Beasts of Beyond
EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]It took approximately two minutes for Roslyn to realize that Sunhaven, in spite of all she'd heard, was not the place for her, not at the present moment. She'd arrived on the border expecting a quaint little town, fond eyes gazing from the hilltops onto colorful houses and a turquoise-blue sea below, but she'd hardly found a place to stay before she heard whispers of war, murder, awful things. A conflict - something she wasn't exactly keen on getting in the middle of. She hadn't brought much, save for a little bag she'd filled with trinkets she intended to trade after months of travels, hadn't done much to establish herself. It was easy to slip off and move on before she made much of an impact on the seaside village.

Nevertheless she ought to have brushed up on this political feud before she disappeared. Here she stood now, the cat reeking of fish and antiques and all sorts of things that most used to associate with Sunhaven, on the border of their newest enemy. She wasn't aware that the tension happened to stand between the Ascendants and the Haven - she wasn't exactly aware of anything that went on in these peculiar little tribes. If she were to learn the hard way, then so be it; not new to hardship, nor to unfamiliarity, she would learn her place among the Ascendants in due time.

Roslyn wasn't one to make a scene of herself, not intentionally. The siamese was a short-legged thing, squat to the ground unlike her more lithe, more regal cousins. Call her a runt of the litter, but the wedge siamese hardly stood at the shoulder of most other domestics, and her dull, dirt-streaked coat wasn't exactly the prettiest of them all. However, Roslyn thought herself to be a proactive little creature in spite of herself, and spent her months of life journeying through the lands that stretched beyond the confines of her childhood den. With the gift of guile and trickery she'd made like a shadow through the miles of woodland, her dealings quick and often dirty but leaving her not without a pocket full of gold. She liked her trinkets, the things she'd traded (and occasionally stole) - not for their worth but for their glimmer and shine. Oh, how she adored shiny things.

The burlap satchel on her hip sagged with weight, a button replaced time and time again barely holding the flap shut. Inside peeked some of her belongings - books embossed in gold, stray bits of jewelry, a few broken chain links. Pretty things, she'd say. Useful for what, she wasn't sure. She sort of leaned into the weight, as though it was almost too much for her to carry; her muddy paws occasionally shuffled at the dirt to reinstate her balance. For the time being, or at least until she was to learn that she'd just left the territory of a clan at war with her prospective new home, she would wait here. Her smile was patient, unwavering and painfully toothy, and her wide eyes gleamed with an innocence that held volumes under the surface. That, of course, would remain a story for another time.

Re: EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - ONISION. - 10-22-2018

Tracking, since Oni isn't coming to the borders for a few days! Welcome!

Re: EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - ATLAS. - 10-22-2018

Well if she had come to this place expecting anything different than what she saw in Sunhaven, she was going to be disappointed. Atlas himself had only been here for a few days, but the stories hadn't escaped his attention. He had always been good at listening and putting together the pieces of information, weaving them into a cohesive tale. What he put together here was that same story of violence and warfare. Members dead and dying all around him. He himself had yet to show up at the scene of one, but knowing his luck, it wouldn't be long now. Today, at least, he finds that the dice still roll in his favor. Instead of a murder, he finds a stranger, and that situation is easy enough to navigate. Atlas figured that how Eden did it wasn't normal, but Agathe was a better role model. He learns quickly. All he can do is hope that he learns quickly enough not to stumble.

As he stands here, he dwarfs the cat in front of him, but there are similarities. Not in their appearances — Atlas is a massive creature, with long legs and a muscular body, and his body is covered in mottled patches of color. She's smaller and sweeter, if such a thing can be determined from one's appearance. The canine holds himself with a strange, off-putting bitterness. Aloof, even in the way he stands. But no, their similarities come in what they carry. His own bag is proportionally much larger and also much less interesting. It smells like old books, and any glimpse inside would reveal exactly that. As he leans his body to get a better look at hers, golden eyes linger on golden books, and a short-cropped tail wags just ever so slightly. Does she read them, or just trade them? He makes a note to ask later. Maybe.

Luckily for her, he's oblivious to group alliances, and the smell she carries is nothing interesting to him. The dog simply tilts his head and then blinks when he realizes he's been staring for perhaps a moment too long. "Why are you just standing there?"


Re: EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - BABY — - 10-22-2018

[Image: 7a03b7301a5b61539f5c63d5ff357dae.jpg]
He, too, had joined in the midst of the Ascendants' drama with Sunhaven. It had been only weeks ago that he had arrived on their borders, but now it seemed like a whole eternity. Titan knew a majority of the members — albeit not well, but he knew them by their mannerisms, their speech, their movements, their attitudes. Moon, for example, was the young monarch who had a laid-back take on leadership ( a concept practically unheard of where he came from ). Onision, for example, was the reckless teenager who had to be watched constantly with a hawk's eye or else he'd get himself into a h e a p of trouble. Clementine, for example, was the admittedly adorable little girl, practically a r a y of sunshine. Call it creepy, but Titan had adopted the tactic when he was younger as a method of scoping out the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents. Although these people were not his enemies, Titan still retained the tendency to simply observe. He was not one for striking up conversations, anyways, and he found it easier to sit back and analyze his clanmates individually.

The lion, having heard voices sourcing from the edge of the territory, made his way over to see what was going on. While Titan recognized neither of the two he came upon, it was obvious that one held the scent of the Ascendants and one didn't. So, his gaze didn't linger on the canine for long, and he instead looked to the satchel-wearing molly. "What is your business here?" Asked the Lunar Lieutenant in an attempt to rephrase the rather blunt question asked by the other, his voice maintaining its usual [sub]depth[/sub] and monotonous nature. His still, amber eyes were fixed onto the smaller feline, his masculine features unmoving and neither were his lips ( which refused to crack even a semi-friendly grin ).

Re: EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - NABULIONE S.C. - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]She was waiting for company but it still startled her when a pair sprung from seemingly nowhere to greet her. She had to work on paying attention to these things, people approaching, voices prompting her for response - staring off into space wasn't the best way to make friends. The domestic gave a little huff, shaking out her coat to brush off her surprise in the same way one might put a hand to their bosom.

She's barely a snack to these massive beasts - she has to tilt her head back to meet them both at the face - but her expression hardly wavers at the sight. They are large but she is quick, and should she need to take off at once, she could always sneak back later to retrieve her belongings. At their words, though, her smile quirks down and her eyes narrow some. What was she doing here? She ought to ask him the same, staring at her with that blank look on his face. Roslyn stepped back to get a better look at Atlas' face (never quite meeting his eyes, she was never good at that trick) and pointed an accusatory paw in his direction.

"Why are you just standing there, hmm?" Childish, maybe, but it's all she knows. Roslyn is petulant at best but there's more beneath the surface, folded carefully into the pages of her books and tucked away for the closest of her friends (of which she had none). She liked seeing the book bag at Atlas' side, though, even if she wasn't planning on using manners around him just yet. He could be something of an ally, if he could learn to put up with her. The siamese furrowed her brow and gave Titan a harsh look, her nose scrunching up just so. "Wait your turn, now. I just asked him a question."


▹▹▹▹"That's not really nice..." Clementine spoke hesitantly, her ears flattened back as the little girl slowly appeared besides Titan. Yes, she knew that she was far from the Observatory and too close to the borders, but the fact was, she was here, and technically, she wasn't alone either. Her gaze moved from Titan and Atlas to the stranger in front of them, slowly sitting her rump down as she took a breath in, wheezing for a moment at the end of its intake. The person's smile in front of them seemed warm and cheerful, that Clementine could not deny, but the way they had spoken to her clanmates made her a little uncomfortable. She was at the borders of their home and... asking questions like that? It was there home! What else were they supposed to be doing here?

"This is the Ascendants. You're standing on our borders," she said instead, trying to muster up the best 'formal' voice that she had heard in Agathe, Titan, and others. Granted, it was almost pathetic given it came from a tiny little girl who had to tilt her head up even just to look Rosyln in the eye. "We're here because it's our home, but we don't know why you're here. Are you somebody bad? We don't want bad people here, if that's alright with you, ma'am. I-i know you asked him that question but..." She shifted on her paws uncomfortably. "A lot of bad things have been happening here. On the borders." She stumbled over her words awkwardly, her ears only flattening back further. Why did she do this? She almost wanted to disappear now- that'd be really nice, actually.

"So uhm... If you want to join or... Have a message, I think we'd like it if you just came out and said it so we could welcome you.."


Re: EVERYBODY WAS FOR FIGHTING - joining - MOONMADE - 10-23-2018

[div style="; width: 55%; margin-left: 180px; text-align: justify"][size=9pt]"Let her, Clem." An easy, intruiged dismissal as the lion moves forward, skin dotted with scars and gashes that would surely justify a more hostile approach to some uncooperative stranger at their border, but, luckily for Roslyn, Moon's not feeling so intimidated by some stumpy feline with a bagful of trinkets. That is, until he spots the set of teeth she bares in what she probably thinks is a (but what Moon wouldn't be so quick to call) a smile, and it quickly seers into his mental and, look at that-- new nightmare material. Fantastic.

"Dunno' if it works this way, where you come from," He drawls, brow creased and the beginning of an odd smile starting to grow on his maw. There's a glint of humor in his exhausted eyes. This one's weird. All gremlin grin aside, he thinks he might like her. "but the general consensus is that you answer the other person's question before you ask your own. Two way street."