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are you prepared for magnificence } joiner - Printable Version

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are you prepared for magnificence } joiner - Spica - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"][color=COLORHERE]tags!  —  Spica Evergarden had visited the far north in her travels after leaving her comfortable village deep within a mystic wood. The ice and snow were sights to behold, but nothing could hold a candle to the greenery of the forests. It called to her now as she padded to what she vaguely recalled was the Tanglewood border. She hadn’t studied the many groups of the world, but she knew many of the most notable ones by name anyway.

Something told her she’d find something here. It was an itching feeling that made her brilliant faerie wings quiver at her sides. She had no idea her dear sister resided here, but she would find out in time. The two hadn’t seen each other in quite some time and the reunion may not be likely to be the happiest one.

As the tabby maine coon fae came upon the Tanglewood marsh and her first step sent one of her paws into a slime of mud, she screamed in disgust. Her wings fluttered at her sides and she lifted herself to hover in the air with her beauty-queen face distorted, ”By zhe heavens! Vhat is all this m-mud?” The rest of the forest marsh was beautiful truthfully, but Spica wouldn’t stand for her paws being muddied. She tried to rub some of the filth away with her other paw, only to have it dirtied too.

A noise of rustling sounded far off and she sensed people lived here, which made perfect sense. However, she was making a fool of herself. Get yourself together, Spica. The world needs mud like it needs all else in nature, she pep-talked to herself in her head. With a heave of an ethereal sigh, the gorgeous feline called out in her sickly sweet scandinavian lilt,”Greeting, dears, anyone! I am Spica Evergarden and I’ve come to stay awhile in zhe Tanglewood, correct? Beautiful wonderland this place is, honestly!”

And it’d be even better when she got used to the mud.

Re: are you prepared for magnificence } joiner - DELILAH. - 10-22-2018

Tracking! She's captured right now so when she returns she'll meet her!

Re: are you prepared for magnificence } joiner - toboggan - 10-22-2018

Deriving out of an environment of prodigious buildings that pumped out pothers of gases, populated by many humans and street creatures alike, there was no risk in stating that an utmost amount of these encounters he had with exotic animals were for the first time. Whether it was tremendous wyrms or elementally-empowered beings, his amber headlights had been stainless, naive to these beings’ realities. The lofty hound set foot on the muck as a credulous mongrel; these days, a personage of authority in Tanglewood’s ranks.

Here and now, the mutt was blessed by the pleasant display of shapeliness given off by this newcomer, the likes of whom were virginal in Leroy’s mentality. The feline introduced had introduced herself, extrinsic in enunciation, bringing forth her vivid appearance of wings; the wings nay resembling Ophelia’s, those being reminiscent of a swan’s, but closer to a butterfly’s. And that name, Spica, so peregrine. And that surname -

"Hold on," he’d lurch suddenly, curiously pacing his gray-tickled figure towards the stranger, ”you mean to say Evergarden, as in our Delilah Evergarden? Or is that some coincidence?”. Now that he thought so, the canine hadn’t put forward the thoughts of anyone in Tanglewood having siblings, despite single-child births being incredibly uncommon, so the idea that this was Delilah’s long lost sister actually wasn’t that far off. The news of her capture will be a woozy to the winged Spica for sure.

”Oh yeah, I’ve forgotten; welcome t’ Tanglewood. Don’t worry, it’ll get muddier.”

Re: are you prepared for magnificence } joiner - cavalrychoir - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8.5pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;"]Ren didn't want to admit it, but he was feeling more turned about than usual. He couldn't focus, the colours around him melted together and blurred if he left his guard down and his limbs felt like jelly every time he walked. His thoughts were clouded with Delilah and her well being. How could he have let this happen? Every time something bad happened to her, he was late. Leg twisted badly? Late. Limb caught in a trap and needed to be removed? Late. Fainting from over exertion and starvation? Late. Captured by an enemy clan? Late. All of these could have been avoided if he was there. He'd take all of her injuries in a heartbeat if it meant saving her the pain and discomfort that accompanies it. It was frightening how much he depended on her and it took her being torn from him to understand this. Ever since she was captured, he's had a terrible headache, making it even harder to focus on anything. No... That isn't what he should be thinking about right now. Was Delilah okay? Were they feeding her? Is she able to sleep well? He was struggling to trick himself into thinking the answer to those questions were 'yes' but he knew better than that. As much as the demon, hoped and wished she was fine, he knew the chances of that was low. This headache- no, he'll just not think about it. He needed to focus on getting her back and quite possibly slaughtering her captors after he's finished torturing them.

No... He doesn't... He's not going to hurt anyone anymore. As much as he wanted to ask on the burning rage that poured out of his skin, he needed to hold himself back. He knew he didn't have the mental strength to kill or harm another and not revert back to his previous tyrannical self.

Pointed ears flicked when he heard a voice not far from where he was. He figured immersing himself in nature would help get rid of his headache. His first thought was to stop by Delilah and ask for something that may help but the sudden reminder of her absence made his blood run cold. Lifting a large mud-soaked paw, he pushed aside a medium sized log that obscured his path. Ren couldn't find the strength to walk over or around it... Even walking was draining. Why did he leave his room again? He could have conjured rescue plans in the comfort of his bed and worry about his friend's safety all while not needing to hold back tears when pain shot through his cranium. And yet, he was outside where he wore his usual stoic gaze, stiff toned muscles and professional appearance - as professional as a heavily scarred grey, black and white lynx could get anyways. No matter, after investigating the voice he'll turn around and go home. Maybe try and get some sleep.

Biting down on his tongue to stop himself from flinching, he came to a stop beside Leroy, dull red eyes raking over the newcomer. No way they were related. Now that he stared longer, both felines did share some similarities. Maybe they shared a distant relation? Like a cousin? Or it could be a coincidence like Leroy mentioned. She's yet to confirm that but she was joining. Keeping his back straight and proper, Ren sat down and dipped his head politely. "Welcome. I am Renegadeanthem. Please call me Ren, Renegade or anything to your liking." He wasn't one for nicknames but he did acknowledge his name is quite the mouthful and didn't feel the need to force others to say it. As long as they knew of his name, he was fine with whatever.