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TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - Printable Version

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TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - EDEN. - 10-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]Edee didn't know if he'd already had enough wine to start seeing things or if the spectral figure was actually real. He spent a good minute staring, catching flies with his mouth ajar, because when he thought of ghosts and shit, he usually expected something vengeful, maniacal, a little bloodthirsty. Not an old lady smiling at him with a lascivious glint in her eye. Or maybe that was just the catch of the light. How the hell would he know? Vampirism did not grant him with the ability to know everything, otherwise, he would be pulling shit on Onision, not sitting here drinking up his mother's good wine. Honestly, he didn't know what the hell to do.

"Uh, heyo ghostie." He made to scratch an ear, but misjudged either distance or where it was because he smacked himself in the face instead. Once upon a time that could sober him up. Sobering up now required two weeks in a hole in the ground tied and bound with seven kinds of knots. "Are you real?"

"Aren't you just adorable." Hoo-kay then. He was getting creepy grandma vibes now. Like someone else's grandma trying to get frisky levels of creepy. Edee eyed her as she floated closer. He wasn't gonna lie- he was nervous. "I could just eat you up." Red flags, anyone? God, this was probably past red flags. This was at the "hitting people with frying pans until they noticed" stage.

"Please don't. I've got...things to live for. Like more wine. Bourbon. Whiskey. Liquor. My buddy moonshine. Rum. Vodka. Hell, champagne."

"You know your stuff, don't you? I like a well-learned boy."

"Oh no I'm dumb. Rocks have more brain activity." She wasn't taking the hint. Wasn't like he could throw the bottle at her, because 1) she was a ghost, it probably wouldn't do shit, and 2) it wasn't empty. He wasn't wasting good wine.

Edee supposed he could always run. Maybe. He wasn't at that level of functionality.

Re: TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - charlotte. - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]What are the odds that just when she decides to return home after years as a loner, all her siblings come flowing back in kind? It's a bit too great of a coincidence to be just a coincidence, which makes the young female ponder the existence of a higher power. Is there someone up there drawing them all together? Or is it simply plain ole luck through and through? Whatever the cause, Charlotte is thoroughly pleased to be reunited with family. At one point in time, she thought that a life alone suited her best, but she knows now that very little can surpass the company of family.

Although Charlie missed Eden's initial arrival, the lovely strawberry leopard makes a point to seek him out. Her brother is not difficult to find: just follow the smell. Powerful limbs propel the huntress forward as she trails the alcoholic stench of her sibling. It does not take long; perhaps ten minutes or so to cross the territory and happen upon the pallid feline talking to a...a ghost? "Talking to yourself again, Edee?" she queries affectionately, blatantly choosing to ignore the ghost and pretend that she does not see the old lady. Charlie finds it amusing. She strolls over casually, lean muscles rippling beneath a soft ginger pelt. "Maybe lay off the drinks, huh?" It's a joke. Eden's been sneaking into their mom's wine stash for as long as she can remember. He wouldn't be himself if he was't drunk off his ass.

Re: TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - Grimm - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2; color:#000;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Might it have been so simple or easy to place within such a neat little package the events leading to a reunion of sorts, twist of something as though a higher power simply trailed their fingers along the threads of fate, these few entangled in the wake of such passage. Or might it be something more simple, a mere draw of the news of passage. Easy was it to believe a more mythical means was present behind the draw, pulling at each who bore the blood of the women who had passed some time before, want there to think it might be some power left behind, a final wish put into effect. Something within the child may have wished such, wanted to know both watched over those who tread the soil they had once walked, mark still left though the hearts connected to both still bled, grief given its time.

There is nothing present, no tie of blood which may connect a trio set apart, clear each difference but one may look beyond if they cared to. No, there was no blood within the veins of these two, brought into this world within a short span of time, given the final first traces of a love many remembered with fondness, and the child making a slow approach. Might it have been so simple, but life may offer no challenges and difficulties if it were not, little within a course that continued upon the straight and narrow.

Golden eyes found first the spirit, the shimmering state of faint illumination about it left the state of the elder clear, each word plucking at his nerves, however, shudder trailing along his spine. “Can... do you see it?” Innocent question presented as eyes lift, confusion drawn across dark maw within the frame of a slight frown. Upon Charlie do those eyes rest, question directed towards her though it rings out for both to hear, Har unsure how to go about anything. The only experience he bore with spirits had been short and pleasant, if only for those few short moments where he had believed his mother was once more back, breaking apart into sorrow once more when she was gone. This was merely strange, a sceptical he was likely to allow play out rather than act for how might he offer anything when he knew nothing about what was going on.


[size=9pt]This is usually the moment Moon bursts in and saves the day. Or, at least, shoos the ghost off and tries desperately to console the scarred child that's left in its wake. But Edee wasn't a child and, frankly, after that comment he'd made against Marg that one time, Moon wasn't so eager to do this guy any favors. What was up with Fangs and raising assholes?

"She can see it, Har." Moon passes the black kitten and ever so gently ghosts (hah) his tail over the child's head, well and truly ruining Charlie's fun. "She's joking, is all." He says, eyes set on the flickering figure before him, squinting ever so slightly. He's sick and tired of these fucking ghosts. "How can we help you, sweetheart?" Always a good idea to pull those condescending nicknames with all-powerful supernatural beings. "What'll it take to get you and the rest of the Caspers that have been riding our asses for the past two weeks to up sticks and fuck off? You can feast on the drunks all you want, but the kids aren't so fond of of the whole evil spirit thing, and, you know. Got a daycare to run."


[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
mentors watson
10 months old

physically varies
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius

"Wow, Eden. You have a fan. I'm shocked." Onision snickered as he walked over, eying the ghostly woman with a single blue iris before turning to Eden. "If liquors all you have to live for, you shouldn't be drinking it. You'll fuck up your liver. How many times do I have to nag you about drinking so much?" Onision nagged his older brother, his tail thumping repeatedly against the ground in certain annoyance. Still, this was his way of showing he cared for his older siblings. While Isabelle, he was openly affectionate to, letting her curl up next to him when she was afraid. This was different. These people were bigger, stronger. They didn't need his sympathy or help, right? Wrong.

They had to practically babysit Edee.

"One day he's going to literally end up on the roof of the observatory somehow and not know how to get down."

all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - ATLAS. - 10-22-2018

"What the fuck?" Atlas didn't believe in ghosts, not really. He grew up firmly rooted in reality, where these sorts of things could only be found in books. And yet here this thing was. In front of his face. The canine's expression is almost comical, pointed ears pinned back against his head and golden eyes wide. With everyone else here talking about Eden's (Edee's? What the fuck.) drinking habits, he makes a weird little exception. A hilarious one, really, but not more hilarious than the fact that Eden had an old lady ghost flirting with him. Were she not a ghost, the dog would be laughing his ass off. Eden? Really? What an excellent choice. He's the weirdo drunk that everyone seems content to pick on or at least dislike. Is he really that willing to throw himself in with that crew? Maybe, maybe not. For now he's too out of it to contemplate the morality in fucking with someone who's too drunk to give a shit. Too fucking busy questioning his own sanity, really. "Why the shit aren't you guys freaking out?"

Moon's like someone's tired older brother, he decides. Everyone else is picking on Eden, except for the one innocent person here.

So, in true Atlas fashion... he rolls with it. The dog forces himself to relax, and although his eyes are still wary and wide, he looks a lot less like he was trying to untangle a slinky with his mind. "Didn't think I'd see you being so self-aware, Hemingway."


Re: TWO SHOTS OF VODKA // GHOST - Grimm - 10-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width:450px; font-size:8.6pt;line-height:1.2;font-family:calibri;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:.5px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Fine hairs pass over his head, tickling along ears that flick back at the sudden contact, a gesture he has grown familiar with. It mattered not the weary edge about him in moments when the two crossed paths, slow to fade for ever quick was the tempo of thoughts moving through his mind, knives cutting deep with each passage. Gentle nip of teeth upon the tuft that ended the tail, tugging enough to be noticed yet it might offer no harm, released as Moon continued his progress. Easy was it to slip back into routine, allow himself the comfort of it within the presence of one like him, worn as he might be from the weight of it all upon shoulders not made to bear such.

Another voice rose, familiar within comparison to the other two, familial ties as of yet undiscovered. Gentle curve of smile touched cracked lips and he offered a croaking sound, throat burning faintly. There was not a great deal of age difference between them and yet it seemed more so for how the two acted, clear as golden eyes found a hint of confusion. The way Oni spoke, words that bore sharp edge yet almost softened with something, reluctant familiarity almost, something tying them together, drawing his eyes back. Words lingered in the forefront of Har's mind, inquiry slowly drawing together until it is broken apart.

“Have you not seen ghosts before?” Innocent question, tilt to coal toned head as it turns once more. Towards the next is it offered though there is little hope to break contact with others, his own mind seeking each, tentative line made to permit easy communication. There was no back and forth, information shared freely, simply a one way street. Never was there a doubt Atlas had experienced such before, slight intrusion as another formed the shallow bond to permit the passage of thoughts.