Beasts of Beyond
our broken halves they intertwine / MEETING 10/21 - Printable Version

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our broken halves they intertwine / MEETING 10/21 - sephiroth - 10-21-2018

[Image: tumblr_ozd4i8XHVk1w7x7wyo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth looked a little bit worse for wear as he lumbered towards the gathering room, towards the platform where he gave his announcements.  Tired from pesky ghosts waking him up and his back still sore from unknown causes, the leader still managed to keep his elegant and powerful posture as he roared out to his groupmates, his typical summon.  Keeping his face stony and professional as always as he ascended his steps to stand over the Rosebloods where he belonged.  His eyes held a sleepy half lidded look about them as he scanned the crowd, his head and looking down his muzzle.

”No new joiners this week.”  The male rumbled, flicking his tail about as he watched his group unblinking.  ”As is the same with promotions or shout outs.  In fact,”  Sephiroth would narrow his slit pupil eyes slightly as he acknowledged his members.  He was not happy.  ”I want activity from everybody.  The ghosts need taking care of, I have set up weekly tasks to participate in, and there are plenty of opportunities to participate in activities.  HP tryouts are also open, prove yourself with activity and you earn the rank.  I am also speaking with the Typhoon about borrowing a healer from them to train somebody here in herb experience so that position can be filled.  In short I want activity from all of you, this clan needs its member to stay together in times like this.”

”Speaking of the ghosts…”  His chin lifted as he glanced about the area.  One could almost feel eyes on them from lingering spirits even in the main area of gathering.  ”They are angry believers of the old gods, and we must stand against them and with our Aspects to drive them out.  Destroy one, you can earn the Exorcist title.”

”Speaking of titles…I am still working on those.  I apologize for not setting them up properly yet, but they are coming soon.  I am very open to suggestions on the system if you wish to speak with me on it.  I wish to be….accessible to my group.  Speak with me for any important reason you have.”

”The Tanglewood also invited us to a party last week.  Feel free to attend if you so desire, if we want to keep them as allies we should play nice with them and learn about them.  We could have to rely on them shortly.”

”This is all, unfortunately.  Again, I encourage activity among my members to give me something to talk about.  I wish to fill my ranks, so work towards that.  Meeting dismissed.”  Sephiroth would grunt as he shifted into a sitting position, open for any questions despite his word.  His tail flicked about slowly, Sephiroth’s eyes hard on his Rosebloods.  He demanded loyalty and work from his group; they had signed up for this sort of brutal group and he would expect appropriate behavior from his members.

-No promotions, shout outs, or joiners.  A note to pick up activity and make open threads!  Weekly tasks, Ghost Event is open and you can earn a title from it, and you can apply for a high position to earn with activity!
-The Tanglewood has invited the Rosebloods to their Autumn Festival!!  Feel free to participate
-OOC as well, but im soooo sorry about not getting titles out fully yet!  Hopefully it’ll be out this week or next week.)

Re: our broken halves they intertwine / MEETING 10/21 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 10-23-2018

The lithe large calico was laying upon the second to top stair towards the ledge that Sep had himself seated upon. From anything she had seen that she could utilize to make this stint in a role she was not qualified for successful? Ensuring she was seen by his side or right beneath him during Meetings was part of that, a show of united force within the group, proof of stability. Not that she actually believed he was capable of providing the sort of stability the Roseblood needed, but she was good at pretending for their sake. All of this was for the sake of the small mass they looked out over, each and every one of them was precious in ways most didn't understand.

The meeting was quick, and the calico supposed that she should do some public appearance work, especially after the display caused by her suddenly returned power at the snowbound gathering. Jiyu detested these sorts of things, but she knew how to preform to an extent considering how often she'd watched her family do it. With the meeting done she descended the stairs, teleporting away to get some degree of work done.