouldn't let it rule his life. And truth be told, he'd made it longer than he thought he would. Dying on his own terms was a bonus that he appreciated, though even that was simply a result of his time alive. Lazarus had learned to value others, and maybe that had been his downfall. Would he have lived to a ripe old age, violent and bloody but alive if Gabriel hadn't rescued him? It doesn't matter.

This is what he would have chosen, again and again. Maybe that's what saves him.

He jerks awake with his heart beating frantically against his chest. The feeling is miraculous but he doesn't know why he expected anything other than the rhythm against his ribs. His mind feels hazy, sensations overpowering memories. Coarse grass pressed against the sensitive skin of his throat, and the smell of something sweet under raw meat, like summer. His eyes open to sunlight that warms his back. Waking up is slow even though his lungs are burning as he gasps for air, his body is burning as his muscles twitch, adrenaline burns through his veins as he fails. Everything is on fire but this time the world feels calm and his skin feels cold. This was falling asleep in reverse, the hazy exhaustion slowly leaving his mind as all sorts of other things filter back in.

His neck arches as his body spasms again, lifting halfway on shaky legs. Blood drips to the ground as his eyes shut tight and open again. He recognizes it through smell instead of sight, the same way that he doesn't know who he is and where he's at — none of this makes sense to him. The world is entirely wrong; the world is smaller than he remembered. There had been a few days like this, growing up. He would suddenly feel too large for his skin, bumping against everything and stumbling out of the way away. Clumsy. This time, his growth spurt feels larger than before. Broad black paws are spread across the ground with more fur in between his toes than he remembers having. It's all he can focus on now. Then the blood, and fiery streaks low on his legs. Fur that tickles the underside of his jaw when he ducks his head, thick and soft.

Everything hits him like a freight train as he staggers fully to his feet, pain darting up his legs — sharp fish in a bloody pond. Too many metaphors now, for something that doesn't matter. He's alive when he shouldn't be, in a body that isn't his. The former dog (that doesn't make sense) stands there, in the middle of Sunhaven's territory, with blood on his teeth and dripping from his hind leg. There's an entire chunk missing of his thigh, the edges a ragged bite. His weight shifts away from the injury, the heavy paw not even touching the earth. The world around him sways as his heartbeat slows — for a moment, it doesn't even matter that he's alive again. "¿Dónde diablos estoy?"

Re: 「 WITHIN THIS SHALLOW GRAVE. INJURED/LOST 」 - Aelios S. - 10-22-2018


There was one way to walk into a situation like this, and not be a vampire.  Normally one would blanch, back away and probably yell for help.  Yeah if you were a normal person and didn't have the ugly stain of a vampiric mutation.  Fin was not sadly, and the scent of blood was again what drew them close towards the scene. " Mary, Joesph, and the saints. What in hell's name happened to you?" they breathed once they got close enough to see what kind of damage, while fighting the driving urge to frenzy.

From what they could tell that Lazarus was either mauled or beaten a inch of his life, how the poor fellow was still alive was a deed grace by either god himself or from his sheer will of remaining alive despite the injuries he was carrying that should kill him.

That was when Fin realized that Lazarus could speak, and in his case was probably the worst thing he should do, for Fin wasn't sure if his injuries also affected his lungs.  " Mate I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you are on Sunhaven territory.  Fucking hell bruv who did this to you?"

He hoped help was arriving, or someone else was.

Re: 「 WITHIN THIS SHALLOW GRAVE. INJURED/LOST 」 - buckingham barnes - 10-23-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky, in his past, had quite a fair share with death. While the former assassin hasn't died yet, he's watched his victims lives drain out of their eyes before him. And, there have been several circumstances where the maine coon was nearly at deaths door. Some memories that popped up in his head are when Levi tried to kill him, when Angeldust tried to poison him and when Riza tried to straggle him. Damn, a lot of people tried to kill him, huh? Honestly, he can't think of a circumstance when he wasn't close to death when it wasn't someone trying to kill him. He's definitely made a lot of enemies, whether if it was due to the Asset or political status of clans. Unfortunately for all of them, their attempts failed- and even some have to live with Bucky as a clanmate.

Bucky was leaving the sea village when the smell of iron invaded his nostrils. Lately, when he smells blood, he is lead to numerous dead bodies. Bucky knows that he's used to death and corpses, and that he's not squeamish towards them. But he knows a lot of his clanmates are- a majority of them don't have a war-torn background like he did. These corpses they've been discovering lately, they've been so, so gruesome- even a little too much for the maine coon himself. Anytime his gaze lands on more corpses, especially those with the scent of the Ascendants, more anger and disgust boils in his chest. Buckingham Barnes, who is a murderer unlike his clanmates believe, wouldn't even stoop so low to eat his victims.

Bucky was hoping when he began to track the scent, he wouldn't find a corpse. Or any number larger than one, they already found seven more corpses a few days ago. He didn't want to add on the body count, not again.

Buckingham shortly made his way in after Infirmaryward, his light blue eyes landing on Lazarus. Well technically speaking, they did find a corpse- the male before them was alive. Barely so, his eyes only had to stare at Lazarus bloodied hind leg to understand that. Their hind leg looks like it was bitten out of, as if someone decided to snack on them- but didn't get to finish the meal. It would add up with the recent murders- all the victims have been eaten. Perhaps Lazarus was attacked by the same assailant that's caused Sunhaven so much trouble. Unfortunately, Buckingham didn't understand the language Lazarus spoke in. Buckingham knew that it was Spanish, but he never learned another language. At times like this, he wish he was fluent in other languages so he won't feel clueless.

"Do you speak English?" The former assassin inquired, wanting to know if they were going to be communicating with two languages the whole time or not. He wasn't sure how much talking there'll be, considered the state Lazarus is in, but it will still make things ten times easier if they can all understand each other. Bucky eyed the bloodied hind leg for a moment, his tail slowly swishing behind him. "I'll go grab Venus," He told Infirmaryward, "I'm no medic but even I know that wound is dire."


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]What in hell's name happened to you? His head jerks up, slitted pupils dilating and strange ears perked up. The stare that Lazarus fixes the stranger with is wild and filled with fear, his weight shifting away from the creature until the weight on his injured leg sends more burrs through his veins and he jolts forward again. Pulling and pushing. The too-long tail lashes behind him without thought, a whiplash action that highlights the fiery tip of his tail. He doesn't know what this stranger is thinking of him, but if he heard it, would he agree? Perhaps it was sheer will keeping him alive. Lazarus doesn't know why he ended up in this body, familiar from a distance but not from this perspective, and he doesn't know why the slowly oozing injury on his leg doesn't bother him more. In truth, the creature feels numb now, aside from the pain darting up his leg in waves. Bright orange eyes glaze over as he simply stares, unable to process the world around him, much less the way that they speak, the words that they say.

The second addition to this group startles him out of his fear-filled silence, and the hybrid breathes out a heavy, rattling breath. The heart that had first beat against his chest to the point of pain, a reminder that he was alive, slowly, slowly begins to slow. Relax. Settle down. His tail stops lashing and the tension that kept his neck straight and his head high floods away all at once. It goes to the point that he almost sways, staring down at the much smaller strangers. His mind registers that he needs to go home. Back to Gabe, at least. Nobody here knows the full story and he wouldn't claim to, but he knows that the people here, for whatever reason, aren't a fan of his home. Were his mind not too hazy for intentional deception, maybe he would know that it was time to walk away. They were kind, but misunderstanding was always a problem.

Like with language. "Sí. Yes. I speak English." His tongue doesn't want to, and his mind struggles with the acrobatics of two languages, but now isn't the time for this. Laz slowly sinks down until he's sitting, his head almost to his chest. "I don't know what happened," he finally answers, turning to look at the wound. This wasn't his body, or his home, or his life. "I need to —" go home (he knows he can't like this) "— sleep."

Re: 「 WITHIN THIS SHALLOW GRAVE. INJURED/LOST 」 - Aelios S. - 10-23-2018

/ retro to vampirism

Fin nodded their head briefly in account to understand what Bucky had told them. But as soon as Lazarus spoke, the feline turned their head towards the mortally injuried hybrid of sorts.

They knew what Lazarus meant by sleep, in this case he meant die. It would living miracle if he survived such a terrible injury, let alone fighting infection on top of that if whomever did this in the first place. "Help is on the way. Just hold on. You'll right as rain I'm sure of it. Just hold on." Fin wasn't sure who they were reassuring themselves or Lazarus.

Lazarus was at death's door, they were almost certain of it. He just hoped Venus could get here a little bit more faster before Lazarus expired.

Re: 「 WITHIN THIS SHALLOW GRAVE. INJURED/LOST 」 - rhosmari - 10-23-2018

The smell of blood tainted the air and it was a smell she very well knew set her on edge. When blood was around she knew that something could have gone wrong. But she also wanted to believe that perhaps it was just a successful hunt. Maybe someone was bringing back to share with the group as a whole. It wasn't everyday that they brought back food for everyone and in truth they needed to start up perhaps some hunting patrols. But this day was not going to be one for relaxing as she followed the smell of blood, thickening as she got closer to the source of it. Her paws slowed down as she pushed her way through the thick trees that were losing their leaves by the day and she breathed in slowly, eyes shifting over the area before she turned to finally spot what appeared to be a harshly injured dog and her group mates. Alarm flared through toxic green eyes as she studied what was going on and she found that they needed to get him to camp as quickly as possible. Venus was most likely busy so they could take the male to her if need be. "If ya both can support him we should take him tae camp. It ain't but a short distance and we can get him what he needs quicker than waitin'." Her massive frame moved forward and she tilted her head a little as she eyed the injured male, trying to make sure that he could hold up till they got there. "What's ya name?"

She asked him, a way of keeping him focused on anything else but the pain around him. He couldn't sleep for fear of losing him that way and she lightly aimed to nudge his shoulder gently before moving to stand beside him, tails shifting a bit so that he could lean on her. "Lean on me, ya will be fine. We'll patch ya up and make sure everything heals right. Just one step in front of the other." She spoke gently, gaze looking forward as she took one step forward in an effort to lead him to where they needed to go.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: 「 WITHIN THIS SHALLOW GRAVE. INJURED/LOST 」 - Hope Arcanium - 10-24-2018

"Wait- don't move him just yet!" There was a sense of urgency in Leona's voice as she ran towards the group. What she was so adamant about was the wound. If they moved him right away, there was a possibility of the poor soul bleeding out.

"I'm here... it's going to be okay, sir. I'm a medic here. I'll get you feeling good as new." The Solbinder tried to be as soothing as possible, her voice soft and carried warmth.

First things first- this wound needed to be closed. She reached into her medical bag, pulling out a towel and gauze pads as well as some self-adhesive wrap to make sure the bandages stayed in place and it didn't rip fur with removal.

"This may sting a little, but it'll be okay."

//permission to powerheal? c: