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WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [CLOSED] - Printable Version

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WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [CLOSED] - emil - 10-21-2018

[Image: jucacellus_by_shibapawes-dcq1dpa.png]
[glow=black,2,300]LUCA xx JUNJI xx MARCELLUS[/glow]
[glow=black,2,300]reaver xx soothsayer xx ex-privateer
[glow=black,2,300]THE STORY
The story of how this litter came to be can be seen as somewhat strange from an outside perspective. It started with an angel and a demon. From the beginning, the demon had planned to eat the angel's, to absorb his heavenly soul and make it one with his own. That plan faltered as the angel and demon grew closer. Luca, the demon, could no longer find it in himself to kill the other, and from friends, they became lovers. Luca and Junji were infatuated with each other; it was against the angel's divinity to fall for a demon, but they went on despite it. Marcellus came into the picture with a rather rocky start. By chance, he and Luca's minds had bonded together; something none of them had expected, but they grew used to each other over time. After a while, Junji was captured by the Pitt, barely a day after Luca had gone feral and nearly killed him. This left an off, undecipherable feeling between them, and yet Junji held no ill feelings for his lover. Upon returning to the Typhoon, the angel and demon never spent a moment apart from the other, and an emotional night of crying and comfort (and Marcellus joining in) led to these children.

The rules of this litter are relatively simple. Please follow them! Note that if any of these are broken Tem, Paro, and I have the right to rehome the child.
- Please remain active if you are chosen! Don't be excited for one, get picked, and then drop them a few days later. If you're going to be inactive, please give us a notice.
- Adding to the rule above, if the child is inactive for 2 weeks and we have received no prior warning, they will be rehomed.
- These kittens will be extremely loved by their parents! Please don't give them depressing names or immediate angst plots or make them parent-hating.
- This is not first come first serve. The choosing date is November 7.
- Please keep them in the Typhoon for at least 2 months real time!
- Please do not kill them off before they reach 12 months/a year old.
- The aging ratio is free to choose, but make sure to keep them about the same age as their siblings for consistency!
- These kittens will be part angel, demon, and mortal.
- They can choose whether or not to take Luca's last name, Rosario.

LUCA is the son of Sango (former leader) and an NPC, and is currently a Reaver of the Typhoon.
JUNJI is the son of two NPCs, however he is the Head Soothsayer of the Typhoon.
MARCELLUS is the son of two NPCs and is a former Privateer of the Typhoon.

[glow=black,2,300]GENETICS + SLOTS
This is a domestic feline litter, and the genetics are free for all. Though if you would like to go off of what the parents look like; Luca is a ragdoll with pink eyes and pink sugar horns, as well as a pink devil tail and deep purple bat-like wings, Junji is a cream ragdoll with blue-green eyes and large downy wings, and Marcellus is a piebald toyger with blue eyes and a light pink ring around his pupils. Here is an example of what they may look like!
elijah & grey
kaisa & grimm
stella & cougar
priscilla & spacexual
eris & tropics

Luca is somewhat unsure of what to think of these kids, but he will do his best to be a good father to them and will love them all. Junji will absolutely adore them and love them dearly; from him and Lu they may understand/speak Latin, as Jun speaks it fluently/has it as his first language and Luca is learning it. Marcellus will be hesitant at first and try to distance himself from being a father figure while he tries to figure himself out, but later will be more openly loving and fatherly.

header art [c] tem & me ♥
hypokit art [c] tem ♥
template [c] paro ♥


track owo

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - paroxysm. - 10-21-2018


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Cheeters - 10-21-2018


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - spacexual - 10-21-2018


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Florence - 10-21-2018


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Grey - 10-21-2018

[glow=black,2,300]ELIJAH ROSARIO[/glow]
[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.0; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]

G E N E R A L  —
Name: Elijah Rosario / "Eli", "Ratboy"
Gender: Cisgender male / "he, him" pronouns
Aging Ratio: Realistic
Orientation: Panromantic

P E R S O N A L I T Y  —
Conditions: Selective hearing, short attention span
Persona Types: INFJ-T (The Advocate), Enneagram Type 5w6 (The Investigator), Ravenclaw
Elijah is the epitome of curiosity and highly imaginative, greatly enjoying themes of fantasy and imagining himself an adventurer (or wizard as he likes to say) unlocking every secret the world has to offer. He is always wondering how things tick and won’t hesitate to experiment in the name of science. His imagination and curiosity will often lead him to danger, often blind and deaf to the worried concerns of the ones around him because he becomes so tunnel-visioned with his goals, making reckless decisions. He is, by many means, a fearless child from being closeted by forces about him but Elijah also has a great share of bad luck, usually finding misfortune lying ahead of him. His unluckiness, particularly as a child, won’t phase him though because his mind is always running on tangent, trying to transform his perspective of the world into a fantasy land full of magic and quests. His bad luck evidences his own lack of self-awareness.

His obsession with fantasy and fairy tale related adventures leads him to his interest in spices and potions along with attempting to sketch out magic circles or create fairy rings out of flowers. It will not be a surprise to see pretty, decorated food offerings scattered across the territory as one of Eli's attempts at contacting magical creatures. He also has a jar collection filled with all sorts of random substances or creatures he can shove inside, sometimes being simple such as sand or beetles or more complex such as mysterious twinkling rocks. A criticism of Elijah’s character, however, is that it is easily recognizable that Eli is an isolated child. He lives so deeply in his head that it can be witnessed that he may outwardly ignore his surroundings. This isn’t always on purpose as Elijah possesses selective hearing, finding it easy to tune out others when he so needs it along with it being difficult for the ones around him to grasp his attention. Elijah’s interest in fantasy perhaps offers a hint on how to gather his attention as members may have to use fairy tale metaphors to keep him listening as he is easily bored, sometimes listening at first before being drawn away by the murmurs of his mind.

Another thing to note is that he isn’t a particularly expressive child. He finds it difficult to show affection to others and is often unsure how to share his many swarming emotions. For that reason, he appears reserved and perhaps even rude when coupled with his selective hearing and frequent boredom. Elijah’s lack of exposure to society leads him to have incomplete social skills, unable to recognize social cues. This is mainly noticed during his early months where Eli will bite those who attempt to interact with him and a theme of Elijah’s distrust of any stranger regardless of first impressions will continue throughout his life. A further downfall of Eli’s social incompetence is his gullible nature. He can believe the wildest of things, but this will be something that he eventually grows out of, becoming more careful with what he takes to heart in future.

As Elijah grows older, he will adopt a more philosophical outlook on life and pursue the life of a scholar – frequently documenting anything that inspires him and having moments of deep thought. Due to his heart condition, he has become a strategic type which is inspired by his childhood games of warships and pretending to lead an army. A lot of Eli’s problems as a strategist type, however, is the fact that he struggles with the idea of sacrificing others. He can appear cold and condescending because he doesn’t know how to outwardly express his true emotions. He loves too much rather than too little, frequently finding himself easily smitten by just about anyone. He also has attachment issues and will hoard just about anything with his obsessive jar collection. To put it simply, he is a strategist who is too compassionate for anyone and anything.

A lot of Elijah’s understandings in the world are condensed and perfected. He seeks to masker knowledge and could spend hours just reading, investigating and learning. But where he is strongest at, he is weakest in other branches of knowledge he has not explored, also feeding on his gullibility. He is also a careful planner but a poor improviser. His main area of study is herbology and mythology, interested in pursuing the creation of remedies, poisons but also discovering mythological beasts whilst adventuring. He feels most at home when he is in nature and enjoys the company of critters and creatures. He has a higher tolerance when it comes to things considered gross or unsettling such as maggots and rats, rather easily accepting them.

H I S  R A T S  —
Something that will become associated with Elijah is that he is the prince of rats, having an army of rodents at his command that he can telepathically communicate with along with dispatch to gather him information, scavenge for supplies or attack his foes. They are his only protection. As Eli has a weak heart condition, it leads to prolonged and strenuous activities such as battle to be difficult for him. The rats protect him, partly due to his training of them to heed by his command and partly due to their view as Elijah as their ruler, thus leading him to own a swarm of rats ready to all run and clamber atop Eli’s enemies. Due to Elijah’s affinity with rats, he finds it easy to communicate with rogue or other feral rats outside of his small army, able to temporarily brainwash them to do his bidding should the time call or convert them into one of his. His rats will often be found around him, sometimes hiding out in small spaces minding their own business until the time calls.

One rat to pay particular attention to is the lead rat, Thirteen, the one that Elijah is mentally bonded to. He can see and hear what the rat sees (and vice versa) along with share thoughts and pain. Injure the rat and you instantaneously injure Elijah. He is closest to this rat, seeing it as a companion who often reminds him of tasks he needs to do. Regardless, he cares about all his rats very much. Purposely injure them and he’ll feel very upset.

Elijah found Thirteen during a rat infestation. The killed rats were numbered with deep scars on their back, but he found that Thirteen had somehow survived. Interested in watching Junji work, he decided to try and apply his medicinal knowledge to nurse the rodent back to health, eventually bonding with the creature and forming a trained army. He is their protector, keeping them safe as they protect him in return. Although capable of brainwashing rats to his aid, he chooses to let them go afterwards because he believes in returning their free will. Most rats will usually come to join Eli’s side anyway. He does not give his rats names but numbers because there are too many of them and he is usually seen accompanied by three or four rodents riding on his back.

His control over the rats is a combination of training and respect.

A E S T H E T I C  —
Conditions: Weakened heart
Elijah maintains a very soft and frail appearance, causing him to appear less masculine than he would like as the build-up of his muscles are incomplete and have low density. It is clear from first sight that Elijah is not suited for battle, unable to withstand strenuous and high energy-demanding activities due to his heart condition. This is not, however, to say that he shows no signs of athleticism at all. He still does have the stamina to walk around, fly and adventure because his childhood consists of a lot of adventuring. The membranes which act as the walls of his heart are thinner than what is usually observed and this disturbs Elijah’s normal functioning as his ventricles are unable to pump blood with the same amount of force. This leads him to increased fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness which have the tendency to flutter to him in various times. In some cases, his weaker expulsion of blood throughout his body can make it seem as if he doesn’t have a heart beat at all. When coupled with his selective hearing where he can tune out just about anything, it can be horrifying for a parent to check up on him. He might not respond and his pulse seem non-existent.

The colour that dominates his pelt is a dark, dusty brown similar to that of Luca. His fur is long like any typical ragdoll’s, and its assortment is an utter mess, tangling and curling. He does his best to groom and brush himself in an attempt to appear semi-decent. Due to his frequency to explore or spend hours reading and documenting his discoveries, he simply finds that he tends to forget. Elijah is further detailed by a darker brown striping that patterns his features. They are like ripples, stretching and waving along his back to his tail. They are least present in his ears and his lower legs, fading out when they reach his lighter toned feet. Due to Marcellus’ genetics, he has piebald markings that appear in patches. They can be seen on the right side of his face, almost reaching half-way but not quite there as the ivory drizzles down to the side of his neck and the top of his chest. More of the white pattern also appears on his lower back and the tip of his tail.

Another aspect of Elijah are his large, downy and feathery wings that are powerful enough to offer him flight. Like Junji, he has a fluffy tail. His wings and fur are of a soft texture. In future, he will only possess a single wing rather than a pair and therefore be grounded, no longer capable of flying with his wings. Although it will usually be tucked in, he will sometimes allow his extra appendage to drag across the ground, sweeping up dust with him. He has a pleasant face to look at, youthful even as he grows older. Due to being 2/3 immortal from having an angel and a demon parent, he ages slower than most. His eyes have a dark grey sclera, surrounding his baby blue irises that contrast and appear to be semi-glowing. His pupils are white and heart-shaped. Protruding from his lips are his canines, blunted on the edges but reminiscent of Luca’s venomous fangs as they are pointed and visible. His blood is the same colour as his eyes, baby blue, a glittery. It has the taste of blue raspberry. As Elijah gets older, probably around six months, he will begin growing nubs on his head the same colour as his contrasting accent - light blue. They will not grow to full sized horns as he is only one third demon and will remain as short, blunted stubs.

O T H E R  N O T E S  —
[x] Most of his childhood will consist of him wearing an oversized witch hat on top of his head.
[x] He will be fluent in Latin. Due to his selective hearing, he is unlikely to notice you talking to him (let alone about him). He will, however, be all-ears to hearing you speak Latin to him since it's not a common language and will therefore not be drowned out.
[x] He is the demidemon of infestation, his guardian being the rats, and is partially responsible for why he later becomes known as the Prince of Rats. A side effect of one of his father’s being a lust demon and Junji being an angel is that Eli loves too much.
[x] He is also the demiangel of warfare. He is strategic and takes time coming up with detailed plans on how to approach a battlefield. With his demidemon side of infestation, he is overall the child of infested warfare.
[x] Due to his weak heart, he may spend a lot of time with Junji as his father is headsoothsayer. He is interested in herbs and healing, using his knowledge to help his own rats in his spare time.
[x] As Luca is afraid of rats, it may cause an uneasy relationship between Elijah and Luca. With Marcellus being distant at first to the children and Eli often finding himself ill due to having an overall weak body, it strains a lot of his childhood development. He loves his parents but will find it difficult to accept and show affection in future, along with being unsure how to express how he feels.
[x] As he gets older, he will have a run-in with The Pitt. In a failed attempt at escaping with flight, he will lose an entire wing as punishment for the attempt. It will act as a constant reminder of the wings he used to have, forever grounding him. From the looks of Elijah, his build appears normal, but it will be clear that he is not the athletic type. He has awful stamina and isn’t good at withstanding too much stress.
[x] After staying in The Typhoon for two months, he will eventually move to Sunhaven. During his first two months in Typhoon, he will frequently visit the merchant group which leads to his choice to eventually move. This, of course, may not happen at all. He has a possibility of staying in The Typhoon.
[x] His powers will include mental bond with Thirteen, telepathy and air elementals.
[x] Being two-thirds immortal, Elijah is capable of reviving after death. However, each time he tries, part of his immortality is gone meaning that each death makes it longer and longer for him to return.

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - kaiors - 10-22-2018

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url (; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"] Amelia !
full name.  “ Amelia”  Young Hollywood Rosario
nicknames.  “ Ames” “ Amy” “ Dat bitch” “ Leia”

sex. female
gender. cis-gender female

physical age. unborn
mental age.  around the age of a teen
spiritual age.  oof 20+

group. Typhoon
rank. Currently child
titles. answer

species.  A domestic feline hybrid
A blonde and white tabby with pinkish blue eyes
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. n/a

discovered powers. answer
mastered powers. answer
future powers.  Conjuring, basically any demonic powers this gurl can get her hands on.

deep inside.
personality type.  the commander or
positive traits.  sweet, bubbly, tough love, spoiled, adorable
neutral traits. trait. trait. trait.
negative traits. wild child, problem child, diva, tempress, crazy, judgemental
personality description.

Amelia as a whole is a smart, wild problematic child with her day to day crisis of dealing with the fact that she is ⅓ of a demon, angel, and mortal.  She is and will always remain a spotlight that always glows way to bright before it fades out.  She is the personified ideal life of a glamorous celeb before their fame fades out and either everything runs into destruction or she has to be forced to bow out before she makes a massive fool of herself or the people she loves. 

mental disorders.  Anxiety more of a situation anxiety
emotional disorders.  some kind of anxiety, probably separation anxiety
quirks.  She is very sassy and will swear on impulse from her childhood,  tends to deliver tough love towards her family especially her brother Eli from doing stupid stuff.

isolation , forgotten, failure

history. to be written

generation. 2?
parents. Luca, Junji, marcellus
siblings. tba

romantic orientation. Demiromantic
sexual orientation. Bisexual
crushes. n/a
love interests. n/a

romantic partner. answer
children. answer
best friend. answer
mentor. answer
apprentice. answer
enemies. answer

Teen Idol by artist name
all eyes on me by artist name

Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - Temorary - 10-22-2018


Re: WE CAN LOVE | LUCA & JUNJI & MARCEL [HPR] - MirrorEdge - 10-22-2018

[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]Actually finished it, for the most part! May add a few more details as I think of them.

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]NORA
full name. Nora Rosario
name meaning. Nora is short for Honora, 'honor' in Latin

physical age. tbd
mental age. answer
spiritual age. answer
aging ratio. realistic

group. the typhoon
rank. answer
titles. answer

species. feline
appearance. reference Nora is a very fluffy, petite female with deep green eyes, and long whiskers framing her face. Her fur is mostly white, with splashes of black, brown, and caramel on her back and tail. Fluffy white wings are attached to her back, a bit of color splashed at the base of them where fur meets feathers, but the feathers themselves are white. Long whiskers frame her face, and a pale pink nose is barely noticeable with all the white fur she has.

The wings themselves are not all that useful, by the time she is an adult, the most they will be large enough to do is glide with a strong enough wind. Nevertheless, she does her best to keep them clean, and takes pride in them.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. wings on her back

discovered powers. telekinesis
mastered powers. answer
future powers. conjuration, water elementals

deep inside.
personality type. ENFP-T
positive traits. outgoing, cheerful
neutral traits. creative, social, polite
negative traits. blunt, independent
personality description. Nora is a very cheerful, outgoing creature, who can often be found gorging on food, and offering to share with those she is close with. Her appetite is likely what most people first think of when they hear her name, never turning down food no matter how unappetizing it is. Some may view her as selfish, for hogging as much food as possible, but it is due to her extremely high metabolism, and being a demidemon of gluttony, that she needs to, burning through it almost immediately. She's not above sneaking into places to get food, or stealing it. Nora will absolutely adore anybody who gives her food, and is always excited at any mention of it.

She tends to get along quite well with others when she's younger, willing to play along in games as a child, and as she grows older, doing her best to start to chip in, perhaps because she feels a bit guilty for being such a glutton, though she will not voice this. Through this, she will learn that she simply does not play well with others and not fit to be a part of a team when working.

Besides her ravenous hunger, she doesn't stand out amongst her siblings all that much, or any of the other children, really. The most she has is surprisingly good instincts, seeming to be a good judge whenever it comes to danger and such. She has no special skills or natural talent other than that, and may at times see herself as a burden and a waste of resources due to this, and may spend some time searching for a skill that she excels in. She may become a bit competitive with her siblings for this reason, though it will rarely get out of hand, more friendly competition.

Teamwork is something she will struggle with, due to her not working well with others, and will often clash with others when it comes group projects, whether it be somebody having an issue with her eating on the job, the way she does things, her bluntness, or maybe just something about her just rubs others the wrong way with her sharp intuition and eccentricity.

Nora is polite, but not shy. She knows when she is not a part of something and will respect that, and will not involve herself in altercations, preferring to sit on the sidelines and eat, unless food is somehow involved. Sometimes, she will do things out of sheer curiousity, whether it be how much it would hurt to be pinched by a crab, or if the other groups are as bad as others say. This often will get her in trouble, and rescue attempts may be needed. Nora is bit blunt, as well, stating her opinion on something even if it may hurt somebody's feelings, both because she usually forgets to consider people's feelings until after she's said it, and because she believes honesty is usually the way to go, and will apologize if she realizes that she said something hurtful.

It's when she grows older that she will have problems, after being captured and deprived of food to the point where she is almost dead, she will grow very violent at any attempts to take away her food, often lashing at whoever it is, even if they are friends or family, and this may cause her relationship with others in the Typhoon to become very strained, and she may distance herself somewhat, especially any of them that have tried to correct her behaviors in the past. Of course, afterwards, she will feel very guilty, especially if she caused harm to somebody, though it will be hard for her to find some way to make it up to them, in her eyes.
mental disorders.
emotional disorders. answer
quirks. answer

goals/dreams. standing out amongst her siblings
fears. having food taken away

history. answer.

generation. three
parents. luca, junji and marcellus
siblings. tbd

romantic orientation. biromantic
sexual orientation. bisexual
crushes. none
love interests. none

romantic partner. answer
children. answer
best friend. answer
mentor. answer
apprentice. answer
enemies. answer

Gasoline by Halsey
Panic Room by Au/Ra
Top of the World by Greek Fire

-Inspired by Sasha Blouse from AoT
-Will pick up a bit of Latin, but may not be as fluent as her parents or some of her siblings. She will mostly stick to English, both for her benefit and for those in the Typhoon that don't speak Latin, but may slip into it from time to time, whether by accident, or on purpose, such as when she is insulting somebody.
-Will struggle with her sexuality as she ages, may not come out as bisexual until she is an adult. I kind of want her to be in denial, despite knowing that everybody will be plenty accepting in the Typhoon if she does choose to come out.
-Is a demidemon of gluttony, which may be the cause of her extremely high metabolism.
-Her habits could cause a strain in relationships between her and other Typhooners who do not understand exactly why she eats so much.